Defect another world

Chapter 228 The prisoners are among you again!

Chapter 228 The prisoners are among you again!

The monster's body was restrained by the electric current, and it couldn't swing its extremely strong long limbs to resist the bullets.The bullet rain became more violent.Groups of blood flowers burst out on its body.

"Hey, Lao Li, tell the people at the scene not to use too much force!

"Not to mention the capture of the living, at least the dead body..."

Before Meng Fei finished speaking, Li Mu had no time to give an order, and a new mutation appeared in this thing.

It was as if it had poured gasoline on itself, and its body was quickly surrounded by flames.However, this flame is pure black in color.

In the black flames, its body disappeared like a blur.Not only is its body disappearing, but the blood it splattered is also burning on the ground bit by bit.

"Looks like there's not even a body left."

Meng Fei watched with regret as the thing completely disappeared under the camera.

A group of people in full-body chemical protective suits poured out from nearby buildings, some of them quickly set up roadblocks, and started the first wave of disinfection around the area.

Several others came up and cautiously tried to extract samples.

The President felt that his neck was a little fragile.

Such a terrifying thing actually appeared in the car of the special envoy he sent, so wouldn't it also appear in the presidential palace or the central province?

Or, could it appear at any time to kill him?
If this young man hadn't designed and caught this thing, wouldn't it be walking sideways in Rongdu?I don't know how many people will die.

"It doesn't matter whether there are samples or not."

Antu finally stopped targeting Meng Fei, this thing successfully distracted his attention.

"Where the black fire passes, everything returns to nothing."

He stopped before he finished speaking, his black face like a clay sculpture that had just been hardened into pottery.

"Is this the infinite devouring of Taotie?" Li Mu groaned.

In the consciousness of Ai Jue, Antu and even Luo An, these theological leaders, this is just common sense.

But it is different for Li Mu, his theoretical literacy is not so strong.Although I learned something, it was just to make a living.

The Taotie recorded in the ancient theology books of the Goddess Sect holds the authority of "swallowing" and "assimilating".

He can devour and assimilate everything, and can differentiate into countless clones of different forms.

When Taotie devours all things, there will be a strange black fire in the void that cannot be extinguished and everything will be destroyed when touched.

"What you just eliminated was gluttony?"

The President didn't know whether to be surprised or frightened.

If it is so simple to destroy the gods, it seems that there is nothing terrible about the gods.

"The main body of Taotie has not yet awakened."

Antu felt that it was necessary to remind the president who seemed to be limped by the young man.

"This should be the fragment of Taotie's early awakening.

"At most it is a clone of a clone.

"If it is the body of Taotie, it is impossible to deal with it with our strength."

But even the fragments of Taotie can awaken to the point of releasing devouring fire, which is unprecedented.

It can only be said that reality is one step closer to the awakening of Taotie's body.

After a while, Li Mu's phone rang.He picked up the phone and talked briefly, then hung up.Then Meng Fei regretfully said:

"Preliminary testing did not leave any traces at the scene. No DNA samples were found, nor were any residues of other substances found."


Meng Fei was not very surprised, but simply dealt with it.

He thought about finding the gene of this monster to confirm some conjectures.The plan fell through.But this also illustrates the identity of this thing from another angle.

"Only Taotie's 'Infinite Devour' can wipe out everything so cleanly?"

Meng Fei asked.

"According to my understanding, it is like this."

Li Mu nodded uncertainly.But when he looked up and saw that neither Ai Jue nor Antu objected, he immediately felt confident.

A corpse was burned on the spot, even if it was all gasified, they could still collect the gas remnants at the scene.But the anti-chemical soldiers of the ability department found nothing there.

"What about your evidence?"

Antu still had a rigid face, like a robot.He didn't object to Meng Fei's plan to get rid of this invisible monster, and even admired it.

After all, it's too scary for such a thing to wander around Rongdu.

But what he wants to remind is that you kid is still carrying a major negative entropy case.And the monster disappeared completely, you have no evidence at all.

"I just want to know the relationship between this thing and the negative entropy case."

"It's very simple."

Meng Fei clicked the mouse to open an email.

"The biggest key to the negative entropy case is me.

"As long as you kill me, you can block the most important clue.

"So this monster came to kill me."

What appeared on the screen was an email.In addition to the text, it also comes with a lot of debug logs made of dense letters and arrays.

Antu couldn't understand the content of the email for a while, but Meng Fei was responsible for explaining it anyway, so he didn't care.

"If this monster is going to kill you, why did you come here alive?"

"It's very simple."

Meng Fei spread his hands.

"I didn't get in the car stupidly. If I had, I'd be dead by now."

He was talking about the situation he encountered in the branch where he got on the bus.There, although Ai Ting showed great power and severely injured the invisible monster, he still died.

"I did a feint to confuse it.

"It thought I would follow the two special envoys on the bus. But even the two special envoys didn't expect that I got on the bus the moment the bus closed.

"At that time, it was too late for the monster to chase me. Although it was invisible, it was impossible to get out of the car without alarming the two special envoys."

"I feel like you're telling a story. Why do you think this monster must be out to kill you?"

Meng Fei had just drank water and felt his throat was particularly refreshing, which was a good opportunity to start a debate.

Considering that Li Mu is his boss, Ai Jue is Ai Ting's grandfather, and the others are leaders he respects, he decides to grab the black-faced Antu and beat him hard.

"What are the two special envoys doing tonight?"

"Of course I'm looking for you."

"The monster didn't come to look for me in their car, did he go for a drive?
"The thing that can instantly kill four mobile pawns in an instant, stealthily sitting in the car waiting for me, isn't it trying to kill me, is it trying to wish me a happy Valentine's Day tomorrow?"

"Evidence, what I want is evidence!"

Antu said impatiently.He was annoyed at the way the guy baited him into answering questions and then punched him in the face.

"President An, you made a mistake. I'm not presenting evidence to you, I'm reasoning.

"Reasoning helps us discover the context of facts and guides us to evidence. To see evidence, we have to take our time."

"Don't worry about Antu, just continue your reasoning, we are all listening."

The President escorted him and let him continue talking.

Unexpectedly, the President also immediately encountered his question.

"May I ask, Mr. President, who knows that the two special envoys will drive to find me?"

The President thought for a moment and replied:
"Everyone in this room. There are also two special envoys. I notified them directly, not the Secret Service."


Meng Fei nodded.

"There have always been such a few people in this room? Are all of them still here?"

"It's all still there."

the president replied.

They never ended the meeting, except for occasional people who went out to make phone calls or go to the bathroom, and these were the people in the room.

Now everyone is here, except for a couple of newcomers, Meng Fei and Ai Ting.

"Only you know that the envoy will come to me."

Meng Fei backed the chair, then spun around, scanning the room with eyes reflecting the fluorescent lights in the room.

Then he uttered those words that were so vulgar to detectives:
"So, the suspect who made the invisible monster hide in the envoy's car and was about to assassinate me must be among you!"

 This chapter is super long, really, it seems to be the longest chapter I have ever had, and it almost exhausted my archives... If you don’t leave a message to encourage me.

(End of this chapter)

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