Defect another world

Chapter 232 Real Reasons for Data Loss

Chapter 232 Real Reasons for Data Loss

"The last modification time of the hard disks stored on these disk arrays cannot be forged, and they are all at five o'clock this afternoon.

"If I left the garbage data in the computer room, how could these hard drives be modified after five o'clock in the afternoon when the computer room is empty?"

Both Meng Fei and Luo An were silent for half a second, but Antu couldn't take it anymore.He broke the dull atmosphere and asked:
"Since no one can modify it, how did the data become garbage?"

"At that time, there was no one in the computer room, so those disk arrays were not directly modified by people plugging into the terminal.

"The only thing that can connect to the computer room is the national air computer. It can be inferred that someone has modified those data through the national air computer!"

Meng Fei briefly stated the conclusion.

When he connected to the air computer and met Qingqing for the first time, he once asked Qingqing if it was possible to use the air computer to transfer negative entropy.

Qingqing told him it was possible.But three conditions must be met:

First, the negentropy is kept in the Secret Service's underground computer room to which the National Air Computer can connect.

Second, the people who operate it are given access to the national air computer.

Third, that person can bypass the security system installed by Mantis Security on the air computer.

Time, place, person, if it is after five o'clock in the afternoon and Luo An does this, the three conditions are completely consistent!

At that time, negative entropy was stored in the underground computer room in the form of debugging information.At this time, Roan was connected to the air computer and was doing the consciousness test of the demon.

As for what Luo An did after taking control of the security system of the air computer, no one knows, not even Qingqing.

Because all the records of the air computer are kept by the security system.

"From 05:30 p.m. to [-]:[-], Mr. Luo is connecting to the national air computer to analyze the consciousness of the demon.

"Because Mr. Luo is the developer of the security system of the air computer, he also has the possibility of bypassing the security system and doing things that others cannot know.

"So I think that before this afternoon, the negative entropy data was indeed kept in the Secret Bureau.

"It was just transferred by Mr. Luo this afternoon and replaced with junk data."

"Roan, is that so?"

The murderous look in Antu's eyes slowly turned to Luo An.But he didn't and couldn't do it right away.Because he is a judge, he needs evidence more than others.

"Of course not. Isn't there Meng Fei who can do this?
"He can also transfer the data through the empty computer and replace it with junk data. In the end, he can blame me."

Luo An smiled at Meng Fei again and asked:

"You want to testify that the person who did this is not you but me, where is the evidence?"

In fact, he is messing up the water.The security system of the air computer is different from the security system of the computer, and Meng Fei can't handle it at all.

Meng Fei can only find out the hidden information on the computer system.

On the national air computer, in the security system he developed by himself, Meng Fei, a young man who has only been exposed to the origin of learning for a few days, can't find anything.

Even if Antu took the risk of taking Luo An to the national air computer for a consciousness test, it would be useless.

According to Meng Fei's allegations, Luo An was able to bypass the computer's security system.So even if the analysis has results, he may have forged it.

"To be honest, I just heard the principle of the air computer... a week ago, and I didn't even understand it clearly."

Meng Fei said with a little embarrassment.The cruelest thing in the world for him is to admit that he doesn't know anything about a certain security technology.

"So although I heard that the National Air Force computer also runs a set of Mantis security software, I have no idea how it was written. Is it full source code?"

"You still don't have conclusive evidence. It's hard for people to prove that they are not proficient in something."

Luo An's expression was still as calm as ice, and he didn't see any emotional fluctuations at all.

"No, I can. It's just that I always hope that the teacher can give me another explanation to prove that all my inferences are wrong."

Meng Fei made his final decision, a slight blue light flashed in his eyes.


His brain waves suddenly appeared in the room, making all the great gods in the room tense up.But they all quickly realized that Meng Fei's abilities only affected Luo An, and they were not aggressive.

"I once thought that your original plan might not be like this."

Meng Fei continued the previous words.

"I think back now, you asked Liu Gang to delete the debugging information, and at the same time let me enter the special case team to investigate, I think it should all be your design.

"Because you know that I will feel weird about Liu Gang's behavior, and touch the debugging information.

"Because I wrote the code for the debugging information related to negative entropy, so as long as I touch it and investigate the case carefully, I will definitely find that the negative entropy was intercepted by my debugging information, so I will definitely find the negative entropy. Entropic.

"All of this should be within your imagination."

Meng Fei actually wanted to scold him.I'm not my predecessor, and I don't have the memory of writing down debugging information by myself.

As a result, it took a full seven days and seven nights to decipher it without knowing anything about it.You don't know how hard I am!

If he had the memory of writing the code himself, it might have been done in a night or two.

"The reason why you want to do this is to get rid of your own suspicion. In this way, you don't need to enter the computer room of the Secret Bureau at all, and you don't need to touch negative entropy data.

"I guess your next plan should be to find a perfect reason to connect to the national air computer and transfer the data away without anyone noticing.

"It was me who set up the back door to intercept the data many years ago, and it was me who retrieved the data many years later and then transferred it away. It has nothing to do with you."

"All the responsibility is on me, just like tonight. Don't kill me. I don't have any clues to refute. I can only bear all the crimes in a daze and sit in prison for the rest of my life.

"But I told Li Mu that Li Mu has pulled on your trap plan to hunt demon spirits to give you a better opportunity.

"With this opportunity, I can make things more similar. I understand that I have set up a plan. On the surface, I want to hunt the demon spirits, but in fact I want to sacrifice the demon spirits to transport the negative entropy data to the gluttonous people.

"At the same time, you also just got the reason to connect to the air computer. First try to get the glutton to take away the junk data hard disk, and then take the devil yourself, connect to the air computer for analysis, transfer away the negative entropy data, and replace it with garbage.

"No one will doubt it, simple and perfect, no further planning is required.

"But after you transferred the negative entropy, another accident happened that you didn't expect. Because I saved an email to the mail exchange server, and you opened it.

"You suddenly discovered that I not only recovered the negative entropy, but also found further clues involving the messenger behind you!"

(End of this chapter)

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