Defect another world

Chapter 234 The final whereabouts of the data

Chapter 234 The final whereabouts of the data

In fact, for Meng Fei, this is not something that can be said for sure.He has long been convinced that this is the truth.

At first he didn't doubt Roan.The reason is that he saw Roan's body in the world line where the secret bureau massacre occurred.

His logic at the time was that if anyone in the task force was not killed, he would be the suspect.As a result, he was surprised to find that all the members of the task force were dead.

Looking back now, in fact, his logic was correct at the beginning.It's just that he overlooked one point, that is whether to be killed or not, you can't just look at the surface.

For example, a person like Ai Yi who has the ability to copy others or himself can easily fool him if he can copy a body and be killed there.

If Ai Yi can do it, and Ai Yi's body fragments are in Luo An's hands, then it is entirely possible for Luo An to do this.

He has just used the strongest BUG system to scan Roan.

When his strongest BUG system scanned Luo An, it did find the same abnormal gene as when he saw Ai Yi's body fragments on the 12th floor of Aiyun Building when he was in Zhangdao.

A core figure of the Qingmang Republic sitting safely in the Silver Tiger Hall with the genes of gluttony on his body is scary enough.


An Tu slammed the table with his body.His brain was so turbulent that the air in the room seemed to be compressed.

"What can you say? Where did the negative entropy transferred by you now go?"

Compared with arresting people, he knows very well that arresting people is not that important.Luo An is here, surrounded by so many masters, it is impossible to escape.

The most important thing is the lost negentropy, those negentropies are very likely to be used for the awakening of Taotie, now Taotie may awaken at any time!

"Ha ha,"

Luo An sat on the chair safely.

"My students' reasoning was brilliant. I have nothing to say.

"If you want to test my genetics or consciousness, I'm free. But I won't say a word about the next thing."


Antu was immediately enraged by him.But Roan turned a blind eye.

"I want to warn you that your interrogation techniques will not be of any use to me.

"And Antu, as the head of the execution court, you can try torture or psychic."

Luo An reminded him with a half-smile.

He deliberately changed the concept.The term "torture" has long since ceased to exist in the Republic.The executioner carried out the punishment, not the torture to extract a confession.

If you want this dead pig who is not afraid of boiling water to confess where the negative entropy has gone, the normal solution is to connect him to the air computer for consciousness detection.

But the consequence of his access to the air computer this afternoon was to steal the negative entropy.So what happens when you log in again?Who knows what he will do?

He can easily bypass the security measures of the national air computer.

The only thing left is to use psychics or torture to extract confessions.Using psychics is actually tantamount to extorting confessions by torture.

It is extremely dangerous to psychically enter the mind of a master of origin studies like Luo An.

Even if he went in, he might not be able to destroy his mental defenses and get the information he wanted.On the contrary, it is possible to have a mental breakdown inside and never come out again.

And the executioner cannot do this, or even order others to do so.Because it's against the law.

The law allows the state to use the national air computer to conduct consciousness tests, but does not allow executioners or other origin scholars to forcefully search the suspect's consciousness.

And according to the commandments of the goddess, the executioner cannot do anything against the law, especially the criminal law.This clearly violated the criminal law.

Not long after, Roan was handcuffed and put on a special collar.He didn't make any resistance during the whole process.

Of course, his handcuffs and collar are not ordinary goods, but special torture tools designed for supernatural beings.

In particular, the sturdy steel collar has a strong electric shock function, and the remote control is in Antu's hand.

As long as he moved a little, Antu pressed the button, and he would immediately release a high-voltage electric shock to his brain, making him lose consciousness instantly.

"Roan, even if I violate the Goddess' commandments and fight for my status as an executioner, I will dig out the things in your mind."

Antu clenched his fists tightly, muscles contracted all over his body, and the veins on his dark forehead bulged.

That's what he would do.Li Mu wouldn't have done that.

For Li Mu, his identity is the foundation of his good life.If life is gone, what is the use of the country?

"President An, there's no need."

Meng Fei got up and pressed Antu's shoulder to make him sit down first.

What he was afraid of was that Antu would really fight with Luo An in this small conference room, and it would hurt him and Ai Ting.

"I know the whereabouts of negative entropy, so there's no need to bother Mr. Luo."

When Meng Fei said these words, Luo An's eyes flashed a trace of uneasiness.

In fact, this anxiety had already existed when he saw Meng Fei coming to the conference room.It's just that he has been hiding it very well.

It wasn't until just now that it suddenly appeared, and then it was completely hidden by him.

"If the data is transferred through the national air computer, then the data must have flowed away through the network.

"So I looked at the data traffic going out of the National Air Computer to each of the network nodes."

Many complex schematic diagrams of network architecture appeared on the big screen, followed closely by curves of various data flows.

"I found that the amount of data flowing out of the national air computer today is indeed about 10PB more than usual.

"Unfortunately, the more data is only the total amount, and there is no particular increase in the data on a certain node.

"So I have to admire Teacher Luo's skills.

"Ms. Luo probably encoded the 10PB of data as some kind of additional data into the commonly used data, and packaged it up and sent it out."

This is a common technique used by hackers to steal secrets.If some kind of information is stolen, it will be packaged and sent after reading it, and it is easy to be found by network monitoring to find abnormal data traffic.

But if it is attached to ordinary information, it will be much more concealed.

For example, some pixels are changed in the picture to add the data of the confidential information to be stolen.Or the http request adds some meaningless extended information.

Sending out in this way is simply unpredictable, and it will never be discovered through network monitoring.

"But no matter what, the information collected from all over the country must be aggregated. And if it is needed urgently, it must be aggregated immediately.

"This is all the nodes of the national IDC backbone network, and the data traffic changes between 3pm and 6pm today.

"There are a lot of nodes, there are thousands of them. But there are only a few dozen of them with major traffic fluctuations. After I have eliminated them one by one, you can see here.

"Have you found it? The traffic of node 3920 has a peak that is difficult to explain. If you count the extra data, it is about 10PB.

"If I'm not mistaken, these data should be the lost negative entropy!"

(End of this chapter)

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