Defect another world

Chapter 243 Time and Space Storm

Chapter 243 Time and Space Storm
A yellow cordon was drawn up around Suzaku Pavilion, and many military police were densely deployed outside.

At the same time, you can overlook the various windows of the library building in Suzaku Pavilion, and many surveillance cameras and snipers have been set up long ago.

The general command room is located in the relatively safe basement of the library.

The prime minister, the speaker, the chief expert, Li Mu, and Ai Jue were all watching the video from the Zhuque Tower.

Unlike the news Li Mu sent to Ai Ting, when they finally dispatched the military and police to surround the Yuanyuan Society, they immediately evacuated most of the people in the society.

Only Suzaku Pavilion is inaccessible.Theoretically, there is no one else there except Xuannv.

The threat Xuannv gave was not to destroy the Origin Society, but to claim that she would destroy the entire world at sunrise.

As a master of origin, and now possessing a large amount of negative entropy, no one dares to take her threat as a joke.

Negative entropy can be converted into energy.And originology is actually the theory of studying the transformation of the origin of the world into matter and energy.

If the negative entropy in her hand is converted into a nuclear bomb, although it may not be able to destroy the entire planet, it will certainly be no problem to destroy all humans on the surface of the planet.

It's like she's taking all humans hostage.

They sent several teams of death squads to forcibly enter the Suzaku Pavilion to negotiate with Xuannv, but all of these people lost contact.

No one who entered Suzaku Pavilion could come out, and no one could get in touch with the outside world.

Although the army was outside, no one dared to attack by force.Because Xuannv is talking about destroying the world at sunrise.

If the army attacked by force, no one knew if the destruction would come early?

Xuannv's request is not just for Meng Fei, but for them to hand over two people.One of them is her student Roan.The other is Meng Fei.

The bigwigs had a heated discussion.Among them, no one questioned the fact that Roan was sent in.

Roan himself has pleaded guilty. He is an important prisoner who stole negentropy, and he has no freedom to object.More importantly, he had no objection in the first place.

But sending Meng Fei to Suzaku Pavilion is a big problem.

Because Meng Fei is the whistleblower of Xuannv.

Sending Meng Fei to Xuannv is tantamount to tying up the whistleblower and sending them to the whistleblower.

This is not what a human being should do, let alone a country.

What's more, Meng Fei is a legal citizen, he has the freedom to choose whether to go or not.

Saving him alone to save the world sounds great, but he has to be voluntary, doesn't he?

In the end, the president made a final decision that Luo An could be sent to Suzaku Pavilion.But Meng Fei was replaced by himself, hoping that Xuannv could give him face as a big boss.

There is no difference between his going and those who went before, and most of them will never return, and they will never be able to contact them again.

But he still feels that this is related to the lives of all people in the world, and as the head of state of this country, he is duty-bound.

Roan still wore a collar and was controlled by Antu.So the president wants to bring Luo An in, so Antu can only follow.

"After I go, the prime minister will replace me."

So the president and An Tu, with Luo An, opened the Zhuque Pavilion together and walked in.

However, for the next hour, no news came out.All three have lost contact.

There is no way to contact them, and there is no way to judge whether they are still in Suzaku Pavilion.

Those who were still outside, including the prime minister, the speaker, the head of the expert academy, as well as Li Mu and Ai Jue, were all anxious.

After discussing with Ai Jue, Li Mu first sent a message to Ai Ting.He planned to convince Ai Ting first, and then let Ai Ting convince Meng Fei.

He dared not tell the whole story.Destroy the world - this statement will cause a huge panic.

And directly saying that if you don't come to Meng Fei, the world will be destroyed, which in itself is a kind of intimidation.

Old Li secretly made up his mind that if there was no other way at the last moment, he could only go and tie Meng Fei here himself.

But not long after, Meng Fei came.

Almost at the same time, the invisible Zuoge also came in.It's just that he is always invisible, so no one can find him.

He approached Suzaku Pavilion, and looked up cautiously.The entire Suzaku Pavilion is in a strange and indescribable situation.

The outside of the three-story red brick building is covered with branches and leaves of creepers, like a small animal with thick fluff.

There are many windows among the branches and leaves of the ivy, but there is no light, just like a furry monster with many black eyes.

Only one window on the third floor had light.very conspicuous.But there is like a strange vortex, and there are faint ripples of time and space that circle around.

When he came here, he felt an invisible but terrifying attraction.

It was as if there was a huge and unfathomable black vortex in front of him.When you are far away from this vortex, but already feel the surge and suction from the center, that kind of instinctive fear.

But he continued to walk in with determination.

While walking into the first floor of Zhuque Pavilion, he couldn't help closing his eyes.Because he felt some violent backwards.

It seemed to be a step backwards in time, so his thinking went backwards violently.

Not only that, but his physical body was also regressing.Even his clothes are constantly changing.

Become yesterday, the day before yesterday, a month ago, a year ago...

He stepped into a vortex of violently backward time.

Normal people won't feel anything when they enter here.

Their bodies will start to go backwards, from old to young, from young to toddler, from toddler to fertilized egg, from fertilized egg to non-existence.

But their consciousness also goes backwards, and this kind of regression will not have any sense of self-consciousness.

Moreover, the environment they live in will continue to change, and they will return to the place they should have been at that time in the ocean of time and space in the past.

So they will disappear as soon as they walk in, and they will never be able to reach the third floor of Suzaku Pavilion.

The President and Antu walked in like this and began to regress, becoming a fertilized egg and even returning to the previous life, so it is no longer possible to contact the outside world.

But Zuoge is different.He is an immortal.No matter how he walks, his body is always the same, but the clothes, nails, hair and beard on his body are constantly changing.

He has "divine memory", even in the constant changes of time, he can always hold his own memory and keep his consciousness stable.

Controlling his consciousness like this, traveling through time and space, he looked up.

Overhead was a bright, orange sky that burned like flames.

In the middle of the sky, there is a conspicuous space-time storm, moving like a round of black sun, constantly devouring everything around.

That devouring power and his own devouring power attract each other like magnets.

The moment he stepped up the stairs, he was so attracted that even his body and consciousness flew up, turning into a black spiral spinning around that round of black sun at a high speed.

(End of this chapter)

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