Defect another world

Chapter 252 The first day

Chapter 252 The First Day I Can't Get Through

According to Suzaku, he was the person involved in the birth of Taotie.

So he doesn't need to do anything special, just wait for the world line to develop naturally, and he can wait until the moment when Taotie is born.

Of course, even if he waited, without any preparations, he would not be able to kill the newly born Taotie.

But Suzaku said that as long as his mission is not completed, the time spiral will continue.So he still has countless opportunities to do it all over again.

When it comes to the next reincarnation, he will have the ability to see the future after he has already experienced one reincarnation, and then he can think about how to kill Taotie.

Yes, that's it, so just enjoy Ho Ma's tired and boring but rich life now.

The lunch Xiao Luo prepared for him was roasted corn.Dinner is a mixture of bamboo shoots and meat cooked in bamboo tubes.

As soon as the lid of the bamboo tube was lifted, the aroma of thick soup immediately filled the whole room.The hungry Meng Fei took a deep breath, his appetite whetted.

"The bamboo shoots are delicious, where did you buy them?"

This bamboo shoot is not only tender, without any hard feeling, but also does not have a little bit of astringency, but has a slight sweetness.

Compared with the bamboo shoots bought in the supermarket, it is several grades more delicious.

He suddenly realized that these were the original bamboo shoots thousands of years ago.There is no air pollution, no pesticides and fertilizers, and no long-distance transportation and cold chain. Not everyone has the opportunity to eat it.

After 1000 years, such primitive bamboo shoots may even be genetically extinct.

"Your Excellency, it seems that you haven't woken up all day today."

Meng Fei thinks Xiao Han's puzzled expression, dressed as a maid, is super cute.

He couldn't help but wonder if he should order a maid outfit for Xiao Han after returning home, to see if she would automatically return to the self she was a thousand years ago.

Fortunately, this thought only flashed in his mind, and was immediately extinguished by Ai Ting's thunderstorm in his imagination.

"Didn't we dig this when we went to play on the mountain three days ago? The bamboo forest over there is full of bamboo shoots."

"Oh, almost forgot."

Meng Fei patted his head lightly.

His head was full of Ho Ma's memories, but he was not very used to retrieving them.But when Xiao Luo reminded him, he remembered.

According to He Ma's rule, he will rest for two days every half month.Three days ago was one of the last rest days.

Consider that the spiral of this time storm is only seven days long.He won't be able to make it to the next rest day.This made him sigh.

The wonderful trip back in the millennium turned out to be the same hard day of working overtime and tiring every day as after the millennium.

Xiao Luo didn't eat, but sat at the other end of the table, propped his cheeks with his hands, and looked at him with crescent-like smiling eyes.

"Why don't you eat?"

"I ate it in the kitchen."

"Then why do you keep looking at me?"



If the reincarnation of time is correct, then Xiao Han's heart after a thousand years also sees me this way?
Another big secret has been discovered.

Sure enough, handsome people don't have to worry about food.

"How many patients are there?"

"There are still fifteen more. Your Excellency is moving slower than before today. Why don't we only issue ninety number plates from tomorrow?"

When Meng Fei crossed over, he had a lot more things in his mind than the original He Ma, and his proficiency and work enthusiasm both dropped, which led to delays.

"No. I'll hurry up later.

"Xiao Luo, go and rest first.

"I can handle the rest by myself."



"it is good!"

It wasn't until all the patients were cleaned up that Meng Fei realized that it was impossible for Xiao Luo to rest first.

She has too much to do.

The courtyard that He Ma rented was not small.Many patients come and go, making a mess of everything.

She sweeps the yard, tidies the house, cleans the kitchen, washes the dishes, does the laundry, boils the bathwater, and makes the beds.

But after Meng Fei finished his work, it was very simple. He took off his clothes and took a bath in the wooden barrel. Xiao Luo had already neatly folded the new pajamas he was going to put on next to him.

Thousands of years ago, everything was fine, the only problem was that there were no mobile phones, computers, or even TVs.Not even a light.

At night, there are only oil lamps, which are not bright enough.There was no entertainment other than sex.

In late spring and early summer, the weather is quite hot during the day.But at night, the room becomes freezing cold.He felt a little cold in only his thin pajamas.

Fortunately, Xiao Luo had already made the bed.Although the blue printed and dyed quilt looks a little crude, it is clean and tidy.

The windows are covered with curtains woven of sparse bamboo strips, and through the gaps, it can be seen that the outside is pitch black, and there is absolutely no light.

There was the sound of insects outside, like someone playing a harmonica on a summer night.The other sound was the thumping of moths against the curtains.

There is a slightly bright red spot in the corner of the bedside wall, which is lit with something similar to mosquito coils, and it smells like lavender.

There was the sound of some kind of machinery spinning faster and faster outside the door.

It was a device specially made by He Ma for Xiao Luo. It was a wooden barrel with many small holes, and the wet clothes that had been washed could be dried quickly by putting them inside.

Thousands of years ago, the biggest question for such a device to work was where would the kinetic energy come from?There were no engines then.

But it's not a problem for Xiaoluo.As long as anything that can be rotated physically, she can use her mind to make it rotate.

The various devices that He Ma specially invented for her made her feel a lot easier.But even so, she was still busy until late every day.

Meng Fei was lying on the bed, looking at the empty pillow next to him with flickering eyes, wondering when this version of Xiao Han from his previous life would come to bed.

Do you want to experience the mistakes He Ma made a thousand years ago?
"No, you can't be too scumbag."

He struggled hard, but he couldn't bear the exhaustion of the day.

The darkness was like the tide gradually rising, his vision became more and more blurred, and the surroundings became more and more quiet, even the sound of insects outside the window could not be heard.

Another piercing brass bell woke him up.

Damn, I actually forgot to hide that damn brass bell?
When he opened his eyes, the sky was already bright, as if a negligible moment had passed since last night.But his sleepiness has not diminished at all, which is simply a big loss.

Taking advantage of the temporary cessation of the copper bell, he changed his position and planned to sleep in for a while, but the terrible sound rang again.

In desperation, he had no choice but to reach out and grab the copper bell, intending to throw it out of the window.

A fair girl's hand held his hand down.

"Lord Ho Ma, you overslept again.

"That's what you said, if you oversleep for more than half an hour, I'll use this brass bell to ring until you wake up."


Wait, Meng Fei suddenly felt weird.

What Xiao Luo said was very familiar.Did she repeat exactly what she said yesterday?
(End of this chapter)

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