Chapter 258
This time there were no copper bells in his ears!
He hastily turned his head to see that the copper bell was not beside the pillow.

Before going to bed last night, he had already hidden the copper bell in the closet.

His purpose was not to make Xiao Luo not find him, but to quickly verify whether he survived till morning.

Finally survived to the second day!

It felt to him like several games with seven levels, and he played the first level.

I wonder if Suzaku killed the attacker last night?
He felt that this was unlikely.

There were no signs of fighting around.It's not her style that Suzaku hits and burns wherever it goes, without leaving any traces.

The bigger possibility is that Suzaku didn't dare to show up at all because of Suzaku's vigil.

It was already daylight.The bright morning sun filtered in through the gaps in the curtains, creating a soft glow.

He got up and looked at the incense plate in the corner.The mosquito-repellent incense has long been burned out, leaving only a pile of broken incense ash.

If the incense had gone out, where did Suzaku go?

When he first thought of this, he felt a trance in his consciousness, and a piece of words composed of flames burned in his mind.

Suzaku left a message in his mind.

"I stayed one night. This mosquito-repellent coil smells so bad it makes me sick! Hey, just think you owe me the night.

"No bad guy showed up all night. It's possible that the other party noticed my presence and gave up. But I think this possibility is very low.

"Is there anyone in this world who can hide himself and be aware of my existence at the same time? No.

"I'm leaning more towards the other possibility.

"The man who killed you twice is indeed from outside this time and space. He is testing, looking for a way to prevent you from completing the task.

"He killed you twice, and both times caused the world to reset. Then he realized that killing you was futile. So he won't kill you again.

"But he will use other methods to prevent you from completing the task. It doesn't matter, don't be afraid, you can call me again at any time.

"In order to keep the history as it is, I will erase my own memories about the future.

"But as soon as you call me, I'll remember right away.

"Farewell for now, dear. I'm always waiting to do anything for you."

He thought for a while, but didn't call Suzaku again.

Calling Suzaku to guard it can indeed ensure safety, but this in itself is inconsistent with the history of thousands of years ago.

Since the killer will not come to kill him for the time being, there is no need for him to go against history.The most important thing is to complete the task of these seven days as soon as possible.

"Hey, did your lord get up so early today?"

When Xiao Luo carefully opened the door and came in, he saw that Meng Fei had already got up, and asked in surprise.

"Well, let's go."

Meng Fei waved his hand.

"Wash your face, eat breakfast, and go to work."

He had already planned everything he had to do in the morning.

Until noon, when his stomach growled, the last patient in the morning came in.

He knew this man, a man named Feng Si from a village dozens of miles away.

He has a skinny appearance, with a pair of shrewd triangular eyes and a rather conspicuous hooked nose, and looks around wretchedly as soon as he comes in.

Meng Fei was a little surprised.At first glance, he scanned the past, and found that the health index of this person was above 90 points.

Except for some insignificant minor ailments like psoriasis, he has nothing wrong with him, so he came here to waste his precious time?

"My lord, don't get me wrong."

Feng Si narrowed his triangular eyes and said with a smile.

"You are so forgetful, I am not here to see a doctor, but to thank you.

"I got a strange disease not long ago. My skin all over my body turned yellow, even the whites of my eyes turned yellow. I also lost my appetite and often vomited.

"After you went back after seeing the disease, no, it took only a month, and my problem completely disappeared."

Indeed, this guy's current skin is not only white and tender, but also blood-colored, and the whites of his eyes are also fine. He can't be any healthier.

"Are you okay now?"

Meng Fei looked at this man with a bit of disgust.

This is Meng Fei—no, this is what the great theologian Ho Ma hates the most.

This is to squeeze the quota of a seriously ill patient and delay his time.

If this kind of person is not beaten hard to improve his memory, he will come to find trouble next time when he has nothing to do.

"As long as you come to my place, the consultation fee will not be less. If you are not sick, you will be charged as a minor illness. Do you have ten taels of silver? If not, you can send an IOU before going back."

"Ha ha,"

Feng Si took out a package from the package, and smiled to Meng Fei in a low voice.

"It's true that your lord has cured my illness, but I'll ask the pharmacist to take a good look at the medicine you prescribed for me.

"What do you see all this?

"It's all plant ash, right?"

"It seems to have laxatives in it?

"I put it in dog food and gave it to dogs.

"As a result, the dog had diarrhea for several days."

Meng Fei was upset, and said coldly, "What medicine do you want me to prescribe for you? As long as it can cure you, what else do you want?"

"I didn't take a bite of your medicine."

Feng Si smiled mysteriously.

"But how did I get better?"

In fact, Feng Si didn't believe that this so-called genius doctor could cure his illness at all.

Hearing that there is a genius doctor here who can cure all diseases, it was only one of his purposes to come here to try his luck.

The other one, he just wanted to catch a quack doctor who swindled money.Either knock a sum of money severely, or sue the government office to receive a reward.

He didn't take it at all when he decided that these cheating medicines could not have any effect other than giving him diarrhea.

But what he didn't expect was that his complexion was getting better day by day, and his appetite was also getting better.Within a month, he was completely healed!

So he used his brains and went to Rong County, hundreds of miles away, to inquire about the news.

"You are dismissed."

Meng Fei raised his eyes and glanced at this person, and was about to let Xiao Luo see off his guests, but Feng Si suddenly whispered:
"I went to Rong County not long ago when I was young, and I got such a thing."

His triangular eyes smiled, and two very ugly fishtail patterns were drawn at the outer corners of the two eyes.

"You look at this?"

A piece of crumpled paper was held in his palm and slowly spread out, which made Meng Fei see it and think about it.

It was a reward notice, an official announcement from Qingmang Kingdom offering a reward for a "liar doctor who can cure all diseases".

There is not only a description of He Ma's appearance, but also a vivid sketch of his head.

The content is that don't believe this person's "cure all diseases" deception, and once you see him, immediately notify the local government to arrest him.

Ho Ma had seen this reward notice before.It's just that this piece of paper has been posted a lot in Songdu, but I haven't seen it in this place thousands of miles away from the capital.

This guy got this wanted warrant in Rong County?
Feng Si approached, and the veins on his temples burst due to his nervousness.

But he tried his best to pretend to be calm, and whispered in Meng Fei's ear:
"For a genius doctor like you, if I report to the government, I can make a lot of money, right?"

(End of this chapter)

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