Defect another world

Chapter 281 Her Name Is Qi Mei

Chapter 281 Her Name Is Qi Mei
He remained calm on the surface, and let his son hold the torch, while he himself took the decree, unfolded it, and read it carefully again.Seeing halfway, he pointed to one of them and asked:
"My lord, what do you think is going on here?"

The priest was very old, and he couldn't see clearly under the firelight.He took out a pair of presbyopic glasses from his chest and put them on his nose, before he got closer to see what Li Shibai was referring to.

But as soon as he took the scroll, he felt a chill in his chest.

Holding a sharp blade, Li Shibai directly pierced through his chest, killing him with one move!
Blood burst directly from his chest and sprayed to the back of the decree, and the entire scroll was stained red.

Li Renqing on the side was shocked, his eyes were wide open, his eyes were dull, and his hands and feet were trembling as he watched his father's crazy behavior.

Li Shibai pulled out the sharp blade in his hand.This is neither a sword nor a dagger, but a mantis arm dismembered from a mantis man.

He looked up at his son with disdain, and stabbed the priest a few more times with the mantis arm in his hand, cutting him into several pieces.

"Now that the Holy See has fallen, I have no choice but to do so."

He cut and talked.

"One day in the future, I will reorganize the Holy See, completely get rid of these guys who are vegetarians, and replace them with capable and obedient young people.

"The Goddess will know that I am doing the right thing.

"But my lifespan is limited, I am getting old now, sooner or later I have to retire.

"The future depends on you, do you understand? Don't act like a fucking coward."

He tapped his son's head with his bloody mantis arm.Li Renqing nodded desperately, but couldn't speak a word because of his stuttering.

Li Shibai threw the bloody scroll and the mantis arm to his son.

"Burn the decree and don't say you've seen it.

"Go get some mantid corpses and throw them here.

"Then use the raven and the fast horse to report to the Holy See at the same time, saying that there was a sneak attack by the mantis people in the rear, and a priest was killed.


"Got it! Got it!"

Li Renqing nodded repeatedly.

"As for me, I'm not here. I set off with [-] pro-riders a quarter of an hour ago.

"You haven't even seen that decree, so it's even more impossible for me to see it."


Although Li Renqing didn't want to question his father, he still felt that he should express his worries.

"If they've reached a truce and we violate it..."

In theory, the party that actively violates the agreement will obviously bear the greatest responsibility.


Li Shibai almost wondered how he could give birth to such an idiot son.

"Since the mantis people have signed a one-day truce agreement, they will inevitably be negligent during this day.

"My light cavalry troop caught them by surprise, and to them it was a miracle!
"By the time they pursue the responsibility for breach of contract, they have already been eliminated by me, why should they pursue the fart?"

The prerequisite for taking responsibility is defeat.Winners never take any responsibility.

"It turns turns out to this."

Li Renqing stammered in response.

"You just sit in the back of the town honestly, and wait for me to level the corpse mountain and come back!"

"As ordered!"

Li Shibai threw away his belongings and his son, got on his horse, and went straight to his main army.

After a while, under the cover of night, [-] cavalry, like marching ants in a hurry, began to march towards the wasteland of corpses!
Under the cover of night and volcanic ash, the eruption of the corpse mountain is like the rhythmic heartbeat of a revived monster.

This feeling made the whole world very depressing.

It seemed to be foggy all around, but it was actually black smoke from the crater.In addition to the darkness, Meng Fei found that there was almost no one on the opposite side of the wasteland where he and Luo An were.

From sunset to late at night, Luo An and Meng Fei stayed in the wasteland.

Meng Fei has already listened to Luo An's story about what happened here 1000 years ago.Of course, this is Roan's past.

He guessed that Luo An actually died during this process, and Qingmang revived him later and reached an agreement with him to enslave him for a thousand years.

So Roan's experience here is incomplete, and there are many key gaps in the middle.

But these vacancies are not a big problem for Meng Fei.He could go through it himself.Even if the task cannot be completed, it will cause the time spiral to reset back to the first day.At that time, just follow the example and come here to start all over again.

What I really hate is the gluttonous avatar who may be wandering in the wasteland, who may change history at any time, comes from outside the space-time spiral and has divine memory.

So Roan waited until now.When the "breath of death" enveloped the entire wasteland, both vision and brainwaves were isolated by volcanic smoke and dust.Unless it happens by chance, no one will be able to attack them halfway.

And they don't get lost.Because the corpse mountain has been making that roaring sound like a heartbeat.Following the sound, or simply looking at the direction where the smoke and dust are getting thicker, it is definitely not a problem for them to walk to the corpse mountain.

Thousands of years ago, Luo An was ordered by King Mantis to go to the southern border of Qingmang to kidnap He Ma and take him to Jishi Mountain.They have to follow the history of thousands of years ago to push the plot in the right direction.

Not only is the place densely covered with dust and smoke, but the air is filled with the smell of gas, which is getting more and more pungent.

"I finally understand why you mantis people like to cover your face with a piece of cloth."

Meng Fei tore off a large piece of cloth from his clothes, poured water from the water bag onto it, covered his mouth and nose, and tied a knot at the back of his neck.This is finally more comfortable.

Under Meng Fei's instigation, Luo An, who usually seldom speaks, refuted a few sentences for the first time.

"First, I am no longer a mantis man.

"Secondly, even if it is the mantis tribe, only unmarried women cover their faces."

In the past, in the Reaper Empire in Central Continent, not only the Mantis tribe, but all unmarried women covered their faces.

The name Mantis Software was not chosen by Luo An.Instead, Xuannv, who became his teacher in name, deliberately took it as a joke to disgust him.

It's been a long time since he saw himself as a mantis.His sense of identity with this race had vanished thousands of years ago.

For this race that tied up his woman and dedicated it to the gods, if he had anything left, maybe it was a utter hatred?

But after a thousand years, this race has been wiped out without a trace, and there is no history left, so his hatred has no place to rest.

"You still haven't said who is the woman you want to resurrect?"

It was only then that Meng Fei remembered that Luo An hardly mentioned the details of that woman.

The basis of his cooperation with Luo An is that he wants to kill the Taotie that will be born here.And Roan wanted to resurrect the woman.

If the two of them really wanted to work together, they had to bind the two missions together into one: killing Taotie and resurrecting his woman.

"Her name is Zimei."

(End of this chapter)

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