Defect another world

Chapter 376 Never Let Go!

Chapter 376 Never Let Go!

Each of them forcibly turned their heads 180 degrees backwards to face backwards.

The line in the cervical spine was interrupted, and the connection between the intelligent core and the doll's body was lost.These dolls have become real puppets.

It's just that their faces are all facing the back, and some of them are drooping and are about to fall off, looking a little scary.

Of course Xiao Han didn't care so much.She made all the dolls move quickly with their weapons, and killed the last two dolls.

The remaining man and woman were difficult for her to control, and for good reason.

Although Kakui is also a doll, his consciousness is copied from the human brain.Xiao Han can only control puppets, but he cannot control other people's bodies beyond human consciousness, so he cannot control him.

The remaining little sister in the lolita skirt has super control power, which is not inferior to Xiao Han's super consciousness, so Xiao Han's attempt to control her also failed.

But that's okay.Consciousness can't control them, the physical control effect is the same.

When the group of puppets being manipulated swooped over, Touchtone Akemi decisively gave orders to Kaoi:
"Block them, kill that supernatural sister, it can be made into a cute doll."

She is in urgent need of a corpse of a supernatural being to continue her puppet experiments.

Kakui pulled out the Chiwu Samurai Sword on his body and killed him.Killing a bunch of zombie puppets is just the game he likes.

Where the knife flashed, the armor was flattened, and blood gushed like a spring.

Touch tone Minmei didn't stop, she ran to the warehouse door and pulled the handle.There was a loud mechanical sound mixed with the louder and louder engine and gust of wind.

The hatch at the tail of the plane was slowly opening, revealing the dark night sky outside.The temperature in the cabin dropped suddenly.

The air made a ghostly scream as if it was being torn apart, as if countless invisible hands stretched in, forcibly pulling everyone inside and throwing them into the night sky.

Everything in the cabin that could be moved by the wind started to move, and the dolls closest to the outside had rolled and fell out of the plane, falling into the boundless darkness.

"The position is almost there, why not drop the bomb directly.

"Anyway, as long as the box leaves the plane, the program will automatically start, and it will detonate when it descends to 200 meters above the ground."

Akemi's green hair fluttered in the gust of wind.She grunted as she pressed a button on a controller on the small container.

When she pressed, there was a click on the rails under the container, and the entire container began to slide.

"No, never let the box drop!"

Xiao Han's heart suddenly tightened.She originally thought that all the puppets here would be resolved to ensure that the neutron bombs here would not be accidental, and then the pilot controlled by Lao Li would let the plane fly directly to Phnom Penh Lan Airport and everything would be fine.

Didn't expect the puppet to drop the bomb directly?

If the neutron bomb is detonated, there is a high probability that both Meng Fei and Ai Ting will die.This is an ending she can never accept.

She immediately manipulated all the puppets to rush up together, trying to hold the sliding container.

But this is simply impossible.After the door was opened, the entire floor continued to tilt.There are wheels on the container rails, and the sliding is unstoppable.

Theoretically, the rotation of the wheel is also under the control of her consciousness.

However, the entire steel container plus the neutron bomb inside weighed several tons, and the wheels were very small. She tried her best and could only struggle between being able to control it and not being able to control it.

What's more, there is a madman-like uncontrollable doll wielding a steel knife, constantly slaughtering the dolls controlled by her.

Xiao Han rushed forward with a stride, and pulled a rough nylon rope tied to the container.

At this point, no matter how much strength she has, even if it is a drop in the bucket, she has to go all out.

If she can control the container from falling down, she may succeed in killing all the puppets here.

Miraculously, her negligible strength turned out to be a key factor in the balance of the entire system, and the sliding of the container stopped!

But before it was her turn to breathe a sigh of relief, Kadoi had already swung a samurai sword and killed him.

This thing that is neither human nor a real doll annoys Xiao Han, like stepping on a piece of shit that cannot be shaken off.

She manipulated a puppet to stand up and block it with her body.Unexpectedly, the opponent's samurai sword was so fierce that it cut the doll in half diagonally.The blade almost touched Xiao Han's face.

Fortunately, she moved fast enough, she still held the container in her hand and did not let go, her head suddenly dodged back.A cold light flashed, and a strand of bangs on his forehead was cut off by the blade and fell down.

Using a puppet to block the knife is just her obvious move.Behind Jiaojing, another puppet controlled by Xiao Han has picked up the gun and shot him in the head.

It's a pity that the floor suddenly tilted down at this time, causing the puppet with the gun to be unstable, and the pistol shook a bit.

The bullet entered the back of Jiaojing's head and exited through the forehead, leaving a terrifying hole in his head.

But he is not human after all, and he can still fight without the bullet hitting the smart core.It's just that Xiao Han, who was being hunted down by him, disappeared.

Because after the floor tilted again, Xiao Han could no longer stop the container from sliding down, and they slid down a certain distance together.

If you let go, Meng Fei and the others will die!
So never let go!

But what if you don't let go?

Do we all die together?
To die together is to die together.

Anyway, don't let go.

When she was about to fall in the Scarab Building, didn't Meng Fei and Ai Ting die like this without letting go?
Because she refused to let go, she slipped out of the plane along with the box.

Like the minecarts of the seven dwarfs, the container slid out of the transport plane with a rumble.

The icy wind was blowing like a knife, and she suddenly felt that the ground under her feet lost weight suddenly, and her whole body seemed to be suspended upside down.

She has reached the boundless night sky.In one direction is the crystal-clear night sky full of jewel-like stars, and in the other direction is the dark land that is round like a turtle's back and seems to be slightly raised.

With a crash, the huge parachute bound to the container unfolded like the wings of an eagle.

Xiao Han felt a huge pulling force, as if it was forcibly pulling her straight up to the zenith.

Of course this is just an illusion.After getting out of the transport plane, she was destined to fall to the ground, but the parachute played a huge deceleration effect.

In this way, the gravity is restored.She hangs over the edge of the container, with just a few fingers grasping a nylon rope that holds the container together.

How to do?
How to do?
How to do?
She decided to climb to the top of the container first, and then try to make a hole in the top of the container.After entering the box and seeing the neutron bomb, try to destroy it!
 Another copy is over soon.How do you feel about the latest episode?Is there anything you want to improve?

(End of this chapter)

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