Defect another world

Chapter 381 Nostalgia before resignation

Chapter 381 Nostalgia before resignation
The Group of Seven Powers jointly put pressure on Suanni to allow Taotie to import weapons of mass destruction to deal with the so-called "supernatural terrorists". As soon as the letter was made public, six of the Seven Countries took the initiative to deny that this matter had anything to do with them. related.

Among them, Taotie, who was most deeply involved, got rid of it most cleanly.Not only did they deny knowing about it, they even denied giving any orders to the two pilots.

They only admitted that the management of the arsenal was negligent, so that the "Chiwu criminal gang" stole the neutron bombs and bribed two Xinghe transport plane pilots to deliver the weapons to Suanni.

The "lost" neutron bomb fell into the hands of the Qingmang people.The Taotie people strongly demanded to return it but was refused.

After the neutron bomb was dismantled, a shell was left behind, which is on permanent exhibition in a patriotic museum in Rongdu.

In the end, only Chiwu people shouldered all the crimes.They pushed Yano Xunlong, the director of Chigu Institute, and Nagaizumi Shepherd, the president of Tengu Doll Co., Ltd., to bear all the blame.

The two have tearfully admitted that for the benefit of Suan Ni, they bribed Suan Ni's Vice President Xi Ye and maliciously created incidents, intending to overthrow President Puje and seek huge political and economic benefits from it.

This not only led to the expulsion of the Tengu Puppet and Chigusuo from Suan Ni, but also discredited the two institutions.

Not long after, the director of Chigu Institute hanged himself, and both the president and the president of Tengu Puppet Co., Ltd. were imprisoned.Xiye then resigned from power and was imprisoned for treason.

It's just that these have little to do with Meng Fei and the others.


8021 8 Month 2 Day.

The rainy season, which lasted throughout June and July, is finally over, and the weather in Wutong City has entered the hottest stage.

Plants began to overgrow and weeds nearly obscured the garden.The pumpkin vine from the next door was lazily lying on the fence, blooming bright yellow flowers.

Huge, sheep-hugged clouds float in the sky.It is obvious that there is no non-stop buzzing of cicadas, but it is full of tranquility and laziness.

Meng Fei likes summer the most. Of course, this is after having the air conditioner.Just waking up from a nap and going crazy with nothing to do.

Their house in Repulse Bay has been renovated.A townhouse with four floors and a small garden downstairs.

The whole decoration style is completely in accordance with Ai Ting's meaning, the decoration is classical and simple, mainly in quiet beige and log colors.

But it was she who expressed the most dissatisfaction afterwards.

"I knew it would be better to make it white!"

When he was still at work, Meng Fei felt that he had no time to do anything.

There is no time to draw, to read, to exercise, to learn new things, and even less to travel.

But after not going to work, there is plenty of time, but suddenly I seem to lose interest in everything.

draw?reading?exercise?study?Seems to be something that can be done tomorrow.I have time tomorrow anyway.

I don't know where to throw away the rigorous time management plan I once made while sitting in the office.

There is only a little interest in taking a nap in the afternoon.Because as soon as lunch is over, sleepiness will come up on time like a timed tide.

But it's not okay to stay asleep.Sleeping too much can give you a headache.

Meng Fei managed to get up from the half-sleep and half-awake stupor, sat on the edge of the bed, remembered who I was, where I came from, and tried hard to think about where I should go.

The wife opened the door neatly and walked in.

"Why are you still in your pajamas?"


Meng Fei has not fully figured out the last question, so he feels very confused.

"Why... Do you have something to go out today?"

"Have you forgotten, our leave of absence without pay expired today, and Lao Li asked us to go to Moon Church this afternoon to go through the resignation procedures."

"Oh, almost forgot."

Meng Fei scratched his head, and his hair, which was already messed up by sleeping, became even more messy.

Every time before going out, women have to prepare for a long time.But Ai Ting didn't have the habit of taking a nap, so she was already ready.

She was wearing a light yellow translucent sunscreen shirt, and a light green floral dress inside. A pair of white and tender calves like bean sprouts were exposed under the skirt, and her cheap cloth bag was hung on her waist.

It took only ten seconds for Meng Fei to put on the big pants, T-shirt and slippers, which were very unsuitable, and he was about to go out.


Ai Ting held him down and took out the sunscreen from her bag.

"The sun is poisonous outside now."

"But we're all indoors except when we're driving."

"The car will also be exposed to the sun."

Although he was troubled by the complicated procedures for her to go out, Meng Fei still enjoyed the smooth feeling of his hands smearing all over his face, arms and neck.

"Are you driving or am I driving?"

Ai Ting asked.

"I come."

Ai Ting received professional training in drag racing at the police academy, but she is a female driver after all.Meng Fei still decided to believe in his rationality and calmness.

"it is good."

Ai Ting obediently took the passenger seat.

At two o'clock in the afternoon, when there is no traffic jam, if you take the viaduct, it only takes half an hour to get from Repulse Bay Community to Moon Church.

It's just that Ai Ting's prediction was really good.There were no trees on the viaduct, and the sun was so bright that the road surface of the viaduct was so bright that he could hardly keep his eyes open.

"Are you sure we really resign this time?"

While looking for the direction of the road in the dazzling light, Meng Fei asked a little uneasy.

Counting from before time travel, since graduation, there should only be three days without a contract in his memory.

That time it was a job hopping from one company to another.There are three days between resignation and entry.The rest of the time is bound to a labor contract.

Whether it's in Mantis Software, or in the Goddess Belief Culture Research Association, or in Wutong City Ability Bureau, it's the same.

The real freedom is only those three days.So he has always wanted to find the feeling of complete freedom.

But now I feel a little nervous again.

In fact, the reason why I want to do many things is not because these things are really interesting, but because I don’t have time to do them.

Although work is worrying and tiring, the good thing is that I will get up and go to work every day on a regular basis, and I don't need to think about annoying problems like what I need to do today.

And going to work is destined to deal with many people, so don't worry about the lack of human beings who can know in this world.

Not everyone in this world pleases you.For example, an unreasonable enemy like Liu Gang, or an enemy from a previous life like Li Huo must be indispensable.

And Zhang Li, who is stiff from head to toe, is also very maddening.

But there are also interesting and loyal guys like Fatty Chen and Mr. An.

Of course, not to mention the lively and lovely Tang Wenwen, the charming and considerate Suzaku, and the gentle and careful Xiao Han.

(End of this chapter)

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