Defect another world

Chapter 402 The Sword of Assassination

Chapter 402 The Sword of Assassination
"Then, another suspect, come out by yourself? At most one round of confinement locks, just to prove your innocence."


No. 6, who has been silent all the time, is a rather elegant man. "I was the other person sitting next to No. 4. I admit that I was also suspected. But I think No. 7 is also very suspicious."

"Why?" Eight asked.

"Because the door of room 7 is next to my room.

"Shortly after No. 4 screamed, I ran back to my room, and then I listened at the door.

"But I feel that No. 7 returned to the room very late. Could it be that he is a killer, so he returned later than ordinary people?"


Number 8 nodded.

"I have noticed this too. I also listened carefully to the movement at the door of the room. I am sure that the return on the 7th is much later than the 1st."

"Does anyone else have anyone to suspect?"

Number 3 looks at everyone.This time no one spoke.

"Since that's the case, it's easy."

Girl No. 3 began to speak her analysis.

"This time, No. 5 and No. 6 were the most suspected suspects, and No. 7 was also suspected.

"But No. 5 is the first to blew up his suspicions. I think the suspicion of No. 5 has been ruled out a little bit. The suspicions of No. 7 and No. 6 are the same."

No. 7 is a guy with a short stature and a generous face. When he was told this, he showed an embarrassed and aggrieved expression:

"I'm wronged. I was the last one to go back to the room because I was flustered and went in the wrong direction."

"How do you know you're the last one? Could it be that you can see in the dark?"

No. 3 took the opportunity to launch a fierce offensive.

No. 7 was extremely embarrassed by his feeble excuses and increasingly smeared explanations.

No. 6 is a quiet and rational middle-aged man wearing glasses. He is silent and looks like he is at your disposal.

"So my suggestion is that in this round of darkness, No. 7 is the most suspected, followed by No. 6. I suggest that these two people live in the same room and lock them up so that they cannot come out to kill people.

"If there is another murder incident, the suspicion of the two of them will be ruled out, and we will be unlucky.

"If there is no murder, keep the two of them locked up until the end of the game.

"As for No. 5, there are also suspicions, but the suspicion is less. I suggest that he live in a room alone.

"As for the rest, I, No. 1, No. 2, and No. 8 are free to combine in pairs. The three of you form first, and the remaining one belongs to me.

"Anyone object?"

No. 3's reasoning is impeccable.Has been in control of the leadership, but the number 8 who has actually been emptied has no room for opposition.

Unanimously approved!

The rest is to discuss how to combine the four digits 3, 1, 2, and 8.

Meng Fei, number 5, is destined to live alone, so he is completely excluded from this discussion.

It is said to be a free combination, but in fact, No. 1 and No. 2, who have not been very proactive, choose a more reliable person from the two activists No. 3 and No. 8 to stay in a room with themselves.

This is because it is generally believed that killers generally do not express themselves too aggressively.That's too much for acting skills.

So 3 and 8 are more popular.As for 1 and 2, few people are willing to live together.

It is said to live together, but in fact it means staying together in the same room for 15 seconds, so there is no embarrassing problem that the opposite sex is inconvenient to live together.

In the end, beauty No. 3 lives with No. 2, who looks strong.The relatively weak No. 1 found the tall and burly No. 8.

With everyone assembled, 15 minutes is more than enough.These people are getting tense.

Before the decisive battle, everyone was already reluctant to chat publicly.Everyone started to join forces with players they trusted.

No. 2 and No. 3 ran into the room ahead of time, and started a discussion in a low voice on how to resist the invading killer.

Even No. 5 Meng Fei, who planned to live alone, called the No. 8 who he considered the most reliable, possibly Li Huo's No. 5, into Room [-] for a private chat.
After a few minutes, everyone took their positions, and the darkness came as expected.

Meng Fei lived alone in Room 5, playing with the post-it notes in his hand boredly.

The methods he thought of, such as sticking pieces of sticky post-it notes to the soles of his shoes, were all abandoned by him.

Pointless.These props provided by the game are really not for this purpose.

Playing this game until now, he found that this game is actually very difficult for a killer to succeed.

It's just that there are some obvious rules, the game should explain clearly first.For example, the lights in the living room will be turned off at regular intervals.

If it was explained clearly first, the incident where No. 4 was killed in the living room where the lights were suddenly turned off would not have happened.

Everyone lived in a room two by two at that time.The killer can at most kill the one who lives with him, but he will be exposed immediately.

The people in the other rooms would definitely huddle together to lock him up or kill him without hesitation.

The killer has absolutely no chance of killing four people.Even three are difficult, and two is almost the limit.

But the strange thing is that only the opening remarks in front of the post-it note have cryptic explanations, and the private content in the back is not even mentioned.

Is the game deliberately blurring the rules to create opportunities for the killer?
No no no.He had already thought of this question.

The secret is always hidden in these irrational appearances!

There was a clacking sound from his fingertips, and he counted each post-it note skillfully like shuffling a deck of cards.

He has counted every stack of post-it notes multiple times.

The truth was already completely in his hands.For the rest, he just needs to grasp an opportunity.

"Why is the darkness so long this time?"

It was not Meng Fei who asked this, but No. 3 who lived in another room with No. 2.

Number 2 is actually just looking strong, he is very timid by nature.

There is even a question of whether his real body is male or female.Because the game even confuses the gender of the player.

He has been deliberately keeping some distance from No. 3, and his eyes are fixed on the stopwatch of the alarm clock.

He didn't relax until 15 seconds later.

"You are right!

"The killer should be one of No. 6 and No. 7, and he was locked up. So no one died in this round of darkness! We are sure to win!"

After speaking, he went to open the door quite naturally.Finally, I can sit in the living room with everyone and chat easily.

Just as No. 2 was walking towards the door, No. 3 stretched out a hand, and some kind of blue light gathered in her hand, and quickly condensed into a black dagger about a foot long.

Exclusively for killers, the sword of assassination!

No. 2 opened the door, but was surprised to find that it was still pitch black outside the door?
An ominous feeling rose from his heart, and he couldn't help asking:

"Why is the darkness so long this time?"

"Because your understanding of the rules is wrong."

Number 3 said softly.

(End of this chapter)

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