chapter 98
"Take it away!" The police officers also ran out of patience.This man, is he not a liar?
"I'm not leaving! Yang Yue! Yang Yue!" Ding Yi was really anxious.He jumped around and screamed!
If he can't find Yang Yue, he is lying, he is deliberately relying on money, he is deliberately hurting people, or he is disrupting the order. If he can't explain it, he will really be arrested?
In a hurry, he pushed aside the police officer who was holding him, and rushed towards the elevator: "Yang Yue! Come out, Yang Yue!"

"Assaulting the police? Catch him!"

The police officer who was pushed by him swung his baton out.

Several police officers surrounded him, and this time he would be given any chance to resist, subdued him directly to the ground, and then forcibly dragged him away...

When Ding Yi was dragged away, he was still looking for someone in the crowd, shouting "Yang Yue" sharply...

At this moment, the person he was shouting was indeed only a hundred meters away from him.

Tao Ran, who had long since taken off his red trench coat and hung it on his arm, was all black and hid in the crowd, smiling wildly.

She couldn't help laughing when she learned that Ding Yi had been chasing after him in a taxi. She knew that today's Ding Yi was definitely going to be possessed.

The bus she took traveled at a high speed the whole way, not slow.So she arrived at the airport more than 20 minutes ahead of him.

And the first thing she did after arriving at the airport was to use Ding Yi's ID card to refund his ticket while changing her ticket to the latest flight.

In this way, she has picked up another 1000 yuan for nothing.

There are many flights from the provincial capital to the capital, more than ten times a day.

The flight Yang Yue chose only needs to wait for 10 minutes before she can check in.

Knowing that Ding Yi was about to arrive at the airport, Tao Ran decided to play with Ding Yi again.

She had no luggage to check, so she waited at the security check.

She deliberately informed her location and showed her face on purpose, just to make Ding Yi impulsive and make some mistakes when he was anxious and anxious.

She deliberately let Ding Yi watch them pass by and miss them.She just wanted him to get what he wanted, and it was only a little short, such as a glass window, a security checkpoint, or an elevator.

The most torment is not not being able to get it, but when the opportunity seems to be within reach, the opportunity flies away.

She wants Ding Yi and his family to spend the rest of the day in such remorse and mutual complaints!


Tao Ran's calculation was just right, Ding Yi had just been taken away for 2 minutes, when the broadcast started to announce that he could check in for the plane.

She smiled again.

Even at this moment, Ding Yi persuaded the police officers to find her at the airport, and it was too late to find her.Anyway, her phone was turned off, she couldn't get in touch, and the plane was about to fly.

Of course, what if you found her?It can only show that he is indeed chasing after what?She didn't commit a crime, can the police still come to arrest her?
He has to pay the money he should pay, the responsibility he should bear, and the punishment he should bear, all of which are indispensable!
Fare, fines, assaulting the police, disrupting the airport order, all add up, I wonder what price Ding Yi will pay?
If he hadn't wanted to leave, Tao Ran would have wanted to see him end with his own eyes.

But no problem, she has "informants".

Two hours later, as soon as Tao Ran arrived in the capital, he called Huang Yaqin.

"Yang Yue, I can tell you that today's village is also wonderful!"...

After learning that Yang Yue was sent to the hospital and the door of the house was knocked open, the Ding family didn't even have the heart to stay at the banquet.

The moment she entered the door, Ding Ma began to howl.

Is this still her house?

The beautiful door was broken, and the house was full of chicken feathers and feces.

Her favorite big TV, she couldn't bear to watch it, why did it fall to the ground?Why is the screen cracked with such a big hole?who?who did it?
Old Ding stared at his jar of medicinal wine, his eyes were red.There are many precious things in this wine, it is said that one sip a day can live to 99, who is so unlucky?Is this cursing him to death?
Also, why is the door open?
Why is there even chicken poop on the bed?
"Who! Who did that?"

The Ding family almost went crazy, and rushed to the cement yard with a broom, spreading their anger on the neighbors...

It turned out that the crowd didn't leave after hitting the door.

Especially Huang Yaqin, she has to "maintain order" and "prevent the broken Ding family from being entered by outsiders", right?Look how responsible she is!
And with her as the leader, there are more and more people in front of the Ding family.

Murakami people tend to gather together, especially when there is a topic of conversation.

And these two days, this topic is especially much.

Around the Ding family, Ding Yi, Qiao Qiao, Yang Yue was able to talk for a long time.

A few things added up, and the Ding family, who originally had a bad reputation in Murakami, was even more discredited.

Huang Yaqin did not forget to praise Yang Yue a lot. The villagers talked about the donation, and even praised Yang Yue to the sky.In contrast, the Ding family was despised by everyone...

At that time, seeing chickens and geese running around, several chickens rushed into the forest and disappeared without a trace, and a few good-hearted people even helped drive a few chickens and geese who were wandering around on the field back to Ding's house.

And the cement yard was so noisy that the yellow dog of the Ding family was very excited and barked non-stop.

I don't know who, thinking that the dog is too noisy, he simply erected the door panel and stopped the dog into the house.

Q: What is the result of a frightened chicken and an excited dog being kept together?
The Ding family knows!

As soon as they entered the house, they realized what it was called jumping around.

And the result of the livestock's rejoicing is that the table at home is on the road, and the standing ones are all overturned, the fragile ones are all broken, and all the stuffs are spilled.There's even chicken shit in the rice jar!

"Whoever did this!"

But who cares about her?

Preaching is a lot!

"I said Cuihua, when is this time, and you still have the heart to worry about chickens and dogs?"

"Your daughter-in-law is like that, aren't you in a hurry?"

"Thanks to us for rescuing your daughter-in-law today, otherwise something big will happen!"

"Yeah, almost your whole family will suffer! Your daughter-in-law is so pitiful, we feel distressed when we think about it. Such a good girl, you should treat others well!"

"Thanks to our early discovery today, we saved your daughter-in-law. You guys have helped your family save lives, and they even helped you watch the gate and caught a few chickens. Why do you have to say thank you? But You complain when you come up, isn't it too unconscionable?"

"If you really want to blame, then blame your livestock! Or? All slaughtered?"

"If you don't discriminate between right and wrong, and if you want to trouble us, just call the police! Let's see if the police care about your livestock or the living people! Whether to praise us for our courageous actions, or investigate your family's abuse of your daughter-in-law!"

The feeling of being besieged by the yin and yang strange qi of the whole village is so sour, Ding's father and Ding's mother are so angry that they want to vomit blood.Just as they were about to find fault, they didn't know who said, "The Qiao family is fighting, go and see!"


 Feel free to add more~
(End of this chapter)

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