honor me as god

Chapter 359

Chapter 359

The Black Gate is a claustrophobic prison set up at the beginning of the founding of Dogland. Few people in the outside world know what it looks like inside, because the Black Gate is just like its name, and it is filled with only endless darkness.

Heiguan was built under the bottom of the lake, far away from the surface. The coldness of the ground in the depths of the lake pervades every inch of space. There is only a path guarded by guards leading to the outside world. There is no other light, and the possibility of prisoners absconding is also eliminated.

The most frightening thing about Heiguan lies in the "sensation" of being imprisoned inside.

Because there is no light, the prisoners held inside will lose their judgment on time. When they first entered, they could count silently in their hearts and know how long it had passed.

But when time goes by, people slowly become numb, and the years lose their meaning, and they will never be remembered again.

In addition to becoming numb to the perception of time, the prisoner will be fixed on the torture device during his sentence in Heiguan, unable to move, there will be no wind flow around, no sound, and no trace of light. Even the body in contact with the torture instrument will gradually become numb due to the cold, and the whole person can neither hear nor feel anything, just like being exiled to the end of the world.

In such an absolutely dark environment, prisoners who are not psychologically strong will become irritable after a few days, and may become mentally disturbed in less than a month.In order to create a sense of existence that they are still alive, they do not hesitate to grind their wrists, bite off their tongues, and finally toss themselves to a bloody mess.

Humans may not be afraid of death, but this kind of loneliness of being locked up in a black prison, this kind of loneliness as if you are the only one left in the world, is absolutely unbearable for ordinary people.

Generally speaking, there are three types of prisoners held in black cells:

The first type of prisoner is an enemy spy.

In such an extreme environment, no matter how strong the psychological quality is, spies will sometimes collapse, and there are no secrets that cannot be revealed in Heiguan.

The second type of criminal is the kingdom traitor.

Those who have committed irreparable mistakes are not held here for interrogation, nor for any other reason, but simply to torture them, not only to torture the body, but also to torture the mind with darkness, tearing the existence of this person to pieces.

The third category of prisoners is war criminals or political prisoners.

There are many reasons why such prisoners are imprisoned in the black gate. They are to press for information, to punish them, and to use this terrible way of imprisonment to declare the unshakable majesty of the royal family.

Heiguan is the highest level of detention in Doguland. Those who enter the Heiguan must have the king's handbook, otherwise even princes and princesses are not allowed to enter without authorization. This is an iron law.

"Squeak" came the low and piercing sound of metal friction, and the black closed cell door was slowly opened, and the ground was filled with cold air, and the skin was covered with cold air that penetrated to the bone, and even the sense of smell would become numb at this temperature.

"Your Highness, please follow the fireflies, they will guide you forward." With the voice of the jailer, a figure entered, and the cell door behind him was closed again.

There is only endless darkness in front of my eyes, I can't see anything, I can't smell any smell, I can't hear any sound, except for the touch of the soles of the feet touching the ground, there is nothing that can make people feel their own existence...

At this moment, the first ray of firefly lights up, shining a faint light in the darkness. It floats in the air, like a dream, and dances leisurely in front of the visitor, leaving short but regular traces, as if implying that the future is coming. or follow it.

Heiguan Yingying, this creature is the only light source allowed in Heiguan.

For the prisoners who have been held here all year round, the light of the candle will temporarily break their sight from the darkness.

Goodbye to the light, it will take a lot of time to succumb to the darkness again, which is what the prison does not want to see.

But there are indeed visitors who come to visit with the king's handbook, and they must not be allowed to wander around in the dark.

Heiguan Yingying is the best substitute for this. Each firefly has undergone special training. As long as the insect cage is released, they will guide visitors through the darkness and bring them to the designated cell.

Under the guidance of Hei Guanying, the visitors walked forward slowly.

Like other prisons, there are guard levels in Heiguan. Those prisoners who performed relatively well and received gifts from their superiors will be kept close to the ground. Occasionally, they can hear the sound of rainwater falling on the lake. If they are lucky, they can still Saw a ray of light leaking in when the cell door opened and closed.

The lower you go, the more sensory deprivation you get.

The visitor didn't know how long he walked through the darkness, and finally followed Hei Guanying to the bottom.


Dead silence...

Standing in this place is like drifting in endless darkness, without any light, only loneliness and fear remain...

"Cough" Because the cold air inside was too cold, the visitor coughed unconsciously, but the sound was quickly annihilated in the darkness.

After a short period of silence, suddenly, a faint and eerie laughter sounded from a cell beside him: "Second brother, is that you?"

Andre ignored the voice, assuming that it didn't exist, he followed Hei Guanying and continued to move forward, only the depressing laughter kept coming from behind him: "Hehehehe."

Hei Guanying continued to fly for several minutes, and finally settled in front of a cell.

Andre took out the key given by the jailer and opened the cell door.

Entering, Andre closed the door, and with the sound of blowing, the flame lit the candle, illuminating the eternally dark space.

"Light is not allowed here, Your Highness." In the place illuminated by the candle, Kino was being imprisoned on the torture chair. His hands, feet, waist, and neck were all fixed and unable to move.

"Looking at this light will keep you from being defeated by the darkness for a long time." Andre inserted the candle into the crack of the wall, and gently put Kino's shoulder on it.

Kino's skin had already become extremely cold due to the invasion of the cold air from the ground. Andre took off his coat without hesitation and put it on Kino's body, leaving him the warmth and allowing himself to be exposed to the cold air.

Chino: "They're right."

Andre: "What is right?"

"You are a kind and friendly person." Kino's amber pupils reflected Andre's figure in the candlelight, and the corners of his lips were upturned as always, and he didn't know if he was really smiling. "No wonder they call you" Mercy" prince". "

"Be strict with yourself and be lenient with others. This is what my father taught me since I was a child. I just follow his teachings all the time." Andrei breathed out at his cold hands. He saves time, doesn't gossip, and gets straight to the point. "You don't even ask me what I'm here for?"

Kino smiled and said, "You worked so hard to get the written order from your father, you definitely didn't come to chat with me."

"You still have the mind to joke around now. I admire this kind of spirit, but I really don't recommend you to be so optimistic." Andre said with a solemn expression, "The "Plenary Meeting of the Kingdom" will be in three days. Fate has been pinched in the hands. "

Chino: "Now that I have reached this point, which way can I go?"

"I can help you." Andre looked into Chino's eyes, "I can help you win the chance to live."

(End of this chapter)

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