honor me as god

Chapter 414

Chapter 414
The 501th day of "Flower Language" in the year 12 of the Fire Calendar is a historic moment for the Kingdom of Dogland. The season of recovery of all things, laurel flowers fly all over the fields, and the "Seventh Sequence" that has not been reproduced for hundreds of years is born!

Denisa Doguland, whose life can be described as a mess, awakened the power of the sun at the age of 6, and then the sequence soared all the way, and the ascending sequence was faster than other big girls getting married and having children.

Last year, at the age of 15, she was already an extremely outrageous fifth sequence "Scorching Mang".

With the arrival of the new year, not long after her 16th adult birthday, she was appallingly promoted to the 6th sequence "Day-Sun Lord", as famous as King Perseus.

Everyone has not recovered from the shock. In the sequence test of "Flower Language" on the morning of the 12th, Denisa's various ability indicators broke through the critical value. After being confirmed by the sequence instructor and the king himself, the seventh sequence was officially announced. "Red Wheel" was born.

Why is the Denisa sequence promoted so quickly?do not know.

The only, but implausible, explanation is extraordinary talent.

It’s like when you were studying at school, you listened carefully to the lectures every day, took notes frequently, asked the teacher to answer questions after class, and memorized memorization in the shower.

Your deskmate sleeps in class every day, secretly buys snacks, plays wildly after school, doesn’t do homework, handing in homework is like killing someone.

The final final exam, as soon as the grades come out, bang, you are counting down in the class, and she is number one in her age group.

The same goes for Denisa, who has been possessed by a wine barrel and a pillow spirit since she was a child. She drinks when others eat, and sleeps when others practice, huh?training camp?Those who don't exist, love punishment, love scolding, you scold you, I sleep mine.Confinement?That's a good relationship, I'm just worried about not having a quiet place to sleep.

With this attitude, the final sequence test, bang, the 7th sequence.

Who's to make sense of this?

After officially announcing Denisa's promotion to the 7th sequence, Perseus held a celebration for her on the spot without any hesitation, and named her the "Chief Imperial Guard" and the title "King's Blade", indicating that this person is the strongest in the Dogrand Kingdom Or, unless there is another stronger person surpassing her, her fame will last forever.

Is Denisa happy?I am happy to say that I am happy, the salary is higher, and I can buy more alcohol in the future.

She was not happy or happy, she had to choose the time of sunrise for the sequence test, she was so sleepy that she was in a sleepwalking state the whole time, and she remembered that while she was standing and sneaking sleep, she made the seal of the sun god and waved her sword casually After a few times, there were screams everywhere, and the audience was shocked.

After reacting, the sequence instructor told her ecstatically: "My lord! You are the 7th sequence "Red Wheel"!

In this way, Denisa finished the celebration with her eyelids closed, accepted Perseus's congratulations, and won the title of "King's Blade". After that, she didn't see anyone, didn't go to the follow-up banquet, and went home as soon as she fell asleep under the quilt.

It doesn't matter if it's sequenced or not. Does it sound good for sleeping?
The king's sharp blade is useless, it's better to go home and sleep.

If you don't get a big pillow for the celebration, it's better to go home and sleep well.

Lay down under the quilt and let it go, it is better to go home and sleep.

"Dinisha! Come out and challenge me one-on-one!" In Meimei's sleep, a discordant voice suddenly sounded.

"Aba?" Denisa was woken up from her dream, she opened her eyes in a daze, and found that the sky was like blood, and the setting sun was already setting.

She looked sleepily at the clock shrouded in the setting sun
What, it's only 5 o'clock in the afternoon, it's too early, let's sleep for a while.

Denisa turned over and continued to sleep soundly, breathing evenly, and fell asleep.

She was sleeping in reality, she was sleeping in her dream, she was sleeping in her dream, she was sleeping in her dream, she was still sleeping in her dream, what a happy day!She was so refreshed that a smile appeared on her sleeping face.

"Dinisha! Come out and challenge me one-on-one!!" The discordant voice sounded again, breaking Denisa's dream.

Waking up from this kind of nesting doll dream was very uncomfortable. Denisa turned over irritably, covered her head with the quilt, and muttered, "Don't make noise! ​​Are you annoying?"

Denisa's sleep skills were even more exaggerated than her sequence. She fell asleep again in less than 3 seconds, and fell asleep directly.

fell asleep
"Dinisha! Come out and challenge me one-on-one!!!" The voice came into the dreamland again, louder than before, and directly shattered Denisa's dream.

Denisa was like ignited gunpowder, her temper exploded immediately, and she threw off the quilt and yelled angrily: "Is it sick?! If you don't sleep in the afternoon, call the door here. If you are sick, go to the doctor! Climb for me!"

Hasty footsteps sounded, and the servant walked cautiously into the door, nodded and said, "My lord, there are people outside who have been calling for a one-on-one fight with you, why don't you go down and have a look?"

Denisa tossed and turned in bed like a sleepy bug, her head frowned irritably: "Can't you just drive people away! Do you still want to ask me about this kind of thing?"

The servant said obediently: "This person really needs you to deal with it yourself."

"I'm really convinced, who is so powerful?" Denisa sighed and rolled her eyes, got dressed slowly, and went downstairs yawning.

Before we even reached the door, there were shouts and curses from outside: "Dinisha! Come out and challenge me one-on-one!!!"

"It's really sick. Did this person get his brain caught by the door or kicked by a donkey? He came to me to find a sense of existence." Denisa pushed the door impatiently and walked out.

Soon, she saw something fluttering in the wind in the setting sun—the fighting flag.

Dogrand is a country of martial arts, and fighting flags are part of the kingdom's culture, which originated when the "ancient king" founded the country.

It is said that back then, there were two fierce generals under the command of the ancient king vying for the position of the number one warrior in the kingdom.

In order to resolve the dispute, the ancient king called the two men together, set up a fighting flag, and agreed that the two warriors could fight each other in front of the king.

The result of the duel is not important, anyway, one person wins and one person loses.

The important thing is that the ancient king provided an absolutely fair opportunity for the two of them, there was no conspiracy, no secret fighting, and if they wanted to compete, they would be upright and square, just like real warriors.

As soon as the result of the heads-up match came out, the winner deserved his name, and the loser had no complaints. The two warriors embraced each other, shook hands and made peace, and the dispute between the troops under their command ceased to exist.

This tradition of single-handedly fighting with fighting flags has continued to this day along with the long history of the Dogoland Kingdom, and has become part of its martial arts culture.

The setting sun is like blood today, and in front of Denisa's mansion, a fiery red flag flutters in the wind, like a galloping fire dragon, extremely domineering and quite imposing.

I saw the flag, but no people.

Denisa crossed her waist and looked around: "Where is the person? Why is there only the fighting flag here? Don't just run away after calling the door."

The servant reminded in a low voice: "My lord, please look down."

Denisa lowered her head upon hearing the sound, oh!It turned out to be here, as high as the knee, no wonder I didn't see it just now.

I saw a little girl with fiery red hair standing in front of Denisa. She looked about 3 or 4 years old. She was staring at those same red eyes, and her face was bulging like a meat bun. , It feels very good at first glance, and the menacing appearance is like a little dragon cub that has just learned to demonstrate.

Denisa raised her eyebrows, looked at the little girl who only reached her knees, and then at the fighting flag behind her, feeling that her IQ had been insulted.

The little loli was aggressive, and she shouted in a milky voice: "Dinisha! One-on-one with me!"

Denisa was suddenly inexplicable: "No, who are you? Do I know you? Are you lost???"

The little loli bared her teeth and claws, her tone was obviously vicious, but her voice was full of tenderness: "I, Lorna Finn Regnome, challenge you to a duel!"

"Lorna Finn Regnome" Denisa was taken aback for a moment, and then quickly realized, "Oh oh oh! Are you Sting's daughter?"

Lorna seemed to have been touched by Ni Lin, and her whole body exploded: "I'm not my father's daughter!!!"

"Aren't you Sting's daughter???" Denisa was dumbfounded, she thought to herself: Will the king's left hand be green?Bull, bull, I can no longer believe in love these days.

Lorna stomped her feet and angrily corrected Denisa: "I'm not Daddy's daughter! I'm Mama's daughter!"

Denisa was even more confused: "Is there any difference?"

"It's different!" Lorna puffed up her cheeks and clenched her fists tightly, "Father is a bad guy! My mother, Bailong Sula!"

Denisa couldn't help smiling, showing a friendly smile: "Bailong Sura and I are good friends. You come to my house to stay for one night first, and I will go to Lenglie Valley with you tomorrow to see the dragon's tomb." Is she okay?"

Lorna frowned again: "You are not allowed to go!!!"

Denisa touched the back of her head suspiciously: "Why are you not allowed to go?"

Lorna said angrily: "Because, you are a thief! You stole the title of mother!"

Denisa suddenly laughed uglier than crying: "You said "King's Blade"?This is not what I want to be!I told Perseus that I'm not interested in being King's Blade, why don't you do it yourself.As a result, he said, 'The king has already decided, you will be the king's blade', what can I do? "

"So, I want to fight with you!" Lorna's big eyes were wide open, and she waved her pink fist. Because she was too young and angry, she couldn't speak clearly, and her words were intermittent, "I want, Beat you! In this way, I will become the King's Blade! Give back the title to Mom!"

Seeing that Lorna not only planted the fighting flag, but also brought the dueling weapons - a rice fork in her left hand and a spoon in her right hand, Denisa burst into laughter: "You little dragon cub is so powerful! You two swords! ? I don’t even know how to use double swords, can you teach me?”

Lorna's face was flushed with anger, and with one stroke of the rice fork and spoon, she rushed to Denisa, and cried out in a milky voice, "I'm fighting with you! Yah!!!"

In the middle of Lorna's "Dragon Cub Rush," Denissa stretched out her finger and flicked it on her forehead.

Denisa could swear on her pillow, she really really didn't use any strength!

But she seemed to have forgotten that she was a transcendent no matter what, and the other party was a little girl under 4 years old. Her "light flick" was still very heavy for Lorna.

"Boom!" Lorna was hit hard on the forehead, and her whole body rolled seven or eight meters away like a ball. She fell on her back, dizzy, and many places on her body were broken, bleeding out.

"Hiss—" Denisa gasped, realizing that she had gotten into trouble, and looked around at a loss, wondering if she should lie on the ground and pretend to be dead.

Lorna's rice fork and spoon fell to the side, and her body was covered with wounds and mud. She clutched her swollen forehead and was at a loss for a moment, apparently not expecting to be defeated so easily.

Generally speaking, if a young girl falls like this, she won't be able to stop crying for half an hour.

In fact, Lorna was also crying from the pain. It was a physiological reaction, and she couldn't control it no matter what. Transparent teardrops gushed out of those big watery eyes and dripped down her chin, but her But his fists were still clenched, his lower lip was biting tightly, his cheeks were puffed up, he shed so many tears, he just didn't cry, that stubborn look made people feel distressed and cute.

In the end, Denisa became a human again, and she didn't choose to fall to the ground and pretend to be dead. She shrank her head, walked up to Lorna, touched her little head, and said in a low voice: "I'm sorry, little dragon cub, sister It hurt too much just now, right?"

"It doesn't hurt!" Lorna was very stubborn. She picked up her rice fork and spoon, and got up from the ground again. Her dirty little face was like a kitten, and she said fiercely, "You , Hit me seriously! Take yours, Twilight, out!"

"Oh! You also know my sword "Twilight"?Did you investigate me specifically? ! "Dinisha is too tall to squat down and can't look at Lorna at the same level. She doesn't think it's dirty, she sits directly on the ground, wipes the dirt off Lorna's face with the sleeve of her pajamas, and said with a smile, "Little dragon cub, we don't Is it okay to fight?Fighting is so boring, I will take you to eat meat. "

"Okay, okay." Upon hearing the meat, Lorna immediately began to salivate, her eyes lit up, and she nodded like a chicken pecking at rice.

But soon, she came back to her senses and stomped her feet angrily: "No, it's not good! I just want to beat you up! Take back the title of mother!"

Denisa smiled slightly: "You really want to replace your mother as the "King's Blade"? "

"Yes! I want to become the King's Blade, and then give her the title back!" The setting sun shone into Lorna's eyes, and the light flowed like a pure ruby, with an expression full of longing, "Mom is, a great hero! Mom is Forever, King's Blade!"

Denisa couldn't help smiling, she held Lorna's small face in her hands, her smile became deep, and her eyes were filled with gentle light: "Then, shall I make a promise with you?"

Lorna also became serious and asked, "What agreement?"

Denisa hugged Lorna lightly with one hand, pointed at the fighting flag under the setting sun with the other hand, and said in an encouraging tone: "You must be safe in this life, and beat me when you grow up, so that you will be the "King's Blade" . "

Lorna was afraid that Denisa would repent, and stared at her with her hips on her hips: "You, keep your word! I will beat you soon!"

Denisa smiled softly, she left a kiss on Lorna's forehead, and embraced the orphan of this good friend, her eyes were full of regret for the loss of the old man, and the tenderness of the big sister: "Little dragon cub, Grow up quickly."

(End of this chapter)

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