honor me as god

Chapter 865 Time flies

Chapter 865 Time flies
"Ah! Ah!" The immature shouts kept ringing, accompanied by sweat on the hot training ground.

In front of the wooden dummy, 3-year-old little Lorna was carrying a spear that was several times her height, stabbing at the wooden dummy continuously. The posture was decent, but the milky shouts were in contrast to her height. It's really funny.

Most of the people who practice in the palace training ground are elite soldiers or imperial guards. The appearance of such a young child is really a different sight, and the soldiers around are all looking at her with interest.

When Denisa passed by here, she saw little Lorna, and asked Sting with a puzzled face, "What is she doing?"

Sting sighed helplessly, and said, "Isn't it the last time you knocked me over at the door of my house, I was not convinced, I clamored to come to the training, and said that I would continue to fight with you after the training."

"Huh???" Denisa didn't know whether to laugh or cry.

Little Lorna also noticed Denisa at this time, and stared at her fiercely, her cheeks were round and round, like inflated balloons.

Denisa coughed lightly in embarrassment, and walked up, she looked at the wooden gun in Lorna's hand, recalled the scene of meeting her for the first time, couldn't help but find it funny, and deliberately teased her: "Hey~ little dragon cub, your fan Where's the fork and the rice spoon? Don't play double swords anymore?"

"Don't make noise!" Little Lorna blushed when she mentioned the embarrassing incident of using tableware as a weapon to fight against Denisa last time. She threw the wooden gun to the ground and said mightily with her arms akimbo. , "The gun is my mother's best weapon, I will use it to win you!"

"Yo! How powerful are you? Then let me see how much you have grown." Denisa, also like a child who hasn't grown up, deliberately hooked her fingers at little Lorna and made faces.

Little Lorna was furious, and rushed forward with a shout while holding a wooden gun.

Denisa easily avoided the wooden gun, and flicked Lorna's forehead with her finger. This time, she controlled the strength and did not bounce her away like last time, but let her fall and sit on the ground.

Seeing that little Lorna was in a hurry, Denisa didn't continue to tease her. She patted her head in a friendly manner and said earnestly, "Little Dragon Cub, this is not acceptable. You must know that I am much stronger than you." .If you want to defeat the strong, you must not be reckless, you must know how to use some skills."

Little Lorna was a little engrossed, and her mood was not so irritable. She tilted her head and asked, "What do you mean?"

"It means that you have to use some means to make up the gap, such as small tricks." Denisa didn't think it was dirty, she lay down on the ground and said, "Come on, come and hit me."

After finishing speaking, Denisa actually started to sleep soundly in front of her face. This kind of contemptuous behavior made little Lorna jump up and rush over to beat her.

"Shua!" Little Lorna just approached, suddenly, Denisa raised her hand, grabbed the sand from the training ground and threw it on her face, just now she pretended to be asleep to trick her into attacking, so she was playing a dirty trick.

"Bah! Bah, bah, bah!" Little Lorna's face was blurred, her eyes couldn't open, she kept spitting out the sand that got into her mouth, her legs twitched in a panic, and she fell to the ground with a plop.

"Oh, you've been knocked down again~" Denisa patted little Lorna on the head and said with a smile, "How's it going, have you learned?"

Little Lorna thumped the ground angrily: "You are cheating!"

Denisa said innocently: "Soldiers never tire of cheating. There is no such thing as cheating or cheating on the battlefield."

Little Lorna couldn't say no to her, her cheeks puffed up again, and she glared at her viciously.

Denisa smiled angrily, helped little Lorna rub her cheeks, sat in front of her, and coaxed: "Okay, okay, can I admit my mistake? In this way, I messed with you once, and you messed with me once, too. I will not cheat this time."

"You said it! Don't hide!"

"Don't hide, whoever hides is the puppy."

Little Lorna grabbed the sand on the ground, and Denisa also sat upright, ready to let her throw it.

However, little Lorna hesitated for a long time, finally loosened the sand, clapped her hands and said proudly: "Humph! No, I don't want to play these tricks! If you want to fight, I will beat you openly and squarely from now on!"

Denisa was taken aback for a moment, then laughed loudly, took little Lorna's hand to help her pat the sand, and said dotingly: "Okay~ Then you grow up quickly, I'll wait for you to beat me."

By the warm water lake, the wind from the lake carried a fishy smell. Lorna, who had been beaten all over her body, fell in front of Denisa, bleeding from her mouth and nose.

Denisa looked down at Lorna silently, her eyes were deep, but she was silent.

"Hiss..." Under Denisa's gaze, Lorna's body curled up into a ball and trembled slightly, her face was buried in her arms, and the sound of sobbing and whimpering sounded faintly, making people feel pitiful.

At this moment, Denisa's eyes fell into a little daze, frozen there like a statue, and she was at a loss for a while.

As Lorna cried, Denisa squatted down and subconsciously put her hand on her head, wanting to touch it gently
Without warning, Denisa's wrist was suddenly grabbed, and she fell forward uncontrollably. Then, a suffocatingly hot wind rushed towards her face.

I saw Lorna restraining Denisa's actions with one hand, and the other hand turned into red dragon claws under the power of dragon blood, and she entered a partial true dragon form.

"Boom—" the surface of the dragon's claw was shining with flaming spots, and it grabbed Denisa's face with majestic momentum.

Looking at Lorna's face again, not to mention the tears shed from crying, there is not even a trace of tears, only the dried blood stains speak of the determination in her heart.

"Boom!" A violent collision sounded, and Denisa raised her hand and grabbed Lorna's dragon claw in the air. The palm of her hand was burnt to pieces by the high temperature in an instant, but she seemed to be unable to feel anything, and stopped the sharp blow within easy reach. distance.

"I thought that what I taught you would go in the left ear and out the right ear." Dinessa looked at Lorna who was clenching her teeth, as if she was looking at the child who was competing with her back then, and said lightly, " Looks like I've learned something."

Lorna pretended to cry to get Denisa's sympathy, and wanted to sneak attack at close range, but she didn't expect Denisa's reaction to be so fast, and the strength was strong enough to suppress the dragon claws in the partial real dragon form, which made her heart ache. Suddenly it was half cold.

Lorna in the 6th sequence was unable to grasp the complete meaning of the true dragon form, and could not fully transform into a dragon form. She was facing a real 7th sequence powerhouse like Denisa, and the result of the wrestling was naturally no suspense .

"Crack, click." As Denisa continued to exert force, the dragon scales on Lorna's body deformed, and the joints of the dragon's claws also made the sound of bones twisting, causing her to sweat profusely.

"You think I dare not really do anything to you, don't you? You think I'm scaremongering?" Denisa suddenly exerted force, pulling and breaking Lorna's balance, knocking her to the ground, and at the same time using anti-joint skills Locking her arm, she exerted all her strength.

"Crack!" Lorna's right arm was broken in the throbbing pain.
"Lorna! Why are you beating someone outside again?!"

"That scoundrel said I don't have a mother! Why can't I hit him? I obviously have a mother!"

".I've told you many times that my mother has passed away. Some children may not know what's going on in our family. You just need to explain it clearly to them. Don't hit people at every turn."

"I don't! I'll beat anyone who says I don't have a mother! Beat him up!"

"I tell you! You have such a bad temper, you will have no friends in the future!"

"If you don't have friends, you don't have friends! Don't talk to me if you have the skills! Hmph!!!"

"Get out of here and stand for punishment! You are not allowed to eat tonight!"

"If you don't eat, you don't eat!"

Little Lorna, who lost her mother since she was a child, is a child who lacks love since she was a child. She has a sensitive personality, is irritable, and has an inferiority complex that she didn't realize in her heart.

Whenever facing other children, on the topic of parents, if the other party has a little verbal offense, she will fight, using this aggressive way to protect her self-esteem, as if only in this way, she is not a motherless Poor thing.

Huixue on the evening of the 20th, according to the custom of the Regnome family, before going to the palace to attend the New Year's banquet at the end of the year, they would first invite relatives and friends to their home for a small gathering.

Denisa was invited this year to have dinner with Sting and others in Lenglie Valley. Who would have thought that when she arrived at the private house, she found a small figure standing outside the door in the heavy snow. Lorna.

Little Lorna stood there motionless, her eyes filled with aggrieved eyes, her two small fists were clenched tightly together, a thick layer of snow fell on her shoulders, those who didn't know thought it was a small statue.

Seeing this, Denisa rubbed the back of her head and asked inexplicably, "Little Dragon Cub, what are you doing? Are you practicing some kind of peerless magic?"

Little Lorna gave Denisa a nasty look, not wanting to talk to her.

The Regenom tribe who accompanied Denisa explained: "I got into trouble. I was arguing with people outside during the day and knocked out the front tooth of the military commander's son with a punch. The eldest brother is making her stand and think about it."

Denisa looked at little Lorna in surprise and said, "The son of Lengliegu's military commander. I remember he is four or five years older than you, so you dare to go up and beat me to see if he was injured?"

The entourage grabbed Denisa, smiled helplessly, and said, "You are so brave, she made people cry with one punch. She is in a fit of anger, so leave her alone, let's go in first."

As an outsider, Denisa didn't care too much about other people's family affairs, so she bypassed little Lorna and followed others into the mansion.

As night fell, the mansion gradually rang out with laughter and laughter. It must have been the beginning of the banquet. Everyone was immersed in the joy of reunion at the end of the year, sharing the gains of the past year with friends who came from all over the world.

However, not everyone can enjoy this kind of joy, at least not the child who was punished to stand in the snow
It snows heavily all year round in the Lenglie Valley, and the flying snowflakes flutter wantonly, making it extremely cold.

To say that little Lorna is quite stubborn, she is still young, the dragon blood in her body has not awakened, and she does not have the physique of an adult Regnome who is not afraid of the severe cold, her lips are purple from the cold, but she still said no. Standing in the ice and snow.

Of course, hunger was more tormenting than the cold. The smell of various delicacies from the banquet was constantly wafting in the wind, but she was not allowed to eat it even though she was close at hand. Her stomach was already rumbling in protest.

In the past, she would definitely run in and eat, but now she is competing with Sting, and her self-esteem does not allow her to give in in front of her father, so she just endures it.

Standing and standing, little Lorna felt a sudden itch on the left side of her cheek, as if she had been lightly poked by something.

She turned her head and saw nothing.

The right cheek itch again.

She turned her head to look, but saw nothing.

However, the faint snickering from behind made little Lorna realize who the other party was, and she stomped impatiently: "Don't poke me!"

Denisa smiled and helped little Lorna pat off the snow on her shoulders, and said pitifully, "Oh, little dragon cub, don't be so fierce all the time, you can't make friends if you are too fierce~"

Little Lorna snorted and muttered in a low voice: "I don't want friends, it's best if everyone hates me!"

This is a typical child's angry words, and Denisa also knew that she was still angry with Sting, so she said angrily: "You, don't compete with your dad, he is comfortable with wine and meat, you Standing here hungry, is it a loss? Come, come, let's go to the banquet to eat."

Little Lorna puffed her cheeks, but still said stubbornly: "Don't eat, I'm not hungry."

Denisa: "But your stomach is growling."

"I won't eat that either!" Pointing to the sky, little Lorna said with a proud face, "I, Lorna Finn Regnome, am strong! I won't eat if I say I won't eat today!"

Denisa took out the tablecloth from her arms, opened it to reveal the fragrant barbecue, and said, "Are you sure you don't want to eat it? I brought you delicious meat."

"Meat!" Little Lorna's eyes were shining, and she couldn't help but squeezed to Denisa's side. She grabbed the barbecue meat with her fleshy little hands and stuffed it into her mouth.

Denisa raised a question mark: "Aren't you not going to eat?"

Little Lorna came back to her senses in a daze, her face flushed with anxiety, and she stammered to explain: "I, I mean don't eat. Eating meat is not eating. Can meat be the same as rice?!"

Denisa exclaimed in her heart, this woman's logic is so terrifying.

At this moment, Sting's gloomy voice came from not far away: "Lorna, how do you think about it, do you know that you are wrong?"

While covering with her body, Denisa stuffed the meat into little Lorna's mouth, urging: "Eat quickly, the villain is coming!"

Little Lorna hid in Denisa's arms, she didn't even have time to chew the meat, she swallowed as much as she could, looking like a thief cat in a hurry.

After stuffing the meat, Denisa hid the tablecloth, turned around and said to Sting solemnly: "You are here, your daughter said just now, it is impossible to admit your mistake, the little dragon cub is strong, say no today If you eat, you don't eat!"

Steen snorted heavily, then shook his sleeves and left: "Then continue to be hungry! Let's see how long you can last!"

"Pfft..." After Sting left, Denisa was still holding back her laughter, but when she saw little Lorna's greasy mouth, she couldn't hold back any longer and slapped her thighs wildly.

Slowly, little Lorna couldn't hold back anymore, grinned unconsciously, and for the first time showed a silly smile in front of Denisa.

The two just looked at each other and laughed, their laughter echoing in the wind and snow.

"Hiss - hiss - huh" Lorna fell to the ground, her breathing was disordered, and her body was trembling constantly due to the severe pain of her arm being broken.

Denisa pulled a piece of cloth from her sleeve, wrapped it around the palm that was burned by the dragon's claw just now, and said lightly: "Lie down, don't move any more, I'll come back to pick you up when I'm done with the outside things. doctor."

After finishing speaking, Denisa walked towards the exit of the palace, preparing to kill Kino and Fitch who raided the palace.

However, she hadn't gone far when the scorching wind pressure hit from behind. She turned sideways and grabbed the volley, accurately intercepting the piercing blood oath, clamping it in the air and being unable to move.

"Don't go." Lorna's broken arm hangs in front of her body, her other hand clenched the blood oath, her eyes fixed on Denisa, full of determination to fight to the death, "I didn't lose!"

Denisa's eyes gradually turned cold, and her knuckles and palm joints became tense and white due to excessive force: "Little dragon cub, since you were a child, do you know what annoys me the most?"

"What annoys me the most is that you are always so stubborn. I have told you many things that you cannot do, but you still have to do what you want. How many times I have told you that I don't want to talk to you, but you still have to pester me endlessly like a maggot."

Denisa exerted all her strength to pull the blood oath, directly shaking Lorna out of her hand, then grabbed the hem of the shirt and flipped it to the ground, clasped the intact left arm behind her, and said coldly: "I must break it!" You can't move your hands and feet, so you are willing to lie down obediently, right?"

Lorna turned her head with difficulty and looked sideways at Denisa. She clenched her teeth and said in a trembling voice, "I want you to give me an answer."

Denisa: "What answer?"

"Why on earth did you seek refuge with Andre?" Lorna's eyes were full of sadness and confusion, as if she was looking at a man who had changed beyond recognition, "I don't believe you are doing it for money. You are not that kind of person. Do you have any difficulties?" Become like this? You tell me!"

Under Lorna's eager gaze, Denisa remained silent for a long time. Her eyes trembled slightly, but they were so deep that it seemed that even the sun in the sky couldn't light up.

After a long silence, she gave Lorna the answer with actions.

"Crack!" Lorna's left arm was broken as Denisa exerted force.
The Tomb of the Giant Dragon in Lenglie Valley, this is the cemetery where the Regnome family buried the deceased Dragon Knight. Each tombstone is a legend, a piece of the past.

The mountain road leading to the tomb of the giant dragon is lit with long-lived candles, and the fluttering flames radiate warm light in the cold wind, not only for the dead to sleep, but also for the living to lead the way, setting off the unique silence and solemnity here.

Now it was late at night, it was cold and lonely, but a figure came out from the curtain of flying snow, and I saw Denisa holding a bunch of white flowers, and came to a tombstone in the center of the cemetery.

The most legendary figure in Dogrand in recent decades is buried here, as well as her friend, White Dragon Sura.

When Sura was still alive, Denisa and her were close friends. Later, the two parted ways because of certain things, and life and death were separated. However, Denisa would still come to the grave of the deceased every year to send a bouquet of flowers to commemorate the period that passed away. friendship in time.

Denisa put the bouquet in front of Sura's tomb, staring deeply at the tombstone, at this moment, something moved beside her.

"Oh!." It was night, and it was the cemetery again. Denisa was frightened. She looked over and couldn't help but opened her eyes and exclaimed: "Little dragon cub?"

I saw a small figure leaning against Sura's tombstone. It was none other than little Lorna. She was wrapped in a thick quilt and curled up into a ball. Only half of her face was exposed. Tombstone is sleeping.

Because she stayed in the snow for too long, her quilt was covered with snow, which almost blended with the surrounding scenery. No wonder she was not found at first.

Denisa couldn't fix this scene. She poked little Lorna's face and called out, "Hey, wake up, why are you sleeping here? Wake up!"

Little Lorna fell into a deep sleep, and Denisa shook for a while before waking up gradually. She looked at Denisa blankly, her eyes were a little blurred, and her consciousness seemed to be blurred by sleep: "Mom?"

Denisa smiled angrily and said, "Hey, I'm not even in my twenties, so it's inappropriate for you to call me so old? Besides, sister, I'm a heartthrob, so I can't take advantage of an old man like your dad." .”

Little Lorna blinked her sleepy eyes, and then fully woke up, and said in surprise: "Why are you, go away, you are not allowed to come here!"

Denisa asked inexplicably, "Why not?"

Little Lorna said angrily: "Because you are a thief, you stole the title of Mother King's Blade!"

"Oh, Zai Zai, how many times have I explained this to you, let's not mention it again." Denisa swept the snow on the ground, sat next to little Lorna, and said softly, "And Ah, Sura and I used to be good friends, you can't stop me from worshiping, can you?"

Little Lorna didn't take it seriously, and didn't want to admit defeat. Her response was full of childishness, just one word: "Huh!"

"Humph! Humph——" Denisa slapped little Lorna with her head as she meowed like a pig.

"Hahahahaha, you are so childish!" Little Lorna pressed Denisa's head and laughed out loud.

After playing around, Denisa took off her warm parka, put it on the outside of little Lorna's quilt, reached in between the quilts, held those cold little hands, and said with concern: "Okay , Look at you, you don’t sleep in the bedroom with a fireplace at home, and you come here in the middle of the night, your hands are almost frozen into ice, I will take you back.”

"I won't go back." Little Lorna lowered her eyes and murmured, "I don't want to go back to that kind of place."

Denisa blinked: "What's the matter? Did you quarrel with Dad again?"

Little Lorna looked sad, but remained silent.

Denisa's thoughts were very delicate, and she noticed that little Lorna was abnormal, so she stopped smiling, put her arms around her shoulders, and asked softly, "What's the matter? You can tell my sister if you have anything."

This time, little Lorna didn't resist Denisa, let her hold her, and whispered softly: "Dinisha, I'm so lonely."

"When my mother was still alive, she would accompany me every day, take me out to play during the day, cook for me when I got home, and tell me stories before going to bed at night. Although I can't remember many details, but at that time I Really happy."

"After my mother passed away, my father was busy with official duties outside every day, and he didn't see him for ten days and a half months. Even when he went home occasionally, he didn't take me to play. He always told me to learn this, practice that, and didn't take care of me at all. feeling."

"The children from my relatives don't play with me either. They think I'm too fierce and have a bad temper. They are all afraid of me. Even if I take the initiative to express friendship, they don't want to get close to me."

"Every time I am alone at home and I have no one to talk to, I want to cry, but I don't know who to cry to. There is nothing but cold furniture and walls, so I don't want to go back"

"Only here, leaning on my mother's tombstone like this, as if she is by my side, can I feel less lonely"

After listening to little Lorna's words, Denisa felt a wave of excitement in her heart, and her eyes began to heat up.

A five or six-year-old child, her father doesn't accompany her, her peers ignore her, she stays in an empty home every day and is swallowed up by loneliness. Because she misses her mother so much, she runs to the cemetery wrapped in a quilt in the middle of the night and sleeps in the ice and snow , I hope to be closer to my dead mother.

Denisa really couldn't imagine how uncomfortable a child would be to do such a thing.

Is loneliness a word that should appear in a child's mouth?

"Little Dragon Cub" Denisa turned her head slightly so that little Lorna could not see her face, at the same time raised her sleeves to wipe something, and said softly, "If you have nothing to do in Lenglie Valley, come to Wangcheng often. "

Little Lorna tilted her head: "Wangcheng."

"Well, then you can stay at my house." Denisa wiped her face with her sleeve, and then she turned her head, her eyes were red, but she was full of a gentle smile, "I will take care of you .”

Little Lorna was a little dazed at first, with her mouth slightly open, and a look of longing appeared on her face. She raised her fist and asked excitedly, "You, can you play with me then?"

Denisa smiled and said: "Of course! I am very free and have a lot of time to accompany you. At that time, I will be like Sura, take you to play during the day, and do it for you at night—er, I can't do it." Let the servants do the cooking, and we eat together! Bedtime stories, I still tell some~"

"Don't lie to me, keep your word!" Little Lorna held Denisa tightly, afraid that this was some kind of casual joke.

Denisa showed a gentle smile and patted little Lorna's head: "What you say is what you say~"

"Yeah!" Little Lorna's eyes were full of longing, as if stars were shining
Denisa took little Lorna's hand and said, "Let's go, it's too cold here, let's go back. I'll spend the night at your place today, and tomorrow we'll say hello to your dad, and then we'll go back to Wangcheng~"

"Wait a minute." Little Lorna stopped Denisa. She stood on tiptoe and found that she was not tall enough, so she jumped up and said, "You, you are too tall, squat down!"

"What's wrong?" Denisa squatted down very cooperatively.

Little Lorna took off the parka Denisa gave her, tiptoed, put it back on Denisa, wrapped herself tightly in a small quilt and said naively: "It's cold here, put on your clothes, don't catch a cold gone."

Denisa pursed her lips and smiled lightly, lifted the wide hem of her clothes to wrap little Lorna in it, and the two walked towards the depths of the wind and snow cuddled together.

After both arms were broken, Lorna basically lost the ability to move. Not to mention continuing to fight with Denisa, it became extremely difficult to prop up her fallen body.

"Hoo hoo." The severe pain tore through the nerves, almost suffocating, Lorna moved to a tree with difficulty, and barely sat up with the trunk as a support.

Lorna looked at Denisa not far away, with anger, horror, and unspeakable desolation in her eyes. She struggled to adjust her breathing rhythm, and the power of dragon blood condensed in her body, ready to attack Denisa again: "Toor—"

"Crack!" Before Lorna could breathe out the dragon's breath, her throat was strangled by Denisa who jumped in front of her, and she couldn't move.

Lorna struggled, and suddenly shed tears.

"You were the one who asked me before, but now I also have questions to ask you." Denisa looked at Lorna silently, and asked in a low voice, "Why? Why do you continue to fight when you know it's impossible to win against me?"

Lorna shed tears, and her words were full of unwillingness: "I can't accept that you are such a person"

Denisa: "What kind of person should I be?"

Lorna choked up and said, "You may be really lazy because you like drinking and sleeping, but you are by no means a person with no bottom line. It is impossible for you to betray your principles for a little money like now."

Denisa didn't speak, but the corner of her mouth unconsciously tugged.

Lorna's body was trembling with pain, and she whimpered, "You have dueled me many times and knocked me down many times, but you never really hurt me. Why, Denisa. Why did you do this? thing?"

"You are like this now, which makes me feel that the relationship you have been with for more than ten years is fake. Is your love for me all fake? Is it all fake?"

Denisa was silent, her eyes were inexplicably bleak, seeing the familiar child in front of her with such a strange expression, she was unable to answer for a long time.

In the end, her lips trembled slightly, and her voice became blurred and hoarse: "Maybe... I was a bastard who didn't deserve your respect from the beginning to the end."

"Bang!" Denisa picked up Lorna in the air, and hit her lower abdomen with a heavy knee. The severe pain swept through her body like a wave, swallowing all her strength.

Lorna collapsed on the ground, her pupils were dilated, her body was trembling, and she was spitting out blood.

Gloomy, sad, powerless, hopeless.
This time, she didn't have the strength to stand up anymore.
Little Lorna, who lost her mother, was a child who lacked love since she was a child. An overly strong father could not fill the supposed gentle maternal love, but this vacancy was filled by another unrelated person.

Since Denisa took her to the royal city, little Lorna seemed to have entered another completely different world.

Here, she made friends with many children of the same age, and she no longer had to face the awed and alienated eyes of the children in the clan.

She has a home full of security, and she doesn't have to carry the quilt to sleep next to her mother's tombstone every day.

Most importantly, little Lorna has someone to accompany her.

Denisa would often take her to play by the lake, watch the sunset in the setting sun, and run together in the streets and alleys of Wangcheng.

With someone to accompany her, she doesn't have to pretend to be strong all the time, she doesn't have to envy other children's harmonious and complete families, and she doesn't have to work hard to maintain her too fragile self-esteem.

Rather than saying that this is her second home, it is better to say it is her real home.

One evening, when Denisa just woke up from her afternoon nap, little Lorna came back angrily, and sat on the ground sulking as soon as she entered the door, as if she had been wronged.

Denisa looked over and her expression changed drastically: "Hey, little dragon cub, what happened to your face? Who beat you?!"

I saw two big slap marks on little Lorna's face, which were obviously left not long ago. She said angrily: "Daddy hit me! He said I've been out for too long, and told me to live in the next few months." I didn’t agree to go back to Lengliegu, so he scolded me for being ignorant and hit me in front of everyone!”

Denisa was a little angry at first, but when she saw little Lorna being beaten up, she was going to explode, so she took her hand and walked out: "Go! Let's settle the score with the old thief Sting!"

Steen recently held a meeting in Wangcheng, and there was a meeting in the afternoon, and he was discussing issues with his colleagues in front of the conference hall.

While chatting, a lioness-like roar came from outside the door: "Get out, old thief Sting!"

Sting was stunned for a moment, then turned around blankly, only to see Denisa leading little Lorna in, but the guards outside the door couldn't stop them, and they didn't dare to stop them either.

Little Lorna hid behind Denisa and looked at Sting secretly, with a smirk of "Hit me, right? I'm calling someone!".

Seeing this posture, Sting knew that it was probably because his daughter had gone to Denisa to file a complaint after being beaten.

Being scolded as an old thief in front of so many people, Sting couldn't hold back his face. He lowered his voice and scolded Denisa: "What are you doing, didn't you see that this is a formal occasion? I have something to talk about after the meeting."

Denisa was directly annoyed and laughed: "Yo, yo, you still know how to save face? You beat up the little dragon cub, and let the girl be watched with two slap marks on her face. Why didn't you consider her? face?"

Disregarding the occasion, Denisa started yelling directly: "Come and see! How mighty our Lord Sting is~ He looks talented outside, but beats his daughter violently at home. Is this the left hand of King Dogland? Really? It's domineering enough~"

The king's sharp blade angered the king's left hand. This kind of "big scene" is rare to see once in a hundred years. The ministers dare not talk too much. They turned their heads one by one, pretending to be looking at the scenery.

Sting couldn't hold back his face, his face turned red and turned pale, and angrily said, "Don't go too far!"

Sting was louder, and Denisa was even louder, scolding like a street shrew: "How dare you get angry? I'm fucking angry! You have worked so hard to take care of your children, and finally put on a few pounds, white and tender , was blushed by your two slaps."

"Your uncle, the child I dote on, was you beaten casually by you?!"

Denisa turned to little Lorna, "How many times did he slap you?"

Little Lorna was full of pride, hiding behind her and yelling: "Twice! It hurts!"

"Huh——" Sun Jinhuo swept out of Denisa's body, locking Sting firmly like a rope, she pointed at Sting's nose, and said to Little Lorna: "Go, give him two slaps! "

"Ah?!" Little Lorna was dumbfounded.

Although she has a bad temper, willfulness, and disobedience to discipline, but the most basic sense of seniority is still there.

Even if she punched Sting [-] times in her heart to vent her anger, if she was really asked to do such a coquettish thing as beating her father, she would inevitably feel guilty and shrink her head not to move.

Sting was also dumbfounded by Denisa. With so many colleagues here, if his daughter slapped him twice in public, would it be okay?
He couldn't get rid of the golden fire of the sun, and threatened little Lorna with his eyes: "How dare you?!"

This is great, Little Lorna didn't dare at first, and she had already given in, but she was so provoked by Sting, with her reckless and violent temper, can this be tolerated?Don't even dare!
Little Lorna ran forward angrily, jumped twice in front of Sting, and slapped him on the face with her fleshy little hands piapia.

It was the first time in her life that she fought back against Sting, and little Lorna was so happy that she was bubbling, but what followed was a panic of immorality, as if she had encountered some unprecedented disaster, and fled behind Denisa, Holding her leg tightly, trembling from time to time.

After the golden fire of the sun was taken away, Sting couldn't help leaning against the wall. With the strength of a little boy, the two slaps were like tickling, whether it hurt or not, but in front of so many ministers, it was true that he slapped him. His majesty was gone.

Denisa looked at the red-faced Steen and laughed, "Blushing? You know it's embarrassing to be beaten in public? Why didn't you think of it when you hit her just now? The child's feelings and self-esteem are nothing in your eyes, right? "

Sting was sullen and didn't answer the words, just stood there and shut himself up.

Denisa hugged the trembling little Lorna, and said to Sting solemnly: "Listen, although I am not from your family, I should not be nosy, but the little dragon cub is also a child I take care of now."

"Why do you think she likes to live with me? Isn't it because you don't accompany her at home? Oh, you want to drag her back to Lenglie Valley again, and leave her there alone, regardless of others. Are you playing monkeys?!"

"Don't make excuses to say that you are busy. Perseus has time to spend with the children. You are busier than the king? You just don't care about your daughter! If that's the case, she will live with me from now on, as long as you want! "

"You don't spoil her, I spoil her!"

Denisa held little Lorna in her arms, and swaggered towards the forest path: "Let's go, let's go home for dinner~"

It is now in the evening, the golden light of the setting sun is shining, and the wind is full of tempting rice fragrance, carrying the hope of returning home.

Denisa hummed nursery rhymes to coax little Lorna, who put her arms around her neck, buried her head on her shoulders, and remained silent for a long time.

Suddenly, Denisa felt warmth coming from her shoulders, she stretched out her hand to put on little Lorna's back and stroked it gently, and asked softly, "Zai Zai, why are you crying?"

"I didn't cry, huh." Little Lorna rubbed against Denisa's collar, showing red eyes and a hippie smile, "I want to eat whole roasted cow tonight!"

"Can you finish it? You still roast the whole cow. I bought you a roast suckling pig last time and didn't finish it."

"Buy it for me!!!"

"Hey, okay, buy it! But we can't waste food. Let's buy a beef leg first, okay? When you grow up and your appetite grows, you can buy a whole roasted cow."


Denisa stood silently in the foul wind, her pupils reflecting the bruised and bruised figure.

Lorna's arms were broken, her abdomen was hit hard, and she vomited blood all over her body. She fell powerlessly in front of Denisa, her eyes were gray and loose, as if there was no light left.

"Dinisha." Suddenly, a low voice called, and a royal guard came not far away. He glanced at Lorna, and quickly shifted his gaze to Denisa, "Your Majesty wants you to go to the giant wall immediately. For support over there, Kino's strength is too strong, and the Horned Heron will not be able to hold on."

"Hmm." Denisa left Lorna where she was, without looking at her again, and turned to walk towards the path leading to the huge wall.

However, before taking a step, Denisa felt a resistance as her ankle tightened.

Denisa looked down, and saw that Lorna struggled to move behind at some point, because her arms were broken and unable to reach out, Lorna opened her mouth and bit her trousers with her teeth, preventing her from moving forward.

Denisa tried to kick Lorna away, but she was like a stubborn mad dog, no matter how much she kicked and beat her, even her mouth was covered with blood, she still bit her tightly and did not let go.

Seeing this, the imperial guards showed chills in their eyes, drew their swords and threw them to Denisa's side, and said in a deep voice, "Your Majesty said, if you can't control her, then get rid of her as soon as possible. If you delay things, you know what the consequences will be."

Memories of the past flooded in like a tide, and Denisa seemed to have returned to the past. She took the children’s hands and walked on the bluestone boards. The wind in Frost Snow Alley was blowing on her face, and she gently fiddled with the half-hidden door of the grocery store. Brings a charming sweet fragrance.

I went into the grocery store and bought a big bag of candy. When I knelt down to give out candy to everyone, I was kissed by someone on the face. The children smiled brightly, like the morning sun.

Denisa looked at the knife silently, with a little light in her eyes trembling, it was hard to tell whether it was the reflection of the sun, or something else.
Under the blowing of the wind, the warm water lake has bursts of waves, and the surroundings are lonely, only the sound of the lake water beating on the shore rocks can be heard.

In the end, Denisa picked up the thrown knife, cut off the trouser leg bitten by Lorna, then grabbed her hair, pressed her to the ground, and put the knife on her neck.

Lorna struggled with all her might, making rapid howls from her throat, and bit Denisa with her teeth, biting her until her hands were covered in blood.

"Boom—" A violent explosion came from afar, and a large number of cracks appeared in the soul barrier covering the palace again. It must be that the horned heron was at the end of its battle.

"Dinisha!" The imperial guard's voice sounded like a warning, "Hurry up!"

Denisa raised the handle of the knife and slammed it hard on Lorna's head. The huge impact directly shocked her, and finally she was completely paralyzed.

Lorna fell powerlessly into Denisa's arms, her consciousness was already blurred, only the blood was choking in her mouth, this time, she didn't even have the slightest strength to struggle.

Some children spend their whole lives healing their childhood.

There are also some children who have been healed by childhood for a lifetime.

Under the care of Denisa, little Lorna has grown up day by day. From the extremely sensitive and fragile little girl at the beginning, she has gradually become cheerful, smiling and carefree.

This year, little Lorna turned 7 years old.

In spring, the sun is warm and laurel flowers are flying all over the royal city, and the highest institution in Doguland, "Laurel Academy", is also welcoming new students at the beginning of the new year.

Before formally entering the academy, in order to better understand the characteristics of the students and facilitate the assignment of teachers, there will be special scholars conducting individual interviews with the students. This can be regarded as the first small test for the children before they leave their parents and enter the school.

When the children are having an interview, the accompanying parents can listen in on the dark room next door. The glass in the dark room has been blessed with special soul magic, allowing the sight and sound of the interview room to pass through, but not vice versa.

People are sometimes very strange. In front of the closest people, such as parents, children will consciously or unconsciously hide some inner thoughts and are unwilling to express them directly.

In the face of strangers, some words are easy to say.

Interviews like this one are a good opportunity for parents to listen to their children.

Sting had no time to attend this event because of his busy schedule. Lorna was accompanied by Denisa. She was sitting in the darkroom with other parents, watching with great interest the children who were being interviewed one after another.

Not long after, it was little Lorna's turn. The child seemed a little nervous. She walked with her hands and feet straight, and she kept scratching the back of her head, scratching her ears, and blinking her eyes while sitting on the seat. like a baby.

Seeing this, Denisa couldn't stop laughing happily, thinking: I didn't expect, I didn't expect that you, a lawless little dragon cub at home, would have today.

The interviewer showed a friendly smile and said kindly: "Son, don't be nervous, we're just chatting briefly today, can you tell me your name?"

Little Lorna sat up straight and replied solemnly: "Hi, my name is Lorna Finn Regnome, you can also call me Lorna directly."

The interviewer smiled and nodded: "Well~ hello Lorna, why did you choose to study at Laurel Academy?"

Generally speaking, these are relatively standard questions. Many smart children have even anticipated the answers in advance. They are nothing more than boasting about the long history of the academy, its status in the kingdom, how excellent the teachers are, and so on.

And little Lorna's answer was unexpectedly straightforward: "I actually don't like reading, but my good friend Solandelle is coming to school here, so I want to read with her!"

When Denisa next door heard these words, coupled with the faint laughter of other parents, she felt like digging a hole and jumping in.

The interviewer also smiled a little awkwardly, and changed the subject: "It sounds like you have a very good relationship with your friends."

Little Lorna nodded impatiently: "Yes! Solandelle is my best friend, the two of us often play together, just like sisters!"

"Hmm~ It seems that you are a very likable child. You must have a good relationship with your parents at home, right?" The interviewer just finished speaking, his heart skipped a beat, and he couldn't help calling out that he had caused trouble.

His questions and answers are all based on the templates prepared in advance, which is of course no problem for other children, but this sentence is a big problem for little Lorna.

First of all, everyone knows that the relationship between little Lorna and her father Sting is not very good, and the two father and daughter often quarrel.

What's more, little Lorna has no mother. Her biological mother, Sura, had died many years ago, so mentioning it now is undoubtedly poking the child's wound.

The interviewer secretly regretted that he had memorized the template too skillfully, and instead of thinking about it for a while, he missed the job.

Just as he was racking his brains to change the topic, little Lorna, who lowered her head, spoke out first, and said softly, "Teacher, don't be nervous. I will answer seriously. It doesn't matter."

"My relationship with my family is not very good, because my father always doesn't accompany me and is very strict with me. We often quarrel."

"My mother passed away when I was very young. At that time, I was very sensitive and self-possessed. Anyone who mentioned this matter would beat him. Everyone alienated me because of this."

"If I was asked this kind of question in the past, I might not be able to control my anger, but now I don't care so much."

Having talked to this point, it is obviously inappropriate to forcefully change the topic, so the interviewer showed his professionalism and continued the topic: "So, can you tell me what made you change so much? ?”

"Because, I met a very important person." Little Lorna said here, looking a little embarrassed, and said coyly, "I actually hated her at first because I wanted to defeat her for my mother, and I only wanted to defeat her." Her desire to win."

"But then I found out that she didn't hate me at all. She would pick me up when I fell down, and ask me if it hurts with concern. She would touch my head when I was upset, and accompany me to the lake walk."

"She is obviously a person who likes to sleep, like a pillow spirit, but if I can't fall asleep at night, she will accompany me and tell me bedtime stories tirelessly until I feel sleepy. Sometimes I even When I woke up the next day, I found that she was leaning against the bed and gently holding my hand, and she had been sleeping with me all night."

"She was really a very gentle person."

The interviewer glanced at the seemingly opaque glass in the dark room intentionally or unintentionally, and asked with a smile, "Is this person you are talking about, Miss Denisa who accompanied you to the academy today?"

Little Lorna didn't know that the adult had such a deep routine, and that the glass was full of mysteries, let alone that Denisa herself could hear clearly from the other side of the glass.

Because of this, she unreservedly said those innocent words that could not be said to Denisa face to face: "Well, it is her! Actually, my memory of my biological mother is already a bit blurred, because she passed away. I was too young."

"But for me, Denisa feels like a mother. She has taken care of me since I was a child and has been with me all the time. As long as I am by her side, I feel like a complete child. I never feel Lonely."

The interviewer smiled kindly, and asked the last question softly: "So, about this Miss Denisa, do you have anything in your heart that you have never said before?"

Little Lorna grabbed the hem of her clothes, her face flushed with embarrassment, and she seemed a little embarrassed to say it, but in the end she raised her head, her eyes were as clear as lake water, and she said seriously: "I like Denisa the most, I want to see you forever." Stay with her!"

Regardless of how innocent and warm this side of the interview room is, the atmosphere in the darkroom is already in full swing on the other side of the glass.

Those parents who are not familiar with Denisa are applauding enthusiastically, and the friends who are close friends are laughing around her directly:

"Strong, Denisa, Sting's only seedling was abducted by you just like that!"

"Abduction of young children, so you are such a king's sharp blade!"

"I like Denisa the most~ I want to be with her forever~ Hahahahaha! This child is too cute!"

Amidst the roar of laughter, Denisa blushed to the base of her neck. She pushed and said, "Don't laugh, don't laugh anymore, it's a bit annoying to laugh again." distorted.

After the interview, everyone left. As soon as Denisa walked to the gate of the college, she heard little Lorna shout angrily: "You are so slow! Can you walk faster, I have been waiting for you for a long time!"

Little Lorna walked over kicking the stones all the way, with an impatient face, completely different from the interviewer.

Suddenly, she stared at Denisa with a stagnant expression, and took two steps back: "Why do you have a strange smile?"

Denisa pursed her lips, squatted down and held Little Lorna's hand, her eyes were full of happy smiles: "Little Dragon Cub, shall I take you home today?"

"No, go away!" In front of Denisa, little Lorna returned to her previous unruly and self-willed appearance, shook off her hand and snorted, and said quite proudly, "I'm already 7 years old. Which child still wants to be hugged at the age of 7? If my classmates see me, how will I get along in the academy in the future?"

Denisa shrank her head and said aggrievedly: "It's been a long time since I hugged you."

Seeing that Denisa is deflated, little Lorna is so proud, her favorite thing to do is to "bully" Denisa~
But seeing Denisa feeling a little sad, recalling the time they spent together, little Lorna was afraid that she would really be sad, so she leaned towards her quietly, and said softly, "Then you can just give me a hug!"

"Let's go! My favorite dragon cub!" Denisa carried little Lorna on her shoulders like a pig, and ran out of the school gate amidst her laughter, attracting many onlookers.

Denisa carried her while running, laughing, and ran towards the sunset and towards home.

The past always carries a person's deepest memories. I don't know how many people want to go back to the past and leave their vague memories in time.

Just when Denisa put the knife back on Lorna's neck, and the blade touched the deadliest artery, Lorna's body began to tremble slightly. She curled up with difficulty, and gently buried her little head into Denisa I don't know if the warm liquid leaking from my arms or abdomen is blood or tears.

When a person is seriously injured and confused, it is often difficult to distinguish between illusion and reality. No one knows what Lorna saw when she was dying. The girl was trembling in Denisa's arms, unconsciously rubbing her nose against her, like A little beast that seeks comfort after being wounded.

At this moment, Denisa froze in place. Looking down at Lorna in her arms, she suddenly felt extremely familiar.

When did you see this scene?
I remembered
The child always missed his mother when he was a child, and often cried secretly under the covers at night.
Only by letting her bury her head in her arms like this can she sleep peacefully
In Lorna's caress, time seemed to go back to the past, and Denisa saw herself and little Lorna running in the streets of Wangcheng, eating watermelon and drinking sugar water together in summer, and going to the forest to watch fireflies.

They also saw heavy snowfall in winter, and they participated in the winter festival celebration together. The fireworks left short traces in the night, like shooting stars flying across.

"Okay~ Then grow up quickly, I'll wait for you to beat me."

"Dinisha, don't force me, I don't want to fight with you"

"Little Dragon Cub, don't be so fierce all the time, you won't be able to make friends if you are too fierce~"

"Solandelle is my most important friend, and I will definitely make her queen!"

"At that time, you can live in my house, and I will take care of you."

"Since you care about me, come back to me, okay?"

"Did the child I dote on be beaten up by you casually?!"

"Why, Denisa... why did you do these things?
"Zai Zai, why are you crying?"

"I can't accept that you are like this"

"Let's go! My favorite dragon cub!"

".Is your love for me all fake? Is it all fake?"

The echoes of the two years kept coming from my ears. The memories of the past were changing like fireworks. Denisa's heart seemed to be hit by something, and the beating became more violent than ever before. The vision couldn't help being blurred, the time became so far away, and the sadness that came from nowhere spread in my heart.

Suddenly, Denisa felt something stick to her face. She stretched out her fingers and touched it. Looking at the transparent liquid on her fingertips, she felt a little puzzled.

what is this?
Oh, it's like tears.
It's been a long time, it's been a long time since I shed tears like now
The 14 years of companionship are so fast, it is really long and short.
It seemed that only a few seconds had passed, and it seemed that half a life had passed again. Denisa wiped away her tears, stretched out her hand and patted Lorna's face twice, her tone became extremely relaxed: "Little dragon cub, you know what? ? I found that you are really similar to Sura."

"Mom," Lorna murmured, her scattered consciousness gathered a little bit, but she was still weak.

"Eyes and nose, every time I see you, I feel like I see Sura. Do you know what you resemble her most?" Denisa leaned over to Lorna's ear, with a sly smile on her face , Xu Xu said, "You are most like her—the way you are lying on the ground now, about to have my throat cut open."

In an instant, Lorna's body froze completely, even her breathing stopped completely, and her slack pupils came into focus again. She looked sideways at Denisa, full of death-like dazedness and gloom.

Denisa's shoulders kept trembling, and she was still holding back her laughter at first, but then she burst into laughter: "Oh, oh, I have been hiding it for so many years, and I can finally tell this matter."

"Actually, I thought you already knew it. After all, you've met Murphy, but it's just that. Murphy was caught before Sura died, and he didn't see me kill her with his own eyes."

"Do you know? Sura really loves you. When her hands and feet were cut off and she turned into a human stick and fell to the ground, guess what? She started begging for mercy! The majestic King's Blade cried like a dog." You are full of snot and tears, begging Perseus to let you go when you are only two years old."

"Well~ Perseus was kind enough to see that he didn't kill you for the sake of his brother Sting. As for Sura, Perseus threw it to me, and I kind of forgot how many times I stabbed her. Anyway, she was being killed. Before I cut my throat and died completely, I was lying like this now, shouting your name all the time."

Denisa laughed so hard that she coughed so much at the end, she rubbed Lorna's messy red hair like a dog, and joked, "Congratulations, little dragon cub, the last piece of the puzzle of mother's death I finally found it, and I can go on my way with peace of mind.”

"Ka Ka Ka" Lorna's eyes were wide open, her clenched teeth were cracked due to excessive force, her face was twisted, her breathing became more rapid and hot, as if she was going to burn the person in front of her to ashes.

Denisa grabbed Lorna's hair, raised her face to meet her, and said with a smile, "Angry? Who can blame this? You can only blame yourself for being stupid. You haven't figured it out for so many years."

"Why do you think I came to contact you? If it wasn't for Perseus's secret order, asking me to get close to you and monitor your every move during your growth, I would have so much free time to deal with you, a brat like you?"

"It's fake, Lorna, it's all fake, what about my friendship with Sura, what about my kindness to you, how can there be so many true feelings in the world?"

"In the final analysis, you and Sura are just two defeated dogs who couldn't see the situation clearly, stood on the wrong team, and finally died at my hands!"

"Ah!!!" Lorna's emotions completely collapsed, she roared crazily, and the scarlet liquid gurgled from her eyes, which turned out to be tears of blood.

Unprecedented flaming spots surged on Lorna's body. Under the extreme anger, the power of dragon blood in her body rose steadily. When the spots surged to her arms, steam suddenly burst out, and the keel in the form of a real dragon replaced it. After removing those broken bones, he straightened the broken arm and restored it.

"Hey——" Lorna's roared, she stood up against the trend, and the dragon's claws grabbed Denisa's waist and abdomen from bottom to top, bringing up a scarlet blood mist.

Denisa was repelled and staggered two steps, and five hideous claw marks were scratched on her waist. She reached out and touched some blood and rubbed it on her fingertips, looked at Lorna with a smirk and said, "You learned to bark your teeth at me, huh? "

"Ah!!!!" Lorna raised her head and roared, the black flames unique to the Queen's blood surged all over her body, all the vegetation by the warm water lake was wiped out, and the embers scorched by the flames surged into the sky, turning into a canopy of the haze.

In the scorching hot wind, the imperial guard who came to send the message was already in horror, and asked Denisa furiously: "What are you doing??!! Kill her quickly!!!"

"Roar——" Lorna's roar gradually distorted, and she let out a roar like a giant dragon. The overwhelming power of the dragon swept all directions, and the consciousness of the imperial guard was instantly shattered. Gushing out, he died suddenly on the spot.

Lorna stretched out her hand, and the blood oath that fell in the distance was attracted by the power of the blood, and flew back into her hand in the air.

The eye on the gun stared at Lorna, who was covered in blood, and was full of astonishment: "It's inconceivable that the blood can be awakened to such an extent before "abstaining the oath""

Lorna had long since lost the weak state she had just now. Driven by the blood feud against her mother, she only had extreme agitation and madness in her heart. She looked at Denisa in blood and tears, and her voice was distorted and violent: "Blood oath! Give me strength! "

The blood oath: "Don't be impulsive, with your current strength, you can indeed crush any person in the sixth sequence. But this person in front of you is an out-and-out seventh sequence, and I can feel a terrible coercion from her , now you are not an opponent."

"Give me all the power!!!" Amid Lorna's roar, the entire royal city seemed to be trembling. In the next moment, unprecedented black flames gushed out from the gun of the blood oath, and the blazing dragon fire continued to gather, like Wanjiang flowed into her body like a galloping river.

After all the power of the blood oath was absorbed, overwhelming black flames erupted in Lorna's body, and scattered like meteorites. A strange object suddenly appeared behind her, and a pair of dragon wings burning with black flames exploded!
"Boom—" Lorna shook the dragon's wings and lifted off against the trend in the flame storm. The air flow became more and more turbulent as it passed, and it went straight to the sky.

At this time, all the people in the royal city witnessed a terrifying scene. The infinite black fire broke through the soul barrier covering the royal palace. There seemed to be a black tide surging in the sky, and even the sun that had been shining on the world for thousands of years was shattered. become insignificant.

"Hehe." Denisa's eyes were full of fierce fighting spirit. The once unrivaled "King's Blade" seemed to have found the honor of the past. She stood proudly looking up at Lorna in the sky, stretching her hand To the long sword that symbolizes the ultimate deterrence, "Come on, Lorna Finn Regnome!"


Twilight, unsheathed!
The seal of the sun god, which symbolizes the power of the seventh series of red wheels, emerged between Denisa's eyebrows. The moment Twilight's long sword was unsheathed, golden flames roared up, swirling around her like a tornado, becoming larger and larger, making the The sky and the earth changed color.

The warm water lake with thousands of inclines stretches as far as the eye can see. After the golden fire of the sun swept through, before the twilight sword waved, half of the tens of millions of tons of lake water had evaporated.

Twilight's long sword was burning blazingly, the dazzling light was like the sun above the sky, and the eyes were full of shining gold, becoming the only focus in the world.

Denisa stands in the very center of the endless golden fire, the power of the sun whizzes and gathers with the momentum of crushing the universe, she raises her sword and points directly at Lorna above the sky, the terrifying pressure is as majestic as the sea, and seems to swallow everything .

The power of this sword will never be inferior to the world-shocking sword on the snowy field in the extreme north.

The existence on the blood oath watched all this, and said to Lorna: "The gap is too big, if you face the attack head-on, you must be the one who dies."

Lorna's murderous intent had already boiled, and the anger in her eyes was even more intense than the dragon fire around her: "Die, I will tear off a few pieces of her flesh too!"

"Boom——" the blazing dragon fire suddenly erupted in the sky, and many observers in the royal city were burnt. Their eyes were covered with tears and they could not look directly again.

Lorna waved the dragon wings flowing with lava, and launched a final charge towards her old enemy. Her whole body was burning in the friction with the atmosphere, and the whole sky was covered with boundless flames, as if there were thousands of fire dragons dancing wildly.

The distance between the two sides is getting closer and closer. When Denisa's sun and golden fire invaded her body, Lorna only felt the pain boiling and rolling like magma. It seemed that countless fire thorns appeared in her body, and her skin, flesh, internal organs, and bones were all being crushed. Grill.

Even so, Lorna still completely gave up defense. Her purpose is only one, and that is to pour all the power accumulated over the past ten years into the spear, and then pierce the heart of the blood feuder!

"Boom boom boom—" As the wings flapped several times to accelerate, the final distance was finally broken. Lorna almost met Dinisha face to face. The distance between the two was so close that she could even touch Dini Sarah saw her reflection in her eyes.

Just when Lorna stabbed the blood oath to Denisa's heart with all her strength, and was about to be pierced by Twilight's long sword, something unexpected happened.
Suddenly, Denisa let go of her hand quietly, and the Twilight sword that was originally pointed at Lorna fell silently to the ground. She looked up at Lorna, the original ferocious coldness disappeared, and the corners of her lips raised slightly. From the beginning, the smile curve is like the ripples between the swaying petals, full of the tenderness of the past.

".?!" Lorna felt suffocated, her brain went blank, and she couldn't think at all. Her subconsciousness drove her to withdraw her gun, but whether it was the power she had accumulated for a long time or the short time, all of this That's too late.

"Pfft!—" Blood spattered.

The dragon's blood black flame and the sun's golden fire subsided quietly, and the wind mixed with ashes and gunpowder smoke blew, caressing the devastated earth, rolling up the scorched earth and raising it to the distance. battlefield.

There were only two people by the huge warm water lake, and they looked extremely lonely. Lorna and Denisa were tightly pressed together. The blood oath had already pierced her heart, and it came out from the back, and the tip of the gun was dripping with blood.

Lorna leaned against Denisa blankly, her hands trembling uncontrollably, her eyes turned from surprise to bewilderment, and finally turned into deep panic. She looked at Denisa at a loss, tears poured out uncontrollably : "Why. Why don't you block"

"Cough cough." Denisa kept choking on blood, she gently put her hands on Lorna's cheek, her voice became hoarse due to the blood foam, but she couldn't hide her gentleness as always, "Congratulations, little dragon cub. 70:823 This time, you really won."

Lorna panicked and wanted to seal Denisa's wound, but the blow just now was too heavy, and the blood couldn't be blocked at all, she grabbed Denisa's arms tightly, and tears fell down: "You lied to me? You lied to me about my mother."

Denisa didn't answer this question, but just pressed Lorna's forehead lightly, and whispered softly: "Don't cry. From today onwards, you will be King Blade. You can't cry with Blade. Otherwise, you will be laughed at by others. "

"Why did you do this. Why did you lie to me?! Ah?!" Lorna's voice was full of tears, and she hugged Denisa tightly, like a desperate little beast, "You You hold on. I will take you to find Kino. I will let him use the potion from the sky, you will definitely be able to."

Before Lorna could hold up Denisa, the devastated body had already fallen towards her. It was obviously very light, but in Lorna's nearly collapsed consciousness, it seemed as if the entire sky had stepped down, and the suffocating weight almost crush her.

Panic and fear filled Lorna's heart, and the temperature of Denisa's body in her arms was gradually dissipating. Only a vague voice came and said goodbye: "I'm sorry, little dragon cub. I hurt you just now."

"I really want to be with you again, but I've made myself too dirty and there is no room for me around you. I'm sorry, I'm still so selfish in the end and let you see me off for the last time."

Denisa murmured, her voice was getting weaker and weaker like a candle in the wind, but it contained all the tenderness of this life: "Little dragon cub, no one will take care of you from now on, you must be strong by yourself."

Denisa's body was completely slack, and she fell into Lorna's arms. The most controversial generation of "King's Blade" since the founding of Dogorand came to the end of her life.

At this moment, Lorna's heart was in severe pain as if being torn apart, the nerve-tormenting sound echoed in her ears, and her body felt shuddering without any sign. The world has turned gray.

Her vision gradually darkened, her consciousness was constantly changing in the suffocation, and sometimes she returned to the warm and ordinary time in the past, seeing Denisa waving to her at the school gate, sometimes she felt that the vague memories of her childhood were quietly awakened, and she became I saw the little baby lying in the cradle, and the mother was humming a song beside her, but when I looked closely, it was Denisa's smiling face.

The scenes of warmth, happiness, and saving past lives are like mirrors thrown on the ground, broken into incomplete pictures.

The first encounter under the setting sun, the smiling face in the snow, the warm embrace when sad, and the days and nights that accompanied me for 14 years, all shattered at this moment.

Lorna hugged Denisa, and knelt down by the warm water lake where the two walked side by side thousands of times, crying hysterically like a child who lost a loved one, a huge sense of sadness welled up in her heart, as if her heart was being torn apart Like cracks, every breath brings bursts of severe pain.

Lorna had won, the decapitation was about to be won, and the whole war was about to be won.

But no matter how rare a victory, some things, once lost, can never be regained.

(End of this chapter)

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