Forty-eight years of Qianlong

Chapter 628 Who Is Our Iron Fortress

Chapter 628 Who Is Our Iron Fortress

It took Zhao Xinbrabra nearly an hour to finally read the 2-word programmatic draft, and Yu Deli immediately announced that he would enter the discussion session.

Everyone was silent, you looked at me, I looked at you, and there was no sound for a long time.Maybe they are still digesting the content of the draft, or maybe out of instinctive fear of Zhao Xin, no one intends to be the first bird.Zhao Xin was a little depressed, he didn't expect such a situation.He looked around at everyone present, and then set his sights on Liu Sheng.

As if feeling Zhao Xin's hint, Liu Sheng slowly picked up the teacup in front of him, took a sip from the lid, then closed the lid, and then put the teacup on the table with a "boom!" It was so big that those who bowed their heads and said nothing were taken aback.

"I said Mr. Zhao, let's conquer Beijing tomorrow, are you planning to move into the Forbidden City?"

Zhao Xin gave a thumbs up secretly, and said with a smile: "Don't tell me, my family is weak, even if we all live in it, we can't live in such a big house. According to my plan, I'd better re-build it outside the city. The Forbidden City is Let’s keep it like this, it’s good to be a cultural relic.”

"Oh~~~ Then I have another question, if you become the emperor, will you still have to set up Sangong Sixth Court or something?"

As soon as these words came out, the eyes of most of the men present suddenly became brighter.In fact, Beihai Town is good at everything else, but it is a little uncomfortable not to let the young man marry.Don't care if you can't carry it, at least you should be happy.
Liu Siting first leaned slightly to look at Hong Tao's expression, and then glanced at the expressions of all the male compatriots in front of her. A sneer appeared at the corner of her mouth, and she said that there was nothing good about it!

"Da Liu, monogamy is the foundation of our Beihai town. How can we change it? We have already made explicit legislation, so there is no need to discuss this issue."


Among the people present, including Liu Siting, everyone who knew Zhao Xin's nonsense all showed "sensible" contempt with their eyes.Lu Qi, Sun Yuejin and Wang Changyou, who knew nothing about this and had been here for a relatively short time, felt that Zhao Xin was too self-disciplined, and there was a future in working with such a person. Hehe.

This matter really can't be brought to the table. Although Prince Zhao has several lovers, the problem is that he didn't admit it publicly, right?On the bright side, Zhao Xin is still monogamous.Besides, his wife Shen Niangniang is not in a hurry, and other people's hot eyes can be used by P.

Because Beihai Town has always been in a labor shortage situation since its establishment, it has been encouraging women to go out of the house to participate in field labor or enter the factory.In order to continuously improve the status of women, stereotypes and bad habits must be reformed, and monogamy has become an inevitable choice.This was not decided by Zhao Xin at all, but the reality.

With a large number of women entering the factory, coupled with literacy education, the knowledge and discretionary wealth of women in Beihai Town continue to increase, so the right to speak continues to increase.Taking the early naturalized citizens of the island country as an example, in about 40% of the families, the status of women and men is becoming more and more equal, and many women earn more than men.

What's more, many families in the early immigrants have become very rich. If you look at the income of [-] acres of land alone, no one is much worse than the other.So why does my daughter want to be a child?Or when a child bride gets married and gets beaten up?

In addition, due to Hong Tao and Liu Siting's constant publicity that early marriage and early childbearing are harmful to women's bodies, the age of marriage among immigrants in Beihai Town has been significantly delayed.The two families may be engaged when their children are fourteen or fifteen years old, but most of them will wait until they are eighteen or nineteen to get married.

From a sociological point of view, when the importance of economic problems in the family has decreased, human yearning for love will become greater; when love begins to play a role in the family, it will strengthen monogamy family system.

Well, the premise is that the wealth of the family must be managed by someone.As the saying goes, as soon as a man has money, blah blah.

So in fact, as long as the superficial laws are not violated, moral constraints will be useless under certain conditions.The situation like Zhao Xin is more complicated. The addition of identity halo, coupled with his promiscuity, and the fact that women in the [-]th century were already in a weak state of attachment psychologically, made him The conspiracy with colorful flags fluttering outside has succeeded.

But then again, who dares to chew Zhao Xin's tongue? !

Regarding this meeting, many people regarded it as a "cake-sharing" meeting, thereby clarifying the division of power among each person, and forming a prototype similar to the "Zhengshitang" in order to take over the state power of the Manchu Qing in the future.

Whether Zhao Xin should be the emperor or the president, everyone has no opinion.It sounds nice to say that it is the republic of Xu Jun, but who dares to regard him as the mascot on the stage?

Just kidding, it doesn't matter if you offend others, if you offend this person, you will lose contact with another time and space every minute.Not to mention going home, you can't get any of the money in the trust agreement. The examples of Wu Ping'an and Jin Kaijun can be seen!
So far, the only ones who turned Zhao Xin's face are these two.Zhao Xin has won a good reputation among the cross-travelers by not killing the killer but only confining him; but he has also drawn a line, that is, don't engage in conspiracy.

The question is, can we engage in conspiracy?
Questions from military representatives focus on when the unification war going south will start, and the layout of the Northern Navy in Southeast Asia, South Asia, and the North American continent; people on civil affairs focus on institutional setup, land reform, legislation, and supervision; education officials are concerned about When to open a course to obtain a doctor, and how to carry out the literacy campaign and the promotion of Mandarin after entering the customs; as for the medical department, hehe, Dr. Hong and his wife came up with a plan to popularize medical care and health after entering the customs. The above figures made Zhao Xin straight Pinch the teeth, the brain hurts.

Zhang Bo is the most leisurely among them.Currently the boss of the oil system in Beihai Town, he thinks very clearly that his life's glory and wealth can only be realized by Prince Zhao.Before the meeting, Zhao Xin had already talked with him in private, no matter what system is adopted, he will be in charge of the cake of the oil industry.So Zhang Bo is now more concerned about when to go south to Sumatra. If the northwest wind is drunk enough, he should take his wife to spend the days of sunshine, sand and waves.

Zhao Liang is actually similar. Although he controls the military-industrial complex in Beihai Town, which apparently belongs to civil affairs, but because he came from the military system, he naturally has a closer psychological connection with Zhao Xin and Liu Sheng.However, he learned from the conversation with Zhao Xin two days ago that with the end of the discussion on the political system, the military industry and the civilian-oriented steel and machinery manufacturing projects will be divested.Zhao Xin asked him to choose by himself, the former belongs to the North Navy system, and the latter belongs to the Industrial Committee.

Alas, the palm of the hand is also fleshy, and the back of the hand is also fleshy. Zhao Liang is a little undecided, he is reluctant to part with either, so after today's meeting, he plans to ask Liu Sheng, Deng Fei, Ding Guofeng and others to help with the total.

With the beginning of Liu Sheng's relaxed topic, everyone gradually talked more, and began to ask various questions, including everything, even the question of whether they could get a yard in Shichahai in the future was also raised.

"In principle, there is no problem. All the confiscated mansions of princes and ministers can be auctioned, and everyone can buy them with money."

"Is it still a 70-year property right? What will happen after 70 years?"

"You care so much, it's true to do one thing first."


The crowd chattered for a long time, and soon it was lunch time.After eating, each of them rested for a while, and continued at two o'clock in the afternoon.

In the afternoon discussion, Yu Deli asked to speak first.

"Everyone, there are 29 people in total including the comrades present here. I would like to ask everyone to pay attention to one question, that is, who will be represented by this future political system? In future generations we will often refer to the masses of the people, but In this time and space, who are the people? Are they the landlords and squires, or the scholar-bureaucrats who came from scholars, or the poor peasants who make up the largest population? If we don’t discuss this issue clearly and write it into our program documents, I can affirm that what we do today Everything you do is fetching water from a bamboo basket, and the government will die!"

"In the morning, some people said that it is possible to engage in parliamentary politics similar to the British upper and lower houses. I personally think it is inappropriate. The political system of Westerners is from theocracy to kingship, and then from kingship to civil power. So they said that politics can be divided into constitutional or autocratic. , either an autocratic monarchy, a constitutional monarchy, or a constitutional democracy. And what about us? May I ask what kind of bourgeoisie existed under the Manchu Qing Empire? There was only a group of scholar-bureaucrats composed of landlords and gentry! If we do this, we can only go back to the sages who ruled the country. On the old road."

"The establishment of the future political system, the establishment of a vain emperor, and the establishment of a committee to manage various affairs are not for the purpose of dividing the cake and making it a family of 29 people. "The Analects of Confucius" says that politicians are righteous. Zi Shuai is righteous, who dares to be unrighteous. What we need to discuss now is not only the attribution of political power, but also to clarify our responsibilities!"

"Since we want to control the land of 700 million square kilometers and participate in the politics of this country, we have to be cautious and tread on thin ice. "Mencius" says, "If you are benevolent, there is no one who is not benevolent; when you are righteous, there is no one who is unrighteous; , Nothing is wrong. This means that all the injustice and injustice in the world should be held responsible by the rulers. I am not advocating the emperor, but using this as a metaphor for the responsibility of the rulers."

"The mansion in Shichahai is not bad, but we have to be careful. Once we live in it, will our ass stand on the side of the people every day in the rich mansion? With a deep mansion, there will be a cloud of servants, and at night Don't you have to have a few nursing homes to guard the house? Otherwise, the couple live in such a big house and you won't panic at night?!"

"If you want to smash the landlord class, smash the feudal system, and break everything in the old era, can we do it with just 29 of us? Mr. Zhao's ability has certainly played a very good role in bonuses, but think about it, if there are no those who benefit With the support of the people at the bottom, can we do what we are doing today?"

"For eight years, we have been emigrating and living in the Northeast. We first fought against the Manchus, and then against Tsarist Russia. We carried out land reform, abolished personal dependence, improved education, and public ownership of production materials. What is it for? Is it just In order to be a combination of the big bourgeoisie, the big aristocrats and the big landlords, why do you have to work so hard?"

"When the "Legislative Preparatory Meeting" was held for the first time, if it weren't for what Mr. Zhao said, to be honest, I, Yu Deli, would not have participated so deeply. I remember he said at the time that the law must be established before legislation. Who do we represent? He said that if this issue is not clarified, even if the Manchu emperors are driven out, this country will still be a feudal society. Conservative, hardened thinking, seeing technology as miraculous and obscene, and opening up as no distinction between Hua and Yi will continue. No matter how powerful it is in a short period of time, it will not be able to escape the 'cycle of chaos'."

Among the people present, except for Chen Qingsong, Li Yaru, Zhou Weiguo and Wu Siyu who were present at the time, most of the others did not know about this matter.Seeing Chen Qingsong and others nodding slightly at this moment, he thought to himself that he really didn't expect that Lord Zhao still had such ideals and heart.

Yu Deli continued meaningfully: "Who do we represent, in other words, who do we rely on? Who is the iron wall for us to realize our ideals and goals? Some people say that Beihai Town has absolute strength with its weapons and equipment beyond the times. , can defeat all enemies in the world; but what I want to say is, without millions of poor people who sincerely support us, where does strength come from? Is it by us 29 people? Or by 278 traversers? Beihai Over the years, boat after boat has brought migrants to town, and each of us has heard of their sufferings and empathizes with them! Only by relying on the iron walls formed by them can we have the ability to smash those corrupt forces!"

"Everyone, I said so much to explain one thing. To clarify the position of our political system, that is the basis for our future survival and growth, and the foundation for us to build an industrialized country. We want to eliminate the Qing Dynasty. If you want to eliminate all corrupt and declining systems, complete the unification war, and win national victory, you must unite hundreds of millions of poor people, and only they are the strength of our Beihai Town!"


Yu Deli's words were like Huang Zhong Dalu, making the participants who were originally relaxed become serious.Zhao Xin and Chen Qingsong applauded first, and then there was sustained and warm applause in the meeting room.

Looking at the scene in front of him, Zhao Xinxin said that it was really not easy, and it almost turned into a crooked building meeting in the morning.Of course, there must be some people in the audience who disagree with Yu Deli's idea, but he doesn't care.

Like-minded people, let's work together, and those who dare to play tricks will slip away when the contract expires.If someone really doesn't want to leave because his wife and children don't want to leave, then build him a big house in Houhai and live his life drunk.

Zhou Weiguo stood up and said, "Old Yu's words are great! I propose to draw up a common program based on Lao Chen's draft as our guiding document. Since I have been in charge of legal affairs for these years, I recommend myself gone."

Whoa!Everyone thought that this guy was really a chicken thief, and took the opportunity to go straight to the commanding heights. You must know that the regulation of affairs and legislation is a major event in the country.

"Old Zhou's proposal is very good." Zhao Xin nodded calmly, but his subsequent words made Zhou Weiguo suddenly feel like "stealing chickens is not enough to lose rice", so he continued: "Old Yu, Liu Zheng, I would like to trouble you two to work hard these few days and work out this program document with Lao Zhou. Is three days enough?"

"No problem!" Liu Zheng understood Zhao Xin's meaning in seconds.

"Okay." Yu Deli nodded expressionlessly.

Depend on!Although Zhou Weiguo was reluctant in his heart, he knew that Zhao Xin had already seen what he was thinking, so he put on a sincere smile and expressed his complete agreement.

(End of this chapter)

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