Chapter 597

After the meeting adjourned, Dean Xia still had a personal matter for Yang Ping to handle.

A classmate of mine has already immigrated to Canada. Recently, he often suffers from low back pain. The family doctor in the Canadian clinic always prescribes painkillers. There is no other way. This classmate wants to make an appointment with a specialist doctor. After waiting for three months, he finally sees the specialist doctor. I saw the patient very carefully. After reading it, it is recommended to rest in bed, and then a few painkillers.

This classmate wanted to make an appointment with an expert number similar to that in China. The family doctor said that he had to write a letter to make an appointment.

After this classmate made up his mind, he simply flew back to China to see a doctor, which would be more convenient.

Medical care in Europe and the United States is far less cheap and convenient than in China. This cheapness not only refers to the cost, but also includes many aspects.

For example, in China, if you want to see a certain expert, you can spend a few hundred yuan at most, register an account, wait for a while, and you will be able to see it.

In Europe and the United States, if you want to use medical insurance to see a doctor, you have to wait slowly for many diseases. What is the slow method? As long as it is not a life-saving disease, a private doctor will first write a recommendation letter and go to a specialized hospital. After receiving the letter, the specialized hospital will follow the appointment. Sort the number of people, and then reply after the arrangement.

This kind of letter writing is really written with paper and pen, and then delivered by the post office.

In this way, back and forth, plus the time in line, it can range from a few months to a New Year's Eve.

Not to mention, the medical system in our Hong Kong Special Administrative Region is similar to that of Europe and the United States. Within the scope of free medical care, if you want to have a knee MRI, it is normal to wait two to three years.

If you are unwilling to wait, you can go to private medical treatment, and the consultation and examination fees are very expensive.

Patients who aren't particularly wealthy and have high-end health insurance, that's a luxury.

Therefore, many Hong Kong compatriots will go to Pengcheng to do MRI, which is cheaper and saves time.

Why wait two or three years for driving a round trip.

Dean Xia met the old classmate according to the appointment time, and then led him to meet Yang Ping, and met the young professor in the general surgery ward.

The old classmate was so excited that tears filled his eyes. For nothing else, there was never such a thing as being able to go directly to the ward to see a doctor in Canada.

Write a letter to make an appointment, wait for several months, and the doctor I finally see is not the one I like.

After reading it, Yang Ping suggested an MRI of the lumbar spine. Under the leadership of Dean Xia, this old classmate returned to the ward after the MRI. Before the report came out, Yang Ping helped read the MRI.

The lumbar 5/sacral 1 intervertebral disc, that is, the last lumbar intervertebral disc has prolapsed and is free in the spinal canal, compressing the nerve root on the left side. Conservative treatment is of little significance. Yang Ping recommends minimally invasive surgery in the hospital, which can be done within a few days Get down and walk.

In fact, without the leadership of Dean Xia, this old classmate went running by himself. Although it is not so convenient, it can definitely be done in a few days.

It won't be so troublesome for several months.

The old classmate immediately agreed to stay in Sanbo Hospital for surgery, even at his own expense. Yang Ping arranged for a regular trainee to help this overseas compatriot go through the hospitalization procedures.

After settling the matter of old classmates, Dean Xia took Yang Ping to the office and chatted for another half an hour.

Hustle and ask, ask what kind of help is needed at work, do you have any bumps in basketball, what do you need to contact through a single line, etc.

Regarding Yang Ping's new spine technology, Dean Xia also fiddled with the spine model on the desk, and seriously asked a few professional questions to show that although he has been out of clinical work for many years, he still has not left the clinical team, and belongs to the technical team. flow.

Such a good talent has worked so hard to stay here, and has just achieved results, and now 301 is going to poach the wall.

No matter what, Dean Xia's tone was not smooth.


Harraching Hospital, Munich, Germany.

August had been missing for almost two weeks, and now he suddenly sent a message asking Marcus to conduct a comprehensive inspection for the little duke.

In the entire department, only Marcus knew that August had gone to China. This was the top secret of the department, and Marcus did not disclose it to anyone.

So for the rest of the department, August is missing.

In the past, when August went out to give lectures, he would post a notice on the news board of the department. The place and time of going out, as well as the meetings he attended, would be clearly written.

This time I went out for almost two weeks, and there was no notice on the message board.

So everyone characterized it as a mysterious disappearance. They didn't know that the disappearance was not two weeks, but three months.

The young doctor of the University of Göttingen, the Little Duke, is already a frequent visitor to the hospital. He has to go to the Göttingen Hospital for a comprehensive physical examination almost every month to assess how long the precarious heart can endure.

Every six months, I have to come to the Harlaching Orthopedic Hospital for an assessment of the spine. It is just an assessment, and no one dares to think about the spine.

The little duke not only had problems with his spine, but also with his heart.

The two problems are intertwined, and the world's top famous doctors can only sigh. Even with the support of huge scientific research funds, no breakthrough has been made in the treatment plan so far.

Spine problems are the initiating factor. The expansion and contraction of the heart in the narrow squeezed space is limited, and the accumulation of time has caused the current chronic heart failure.

So, in addition to this spiral spine being an obstacle to surgery, this precarious heart is also an obstacle to surgery.

The lungs, which are also compressed on two pages, are also obstacles, but slightly better than the heart.

In view of the above high-risk factors, no one dared to touch his spine!
If the spine problem is not solved, the heart problem will never be solved, even if the heart is replaced, so this is an unsolvable problem.

The little duke has accepted his fate, and this kind of high-intelligence scholar already has a clear understanding of life and death.

God's arrangement made sense, so the little duke faced it calmly and devoted all his time to physics research.

The sudden notification caught Marcus a little off guard. August’s notification was for a complete inspection. Marcus knew that these inspections were used to evaluate the operation. Is this intended to be performed?

Could it be that August is going out this time to prepare for the operation.

The young Chinese doctor, Marcus, as the assistant of Master Ao, of course knew what happened. Master Ao’s ability to use WeChat was also trained by Marcus. As the closest assistant, he certainly knew what August was going to do. , and he will keep it a secret for August.

The little duke was sent by helicopter from Göttingen to Munich, Harlaching. Doctors and nurses picked him up from the helicopter. The little duke was curled up in a wheelchair with his highly intelligent head drooping. greet.

Harlaching is a hospital specializing in orthopedics, and there is also a professional imaging center in Munich, which is more suitable for the little duke for examination, so the little duke was sent to this imaging center again.

Germany is known to have some of the best medical equipment in the world.

Therefore, this professional imaging inspection center gathers the world's top inspection equipment.

When the world's first X-ray machine appeared in Germany, this machine that can see through the human body was regarded as a magic weapon.

At that time, it became a trend for everyone to go to the hospital to take an X-ray, as if it had no side effects.

Later, the understanding of X-ray ionizing radiation gradually increased, and this trend slowly disappeared.

When Master Li Hongzhang of the Qing Dynasty visited Germany, then Prime Minister Bismarck learned that Li Hongzhang had a bullet in his body, so he invited him to the Berlin Hospital to experience the artifact of perspective. The bullet under his left eye was clearly visible on the X-ray.

Master Li looked at the bullet on the X-ray, and was so shocked by the perspective artifact that he couldn't speak.

It is said that Li Hongzhang was the first person in China to take X-rays.

Originally, MRI is better at distinguishing soft tissue, and CT is better at seeing bone tissue.

However, because the heartbeat and the activity of the lungs during breathing will cause a lot of artifacts on the MRI, the strengths of the MRI have no place to play in the heart and lungs, and CT can only be chosen.

The little duke was pushed into the CT room. Although he was used to this state, it didn't mean he didn't want to change.

He knew that his heart was getting worse day by day, and his heart function was level four, even worse than that of an eighty-ninety-year-old man.

Sitting in a wheelchair, he often feels insufficient oxygen, even if he takes a big mouthful of breath, it won't help, and sometimes he feels a near-death feeling occasionally.

The heart is like being squeezed in the crevice of the rock, without any room for maneuver. In this sick environment, the myocardium has long been fatigued and even partially fibrous.

The Duke has more than 40 children, including 26 sons. He is the Duke's most beloved son, but their father-son relationship is not good.

"Mr. August has found a new way to treat you, and he has personally invited this doctor."

Marcus is also an old acquaintance of the little duke.

"Even August can't help it. I've seen all the doctors in Europe and North America. Will there be any new technology?"

The little duke just listened quietly. The doctor always likes to use words of encouragement, often comforting, and he understands best.

"No, it's true this time. Professor August has never been out for so long, and he hasn't returned in almost two weeks. His letter said that there have been more than 40 successful cases, and the new technology is very mature. He personally followed up Every detail of the new technology is impeccable."

Marcus said excitedly that August had said so in the letter, and he was not exaggerating.

The little duke has heard this kind of talk since he was a child. He always said this every time he got new news. In the end, he found that the new technology is still in the experimental stage, and there is still a long way to go before it can be applied, and there is no announcement. That's amazing.

People like to exaggerate its technical content and add some imaginative elements to things that have not yet seen the light.

However, the little duke still accepted the arrangement of August's team. August was his doctor since he was a child. This trust has been tested over the years.

"The professor said that soon, he will be able to invite the world's top doctor to Germany to straighten your spine, just like straightening a silver dinner fork."

Marcus kept talking whether he wanted to listen or not.

"Where is this doctor?"

asked the little prince casually.


Marcus whispered in the little duke's ear.

"Well, you won, and I'm in a much better mood now."

The little duke thought his words were all placebos.

The little duke was carried on the CT mobile table. He could only curl up and could not lie upright at all, and this curled up position was very uncomfortable.

So doing CT is a torment for him.

"Hold on for a while!"

Marcus encouraged him.

The little duke looked at death like home: "Come on, hurry up, I have to go back to give lectures."

The thin-slice scan acquires countless pictures, and then undergoes various reconstructions, and the three-dimensional spine and surrounding organs slowly appear on the screen.

Various mesentery and adhesions are also clearly displayed, and some parts of the heart and lungs are already flat and depressed, squeezed by the deformed space formed by the spine, ribs and sternum.

Every time he sees this image, Marcus sweats and worries about the patient.

How long can he last?
"Give me a copy!"

Marcus to the imaging doctor.

He needs to process the video and pictures, such as adding Chinese annotations, and then send them to China. Marcus's Chinese level is also good, thanks to August's earmarks.

"Chinese is the future!"

August always threatened him like this.

As his junior doctor and also his student, Marcus must learn Chinese well for his future.
Images were sent to Sanbo Hospital.

Yang Ping has officially started to intervene in this case, and the [-]D image is displayed on the screen.

Spiral spine in three-dimensional space, squeezed and deformed heart and lungs, level 4 heart function, and lungs without any compensatory ability. During the orthopedic process, can it tolerate gradual displacement and deformation, especially whether the heart will burst? In case of cardiac arrest, the fourth-level heart function is a time bomb at any time.

It's like a battered airplane, with only the last link of the parts, rattling and falling apart in flight.

If it is traditional surgery, you can only give up.

However, the bone shifting orthopedics of the external fixator, the gradual process maximizes the safety, and the orthopedic success can be achieved.

However, there are many difficulties on the road to success, which must be overcome.

"The future is bright, but the road is tortuous!" Gao Qiaoxiu spoke in Chinese.

Dr. Luo felt that these words were not Chinese enough, and he said: "There is another village in the shadow of the willow!"

August asked, "Reconciliation?"

"Experience the artistic conception by yourself, artistic conception, do you understand it?" Robert felt that the Chinese that does not understand poetry and idioms is half-destroyed Chinese.

When discussing cases, you talk about poetry.

"Using thoracoscopy and laparoscopy to loosen the viscera of the chest and abdomen before orthopedic surgery, you see, these are adhesive bands of scar-like tissue, they do not have a certain degree of ductility, and during the orthopedic process, there will be a suspension phenomenon and a pulling effect It leads to organ displacement and hernia formation, and the heart is prone to arrhythmia under this action, and if it is aortic or venous structure, there is a risk of tearing." Yang Ping pointed to the image of the heart with a pen.

August nodded. He hadn't considered this step yet, because the level of spinal correction had stumped him, and he hadn't analyzed heart failure as the second level, let alone the latter.

The first grade has not been completed, the second grade has not yet been touched, and the third grade is out of reach.

Takahashi and Robert were listening and did not speak yet.

In terms of spine, August is the top student among the three of them.

PS: It has been modified. I will get off work late today, so I will make less changes and more tomorrow.

(End of this chapter)

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