802 Too late
Academician Wang insisted on doing it himself. While pouring tea, he took a special look at the clearly marked first aid box in the corner.

Not to mention, when he just watched the operation, it was more thrilling than watching a thrilling "Fast and Furious" in the cinema, and his heart was beating fast. As an expert in cardiac surgery, he felt that this first aid kit was very necessary.

The next surgery was not a heart surgery, and it was not easy for Academician Wang to stay and watch again. Academician Wang chatted with Professor Cao, Director Xin, and Director Chen in the demonstration classroom for a while, and then left the operating room.

Professor Cao took Academician Wang around Sanbo Hospital a few more times. When Director Zhao from the Medical Office heard that Academician Wang was coming, he came over to shake hands and say hello to show respect for Academician Wang.

"The strategy of our hospital is now very clear. Points lead to areas. Professor Yang's comprehensive surgery is the point, and the entire hospital is the area. We hope that comprehensive surgery can lead to the development of the entire hospital."

Professor Cao introduced the hospital, and now Professor Cao always calls "Sanbo Hospital" "our hospital" and feels very proud every time he says so.

"Currently, the Trauma Emergency Center is as famous as the Trauma Emergency Center of the Sixth Hospital of the Imperial University. It is the only one in the country and has strong strength. The Sports Medicine Center has directly caught up with the Third Hospital of the Imperial Medical University. The spine and joints are also strong. The new spine orthopedic technique created by Professor Yang Even Concorde University sent people to learn the style." Professor Cao took Academician Wang to visit and said as he walked.

"The director of our stem cell laboratory is a Ph.D. student who returned from studying abroad at the University of Tokyo and is a top stem cell expert, Professor Fukunaga."

"Many department directors in the hospital are young experts in their early [-]s."

Academician Wang listened and nodded in affirmation.

After visiting the hospital several times, Professor Cao took them to the Sanbo Hotel to rest for a while. Academician Wang was very busy and had to rush back to attend to something else.

He wanted to go back and meet with the dean quickly to discuss the introduction of Yang Ping. He had already decided to give Yang Ping the position of director. If Yang Ping was introduced, Fuwai could directly enter the world's top class.

Although Fuwai is currently China's top cardiovascular hospital, it is not the best in the world, at least not comparable to the Cleveland Medical Center.

If Yang Ping is introduced, whether it is theory or surgery, the distance will be shortened instantly.

If word spreads that Li Ze will be Yang Ping's student, then Fuwai will firmly occupy the top of the cardiology pyramid.

Academician Wang expressed this idea to Professor Cao and Director Xin. Professor Cao shook his head: "Don't worry about it. People from Xiehe and 301 have come several times to introduce Professor Yang, but Professor Yang has not agreed yet. Your position as a senior director is not attractive to him."

Is the director in Fuwai unattractive?

That symbolizes the highest academic status of cardiac surgery in China, but it is so unattractive?Are your thoughts so far behind?How fast is the world outside changing?It seems that I have not left the medical field. I am still working in clinical practice, attending meetings, and sometimes performing surgeries.

Academician Wang not only had many questions for himself, but also for a young doctor who was less than 30 years old. The olive branch he extended was the chief director of cardiovascular surgery in Fuwai. He was already very generous and heroic, but he was actually unattractive?

"It's too late for us to enter the game now. You may not know that he is already a visiting professor at Union Medical College Hospital. At Union Medical College, he has 45 beds and a team. At Sanbo Hospital, he has everything he wants," 伱 said Would he be interested in our chief director?"

Academician Wang felt completely out of touch with the world, and he sighed deeply.

However, he really wanted to introduce this young man to Fuwai. The young man's potential was too great. Who doesn't love talents.

"Maybe he likes cardiac surgery. Let's keep fighting for it?" Academician Wang refused to give up.

Professor Cao still shook his head: "You don't know Professor Yang, nor do you know Sanbo Hospital. If he likes cardiac surgery, why doesn't he form his own group and have to go to Fuwai? Lao Wang, let me tell you this, this young man He is completely different from ordinary people. Wherever he is, it is top, so why does he need to go to a top hospital?"

"It is not easy to establish a top specialty. It takes time and accumulation of generations. In terms of cardiac surgery, which hospital has the most resources in Fuwai? If nothing else, in this hospital, the subject he applied for has Fuwai." Convenient? Our annual scientific research funds exceed [-] million." Academician Wang actually really hopes to introduce Yang Ping.

Professor Cao smiled unfriendly this time: "Old Wang, based on my work experience here, I can tell you clearly that it is futile to introduce Professor Yang, and even if he does, it will not be our turn. A [-] million scientific research fund is Many, you may not know, Professor Yang has more than [-] million funds for each project."

Professor Wang was completely speechless this time. The funding for a project is more than [-] million?
What is this concept? Are there still such doctors in China?
Academician Wang is well aware of the allocation of scientific research funds in recent years. Among the hospitals with the highest scientific research funds, where is Sanbo Hospital and where do they come from so much funds?

"No way? The top few in the allocation of national scientific research funds in recent years have not seen Sanbo. Where did he get the hundreds of millions?" Academician Wang couldn't understand.

Professor Cao had no choice but to explain to him: "Professor Yang does not need to apply for state funds at all to do scientific research. Some enthusiastic entrepreneurs voluntarily set up scientific research funds to specifically support his scientific research. I heard that Anning Group's funds have already reached one billion."

"Anning Group?" Academician Wang was surprised.

As long as they are Chinese, everyone knows that Anning Group is a real giant among private enterprises.

"Yes, it is said that this billion is only a first-phase fund." Professor Cao didn't know it before, but he gradually learned about it.

Academician Wang didn't calm down for a long time. There was really no shortage of anything, no shortage of technology, no shortage of scientific research funds, and the whole hospital gave full support to Professor Yang. No matter how hard he poached people, he couldn't do it.

Usually, if a person is not satisfied at work in the company, either his material needs are not met, or his spiritual needs are not met. If you are not lacking in both and are satisfied, it will be very difficult to recruit people.

From this point of view, it is indeed a fantasy to talk about introduction now. It would be great if he could study for his master's degree or doctorate while he was still studying, but there is no if.

"Well, let me talk to Professor Yang and see if we can follow the example of Union Medical College. We in Fuwai will provide dozens of hospital beds and a team, and invite him to come to practice more, give regular lectures, ward rounds, and perform surgeries, so that young people can Bring it up and I'll find some old friends to talk about it together. There should be hope." Professor Cao said quietly.

According to this, it can only be like this. Academician Wang is very sorry that such a talent does not come from Fuwai.

"Where's your student? Why is there no one there?" Academician Wang suddenly noticed that there was a missing person.

Professor Xin looked around and then dialed the student's phone number. The student was already in the CCU of Sanbo Hospital and was observing Mai Zijing's post-operative condition. He had just helped transport him all the way to the CCU.

"What's this student's name?" Academician Wang asked.

Director Xin replied: "Xia Shu, my doctoral student."

There are so many Ph.D.s, but he is the only one who came without others, which shows that he is highly motivated to learn. "This young man is quite good and has a great spirit of research." Professor Xin said with satisfaction.

Academician Wang immediately said: "Weicong, without further ado, go and talk to Professor Yang. I can't help but ask Xia Shu to stay and study cardiac surgery with Professor Yang. As for the visiting professor matter, let's talk about it slowly."

"He still has to be on duty, so he can only come here after changing shifts with others."

Professor Xin was in a dilemma, because being on duty was a common thing for all medical groups, and it would be difficult to suddenly remove one person.

"He doesn't have to be on duty anymore. He needs to be replaced by someone else, or the shift can be rearranged. If Professor Yang agrees, let him stay."

Academician Wang insisted.
Mai Zijing's parents heard that the operation went very smoothly. When they saw their child after the operation, they were excited beyond words.It feels a bit like a dream.

Not long ago, I was still busy with my son's affairs. The doctors in the imperial capital were still debating whether to perform surgery, and they still couldn't make up their minds. Today, the surgery has been completed, and the child is fine. How can I not be excited about this.

An Yinghui kept wiping her tears, and Mai Jifu's eyes were red. At this moment, Yang Ping was a living Bodhisattva in his heart.

"Where's Professor Yang?" McGeefu wanted to thank him in person.

The bedside doctor who sent the patient said, "I'm having lunch in the operating room."

It was really hard work for Professor Yang. McGeefu immediately decided to thank Professor Yang.

Mai Zijing was sent to CCU for postoperative observation. Director Kang was already familiar with this case in advance. Now CCU has taken over many comprehensive surgical cases. For example, not long ago, Guo Peihua was shouting that his soul was out of body all day long.

Director Kang still assigned Dr. Ruan to manage this patient, because Dr. Ruan had recently managed patients in general surgery. In order to adapt to the needs of his work, he had read many books in this field.

The cardiac surgery intensive care unit is very different from the coronary heart disease intensive care unit, but the difference is smaller than the ordinary intensive care unit. After all, everyone is a cardiovascular professional.

"I think the hospital will establish a cardiac surgery intensive care unit soon, right?" Director Kang asked.

The doctor in charge of the bed is Dr. Qi Chengxiang, a graduate student in general surgery, who is one year younger than Li Guodong. Dr. Qi nodded and said, "At this rate of development, it will happen sooner or later."

Director Kang feels a little lonely. If a special cardiac surgery intensive care unit is built, Professor Yang's patients will never be sent here again. This is just a temporary transition.

As a doctor, the greatest sense of accomplishment is to save difficult and high-risk patients, such as Guo Peihua before and now Mai Zijing. If there were suddenly no such patients, Director Kang would be very disappointed.

Just like a person who drinks coffee every day to wake up and suddenly stops drinking coffee, he will feel very uncomfortable.

This kind of "good old days" may not be around for long, and Director Kang can't help but feel a little sad.

According to Mai Zijing’s post-operative observation, the most feared thing is blood leakage or collapse at the suture area. Once this happens, emergency surgery and thoracotomy are required and rework is required, so blood pressure observation is very important.

Secondly, there is concern about arrhythmia or sudden cardiac arrest.
Li Zehui is very busy at work and has many surgeries scheduled. He will buy the nearest air ticket to return to the United States immediately after the surgery.

At this time, Li Zehui is very grateful to his parents for allowing him to learn Chinese since he was a child, so that he can now communicate in Chinese without any obstacles. Moreover, he has passed CET-[-] and is currently the only one in the international group who has passed CET-[-]. Robert and Takahashi are still there. In preparation, it is estimated that it will be difficult to pass the CET-[-] exam in the short term.

This is the second time that Li Zehui has come to Sanbo Hospital. He will come to Sanbo Hospital often in the future. I don’t know why, but Li Zehui has a natural closeness to Sanbo Hospital, just like returning to his own school. Maybe this is Because every time Li Ze will learn knowledge at Sanbo Hospital.

Any place where people can learn knowledge will feel like a school and they will naturally feel close to it.

Li Ze will return to the study room of the General Surgery Department. The study room is a place where graduate students and trainees usually read and study. There are computers where you can check information online.

Sitting in the study room, Li Ze would sort out the information and sit down to slowly digest and absorb today's surgery.

The difficulty of the entire operation is self-evident. If Li Ze knew how to do it, he wouldn't be able to do it within twenty hours, and he might not dare to do it.

Challenging difficult problems requires courage, and doctors often need it more than other professions, because doctors only have one chance. Either they succeed or they fail. Failure will result in the loss of the patient's life, which is very costly.

Therefore, before doctors take risks, they think over and over again and have trouble sleeping. This is what Academician Wang and Professor Chen did this time. If they don’t take risks, there is no hope for their children. If they take risks, they may not be able to get off the operating table.

If Yang Ping was not the best choice, Academician Wang would definitely go to the operating table himself. He did not care about his reputation, which was insignificant compared with the life of his child.

Li Zehui looked at the time. It was still early before the plane took off. He had enough time to rush to the airport, so he decided to stay here for a while.

Yang Ping was still on the operating table, and Li Zehui came and left in a hurry this time.

A few students led by the doctor on duty came to the study room for a few glances and then left. In fact, they were just curious and came to see what Cleveland's top cardiac surgeon looked like.

Li Ze will study the information for a while and then go to Sanbo Hotel. He wants to book a long-term room so that it will be more convenient to take him out of Sanbo Hospital in the future, and he will not have to find a place to study when he has time to come here.

However, Sanbo Hospital does not allow bookings for such a long time, and booking a room requires a certificate or recommender from Sanbo Hospital. For example, if it is a family member of a hospitalized patient, a hospitalization certificate is required. This prevents outsiders from staying in the hotel, causing room shortages. .

If he doesn't get a long-term rental house, Li Ze will have to catch a flight. He can't spend too much time here. He plans to get a long-term rental house in a hotel near the hospital next time he comes.

August and Robert were still in the operating room, and no one was accompanying him. He walked around the hospital alone to get familiar with the environment, then packed up his things, checked out of the hotel room, and went to Nandu Airport to catch a flight.

(End of this chapter)

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