godfather of surgery

Chapter 937 Balloon Man

Chapter 937 Balloon Man

When they saw the fish bones filtering out of the liquid in the suction bottle, the doctors and nurses in the entire operating room cast admiring glances.

God is a God, how do you know that the fish bone is not in the body, but in the attraction bottle?

In fact, Yang Ping didn't know whether the fish bone was still in the body or had left the patient's body, but he didn't worry about the trouble and decided to handle the matter in such a rigorous manner.

This is no longer a question of level, but a question of rigorous attitude.

Director Zhuo and Director Zhou felt that this case had taught them a vivid lesson. If the fish bone had not been found just now, Director Zhou believed that the fish bone was still in the body, and the operation could only be ended hastily.

Then all subsequent arrangements were made based on the fact that the fishbone was still in the body, such as difficult conversations with patients and their families, and even the patients and their families did not understand.

In order to find this fish bone, the patient has to go through a lot of trouble, and a whole-body CT is indispensable. When the whole-body CT does not find the fish bone, everyone will rack their brains to think about how to find the fish bone next.

In the end, after many examinations, the fish bone could not be found. This fish bone became an unsolved case. Both doctors and patients must be worried about this matter.

Doctors will think that where the fishbone is hidden, it will cause dangers such as massive bleeding, infection, and embolism in the future.

The patient was also worried all the time. He even had a thoracotomy, but no fish bones were found in the end, and the fish bones were still in his body. How could he live with a ticking time bomb all day long?

It seems that Professor Yang is not only highly qualified, but also has such a serious attitude that ordinary people can achieve, and his analysis of a fish bone is also so flawless.

The fish bone has been found and the operation has finally been successfully completed. Director Zhou also breathed a sigh of relief. This matter is actually not difficult from a technical point of view. The difficulty lies in having a foolproof way of thinking.

In fact, Yang Ping doesn't know whether the fish bone is in the patient's body or has been taken out, but if you want to comprehensively analyze and deal with this matter, you must do this, because this is a possibility, and this possibility cannot be ignored. Once you ignore a Possibility, if you really encounter a small probability event, you will fall into trouble.

Director Zhou couldn't help but think of the case of his classmate. He had a swollen lymph node in his neck and went to see a doctor. The first doctor found inflammation and prescribed some anti-inflammatory drugs. The lymph node shrank as soon as he took it, but swelled again if he didn't take it. The patient studied medicine on his own, so he found a well-known hospital and asked for an examination. The doctor performed a lymph node puncture and performed a pathological examination, which showed inflammation. The doctor said don't worry, pathology is the gold standard.

The classmate is still worried. He is a doctor himself and knows that there must be something wrong with the lymph node. It is not as simple as inflammation. So I found a very rigorous old professor from a top hospital in the country through my connections. The old professor touched the lymph nodes for a long time and said that it was definitely not inflammation, and he suspected it was a tumor. However, it is very likely that the lesion would not be able to be picked up by puncture in the early stage. It is best to perform multiple punctures at multiple points. This way the probability of finding the lesion is much higher. So this classmate underwent five multi-point punctures. No problem was found in the first four times. The last test was malignant lymphoma, but fortunately it was early stage, so the patient immediately underwent surgical resection. Later, no problem was found during the follow-up examination.

So whether you have a rigorous attitude, the outcome of things will be completely different.

Originally, Yang Ping planned to go back to eat, but now he had another surgery, which happened to be delayed until the meal time. He was also hungry. Dean Chen treated a treat and made sure Yang Ping stayed at the Municipal People's Hospital for lunch. He had lunch at a restaurant near the hospital. During the dinner, Director Zhou and Director Zhuo, as well as several directors from other departments, accompanied them.

In fact, when Yang Ping was at the Municipal People's Hospital, he was just a small resident doctor. Later, he left the Municipal People's Hospital shortly after he was promoted to chief physician. Except for the orthopedic surgeon and nurse, the directors of the other departments did not actually know Yang Ping, even though he later The news of Yang Ping's dismissal spread in the hospital, and doctors with high professional titles in various disciplines had only heard of this name.

Not long after he left the Municipal People's Hospital, Yang Ping came to the Municipal People's Hospital as a specially appointed expert to guide surgeries. He was an outstanding young man and was preparing to be elected as an academician. He also published 13 CNS articles and founded the journal "Medicine". The situation is extremely shocking, so now the directors of various departments of the Municipal People's Hospital want to see who Yang Ping is and whether he has three heads and six arms.

These newly appointed department directors were all "good money" in the past. They had been squeezed out by "bad money" before, but now the clouds have finally cleared up. During the meal, everyone gathered together and inevitably complained about their previous situation.

As a listener, Yang Ping thought it was good to hear these complaints.

Halfway through the meal, Director Zhuo received a call. He heard that the emergency department had received several patients from car accidents. One of them had multiple fractures all over his body, which was quite serious. His whole body was swollen. Director Zhuo was asked to go to the emergency department for consultation. , the call was from the resident manager of Orthopedic Consultation, and he also sent a photo to WeChat.

When Director Zhuo saw what was going on, his whole body, especially his head, was like a balloon. He had never seen a patient with this kind of swelling before. Director Zhuo immediately showed the photo to Yang Ping. Yang Ping took a look and decided to hurry up. Go over and take a look.

The meal has not been finished yet. Dean Chen is a little embarrassed, but we are all doctors, so how can we not understand.

"Let's go take a look!" Yang Ping stood up immediately.

Saving lives and healing the wounded is a race against time. Who cares about whether or not to eat? Yang Ping immediately went to the emergency department of the Municipal People's Hospital with everyone. The hotel is quite close to the hospital.

The emergency departments of any hospital are similar and noisy. The emergency department of Municipal People's Hospital is not as spacious as Sanbo Hospital, and the director is not as tall as Xiong Sihai, so it seems a bit overwhelming. Unlike Xiong Sihai, who is tall and tall. He is strong, he stops in the emergency room, and with his fierce look, he can calm the emergency department. If someone makes trouble, he has to weigh his weight.

Yang Ping was very familiar with the emergency department of the Municipal People's Hospital. He used to go to the emergency department when he was the inpatient general. He was also very familiar with several doctors in the emergency department, and everyone came to the emergency room.

The patient's swelling was even larger than in the photo, and his chest, neck and head were swollen like a balloon, especially the head, which was extremely exaggerated. The chief resident of the orthopedics department didn't know what to do. He had never seen such swelling before, so I had no choice but to stay put and call Director Zhuo.

Yang Ping asked for a pair of gloves and pressed the swollen area. It felt like an air bag. Director Zhuo also put on gloves and touched it.

"Subcutaneous emphysema?" Director Zhuo realized immediately.

Yang Ping nodded.

Director Zhuo has experience with this kind of thing. If it’s subcutaneous emphysema, it’s easy to handle. I’m afraid it’s not subcutaneous emphysema but other reasons for the swelling, and Director Zhuo has never seen it before.

"Sharp blade, quick!"

Director Zhuo shouted.

The nurse in the emergency department immediately opened a debridement kit. The orthopedic resident quickly put the blade on the handle of the knife and handed it to Director Zhuo. Director Zhuo poked more than a dozen holes in the chest, neck and head to deflate the bag. The gas leaked from the punctured hole, making a sizzling sound like a balloon deflating. Director Zhuo used his palm to press the bulging skin like a ball, and gently squeezed the gas out. The orthopedic resident hurriedly followed suit. , squeeze hard.

"Slow down!" Director Zhuo took the hand of the orthopedic resident.

Squeezing must be gentle, otherwise it will easily cause air embolism. Once air embolism occurs, it can be fatal.

"It would be safer to ask the thoracic surgery department to do a closed chest drainage. Why didn't anyone come from the thoracic surgery department?" Director Zhuo complained while ordering the emergency doctor.

Director Zhou of the Thoracic Surgery Department was standing nearby and watching: "Oh! I'm here."

"Prepare the chest written drainage bag, and I'll do a closed drainage." Director Zhou immediately put on gloves.

It was swollen like a balloon just now, because a lot of gas entered under the skin, and the gas accumulated more and more. It was similar to blowing up a balloon, the bigger it got. This is the patient blowing himself up into a balloon.

The patient should have a rib fracture. The rib pierced the lung and the chest wall. It pierced the chest wall all the way to the subcutaneous layer, but the skin was not broken. Then a valve was formed on the chest wall. When the patient exhaled, the air in the lungs broke through. Blow out through the mouth, blow into the break in the chest wall, and enter the subcutaneous through the break. Because the chest wall has a one-way valve, the air can only go in but not out, so the air accumulates under the skin, more and more, and the skin moves around little by little. It expands and finally blows up like a balloon. From the outside, it looks like exaggerated swelling.

If this kind of patient does not receive exhaust treatment in time, the whole person will eventually blow up into a balloon, which is life-threatening.

The patient later underwent an emergency CT scan and found multiple fractures throughout his body, multiple rib fractures, pelvic fractures, lumbar fractures, multiple fractures in his limbs, and a subdural hematoma in his skull, but the amount of bleeding was not large.

It was no problem for Director Zhuo to deal with this. Yang Ping felt that there was no need to stay here, so he bid farewell to them and returned to Sanbo Hospital. It was already past two o'clock when he returned.

Song Zimo and everyone were undergoing surgery. Xia Shu did not undergo surgery. His father was hospitalized in the Department of Gastroenterology and had a gastroscopy. He found an ulcer in his stomach and the bleeding was quite obvious. The gastroenterologist stopped the bleeding under gastroscopy and then removed the The specimen is being pathologically processed. Wen Ruzheng is helping to see that the pathological slide shows gastric cancer. Now he needs to do a full-body examination to see if there is any metastasis.

Xia Shu was shocked when he heard the news. He had just graduated from his Ph.D. program and before his parents could enjoy the blessing, his father was diagnosed with gastric cancer, so he felt very uncomfortable and his mind was inevitably a little confused.

Nurse Cai had just delivered meals to Xia Shu and his parents in the Department of Gastroenterology, and then helped instruct the nurses in the Department of Gastroenterology to take good care of Xia Shu's father.

Because the whole-body examination has not been completed, Yang Ping cannot draw a conclusion now, so he plans to wait for the examination results to come out before helping to find out what the situation is and how to deal with it.

As for Xia Shu, Yang Ping felt very relieved with the care of Head Nurse Cai. Head Nurse Cai was very smart and capable, and she knew how to comfort Xia Shu.

Dashun reported to Yang Ping that the department had recently found many computer Trojans, and even the computers used in several laboratories had Trojans. This was discovered by Dashun during routine security inspections of the department and laboratories.

Because there are always people secretly inserting and unplugging U disks in the department, it is very common for computers to be infected with viruses. However, the computers in the laboratory are isolated from the outside world. They are not connected to the Internet, cannot plug in U disks, and have no connection ports. It should be difficult to contract viruses. .

Although the computers are isolated, the laboratory is open to people, and communication between personnel has never been restricted.

Moreover, these Trojans are very professional, because the people responsible for the computer equipment inspection are top experts from a large security company. They are very good at various network attacks and defenses. According to experts, these Trojans are lurking in the computer and have sent out many files.

For security reasons, there is an expert who is responsible for network security here.

However, Yang Ping said that there are no files on the laboratory computers that need to be kept secret. These are all made public in the paper, so Dashun does not have to worry. He will not put the real core files on these computers casually, so Yang Ping is not very worried.

In the afternoon, Yang Ping entered the system space for a walk. Although the system can provide a powerful scientific research platform and collect massive resources, it cannot provide rich imagination. Yang Ping feels that imagination, curiosity, and desire to explore are all important factors. Very valuable.

The modified batch of K factors was satisfactory again. Yang Ping analyzed the reasons for the failure and continued the laboratory, hoping to quickly modify the appropriate K factors.

Under the guidance of Yang Ping, Su Nanchen and Robert's project 3D printing cartilage made breakthrough progress. Using stem cell cultivation technology and biological 3D printing technology, the printed articular hyaline cartilage was structurally analyzed and found to be no different from human articular cartilage. , can be transplanted.

But this is only the first step in the experiment. Animal experiments will be carried out next, and then clinical trials.

It seems that everyone has learned how to use WeChat. Compared with email, WeChat is a very convenient instant messaging tool.

The transplantation group in the international WeChat group was very lively. Yang Ping looked at the content of everyone's chats. In addition to some academic discussions, they often also talked about some life matters.

Robert is showing off his Chinese proficiency. They have memorized all the Tang poetry, Song lyrics and Yuan music. He has also read the idiom dictionary, Xiehouyu dictionary and colloquial saying dictionary. Now he is starting to read classic Chinese novels. The Three Body Problem has been finished, and he is trying to read it. Journey to the West.

This guy has worked hard to learn Chinese. No wonder his Chinese level is so high.

Followed closely by August, he is currently studying Shuowen Jiezi, studying Chinese character formation and the rules of word formation.

Woodhead is still struggling for Level 4, always falling just a little short each time. He seems to have touched the threshold of Level 4 every time, but after finishing the exam, he is always one or two points behind. It seems that there is no hope of applying for further education in the short term, but It can be used as a short-term academic exchange, such as a two-week academic exchange. Woodhead feels that nothing can be learned in two weeks, and still hopes to obtain a qualification for further study of at least three months.

This reminded Yang Ping of when he was in college, some classmates in his class were struggling with English CET-4, which was similar to this.

Yang Ping checked the emails in his email box, and one of them was from Maninstein.

Maninstein was originally a Nobel Prize winner and a Nobel Prize judge. He was very familiar with recommending Nobel Prizes, and he had already prepared and perfected the recommendation materials.

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