godfather of surgery

Chapter 962 Physical Examination Form for Middle-Aged People

Chapter 962 Physical Examination Form for Middle-Aged People

The medical environment in the Overseas Chinese Building is completely different from that in ordinary wards. All wards are suites with very sophisticated decoration, which takes environmental protection into consideration while also reflecting luxury. The meals in the wards are also nutritious and tasty. Professional chefs and nutritionists work together to launch exquisite ward meals.

The patients here are given priority regardless of treatment or examination. There is a nurse accompanying them one-on-one for any examination. The treatment plan is formulated by the hospital's best team, and sometimes off-site consultations can be used to gather the country's top medical resources. The most important thing is that you can get Yang Ping's surgery as soon as possible here.

Rome was not built in a day, and neither was the Overseas Chinese Building. The current size of the Overseas Chinese Building was the result of repeated expansions under the leadership of President Xia.

There is nothing that can be done about it. As the reputation of Sanbo Hospital grows, more and more patients are arriving, and naturally there are more and more overseas Chinese patients.

The internal medicine, surgery, obstetrics and gynecology, and orthopedics wards of the Overseas Chinese Building are now fully occupied, and many of the patients are from abroad. Of course, the patients who can live here, whether from home or abroad, must be rich or noble. They are different from ordinary people. They never consider money when seeking medical treatment.

Dean Xia is very proficient in business. He vigorously expanded the Overseas Chinese Building, especially increasing the proportion of international friends seeking medical treatment. He then used the income from the Overseas Chinese Building to subsidize those unprofitable departments, so that the development of the hospital can remain balanced.

For example, in pediatrics, the workload is heavy and the income is extremely low. Many pediatricians in hospitals are forced to resign and change careers. Some would rather sell insurance than work in pediatrics. They have no money, and they suffer from bullying every day, and even get scolded and beaten.

In order to improve the phenomenon of talent loss in pediatrics, President Xia formulated a subsidy policy very early on, using money from other departments to subsidize pediatrics. Now with the Overseas Chinese Building, the money from the Overseas Chinese Building is directly used to subsidize pediatrics. The income of pediatric doctors and nurses has immediately become very friendly. This has fundamentally stabilized the hearts of pediatricians, and then implemented a fair and just policy for handling doctor-patient relationships, and never blamed the doctor for any mistakes as long as a dispute arises.

The private wards in the Overseas Chinese Building were priced very high, ridiculously high. When the prices were set, a single operation would easily cost several million, and the entire treatment cost would range from several million to tens of millions. Everyone thought that this pricing was too ridiculous and no one would come here for treatment. Dean Xia was pushing for this "ridiculous" price under tremendous pressure.

Facts have proved that Dean Xia was not wrong. His prices were not ridiculous at all. He just brought medical prices in line with international standards. Even with such high prices, wealthy people at home and abroad did not care and flocked to him. Even for a small operation, they were willing to pay the high fees to come to Sanbo Hospital for surgery.

Now the Overseas Chinese Building is not enough, and Dean Xia began to think about expanding its scale again. In Dean Xia's eyes, the Overseas Chinese Building has become the largest source of income for Sanbo Hospital. The so-called increasing revenue and reducing expenditure, this is the biggest source.

Yang Ping arrived at the Overseas Chinese Building. Xiao Su was jogging on the treadmill in the exercise room of the obstetrics ward. There were a lot of people around her, including doctors, nurses, maternal exercise instructors, etc. Some were monitoring vital signs such as heart rate, some were assessing the intensity and duration of exercise, and some were dealing with emergencies that might occur at any time.

After ten months of pregnancy, there is a day for delivery. Xiao Su's due date is these few days. Her stomach has started to hurt, but there is no movement. The doctor said that she should move more to facilitate delivery.

The Personnel Department of Sanbo Hospital not only arranged for Xiao Su to give birth in the Overseas Chinese Building, but also carefully selected and organized a team of confinement nannies to assist Xiao Su. Yang Ping did not refuse these high-standard treatments. Since they could provide good conditions for his wife and children, and they were legal and reasonable, he gladly accepted them.

The number of people accompanying Xiao Su in delivery was far from that. During the period of waiting for delivery, the head nurses of various departments took turns to visit Xiao Su and cheer her up. Some of them shared their experiences as experienced people and told Xiao Su not to be nervous. She was not nervous to begin with, but with so many people caring about her, she did feel a little nervous.

Head Nurse Cai simply handed the work over to her own capable assistant in the department, and came with Xiao Su's mother to accompany Xiao Su during the delivery. However, this was also the intention of the Personnel Department, who hoped that Head Nurse Cai could accompany her throughout the process.

Ning Qi, the chairman of An Ning Group, often comes to the Institute of Surgery, so she is very familiar with Xiao Su and they have become good sisters. She also took time out to come and accompany her throughout the whole process. Also joining the delivery team are Huang Jiacai's sister Huang Jiahui, Xiao Su's best friend Qiu Nuo, Tang Fei, Zhang Lin and Xiao Wu's wife who also insisted on coming. The ward really cannot accommodate so many people at the same time. Besides, giving birth requires a lot of effort, and Xiao Su felt embarrassed.

At this time, Mrs. Su was also by his side. She was a nurse by profession, and with her company, Yang Ping felt relieved. Mrs. Su knew that Yang Ping was busy: "You don't have to worry about me. Just do your own thing and come over to accompany me after get off work."

"No, that won't work. I'll come and stay with you when I have time. I also want to take maternity leave. Don't men also have maternity leave now? Having a baby is a big deal." Yang Ping said with a smile.

Xiao Su said disapprovingly: "Most women have to give birth. This is a normal thing. Treat it as normal. Don't make a big deal about it. There's no sign of anything happening yet. Go do what you should do."

Yang Ping asked for Xiao Su's medical records and read them word by word, whether it was the medical records, nursing records or various test results. He read them carefully and felt relieved only after reading them.

The person in charge of Xiao Su's pregnancy and delivery is Director Chen Xiaoqiao of the Obstetrics and Gynecology Department. She is under a lot of pressure. Not only her, but the entire team is under a lot of pressure. Xiao Su is Yang Ping's wife, and everyone is afraid that something has not been done well. They feel that every step is under a magnifying glass.

"Professor Yang, Head Nurse Su has been in pain for two days. If she doesn't give birth tomorrow, can we see if she can have her membranes artificially broken?"

Director Chen asked. He felt embarrassed because Yang Ping was an all-round expert. In Sanbo Hospital, Yang Ping had been to all departments except the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, where he had not directed surgeries. Director Chen was not sure whether this demigod was proficient in obstetrics and gynecology, so it would be better to ask to avoid showing off his skills before an expert.

The midwife stood next to Director Chen, her face full of tension and anxiety, as if the responsibility of Xiao Su's baby not coming out was all on her.

"Yes, if the baby doesn't come out tomorrow, can we rupture the membranes artificially?" the midwife agreed in a low voice.

As an almighty god, how could he not be proficient in obstetrics? Even if he was not proficient in obstetrics, during Xiao Su's pregnancy, Yang Ping would study hard to become an obstetrician.

"How about this, I'll talk to my son and ask him to stop bothering his mom and come out early."

Yang Ping said this seriously, and then made a gesture, meaning Xiao Su to lean his belly over, and he wanted to discuss it with his son.

The people next to me were confused. Is this true?

Yang Ping put his ear to Xiao Su's belly and said, "Son, your mother is suffering because of your making such a fuss. Can you come out earlier?"

"Nine o'clock tomorrow morning? Nine o'clock won't work. If you want to be reasonable, let's both compromise and come out at six o'clock. How about six o'clock? Okay, then six o'clock." Yang Ping turned to Director Chen and said, "He said he would come out at six o'clock. Given my son's character, he won't lie. He will definitely come out at six o'clock."

Yang Ping was not speaking nonsense, but was making an inference based on the uterine contractions recorded in the medical records, and this inference was almost correct.

"Six o'clock? I don't think so." Director Chen felt that without artificial rupture of membranes, the baby might not be able to come out at this time. Let alone six o'clock, under the current circumstances, it would be considered fast if the baby could come out at six in the afternoon.

Yang Ping smiled and said, "I'm his father, he has to listen to me. We agreed on six o'clock, and I will definitely not break my promise."

Director Chen was confused. Was Professor Yang's words true or false? He seemed to be communicating with the fetus so seriously and even said the exact time of six o'clock.

After coming out of the obstetrics and gynecology ward, Yang Ping remembered that he had a consultation with the surgical department. The patient was a provincial department-level cadre named Liao Hongsheng. A physical examination revealed a chest nodule, and the cadre was very nervous. Yang Ping had actually seen his CT scan and thought that there was a high possibility that it was benign, and the possibility of malignancy was extremely low. According to medical principles, this type of nodule only needed regular follow-up and observation, and there was no need to be nervous.

But Director Liao is now in his prime, just turned 50, and is at the rising stage of his career. He must find out what is going on. If he must find out, he can either do surgery or puncture. Surgery is a very large project, and his leader is unwilling to do it, so he wants to do a puncture biopsy, but the nodule is too small, and puncture is impossible without extremely high skills, and positioning is a problem.

So Yang Ping had to be in charge of this matter. Yang Ping came to the Department of Surgery, exchanged greetings with the director of the department, drank some tea, and then met the leader in the conference room.

"Hello, Professor Yang. I'm sorry to bother you." Director Liao was very polite and modest, and shook Yang Ping's hand.

Yang Ping shook hands with him symbolically: "You're welcome, this is my job."

Director Liao sat down and said, "Professor Yang, in your opinion, is there a high possibility that this nodule is malignant?"

In fact, Director Liao had asked this question to other doctors countless times, but this was the first time he asked Yang Ping face to face. Before this, Yang Ping had never met him. Instead, he conveyed his film review results through the director of the Department of Surgery in the Overseas Chinese Building and through his agent Song Zimo.

I just stopped by to see my wife today, so I came over to say a few words to him. Normally, I don't have the time to come in person for such things, so Director Liao is still very lucky.

Director Liao cherishes this opportunity very much. While trying his best to seize it, he also tries his best to appear humble and demonstrate the qualities he should have.

Yang Ping thought about it and answered decisively without any hesitation: "The possibility of it being malignant is very small. Judging from the imaging, all signs point to be benign."

"Okay, then I decided to do a puncture biopsy and get a pathological diagnosis. What do you think?" The leader always looks humble.

Yang Ping was stunned. If this thing is considered to be benign, shouldn't all invasive examinations be abandoned? Only regular follow-up examinations are needed. If it is found to have enlarged, re-evaluation can be carried out. If it has not enlarged, just observation can be continued.

But Director Liao's thinking was different. The leader's thinking was very clear. If Yang Ping was not sure about the nature of the nodule, Director Liao would not dare to puncture it and could only compromise temporarily. Now Yang Ping was very sure about the nature of the nodule. As for not being 100% sure, that was just a theoretical or procedural matter. From Yang Ping's tone, Director Liao could still accurately grasp the meaning.

Since Yang Ping is sure, Director Liao must obtain a benign final diagnosis. This is very important to him and can be said to affect his future.

An ambiguous thing and a thing that has been confirmed to have no impact on health have different meanings.

"The nodule is very small, only 5 mm in diameter, and theoretically it is very difficult to puncture it," Yang Ping told Director Liao.

Director Liao smiled and said, "So I have to trouble Professor Yang to take care of it."

"It's not troublesome, but there's no need to do it. If you must do a puncture, I can try, but I can't guarantee that I will succeed. I think the success rate is about 80%, and there's a 20% chance of failure." Yang Ping couldn't say anything for sure, because nothing in clinical practice is 100% certain.

"Then I'll have to trouble Professor Yang." Director Liao was very happy and felt relieved.

Because Director Liao had also inquired about it, and according to Professor Yang, no matter how big the operation was, the chance of success was 80%, and 80% was actually very close to 100%. With Professor Yang's 80%, Director Liao had a clear idea and felt a little more at ease.

"It's nothing, don't worry. At this age, there will be some dissatisfaction in the physical examination." Yang Ping comforted Director Liao.

Physical examination for middle-aged people is really a headache. If they don't have a physical examination, some things cannot be discovered early. If they have a physical examination, with the current lifestyle, it is easy for a lot of abnormalities to appear on the physical examination sheets of middle-aged people, such as abnormal liver function, elevated blood lipids, high uric acid, high blood sugar, high blood pressure, thyroid nodules, lung nodules, intestinal polyps, etc. The physical examination report may easily hit one or several of them.

Faced with these abnormal indicators, people with a good mentality are fine, but people with a bad mentality will easily fall into entanglement. It is normal to have poor appetite and sleep for a few days. After all, when they were young, they were fine, and everything on the physical examination form was normal. Now there are so many arrows on the physical examination report, and they feel a little worried, especially the nodule that makes people feel huge pressure, which is scary to look at.

It is not easy for Director Liao. After so many years of hard work, he was finally promoted. However, a nodule has appeared in his physical examination report, and the nature of the nodule cannot be determined. This matter not only worries Director Liao himself, but may also affect his future.

The system attaches great importance to health. Health is the capital of revolution. If you are in poor health, it will be difficult to serve the people in an important position. Therefore, a physical examination form can sometimes affect your future.

At present, lung nodules are not qualitative, which can easily lead to people's associations, which will more or less affect the future. If this thing can eventually get a confirmed benign diagnosis, then the matter will be clear and not a big deal at all.

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