godfather of surgery

Chapter 964: 20 Bones Broken at the Same Time

Chapter 964: 20 Bones Broken at the Same Time

At night, Xiao Su's stomach pain began to gradually intensify. Yang Ping stayed by her side the whole time and suggested that she have a caesarean section to reduce the pain. Yang Ping felt sorry for Xiao Su. According to his own inference, the pain would continue until dawn before the baby was born.

Xiao Su showed a smile on her face: "It's okay, it's a necessary experience for women. If you can give birth naturally, try to do it. You don't need to worry about me."

"How about painless childbirth?" Yang Ping still couldn't bear it.

Xiao Su shook her head: "No, natural is still the best. Although in theory painless childbirth has no side effects, it is still an anesthetic. Some drugs will enter the baby's body through the mother-fetus circulation. Some things are difficult to get a correct conclusion in the short term."

"You don't have to worry about me. Didn't you say the baby would be out at six in the morning? Just hold on a little longer." Xiao Su tried to look as relaxed as possible.

Xiao Su spent the whole night in heart-wrenching pain, and Yang Ping stayed by her side the whole time, holding her hand tightly, giving her a sense of security.

Yang Ping's inference was accurate. A few minutes after six the next morning, Xiao Su gave birth to a baby boy weighing more than eight kilograms. Both mother and child were safe.

At that time, Yang Ping suggested going to the delivery room to accompany the mother, but Xiao Su did not allow him to do so and told Yang Ping not to worry and just wait outside. So Yang Ping could only wait anxiously outside the delivery room.

As a doctor, Yang Ping actually knew that Xiao Su was in good health and that the probability of any accidents during childbirth was extremely low under modern medical conditions. However, even as the best surgeon in the world, he could remain extremely calm and rational in the face of any high-risk and difficult operations. But at this moment, he was standing outside the delivery room, feeling uneasy and nervous.

It seems that everything we face is out of control, which makes people feel scared.

Yang Ping's heart was not at ease until he heard the baby crying and the midwife pushed the child out and said that mother and child were safe.

Director Chen Xiaoqiao and the midwife just couldn't figure out how Yang Ping knew that the baby would be born on time at about six o'clock. Even they, who were experienced, couldn't do it. Could it be that Yang Ping really had the ability to communicate with the fetus, and the fetus could really understand what he said, was it so magical?
In fact, there is science behind metaphysics, but it is a science that has not been mastered yet. For Director Chen Xiaoqiao and the midwives, this is science that has not been mastered. For Yang Ping, this is science that has been mastered, and he can accurately infer the time of the child's birth through the records of uterine contractions in the medical history.

There were methods for this kind of inference in obstetrics, but the old-fashioned methods were often inaccurate, so Yang Ping improved the method. He decided to teach the method to Director Chen and the midwives when he was free, as a way of thanking them for their help.

The baby pushed out by midwife Yang Ping was actually her son. She was naturally excited that she had a son. After being excited for a while, Yang Ping announced the good news to her relatives and friends.

In addition to Yang Ping, the delivery room was surrounded by members of the delivery team, including Tang Fei, Zhou Can, Qiu Nuo, Ning Qi, Huang Jiahui, Head Nurse Cai, etc. Yang Ping originally wanted to get closer to his son, but everyone rushed forward and pushed Yang Ping out.

Soon after, Xiao Su was also pushed out, and surrounded by everyone, Xiao Su was sent back to the VIP ward. The VIP obstetrics delivery room and ward are on the same floor, which is very convenient.

Xiao Su had just given birth to a son, and probably lost too much blood, so her complexion wasn't very good. Usually Xiao Su's complexion was always rosy, but now it was obviously a little pale. Yang Ping felt infinitely distressed to see Xiao Su like this.

Yang Ping held Xiao Su's hand tightly and stroked her forehead. Her hand and forehead were a little cold and covered with sweat. This was a sign of a drop in body temperature after blood loss. Xiao Su seemed to see through Yang Ping's worry and comforted him: "It's okay, it's just a little bleeding. You are a professor and you know more than me. The human body has the ability to produce blood. Now is a good time to exercise my ability to produce blood. I will be able to recover in a few days."

Xiao Su was still smiling at this moment, and his two dimples were so charming. This was due to the development of modern medicine. In ancient times, giving birth was really a journey through the gates of hell for a woman, and the probability of something going wrong was very high.

A mother's greatness is beyond imagination. For the birth of a new life, she not only endures the hardships of ten months of pregnancy and the pain of childbirth, but also risks her life to welcome the birth of a new life.

"Have a good rest. You've worked hard." Yang Ping said with emotion.

Xiao Su held Yang Ping's hand tightly: "It's okay, don't worry."

"Does it hurt?" Yang Ping looked at Xiao Su at this moment. For some reason, he felt that she was more beautiful and gentle than ever.

"The pain will only last for a while. You'll have many children in the future. Why worry?" Xiao Su said lightly.

"Professor, you just hold your wife's hand and don't help push the cart." Tang Fei reminded.

It turned out that Yang Ping was holding Xiao Su's hand and chatting with him, while holding the cart with his other hand. He forgot to help and instead became a hindrance to everyone pushing the cart. Tang Fei had to remind him.

"Let him take care of his wife."

Zhou Can suddenly put more strength into pushing the cart, making a rumbling sound. She treated Xiao Su like her sister and didn't want anyone to disturb her sister and brother-in-law's conversation.

"Does it hurt?" Zhou Can asked curiously.

Before Xiao Su could answer, Tang Fei replied: "Level 20 pain is equivalent to the pain of bones breaking at the same time."

"It's so serious, 20 bones are broken at the same time? It can be done through painless delivery and cesarean section. I won't give birth naturally in the future. It's so painful. Look, Sister Xiao Su's face is all sweat. Cesarean section is so comfortable. I am anesthetized throughout the whole process. I was lying on the operating table and didn't feel anything. I don't know what happened, but the baby was already lying next to me crying. I must have a cesarean section in the future." Zhou Can shivered uncontrollably when he heard how painful it was.

"There's a scar on your stomach from the cesarean section, right?" Tang Fei said worriedly.

Zhou Can said: "Cosmetic suturing combined with scar removal treatment, it should be fine as long as you don't have a scar-prone constitution."

"Sister Xiao Su, it's so painful. How did you hold on for so many days? Why do you look so relaxed?" Zhou Can kept talking.

Xiao Su lay in the stroller and said with a smile: "I will experience the complete original experience of being a mother. It will be painful for a while, but after the pain, I will hear the baby's cry, and my heart will be filled with happiness."

"It must be very uncomfortable to carry a big belly for ten months, right?" Zhou Can asked again.

Tang Fei said to Zhou Can seriously, "Let Xiao Su rest. Stop talking all the time. Didn't you see that her face is so pale and covered in sweat? Don't tease her to talk. Giving birth consumes a lot of energy."

"It's okay." Xiao Su said with a smile. Zhou Can blushed and felt embarrassed, so he shut up immediately.

The best obstetrics ward in the Overseas Chinese Building was ready. Early in the morning, the head nurse came in person with several nurses to greet Xiao Su and brought her into the ward. Two month nannies also followed the team and took over the baby stroller from the nurses.

When it was time to cross the bed, Yang Ping wanted to do it himself. Everyone started to move at once, but Xiao Su stopped them: "I'll do it myself, I'll just go slowly."

So with Yang Ping's help, Xiao Su slowly moved himself from the cart to the bed, and then lay down on the bed to rest.

She needed to rest well after giving birth, and it was not convenient for everyone to stay in the ward, so they left tactfully, leaving Yang Ping alone in the ward. Of course, the child was also lying in the stroller beside the bed.

This is a suite ward, with a nurse's room and a confinement nanny's room. They all returned to their own rooms and told Yang Ping to call them if there was anything.

Before Xiao Su's due date, gifts from Yang Ping's friends arrived one after another.

The milk powder from New Zealand has arrived on time, but it is estimated that it will not be of any use. Xiao Su plans to breastfeed, and under the current circumstances, breast milk is expected to be enough, no more, no less.

The baby stroller sent by the Hermès couple has also arrived in advance. It is made of African ebony and uses pure natural resin instead of paint. It is the most environmentally friendly baby stroller. It is said that a whole tree was bought by Hermès, then shipped back to the country and made by a top carpenter. The remaining ebony was all discarded.

The 24K gold and diamond-encrusted baby carriage had already been made, but the rogue Yang Ping refused to accept it. The gift was indeed a bit vulgar. The body of the carriage was made of pure gold, and even the wheels were made of pure gold. Various patterns were carved on it, and it was inlaid with many large diamonds.

There was no other way. Yang Ping didn't want such a tacky gift, so Hermès had to remake the baby carriage out of solid wood. Only then did Yang Ping accept the gift from the wealthy couple. As for the golden baby carriage, leave it for their own children. A golden baby carriage is truly worthy of the name "second generation of the rich".

Takahashi's custom-made diapers have also arrived. Robert has been asking, "The baby will want to swim when he is born, right? Can we send a swimming expert to teach him?"

He's just been born, and you're arranging a cram school teacher for my son. Yang Ping doesn't agree with this approach. We'll talk about it when he grows up.

August lost the competition with Ivan's milk powder supplier, so he found a stroller company to design and customize a stroller. The entire frame is made of medical-grade titanium alloy. According to August, this is to reduce the irritation of the stroller material to the baby. Titanium alloy can be implanted in the body and has the best biocompatibility, making it most suitable for strollers.

In addition to the baby carriage, they also gave him a Mercedes-Benz toy car, which was a scaled-down version of the Mercedes-Benz Maybach. But Yang Ping thought it looked like a real car because it had a real engine and so on. It was a headache whether he needed a driver's license to drive this thing.

The baby hasn't even been born yet, but the house is already filled with all kinds of baby supplies. Yang Ping is having a headache. If he doesn't accept the gifts from these guys, they will all say in unison: "Do you look down on me? They're not valuable things, just trinkets."
After spending the whole day with Xiao Su in the Overseas Chinese Building, Xiao Su woke up from a nap around noon and asked Yang Ping to go to the department to check on her so as not to delay her work. Even though he was here to accompany her, he should take some time to go around the department since he was still in the hospital on vacation.

In fact, the department was supported by Song Zimo and Xu Zhiliang, and everything was in order. Yang Ping didn't need to worry about it at all, but Yang Ping still took the time to go and take a look.

Yang Ping came out of the Overseas Chinese Building and met Tang Shun on the way. Tang Shun said mysteriously: "I was looking for you, but I saw you were busy, so I didn't dare to disturb you. Let's go to the outpatient clinic and find a clinic to sit down and talk for a few words?"

"Can't tell here?" Yang Ping felt that he was being sneaky.

Tang Shun looked very cautious: "I can't tell you here. This is a serious matter and highly confidential."

There was no other way, so Yang Ping had to go with him to the outpatient clinic on the first floor of the Surgical Institute, find an empty clinic room, sit down and chat for a few minutes to see what the secret was.

"Professor, since you have given me such a big task, you have to give me some support, right? You don't want to see me unemployed, do you?" Tang Shun asked mysteriously.

"Support? Just tell me. If you need people, money, or equipment, it's up to you. Just fill out the form yourself." Yang Ping had no idea what he was talking about.

Tang Shun shook his head: "That's not what I want. I want you to write me an A4 paper for the next step of the experiment, and then I will temporarily borrow your copyright."

"What's your plan?"

Yang Ping thought about it and realized that he had some ideas in his mind during this period, so he took out a piece of A4 paper from the printer, wrote some of his experimental ideas on it, and gave it to Tang Shun.

Tang Shun took the A4 and after reading it carefully, a satisfied smile appeared on his face:
"Professor, let me make it clear first. The intellectual property rights on this piece of paper are temporarily mine. You cannot tell anyone about it. It must be kept strictly confidential. No matter what the circumstances, where, or when, you must keep it confidential for me."

That's it? This kind of support is not simple, but what does this guy mean? Yang Ping can't guess what he is thinking for the time being.

“You don’t ask why. Even if you ask, you won’t understand. Anyway, your intellectual property will not be used for bad things. The experimental methods above will still be used for our experiments.” Tang Shun refused to answer the details.

Yang Ping was completely confused and bewildered by this guy.
As soon as Yang Ping returned to the department, Xiao Wu immediately told Yang Ping: "Niu Zhixuan is looking for you. Niu Zhixuan used to live in the same dormitory with us."

"I saw him yesterday. What do you want from me?" Yang Ping was very confused.

Yang Ping came to the meeting room where Niu Zhixuan was waiting.

"Professor Yang, I'm sorry to bother you again." Niu Zhixuan stood up immediately.

"It's okay, it's okay, don't run around, take good care of yourself, I've already told their director about extending your hospital stay." Yang Ping thought they came for this matter again.

Niu Zhixuan sat down. "The director over there told me that I can be discharged whenever I want, and that my ward has been moved to a suite with better lighting and more space. The head nurse came to change my bottle in person. I heard that you gave birth to a son. You see, I'm in the hospital, and I didn't bring any gifts, so I just gave a red envelope to my nephew."

As he spoke, Niu Zhixuan took out a big and thick red envelope from his bag and stuffed it into Yang Ping's hand. Yang Ping immediately blocked it: "How can this be? I appreciate your kindness. Okay, we are all good friends, I appreciate your kindness."

After a lot of arguing, Yang Ping was sure that he would not accept it, so Niu Zhixuan put the red envelope into his bag: "Look, we used to live in the same dormitory together, and now when I think back, it was such a wonderful time. Now that you have such a big wedding, you won't even let me express my gratitude. To be honest, my high-tech stuff sounds great, but it's not presentable enough for you."

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