godfather of surgery

Chapter 966: Just an Intussusception

Chapter 966: Just an Intussusception
Yang Ping was quite busy, so he returned to his department immediately after seeing Niu Zhixuan. The doctor in the Overseas Chinese Building was arranging a CT scan for Niu Zhixuan.

Niu Zhixuan didn't expect that he would cause such a big trouble just by eating a meat bun after having his blood drawn in the morning. This was definitely not the meat bun's fault. After Yang Ping left, Niu Zhixuan immediately found his attending physician, Dr. Feng, and asked for the results of the blood test in the morning, especially the results of the tumor markers. This thing is scary.

Dr. Feng had just finished a busy morning and had not had time to update the test results, so he immediately pulled up the results on the computer. There were many blood tests in the morning, and other results were out, but the results of tumor markers were not out yet. According to experience, the results would usually not be available until the next day.

Doctor Feng frowned and said, "Mr. Niu, the results that have come out are fine, but the results of the tumor markers are not out yet."

"The other results are out, but the tumor markers are not?"

Niu Zhixuan felt a chill in his heart, wondering if it was really as he had guessed.

He was a doctor by training, and he knew very well that when major test results were abnormal and there was no conclusion yet, doctors would generally not make any announcement until the official paper report came out, or after discussion, or when they believed the patient could accept it, they would announce the final result.

For patients like Niu Zhixuan who are hospitalized alone, the doctor will call the family members in a roundabout way and then inform them. If they are informed rashly, some patients have poor psychological quality and it is very easy to cause major safety accidents. Niu Zhixuan understands the hospital's routine, and the more he understands, the more panicked he becomes.

Could it be that there is something wrong with this tumor marker?
As Niu Zhixuan thought about it, he became very scared. His throat became dry and his chest felt like it was blocked. He felt very uncomfortable.

"Doctor Feng, is the tumor marker okay?" Niu Zhixuan asked tentatively.

Doctor Feng shook his head. "Don't be nervous. Wait until the results come out. It's usually nothing serious. Go back and have a good rest. Check if your abdominal pain has improved and if you have gas coming out of your anus. Don't eat anything for now. We'll send you downstairs for a CT scan right away."

"Hmm - I haven't passed gas yet. I didn't eat anything afterwards." Niu Zhixuan couldn't help but shudder.

Yang Ping has returned to the Institute of Surgery. He has just examined Niu Zhixuan. There is too much gas in the abdomen and hyperactive bowel sounds. Yang Ping suspects it is intestinal obstruction and possibly intussusception, so he wants to do a CT scan to see what is going on.

Soon, Niu Zhixuan finished the CT scan and it was confirmed that he had intestinal duplication. However, conservative treatment could be given first, and surgical treatment would be considered if it didn't work. Judging from the current CT scan, the success rate of conservative treatment is very high.

The disease of intestinal overlap is that the intestines are folded together like a telescopic telescope. It is more common in children and rare in adults. In adults, it is usually secondary, such as secondary to intestinal tumors and other diseases. However, Yang Ping looked at Niu Zhixuan's CT scan and found no such problem, it was just a simple intestinal overlap.

Because they are friends, he will naturally take better care of him. Yang Ping went to the Overseas Chinese Building again to see Niu Zhixuan and instruct the doctors there on how to treat the patient.

Niu Zhixuan was already pale at this time, lying on the bed waiting for the doctor to tell him the results. When he saw Yang Ping, Niu Zhixuan immediately grabbed Yang Ping's hand and said, "Old Yang, is there something wrong with the blood test for tumor markers?"

"Tumor marker? I saw your test results this morning and they're not out yet." Yang Ping didn't know why he was so nervous.

Niu Zhixuan continued, "You brought so many people to the ward this morning for physical examinations and emergency CT scans. What were the CT scan results? It's not a tumor, is it?"

Yang Ping suddenly realized that this was a worry about a tumor, so he said: "The CT results are out, there is no tumor. I did a CT scan on you because I suspected that you had intestinal duplication. From the results of the CT scan just now, it is indeed intestinal duplication, but it is not serious. Try conservative treatment first. Go to the interventional department and inject contrast agent for enema expansion under X-ray monitoring. If it can be repositioned, avoid surgery. If it cannot be repositioned, we have to consider surgery." "Intestinal duplication?" Niu Zhixuan became even more nervous.

Intestinal duplication in adults is very rare and is usually secondary to pathological changes in the intestine, such as tumors, polyps, diverticula, or developmental abnormalities. I had a colonoscopy last year and didn't find any polyps or diverticula. Could it be a tumor?

"Don't treat us to a meal in your current situation. Let's talk about it later. I'll ask them to help you contact the interventional department to try dilation." Yang Ping advised him.

"Old Yang, there's no one else here, and I'm an open-minded person. Tell me honestly, is the CT scan okay? Did it find any space-occupying lesions?" Niu Zhixuan had to get to the bottom of it.

Yang Ping explained: "Don't worry, it's okay. I just checked the CT scan. It's just a simple intestinal overlap. If you don't believe me, I'll show you the CT scan."

"I don't understand. I used to only read CT reports. If you say it's okay, then it's okay." Niu Zhixuan felt relieved. They were all doctors, so there was no need for Yang Ping to hide it from him. Besides, the doctor didn't ask him to call his family.

In fact, Niu Zhixuan had always wanted to talk to Yang Ping, so he took this opportunity to come to the Overseas Chinese Building for hospitalization. He knew that he would definitely meet Yang Ping, because when Niu Zhixuan just resigned, he received help from Yun Jian’s boss.

Boss Yunjian invested in a company that sold children's health products. At that time, the company was recruiting experienced pediatricians. After inquiring, Niu Zhixuan found out that the salary was very good, several times the income from working in a hospital, so he decisively resigned and went to this company. After working in this company for a while and mastering new skills, Niu Zhixuan wanted to start his own business. Boss He of Yunjian was very supportive, so he gave Niu Zhixuan a sum of money. Boss He only held 10% of the shares and let Niu Zhixuan go for it. It turned out that Niu Zhixuan had a talent for this and made the company prosperous.

Yun Jian's boss is also a man with a sharp eye. His number one talent, Director Tang, is already old, and Boss He has been looking for Director Tang's successor. So he set his sights on Niu Zhixuan. After a period of observation, he felt that Niu Zhixuan was a capable person and suitable for the new era, so he sent Director Tang to be Niu Zhixuan's mentor and give him careful guidance. After a period of training, Niu Zhixuan grew rapidly and became the backbone of the children's health products company. Later, Niu Zhixuan wanted to start his own business, and Boss He did not stop him at all, but supported him instead.

The boss of Yunjian is a man of vision. He has always wanted to make friends with Yang Ping, but due to his awkward identity, it is impossible for Yang Ping to cooperate with his current business. Therefore, Boss He wants to use his own funds to invest in building a large tertiary hospital, with a planned investment of tens of billions.

This hospital is completely separated from those previous messy businesses and is instead a proper high-end regular hospital. However, a hospital must have talents, and leading talents with strong appeal. Therefore, Boss Yun Jian feels that Yang Ping is the most suitable candidate at present. He has not thought about poaching Yang Ping, which is impossible. He just wants Yang Ping to be listed as a figurehead and join the company in the form of dry shares.

He went to Cheng Liquan for cooperation, but Cheng Liquan completely ignored him. Boss He had no choice but to come up with this trick and use Niu Zhixuan and Yang Ping's previous personal relationship to see if he could get in touch with this connection.

Of course, it would be a bit abrupt for Niu Zhixuan to go find Yang Ping specifically and bring up this matter, so he had to create a chance encounter, then reminisce about the past, continue to interact, and finally solidify the relationship, so that there would be plenty of opportunities to bring it up later.

It just so happened that Niu Zhixuan had acute pancreatitis due to overeating a few days ago, so he was immediately hospitalized at the Overseas Chinese Building. Then he found an opportunity to contact Yang Ping. Niu Zhixuan thought that Yang Ping would not pay any attention to him in his current status, but he didn't expect that Yang Ping had no airs at all and still treated him as a good friend.

Niu Zhixuan knew Yunjian's boss inside out, and he wasn't a bad person, it was just that his way of accumulating capital was a little unrighteous. But now he really wanted to invest in building a large and legitimate hospital. Or he wanted to clean up his name and get out of trouble, but helping to build a bridge wouldn't bring any harm to Yang Ping anyway, so he was still willing to do it.

Of course, Yang Ping didn't know that Niu Zhixuan had this plan in mind. He thought that he just came to get treatment and met him by chance. In fact, he hadn't seen Niu Zhixuan for two years.

Niu Zhixuan never thought that something unexpected would happen during the treatment of this disease.

(End of this chapter)

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