godfather of surgery

Chapter 985 Dr. Tang's Theory

Chapter 985 Dr. Tang's Theory
Li Min has always wondered why the old dean often sent him cases and asked him to consult the professors of Sanbo Hospital. Now he finally understood the reason. It turned out that the old dean now opened a specialist clinic for low back pain.

The old dean had been reluctant to explain something he had already explained repeatedly before, which was that he must not tell the truth about his medical treatment at Sanbo Hospital. He had failed to diagnose the old illness that had plagued him for more than ten years, and if this matter got out, it would damage his decades-long reputation as a doctor.

In addition to Li Min's leave, there were also doctors who took leave. Xia Shu asked for leave to go back to her hometown. The head nurse was arranging the nursing work in the department, and she was also going out for a few days. It was said that she was going to a resort in the province to relax.

Xu Zhiliang also took a leave of absence. He and his wife went out to travel for their honeymoon. This made Fatty Liang very depressed. Xu Zhiliang, who was recognized by the department as the last person to fall in love and get married, was actually going on his honeymoon now, while he was still having a conflict with the flight attendant.

Other doctors in the department did not take leave, but everyone was much more relaxed during the holidays because elective surgeries were suspended during holidays and only emergency surgeries were performed. There were not many emergency surgeries in the Surgical Institute, so many doctors decided to make good use of this week to do other things. Usually they are busy all day and have no time to do other things.

Some doctors decided to practice basic surgical skills, especially surgical robots; some doctors had too many overdue medical records and had been warned many times by the medical records department, so they decided to use these days to make up for the medical records; and some doctors decided to collect some information for their papers.

Fatty Liang was rather lonely, and had always had a tense relationship with the stewardess. He decided to go for further study with Tang Shun in the next few days. After returning from a short period of further study, he saw immediate results and quickly became a substantial stewardess. Later, due to his busy schedule, he had not been able to sit in the laboratory, so his level had been stagnant. Now the conflict with the stewardess has not been eased, and Fatty feels that his knowledge is not enough and he must study again.

The laboratory is closed during the National Day. Unlike clinical work, the laboratory implements a standardized get off work and rest system. Dr. Tang will be very busy during the National Day. More than a dozen of his Japanese girlfriends have made an appointment to visit Dr. Tang. It is also said that his American girlfriends brought their children to China, saying that they wanted the children to meet their excellent father.

The American was very free and easy. After she became pregnant with Dr. Tang, she did not cause any trouble for him. Instead, she chose to give birth to the child herself and become a single mother. She did not even ask Dr. Tang for living expenses. Tang Shun was also a little confused. Now he suddenly became a father, and he was a mixed-race child.

In short, all of this may seem like a mess to others, but in Dr. Tang's opinion, he can handle these things with ease. The methods of this master of time management and interpersonal management can probably be written into a paper and published in the world's top journals.

Dr. Tang spread an A4 paper on his desk and began to draw a time plan for the National Day holiday with a pencil. This plan includes numerous characters and time points. It looks like a table from the left and a mind map from the right. In short, it is too complicated for ordinary people to understand.

Fatty Liang was sitting opposite Tang Shun's desk. He stood up and looked carefully at Tang Shun's plan. Looking at these extremely complicated things, his head was buzzing and he felt very uncomfortable.

"It's not a good idea for you to keep dealing with things like this, right? Why don't you get married? Pick a suitable person to marry, it would be nice to have a stable home and live a simple life." Fatty Liang felt that Tang Shun had had enough fun and it was time to stop.

Tang Shun didn't even raise his head and sneered at Fatty Liang: "Marriage? I won't get married in this life. What's the purpose of marriage? Spiritual needs? Physiological needs? Continuing the family line? Economic complementarity? I can achieve these goals without getting married, so why should I get married?"

Fatty Liang was speechless and could not refute. Yes, what is the purpose of marriage? It seems that it would be better for him not to get married. Wouldn't he have everything?
"You are wasting your time by keeping so many girls hanging around like this. Isn't that very selfish?"

Fatty Liang was defeated from a utilitarian perspective, so he turned to moral preaching.

"We are all adults and have the right to make our own choices. I have not forced anyone to make a choice against their will. How can you say I am selfish?"

Tang Shun ignored the fat man and was still drawing his own plan. If the fat man was not a brother, he would have been kicked out by Tang Shun for talking like that. How the hell is he trying to teach me how to behave?

The fat man wanted to say something, but he couldn't say anything.

At this time, Tang Shun raised his head and looked at Fatty Liang: "Brother Fatty, when you reach my level, I won't mention the word marriage. Marriage is a shackle for you, not stability."

The fat man thought about it and it seemed to be true. It was obvious that his class was not high enough and he could not understand what Tang Shun was thinking. He alone could not handle a woman, but Tang Shun could coax more than a dozen women into being as docile as a cat.

"Have you been having a bad relationship with the flight attendant recently?" Tang Shun knew why the fat man was sitting here.

The fat man nodded and said nothing.

"Actually, there are only two words that women find most useful - coaxing and deceiving!" Tang Shun said shockingly.

The fat man's eyes widened: "I think sincerity is the most important thing in love. It's okay to coax someone, but how can you lie to them?"

"There is no contradiction!" said Tang Shun.

"What do you mean?" The fat man didn't understand.

Tang Shun asked, "Your girlfriend asked you if you look pretty in this dress today? What do you say?"

The fat man thought for a moment and said, "Of course I say she's beautiful. If I say she's not beautiful, there will be a lot of chaos."

"Does this contradict your true love for someone?" Tang Shun asked again.

There does not seem to be any contradiction!
The fat man was confused. According to what Dr. Tang said, if he tried to coax and deceive others, he would be a liar.

"I think it's really right to coax someone, but it's wrong to lie." The fat man raised his doubts.

Dr. Tang had never spoken to Fatty so bluntly before. Perhaps it was because he felt sorry for Fatty, or perhaps he was afraid that Fatty would harass him during the holidays, so he just spoke to him straight to the point.

"How can you coax someone into submission without lying? Lying is a means to an end, coaxing is the goal. It's that simple. You figure it out yourself. I'm very busy during the holidays and don't have time to talk nonsense with you." Tang Shun told the fat man directly.

"Cheating is the means, coaxing is the goal?"

"Yes, but no matter how much you coax her, you must always remember one principle. When getting along with women, you must be confident, even if you are blindly confident. You must be equal to the other person in psychology and behavior. Never be inferior to the other person, which means that a dog will die."

"Why don't I quite understand?" "Just remember it and figure it out slowly in the future. When dealing with women, you have to learn to play hard to get. For example, during the current conflict period, don't call to apologize every day or anything like that. Just leave them alone. There are many women in the world, why throw yourself on this one? You have to have this kind of momentum. Do what you should do. Coaxing is not spoiling. You have to master the timing and method of coaxing. Playing hard to get is the means, and playing hard to get is the goal. Playing hard to get is not just leaving her alone. Capture her when the time is right."

"For example? Mentor!" The fat man quickly brought the tea.

Tang Shun took a sip and said, "Don't pay attention to her now. Don't send WeChat or call her. But you can post on Moments. Post a few photos of you having a happy time at work and life. It's better if there are beautiful women in the photos. There are skills involved. You can figure it out yourself. You can post these on Moments randomly or send them to your flight attendant. But it looks like you posted them casually and have nothing to do with her. This is called doing things without leaving any traces. For example, isn't the female trainee you are currently leading tall and beautiful? Go play badminton with her, and then post a few photos. In some of the photos, you and the trainee should be in the same frame. Then write a few sentences lightly to let her make associations. Do you understand? Guide her to make associations."

"But I don't understand, Teacher!" The fat man looked serious and followed Tang Shun's thoughts closely.

Tang Shun thought for a while and said, "Hey, talent is something that can hardly be made up with hard work. How about this? You can post a few photos of you playing badminton, with close-ups of the girls, and add a sentence: A fulfilling and wonderful day! This circle of friends is only open to your flight attendant, the flight attendant's girlfriends, that is, people who may have the flight attendant's WeChat account. Others are blocked."

"What do you mean?"

"Just do it first, and then think about it slowly later."

"Okay!" The fat man took notes.

"Do you have any other tricks?" The fat man half-lay on the desk.

Tang Shun picked up his plan and looked at it carefully, saying, "Women have three needs: spiritual, material and physiological. Whenever a boyfriend and girlfriend break up, there must be some or all of these three problems. Similarly, whenever a boyfriend and girlfriend get along well, they must meet all three requirements. Without one, there can be no true happiness. You can analyze it yourself and find out which aspect you failed to satisfy the flight attendant."

"It's definitely not the last one." said the fat man immediately.

Tang Shun smiled and said, "You don't need to explain anything to me. Just use this theory to make up for your shortcomings. If you only meet one of the three planks, you can get a short-term love, but it is difficult to last long. Even if this plank is very long, it is only a deformed relationship. All three planks must meet the woman's expectations, so that it can last long."

"Now that you've put it to me, I seem to understand a little bit." The fat man seemed to realize something.

"This theory also applies to you choosing your life partner, so forgive me for being blunt, but this flight attendant is not suitable for you. Just treat it as an experience. I think if the experience is enough, we should go our separate ways and leave each other with good memories. You should still find someone suitable for you to marry." Tang Shun in turn persuaded Fatty Liang to get married.

"What do you mean?" the fat man asked, taking advantage of the rare time when the tutor was interested, he had to find out.

Tang Shun shook his head: "Think about it yourself, don't sit in front of me and affect my work."

There was no other way, so Fatty had to leave the lab and return to the operating room. He felt a little lonely. Zhou Can ran into the depressed Fatty Liang and said, "There are a few good movies in the recent National Day holiday. Do you want to go and watch them in a group to adjust your mood?"

"Form a group? Form a group with you?" The fat man was impatient and didn't want to go.

Zhou Can slapped the movie ticket into the fat man’s hand: Are you going or not?

The fat man immediately agreed: "Go, go, go!"

This girl was very oppressive, and Fatty Liang was not at all troubled by the movie ticket.

"Why don't you be a little more promising? You become listless all day long when people ignore you. You are a doctor, an expert, and the best anesthesiologist. Remember that you still have a lot to do. You keep revolving around him in your mind all day long like a dog." Zhou Can criticized the fat man harshly.

The fat man shook his head and thought, yes, why should I be listless? I am the best anesthesiologist, curing patients and saving lives every day. In an instant, his self-confidence burst forth.

Just now the fat guy was thinking about calling the stewardess
Xu Zhiliang went out for his honeymoon, and Song Zimo was seeing patients at home, so the work of the Surgical Research Institute would not be affected in the slightest. Yang Ping did not go out anyway, so he stayed at home with his wife and children and went to work as usual every day.

Sisi came to the hospital for a follow-up check-up during the holiday. The little girl had grown a lot taller. Due to the changes in her condition, she had to have follow-up checks much more frequently. This was because the spreading tumor seeds were growing wildly all the time. The effect of surgery on tumors was always limited. It could only be limited to the early stages of the tumor. In the early stages of the tumor, surgery could eliminate the tumor in one fell swoop and achieve the purpose of eradicating it completely. However, once the early stages had passed and the tumor spread, the seeds scattered in the human body could be revived at any time.

Sisi's mental state is good. This is the benefit of abandoning chemotherapy and radiotherapy. If some tumors are not sensitive to chemotherapy and radiotherapy, it is easy to end up with more harm than good if these treatments are rashly used. However, chemotherapy and radiotherapy are somewhat abused in China now. Regardless of whether people admit the facts or not, it is ultimately driven by economic interests.

"Professor Yang!" Sisi greeted Yang Ping immediately when she saw him.

Maybe because I have grown up, I feel embarrassed to use such childish name as "big brother", so I learned to call Yang Ping "Professor Yang" like adults.

Yang Ping smiled and nodded: "Holiday too?"

"Well, the holiday is not until the day after tomorrow. I completed the admission procedures in advance today, and I will be hospitalized the day after tomorrow." Sisi's mother explained.

Sisi Some minor examinations can be done in the outpatient clinic, but now a set of examinations can easily cost more than 10,000 yuan, and there is no reimbursement in the outpatient clinic. A large proportion of these examinations can be reimbursed if they are completed in the hospital.

Dong Zhikai, the patient whose right femur miraculously disappeared, has been undergoing drug treatment for a period of time. Now it is time for a follow-up examination. Taking advantage of the holiday, Dong Guanghan brought his son for a follow-up examination. Dong Guanghan has been in dispute with the Municipal People's Hospital. He insisted that the Municipal People's Hospital stole his child's kidney, but disputes are disputes, and the child's illness still needs to be treated. Dong Guanghan is greedy, but he has not lost his humanity. He knows that in order to cure his son's illness, he must come to the Institute of Surgery, and he is very clear about this.

After a period of treatment with zoledronic acid or denosumab, the results of the follow-up examination showed that the bone density has changed and is much better than before, indicating that the drug treatment is effective. The next step is to implant a prosthesis. If the drug treatment is ineffective, I really dare not perform surgery on him. The porous bone will be useless even if the prosthesis is implanted, because the bone cannot anchor the two ends of the prosthesis at all, just like if the wall is made of mud, the nails nailed to the wall cannot anchor the nails at all.

Dong Guanghan will not get any unexpected fortune in Sanbo Hospital. He now understands this principle a little bit. But he will not let go of the Municipal People's Hospital. How can he not grab such a good opportunity? Dong Guanghan relies on trying every means to take advantage of others. He will take as many wool as he can.

The Institute of Surgery originally did not perform elective surgeries, but since everyone was not going out, they arranged some surgeries, but the number of surgeries was half of the usual number, and they were only scheduled in the morning, allowing everyone to rest in the afternoon.

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