godfather of surgery

Chapter 987 Walking on Thin Ice

Chapter 987 Walking on Thin Ice
Doctor Li Min returned to his original unit after his vacation. Although his training had not yet ended, he had returned with a full load. At this moment, he was excited about returning from his studies, but also had a deep attachment to this land.

He stepped into the township hospital where he had worked for many years. Although the hospital was small, it carried the hopes of tens of thousands of villagers in the surrounding area. There were only dozens of doctors and nurses in the hospital, only two security guards, and other administrative, logistical and other staff, a total of only about thirty people.

Most doctors in the hospital hold general practitioner licenses. They need to handle a variety of cases from internal medicine to surgery, from pediatrics to obstetrics and gynecology. Some hold assistant physician licenses, and some do not even have a formal medical license. Although their existence may not be fully in compliance with regulations, they are an indispensable part in actual operations.

The conditions in township hospitals are limited, especially in areas with relatively backward economic conditions. It is almost impossible to operate them completely in accordance with the medical standards and procedures of big cities.

If we have to strictly follow those "rules and regulations", I'm afraid we won't even be able to gather enough people who can do the work. So the doctors here are more like generalists. They need to meet the needs of patients and solve their pains as much as possible with limited resources.

"The expert from the provincial capital is back!" The old dean rushed out of the office with full energy and joy on his face, taking two steps at a time and almost jogging to Li Min.

The old dean has a ruddy complexion and looks energetic. In the past, he often couldn't straighten his waist and had to drag one leg to walk, which seemed extremely strenuous. Now this situation no longer exists. Although he can't say that he walks briskly, at least he walks with ease.

Seeing this, Li Min was also relieved. He smiled and said to the old dean: "Your waist is really better now. You walk with a breeze. You look at least 20 years younger!"

The old dean laughed, patted Li Min on the shoulder and said, "Only twenty years young? That's too conservative. Everyone says that I have the waist of a twenty-year-old now. But to be honest, my waist has been getting better day by day since you treated me last time. Are you used to studying in the provincial capital?" His words were full of concern for Li Min.

Li Min nodded and responded with a smile: "Not bad, I learned a lot and brought it back to share with everyone. I hope it can be helpful to the work of our hospital."

The old dean pulled Li Min into the office, and then several doctors came forward to take Li Min's luggage. Li Min also brought some special snacks from the provincial capital for everyone to eat, and asked the doctor who took the luggage to distribute them. He also brought two bottles of good wine for the old dean. This wine was given to everyone by the rich man Wang Changxin when he invited everyone to dinner. At that time, those who insisted on drinking must take a bottle back. Li Min didn't know what kind of wine it was. In order to bring this bottle of wine, he shared a private car with others.

The old dean held the wine carefully in his hands and looked at it left and right: "Little Li, it seems that my love for you is not in vain."

Several patients who were waiting for treatment also recognized Li Min and gathered at the door to greet him enthusiastically. This is how it is in a township hospital. The patients are all folks from nearby, so after working there for a while, they all get to know each other.

An old man held Li Min's hand and said gratefully: "Doctor Li, you are finally back. The medicine you prescribed for me last time was very effective. You must take a look at it again this time." Another mother with a child also came forward and said: "Doctor Li, my child's foot is deformed. Can you take a look?"

"Doctor Li just came back and his butt hasn't even warmed up yet. Let him have a rest." A patient said loudly. Everyone immediately felt embarrassed, shut up tactfully, and left the office.

"Don't worry, everyone. I'll rest for a while and then start seeing patients." Li Min didn't plan to rest for too long and wanted to get into the role as soon as possible.

The old dean said, "Don't be so anxious. We can start work tomorrow."

"I was just sitting around doing nothing anyway, so I slept for a few hours in the car on the way back." Li Min wanted to make good use of every minute of his vacation.

Faced with the enthusiasm and expectations of the villagers, Li Min felt the responsibility and mission as a doctor. He knew that although he had learned a lot of advanced knowledge and technology in the provincial capital, what was more important here was how to transform this knowledge into practical solutions suitable for local conditions to truly benefit those in need.

Township hospitals are different from large hospitals in provincial capitals. The principle of doctors in township hospitals is to solve the problem as quickly as possible using economical methods. It is of course better if it can be cured, but if it cannot be cured, symptomatic treatment is needed. If neither can be done, the doctors should be able to point out a way for the patients and tell them where to go for treatment.

Therefore, in grassroots hospitals, the legendary miracle doctor's special skills are "three elements and one bottle", which are hormones, antibiotics, vitamins and a bottle of intravenous drip. These special skills are indeed very effective. Many doctors who have been in large hospitals for a long time sometimes cannot cure diseases when they go to grassroots hospitals because they do not understand the needs of grassroots patients and they require short, flat and fast treatment plans.

So Li Min has been thinking about how to turn what he learned in the provincial capital into a treatment plan with rural characteristics. For example, in terms of strengthening nutrition, you can't ask patients to buy nutrients, you can only ask them to eat a few eggs a day.
On the first day of the holiday, the news and Moments on the phone all have one feature - the tourist attractions are all crowded, and the highways are all congested. Yang Ping is very confused. How come Xia Shu and the head nurse took the same highway when they went back to their hometown? The scenery outside the car in their Moments is actually the same.

Compared to the hustle and bustle outside, the hospital ward was much quieter. When Yang Ping arrived at the ward, an eighty-year-old patient was sitting at the nurses' station. She was clamoring to be discharged from the hospital, but she couldn't get through to her children on the phone, and was sulking. The nurse next to her was trying to persuade her softly, and finally managed to get the patient back to the ward.

"Isn't this patient scheduled to be discharged before the holiday?" Yang Ping asked.

The nurse shook her head and sighed, saying, "The family members originally said so, but they called us on the 30th and said they would pick up the elderly after the holiday. I asked why, and the family members said they were traveling outside. In fact, the family members had planned before the holiday to leave the elderly in the hospital and go traveling by themselves."

Yang Ping understood the whole story and told the nurse: "For elderly and high-risk patients, take a closer look at them so that any problems can be discovered and dealt with early."

In the doctor's office, except for a few doctors on vacation, everyone was there, not a single one was late, and the sound of keyboards kept clacking away early in the morning. "The professor is here, get ready for the National Day rounds!" Song Zimo reminded everyone as soon as he saw Yang Ping.

Yang Ping straightened his white coat and said, "Let's go check the ward."

All the doctors in the office stood up immediately and followed Yang Ping. Yang Ping walked steadily and each step seemed so calm. His eyes revealed a wisdom and composure that was not commensurate with his age, as if he could see through the mystery of every life. Following closely behind him was a group of young doctors and interns. They looked solemn, as if they were performing a sacred ceremony, and their eyes were full of thirst for knowledge and love for medicine.

"No matter when, contact with patients is the most basic principle. Only by contacting patients can we truly grasp first-hand information." Yang Ping's voice was not loud, but clear and powerful.

In an era of rapid advances in medical equipment, the basic principle of having direct contact with patients has been lost. Many doctors have ignored this or are unwilling to do it, especially surgeons, who can often make a decision based on a single image: perform surgery!

A group of people slowly walked into the ward. The patient was a young man in his twenties with a haggard face, but his eyes revealed a desire for life. When he saw Yang Ping and a group of doctors coming in, he tried hard to force a smile, which showed his deep trust and gratitude to the doctors.

This patient with intracranial brainstem tumor came to Sanbo Hospital to seek surgery from Yang Ping. Now it has been a week since the surgery and his condition has recovered well. Yang Ping walked to the bedside and first asked the patient detailed questions, not missing any details.

His words were gentle, kind and clear, as if he was talking to an old friend. At the same time, he used his experienced hands to perform various neurological examinations, as if he was having a silent conversation with the patient's body.

"Well, judging from the current situation, you have recovered very well after the operation. I believe that you will be able to work normally in the near future." Yang Ping said as he examined the patient, and at the same time turned to look at the doctors behind him, "Come over for a physical examination."

Young doctors came forward one after another and began to examine the patient in turns. After the examination, they either frowned in thought or discussed in a low voice, trying to catch clues of the disease from every subtle change. The last person to examine the patient was Li Guodong. He not only checked the patient's nervous system, but also did a simple examination of other aspects of the patient. He listened carefully to the patient's heartbeat with a stethoscope. His eyes were focused and serious, as if resonating with the patient's heartbeat.

"Professor Yang, I found that the patient's heart rhythm is irregular, sometimes fast and sometimes slow." Doctor Li Guodong hesitated for a moment, then mustered up the courage to speak, because no one had ever mentioned this abnormality.

Hearing this, Yang Ping frowned slightly, then smiled encouragingly: "Very good, your observation is very careful, so paying full attention to patients should become a habit. Focusing on the key points is just a foundation, and paying full attention is an advanced form. Why did you only focus on the nervous system when you examined the body just now? The ECG monitor next to the bed has not been removed. Have you paid attention to the ECG on the screen? Or do you think young people don't need to pay attention to these?"

Yang Ping then explained in an easy-to-understand manner how to think comprehensively and deeply in clinical practice, which included the latest medical research results and combined with his own clinical experience. The young doctors listened with great interest, nodded in agreement from time to time, or lowered their heads to take careful notes. Their eyes were full of desire for knowledge and love for medicine.

"Carry out further cardiac examinations and complete them as soon as possible today." Yang Ping gave verbal guidance and the doctor in charge immediately took notes.

"Professor Yang, you really work hard to come and make rounds in person during holidays." The patient said gratefully, his eyes full of respect and gratitude for Yang Ping.

Yang Ping smiled slightly: "Diseases have no holidays, so doctors have no holidays either. This is determined by the characteristics of our work. We are just doing our job well. Don't worry, the operation was successful. After you are discharged from the hospital, you can work and live like a normal person. Pay attention to regular checkups."

The patient nodded vigorously: "Thank you, Professor Yang, and thank you to all the doctors."

Originally, this patient was diagnosed as inoperable in many other hospitals. When he was desperate, he heard people sitting next to him on the train talking about Sanbo Hospital. They said there was a Professor Yang in Sanbo Hospital, whose surgical skills were simply at the god-level. Anyway, the patient took note of it and decided to give it a try. So he came to the Surgical Institute of Sanbo Hospital. Unexpectedly, he could really have the surgery, and the operation was successful.

The ward rounds continued. During the rounds, Yang Ping stopped from time to time to explain the condition and treatment plan in detail to the patients and their families. His tone was gentle and confident, which not only conveyed the rigor of medicine, but also gave the patients and their families enough confidence and comfort.

The young doctors who followed Yang Ping also benefited a lot. They not only learned valuable medical knowledge, but also deeply realized the sense of responsibility and mission that a doctor should have.

"As doctors, we must always be cautious. If we hadn't detected the arrhythmia in that patient, he would have died suddenly. So we should quickly complete the heart examination. If there is no major problem, that's even better. But what if there is a problem? What's at stake is human life. Human life is at stake! We must respect life. Although mistakes are inevitable objectively, we must not make mistakes subjectively. Others can make mistakes, but we cannot."

During today's ward rounds, everyone remembered a lot of things, but the one that impressed them the most was the phrase "walking on thin ice". We must be serious, serious, and serious again. In the words of Professor Zhang Zongshun: In our profession, no matter how serious we are, it is not too serious, because we are holding human lives in our hands.

After the ward round, Yang Ping did not leave the hospital immediately. He returned to his office and began to review all the cases he had visited today to see if there was anything missing. After several reviews and confirmation that he had thought of everything he should have thought of, Yang Ping felt relieved. This is what being a doctor is like. You have to be cautious at all times.

At the same time, the ward was still busy and orderly. Other doctors and nurses were also sticking to their respective posts to protect the health and lives of the patients. They either walked by hurriedly or talked in low voices, and they all seemed so focused and serious.

Although it was a holiday, Yang Ping still arranged some work. He performed surgery in the morning, taught everyone in the afternoon, and did not get off work until nightfall.

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