the first god

Chapter 102 The Warm Embrace

Chapter 102 Warm Embrace (Please subscribe! Please ask for a monthly pass!)

After nine lifetimes, he doesn't have to linger on his last days, he can still make waves steadily, and still have a lot of money.

However, in order to breathe more freely, Ma Yunteng does not plan to get a driver's license.

But Yunyou in front of him wanted to seduce her secretly.

[Lingjiu Island Master Yunyou] 520 wool points!
Total value: [8932050 points]

The progress bar of the primary task [Open the Realm of the Gods]:


The primary mission points have not been reached yet!

Congratulations to God - Roll up your sleeves and cheer!

Ok? ? ?
What is the value of this wave?

Only then did Ma Yunteng feel the soft touch on his back.

When did this happen?
Could it be that he was so focused on setting up the formation that he didn't notice such a major abnormality?

When we met for the first time, she was majestic, but gentle and reserved.

However, after throwing the Suxue Lotus Platform to help him expand the formation, he unexpectedly stood on his Yuanheng Sword.

And, I don't know if it was intentional, she was very close to him, because she was too close, the tip of Ma Yunteng's nose could always smell the faintly seductive and elegant fragrance .

After smelling the fragrance and knowing the female fairies, and returning to the world of all spirits, all the female fairies he came into contact with exude different light fragrances.In terms of the comfort and allure of the fragrance, the light fragrance from Yunyou is particularly prominent, always inadvertently making his mind flutter.

It was only then that Ma Yunteng discovered that the reason why he was bewitched in his heart was not the alluring light fragrance, but...

At this moment, the softest part of Yunyou's chest was firmly attached to his back.

Even if they were very close before, the distance would not be zero. After all, distance creates beauty.

This zero distance, what will happen.

This... What should he do with this?
What a hassle!Women are such a hassle.

Along the way, they were treated as respectful as guests, but she suddenly approached so warmly, there must be something for her.

He just asked her to help him with the technique of expanding the volume, and he didn't want to face the dilemma that it is easy to ask the gods but difficult to send them away.

Ma Yunteng decided to ruthlessly strangle the cause and effect that may be stained in front of him in the cradle, and immediately cut off the signs of its development.

"Immortal Yunyou, if you don't have other flying magic weapons, I still have a flying sword here, which I can lend you."

Ma Yunteng searched carefully, and found that the flying sword presented by Wang Youfeng, the owner of Chayan Fort, was also a rare flying magic weapon. At this time, it could really come in handy.

He turned his back to Yunyou and said the above words without looking back.

Yunyou was stunned when she heard the words, and then she realized that she didn't know when she was away from Ma Yunteng, and she was already zero distance away.

The protruding part of her chest is even closer to Ma Yunteng's back.


What a shame!
Even if she wanted to do this long ago, she could restrain herself in the past.

What was she thinking just now, she did such a thing that shocked her without realizing it.

Yunyou stepped back a foot quickly.

The soft feeling on Ma Yunteng's back disappeared immediately, only the tip of his nose was still suffering from the devastation and torture of the seductive light fragrance.

This is also something that can't be helped, which female fairy doesn't smell good, and to work with a female fairy, one must be prepared to suffer from such devastation and torture.

Unless, the two parted ways.

At this time, Chengzi Xiaoxian'e has not been found yet, and the two of them have not yet parted ways, so he has to continue to endure.

"No... no need, I can use this snow silk to fly."

Yunyou's face was flushed, the original sense of majesty was gone, she was clearly a shy fairy who was just in love.

Yunyou hurriedly tossed the snow silk from her sleeve, the snow-white thin silk belt was embroidered with edelweiss and rime, glowing with a faint snow-colored silver light, like the purest spirit of the silk belt in the world, against the background of the snow silk The beautiful fairy is more pure and refined.

The Yunyou at this time is completely different from the indifferent majesty when he first met, but there is a rare sense of shyness, which flashes by.

These subtle changes, of course, cannot escape Ma Yunteng's discernment.

Not spells, but visual observation.

He kept staring at her.

This performance is also too natural, much stronger than those actresses and queens in the previous life.

It seems that the transformation of a strong woman into a shy woman like a small bird in seconds seems to be a natural change, and it does not violate harmony at all.

Is this woman really a witch?
Didn't she really come here to seduce and bewitch him on purpose?
Ma Yunteng also felt a little puzzled.

"Master! Eleventh Senior Sister?"

Just when the two felt that the atmosphere was weird and awkward, the cheerful voice of Chengzi Xiaoxian'e came from afar.

The figure gradually approached, and Ma Yunteng saw that little Xian'e was holding a big orange in one hand and a sparrow leg in the other, with an orange on the left and a sparrow leg on the right.

Only Xueyuan, Henger and Hengzhi followed behind.

The food taste of this little orange fairy has declined.

Orange meat and sparrow legs don't go together.

Could it be that he couldn't finish eating the sparrow legs and then nibble on the orange flesh?

The perfect obsessive-compulsive disorder of Ma Yunteng's previous life's gourmet kitchen broadcast is at work again.

In the process of flying towards Yujian, the little fairy had already quickly dealt with the oranges and sparrow legs in her hand, opened her white and tender hands, and flew towards Ma Yunteng at a faster speed.

Huh?When did the world of all spirits start to keep pace with the times, and the western hug ceremony became popular?
Ma Yunteng thought it was strange, but he still didn't want to smack Chengzi Xiaoxian'e's face in front of everyone.

It is also normal for the master to hug the disciple.

Therefore, Ma Yunteng also stretched out his hands, intending to catch the orange, and also intending to stretch out his arms thoughtfully to ease the momentum of the impact force, so as to prevent her from hitting due to excessive speed.

Unexpectedly, Chengzi Xiaoxian'e directly passed him and hugged Yunyou who was standing peacefully on the snow silk.

"Senior Sister Eleven! Cheng Zi misses you to death!"

Xiaoxian'e rubbed vigorously in Yunyou's arms.

Yunyou was obviously uncomfortable, and the smile she squeezed out was very forced.

Of course, there is no emptiness in Ma Yunteng's arms.

Suddenly, a black, white and brown tricolor long-legged dog popped out of his arms.

This black, white and brown long-legged dog is so cute!
A pair of watery eyes, large and round, like two bright colored glass beads inlaid on the face, dark brown, slightly oval, and the eyelids are close to the eyeballs.The top of the head is flat and broad, slightly wrinkled, and well-defined, the muzzle is strong and straight, the nose is black, and the teeth are scissors.


When he was a kitchen broadcaster in his last life, he also raised a black, white and brown tricolor long-legged dog, the Bernese Mountain Dog.

He named the dog Doudou.

The beanie who eats, sleeps and beats the beanie.

Doudou is a very smart, lively, gentle, polite and generous big dog.

And, very loyal.

When he cooks and eats alone, it will lie meekly not far from his feet and accompany him.

Soybeans are strong, obedient, confident, not afraid of difficulties, and never wild.As a puppy, he sometimes appears very curious and lively. When he grows up, he becomes very quiet and ignores strangers, but he is very excited when he is familiar with people and often climbs up on others. On the lap, it is very gentle to children and other animals.

When resting, its ears hang down beside its head, drooping softly, with a round face. When alert, the ears will turn forward, the base of the ears will be raised, and the highest part of the ears will sometimes be flush with the top of the head, making it look like Very nimble and clever.

After nine lives, he has forgotten many people and things, and he can't remember too many details of the past.

However, surprisingly, he still remembers everything about Doudou.

This one is the Skyfire dog Doudou.

It was called Ah Huo before, but he has unilaterally renamed it Doudou.

(End of this chapter)

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