the first god

Chapter 108 Fighting Spirit

Chapter 108 Fighting Spirit (8 thousand words, ask for a monthly pass!)
The three big plates of dumplings in front of him were all extremely beautiful in shape, crystal clear, plump and moist, so he picked up a dumpling with his chopsticks.

As soon as I ate it in my mouth, I felt that this dumpling was very special. It was really... so delicious!
He admitted that the dumplings made by his grandma and grandpa, who are recognized in the industry as chefs, are indeed delicious, and he really misses them.

However, he couldn't say against his will that the chef's grandpa and grandpa made better dumplings than the dumplings he ate just now.

Because, the dumpling in front of him is really the best dumpling he has ever eaten in his life!
There is a small dish of vinegar sauce next to the dumpling plate, but he doesn't think there is any need to dip it in vinegar sauce, it is so delicious!
He quickly picked up the second, third, and...

He lowered his head, and after eating more than 20 dumplings in a row, he felt that his energy seemed to be extraordinarily abundant, sweeping away his former malaise.

Bai Qianzhou continued to eat the dumplings, but couldn't help asking, "Where did you buy these dumplings? It's so delicious!"

"The dumplings you bought?"

Dingying seemed a little puzzled at first.

Immediately, Guan'er smiled and said slowly, "I bought it from Suji Restaurant! It is said that it used to be called...Baiji Restaurant! The owner of this called...Su Kun!"

Bai Qianzhou was shocked, and threw a dumpling that he had picked up and was about to put into his mouth, and threw it on the ground.

With a "snap", he also threw the chopsticks to the ground.

With trembling hands, he pointed at Dingying, "You, must are really deceitful!"

Dingying didn't seem to care, and said while eating: "Huh? Know what? Do you know that he is a white-eyed wolf who took away all the property of your Bai family? Do you know that Su Kun is your animal father who is not as good as a pig or a dog?"

" know! You know why you still go to Suji Restaurant to buy breakfast?"

Bai Qianzhou turned his head away angrily, and stopped looking at Dingying.

Where is this perfect system?

This is the worst system ever!

The most annoying system!

This system is simply a coquettish bitch! seems too vicious...

Well, she is a coquettish bastard!
Dingying continued to eat breakfast calmly, eating very elegantly.

"Hehe...why go to Suji Restaurant to buy it? arouse your fighting spirit!"

Uh...he misunderstood the system!
However, Bai Qianzhou couldn't bear to apologize.

Finally Dingying was full, put down the tableware, took a handkerchief from a plate and wiped her mouth, even the movement of wiping her mouth was as elegant and noble as the way she ate.

"It's good that you haven't forgotten the past! You should keep fighting spirit forever in this world!" Dingying paused, looked at Bai Qianzhou meaningfully, and then continued: "Don't worry, eat these things , I did it all with my own hands!"

"You did it? But... there is no trace in the kitchen!"

Bai Qianzhou obviously didn't believe it!
He also has eyes, and his vision is not bad!
Dingying glanced at his kitchen, his eyes full of disgust, "Is such a messy kitchen a place I can go in?"

She pointed to the dining table, the sofa, the bathroom, and the bedroom, "Here, here... and there... I've ordered all of them, and I'll replace them all later!"

Bai Qianzhou could not help lowering his head gradually, pretending not to hear.

How much does it cost?He has no money... all his money is only enough to hire a nurse for one year...

So, he quickly changed the subject: "Then... where did you cook your breakfast?"

"Of course it's my own private kitchen! It's really cheap for you... Your kid will have a good meal in the future!"

you kid?
Bai Qianzhou felt that he deserved it!
He, a 30-year-old uncle, is called a kid, it is really... extremely unfriendly!

Although Dingying doesn't look like a loli, she is indeed very young, about the same age as a college student, beautiful enough, but also youthful.

Private kitchen?About a portable space...

The system probably has everything...

If, in the future, there are such delicious things...

As long as Bai Qianzhou thinks about it, he feels that life is really wonderful.

Dingying is obviously a seasoned foodie, and he began to talk eloquently: "The dumplings you ate just now are Ling dumplings! The dish of vinegar sauce on the side is also a good thing, but unfortunately, you ate it without dipping it in the vinegar sauce There are so many...the making procedure and auxiliary materials of these dumplings are extremely complicated, and the kitchen utensils and utensils used are also very particular..."


Bai Qianzhou was taken aback. Was it something with aura that the immortals ate according to the rumors?
"Let me pick up the main ones and talk about it... The flour used for the dumpling wrappers is Lingmai that has only matured for 3000 years, and the flour is ground repeatedly with a jade mill..."

"The water mixed into the flour to make dumpling wrappers is Ganlin Lingshui, which takes hundreds of years to get a single drop. It is the rootless water of heaven and earth collected from Lingshan. become……"

Tsk tsk... Lingmai! Lingmai matures only after 3000 years!
Tsk tsk... Ganlin Lingshui!It takes hundreds of years to get a drop of Ganlin Lingshui!

Bai Qianzhou felt that if the dumplings were really made of these things, he would probably have a longer lifespan.

"The rolling pin used to roll the dumpling wrapper is a small branch of the sacred tree of Dingdi..."

"As for the minced meat inside... the most tender meat from the spirit cows, spirit bears, spirit deer, spirit sheep, and spirit pigs in the spirit beast garden with the best ecological environment and the best breeding methods are cut and chopped. Added chopped ten thousand year spirit mushroom, ten thousand year spirit ear, thousand year spirit onion, spirit egg and other ingredients, and slowly stirred it in a jade bowl..."

"After the spirit dumplings are made, put them in a jade steamer and steam them with spirit bone soup that has been simmering for a hundred days..."


Involuntarily, Bai Qianzhou's mind flashed...the pictures and videos of making Ling Dumplings.

He was dumbfounded!
Tsk tsk... In the newly remade martial arts movie "The Legend of the Condor Heroes" he recently watched, Hong Qigong's favorite, the mandarin duck and five treasures that he misses so much, are already particular enough... But, just talking about the ingredients, How can it compare with the Ling Dumplings he ate just now...

Dingying... is more virtuous and capable than Huang Rong!

It seems... that she didn't lose to his goddess Shen Youchu...

With great effort, Bai Qianzhou picked up the chopsticks on the ground, wiped them with his clothes, and continued to eat other delicacies on the table.

While eating, he questioned: "Is this food really so precious and high-end? And... so complicated... With these three big plates of dumplings, you can't make them so quickly, right? Besides, there is porridge on the table , Xiaolongbao, rice noodles, cold noodles, kelp soup, soy milk, milk... a few dishes of hot and cold dishes with meat and vegetables... and a few pastries that I can't name..."

Even if she is a super chef, it is impossible for her to cook such a large table of delicious food so quickly.

Dingying didn't explain too much, just smiled and said: "I have a lot of ingredients in the kitchen... When you have enough spiritual power and learn to control your mind, it will change in an instant... It's not difficult! Eat it! Has your body recovered from so many foods full of aura?"

Thought manipulation... ever-changing?
Restore your body?

Bai Qianzhou didn't quite understand, but he felt that he was indeed full of energy, which was quite different from the past.

It seems that there is no pain in the body anymore.

So, he told the truth.

Dingying nodded and said nothing.

Bai Qianzhou couldn't hold it anymore, so he put down his chopsticks and asked anxiously, "When will I start the system task? What rewards do you have?"

Dingying smiled secretly, as if he was laughing.

"With your current body, what kind of missions can you take part in? When you come back from completing missions, your body may not be usable anymore...Your soul doesn't have a body to store it in. What do you think will happen?"

"Ah? Wouldn't that mean it's dead? But... why do other people get rewards by doing tasks right away when they get the system?"

"Others are normal people! Don't you know what your own physical condition is? If you don't take good care of your body, you will die in less than half a year!"

"Less than half a year?"

Bai Qianzhou felt lost, he still wanted to live on, he wanted to see the final end of Su Kun, a thief.

Dingying comforted: "Don't worry! Since I'm here, you don't need to worry."


Bai Qianzhou couldn't feel completely at ease, but there was nothing he could do.

Dingying smiled and said: "Someone will come to decorate and change furniture later, let's move a place for them, let's go outside for a walk..."

Go... can he go?
Bai Qianzhou's face turned dark immediately.

When this Dingying speaks, he always reveals his faults in person...

It really is a coquettish scam!

The place where Bai Qianzhou lives is an old community, each building is a small high-rise with six floors, there is no elevator, it is extremely inconvenient for disabled people in wheelchairs to go up and down.

Bai Qianzhou lived on the fourth floor. Since his amputation, he hasn't gone downstairs for more than half a year.

Dingying hugged him with one hand, and carried the wheelchair with the other, he went down the four flights of stairs with ease, and came to the flower bed in the community.

her strength...

so big…… soft...

Fortunately, it smells...

After Bai Qianzhou sat in the wheelchair, he still missed the brief sense of touch and smell just now.

There used to be a small garden in this community. In order to make more money, the developer demolished the small garden and some fitness equipment and built a new building.

Therefore, in this community, there are only a few narrow flower beds planted with tall trees, and there is no scenery to watch.

Bai Qianzhou didn't think it was interesting.

Dingying glanced at Bai Qianzhou, and said lightly: "If you think sitting in a wheelchair is meaningless, then practice meditation, breathing, and sleeping..."

"I'm not as stupid as Guo Jing, are you trying to teach me inner kung fu?"

"Guo Jing?"

"The hero in "The Legend of the Condor Heroes"!"

Dingying glanced at Bai Qianzhou coolly, and said with a smile: "Oh... I know! But, do you really think that you are not stupid? You mother and son have never doubted...the reason why your grandparents suddenly died of illness together ?"

Bai Qianzhou hesitated for a moment, then suddenly realized.

"Ah? You grandpa and grandpa may have been killed by Su Kun? Maybe they didn't die of illness?"

Dingying nodded, "When you do missions in the future, if you can get the holographic time-space restoration technique or the time-space shuttle technique, you can understand the truth."

Bai Qianzhou clenched his fists tightly, with a horrifying hostility on his face, and said sternly, "Su Kun! This wolf-hearted thing deserves to die!"

Dingying said sternly: "I don't have the ability, so don't speak harsh words first."

Bai Qianzhou then began to practice the inner strength exercises silently.

Dingying said that it is not enough for him to just eat some food that contains spiritual power, he also needs to practice internal power and improve his physical fitness, so as to ensure the vitality and strength of his body when his soul leaves the body to do tasks.

The two of them had lunch at one of the most upscale restaurants nearby.

Dingying ate two bites of each of the five dishes he ordered, then put down his chopsticks in disgust.

Bai Qianzhou felt that it was delicious, and it was not wasted, so he took care of everything.

At dusk, Bai Qianzhou was held in Dingying's arms and returned home again.

His house has changed a lot.

Too extravagant!So luxurious!

The door to the living room has been replaced, and the old-fashioned key lock has been replaced with a pupil recognition fingerprint lock, and his fingerprints have also been entered.

The shoe cabinet and porch at the entrance have been remodeled, and there is an additional garden for the home, which is beautiful, convenient and practical.

All the doors, windows and curtains in the room have been replaced.

The old tiles were replaced with high-grade solid wood floors.

All walls and ceilings have been softly decorated, all lighting fixtures including switches have been replaced, and the living room, kitchen, bathroom, and balcony have all been completely refurbished.

This... speed... is faster than a rocket!
Bai Qianzhou not only marveled at the luxury of the interior decoration, but also marveled at the speed of the refurbishment.

The bedrooms have also been overhauled.

His mother's room was transformed into a cloakroom without a bed, and it was connected with his room. The two rooms were merged into a large room with a cloakroom.

His room, the wardrobe wall his mom designed, continues.

However, the original 1-meter-wide bed disappeared and was replaced by a 8-meter-wide Roman-style leather bed. The wall at the head of the bed was redecorated, a curtain hung from the ceiling, and all the sheets and bedding were naturally replaced. , the whole bed looks luxurious and dreamy.

Although Bai Qianzhou was shocked by the super fast and extremely luxurious decoration, he still thought of a very important question, and quickly asked, "Where is my mother's belongings?"

Dingying smiled, holding a black bead slightly smaller than a marble in his hand, and said softly: "Don't worry, all the things you have here are in this bead, and now you have very little With a little bit of spiritual power, you can start it and go in to have a look."

Bai Qianzhou followed the method suggested by Dingying, and sure enough, he went in.

This bead looks very small, but the space inside is not small. It is about the size of two or three football fields. The original things in his house are neatly placed in a large pavilion. There are really many of them. The mouthwash cups, toothbrushes, toothpaste, and towels he used are all neatly and orderly placed here.

When Bai Qianzhou came out of the black bead space, Dingying had already woven a black leather rope bracelet and woven the black beads into it.

She motioned for him to put it on.

"Which hand do you wear?"

"Whatever...the left hand brings good luck, and the right hand wards off evil spirits."

Bai Qianzhou wore it on his left hand.

Has he already picked up a space for nothing?

The home has been remodeled so luxuriously too!

It seems that this woman is really a system!
In fact, he has never dispelled his suspicion that she is cheating with the fishing game company.

At this moment, all his doubts... finally began to loosen...

"There's only one bed at home... how do we sleep?" Bai Qianzhou asked with his head down.

Bai Qianzhou had already discovered this problem, but he never had the nerve to ask.

Asking this question, he really didn't dare to look at ask.

Well, he admits that he is really... determined... courageous... and incompetent...

Sensing that Dingying was approaching him, he slowly raised his head, only to find that Dingying's delicate red lips were... very close to him!

Dingying's faint fragrance came from his mouth.

"Of sleep together!"

Bai Qianzhou was taken aback by Dingying's light answer, how could this work.

The 3-meter-wide bed is really big enough...

But, they are a man and a woman, this, this... how can it be...

Dingying stared at him while talking.

It was only then that Bai Qianzhou realized that Dingying's eyes were full of clear disgust.

He bowed his head in inferiority.

Dingying exhaled Ruolan, that faint fragrance came towards Bai Qianzhou again.

"It's okay to have disabled legs! This face, no matter how you look at it, is too ugly. I thought it was an ordinary face... Sigh, it's just because you are so lucky... Come to get the novice gift card." Gift bag!"

ah?Why is the novice gift package not released until now, shouldn't it be given when they meet each other?

Food with spiritual power, inner skills, house decoration, black bead space... These are not a gift package for beginners?

All of the above... are just extra surprise gifts from the system?
Newbie gift pack... What exactly will be distributed?

With a stomach full of doubts, Bai Qianzhou waited excitedly... a gift package for beginners!

"Hey... this is the novice gift pack! Eat it quickly!"

Dingying handed Bai Qianzhou a small white pill, about the size of a sesame seed.

"What is this?"

Bai Qianzhou took the pill, but didn't dare to take it directly.

This is the... novice... big... gift bag?

Where exactly is it big?

Bai Qianzhou couldn't help but look at the two domineering peaks on Dingying's body...

Then, he continued to stare at the white pill the size of a sesame seed in his hand.

Dingying seemed to be aware of his thoughts, sneered softly, and said softly: "Why? Are you afraid of being poisoned? Then don't eat it! But... I think you will regret it!"

Bai Qianzhou felt that he was already like this, so he didn't have many worries.

Could it be that this woman went to such great lengths to occupy his worthless house after his death?

However, in the small third-tier city he lives in, the renovation cost of remodeling the house today can buy this house.

Is this pill... really okay?
He doesn't want to die yet!

He still wants to live and see Su Kun's fate with his own eyes.

So... Bai Qianzhou swallowed the pill suddenly.

I choked up because I ate too fast...

Choked by a pill the size of a sesame seed... Probably, only a cripple like him who suffers from continuous bad luck can do it.

Dingying thoughtfully handed him a glass of water.

Bai Qianzhou felt that at least half of the cells in his body were moved...

He suddenly thought of Aunt Zhou who had already boarded the plane... and his mother who had passed away...

Dingying said softly: "After half an hour, look in the mirror!"

Why look in the mirror?

Could it be... His appearance can be changed?
Bai Qianzhou knew that Dingying was probably originally a gentle person... oh no, a gentle system.

It's absolutely impossible to be gentle with him alone, because he caught a glimpse of the naked disdain in her eyes...

He could not help but lower his head.

He is really short and ugly... and his legs are disabled... he really hinders the appearance of the city!
But, it's really not his fault... He's also very wronged.

He didn't go out and wander around to affect the appearance of the city...

His mother actually looks pretty good, but Su Kun is short and ugly.

Su Kun didn't know what kind of ecstasy drug he gave his grandparents to marry his daughter to such a short, ugly, vicious scumbag...

Suffering from bone cancer and amputation... is not something he can control.

If it is possible, he is willing to go back to the stove and transform long as it is not Su Kun's seed...

Bai Qianzhou set the alarm clock for half an hour. After the alarm clock rang, he couldn't wait to run to look in the mirror...

Well, running in a wheelchair...

The person in the it really him?
ID card... Do I need to change it?

Is his ID card still valid?
The person in the mirror...

so handsome!And a lot younger...

This face... Fengshen is handsome and has an extraordinary temperament, which fascinates all beings!
Especially the eyes!
His original eyes were small and lifeless.

However, these eyes... are full of energy, as vast as the sea of ​​stars, deep and mysterious, making one involuntarily intoxicated!

A natural protagonist's face!
It's a wasn't born!
Well, the face of the main character the day after tomorrow!
The speed of this plastic surgery... the Rockets can't keep up!

The plastic surgery hospital is probably going to stop... A pill the size of a sesame seed has changed a face that turns all living beings upside down!
If the army of Internet celebrities find out about this, the pill will probably be hyped up to a sky-high price!
Perhaps, this pill was originally a sky-high price!

Because, this is his novice gift package!
Food with spiritual power, inner skills, house decoration, black bead space...all of these are incomparable... a big gift package for beginners!
It must be sky-high!
Bai Qianzhou carefully glanced at Dingying who was lazily lying on the sofa, and then continued to look obsessively at his face in the mirror of the phone.

This face... really matches Dingying so well!

It's all full of charm, and it's overflowing...

Bai Qianzhou rolled the wheelchair to the side of the sofa, and said coyly, "Dingying! Thank you! This pill... must be very expensive!"

Dingying was resting with his eyes closed, but was interrupted at this time, and said impatiently: "This pill is called Changyan Pill! The dumplings you ate for breakfast today can be exchanged for... tens of billions... Also, You're welcome! I really don't want to face your annoying greasy uncle's face all day long, so I just found a reason for you to take it..."

Bai Qianzhou felt embarrassed and surprised, "So, I didn't have a gift package for beginners?"

Dingying closed his eyes, and although his tone was gentle, there was also a hint of impatience, "Yes! You can have me, that is, you have cultivated the blessings of the Three Lives and Three Worlds. How can there be any newbie gift packs for you..."

can i have youThese words... are very ambiguous!
Bai Qianzhou's face suddenly turned red. He felt extremely hot. He looked at the only bedroom with the door open and the only big bed in the bedroom...

Then, he said cheekily: "Then... your remaining tens of billions of face-changing pills... give it to me directly, okay? Just treat it as my appetite and eat an extra breakfast..."

Dingying immediately pointed out sharply: "You want to sell it for money? Don't even think about it!"

"However...after you learn alchemy...and then, if you find enough medicinal materials, you can have them too!"

Bai Qianzhou touched his nose, pretending he didn't say anything!

Well, he can definitely have it in the future!
Dingying graciously cooked dinner for him. There were ten dishes and drinks, all of which were spiritual food and drinks containing spiritual energy. Naturally, the rice was spiritual rice cooked from spiritual rice.

Bai Qianzhou felt that every dish was as delicious as the rumored mandarin duck and five delicacies, and he couldn't describe the taste of the dishes one by one.In short, it is delicious, and it has endless aftertaste...

Not long after dinner, the nurse hired by Aunt Zhou rang the doorbell. It was a short, middle-aged man.

Because of the free nurse Dingying, Bai Qianzhou could only say a few words of apology to the new nurse.

The man returned the key which was completely useless.

To express his apology, Bai Qianzhou paid the other party 30 yuan for a taxi.

The bathtub was also replaced with a new one, and Dingying thoughtfully filled him with water, and even took him down to a pair of underwear... into the bathtub with his own hands.

After Bai Qianzhou finished washing himself, Dingying came in again and put him on the bed with his own hands.

Bai Qianzhou secretly sighed, this free nurse who doesn't pay is really considerate and practical...

The two slept on the same bed, covered with two quilts... each with a quilt, and slept until dawn.


Bai Qianzhou finally got his first system task.

Well, his body has recovered to be the same as a normal person, even a little stronger than a normal person.

But...why is this his first task?
When in Tokyo?teach?

Bai Qianzhou's long-awaited system task has finally started!

He is very excited!
Joyfully opened the kit bag that Dingying casually stuffed for him.

Well, his system task release... is indeed a bit old-fashioned!

What age is it, aren’t they all light curtains or electronic screens?Why is it a kit?

Has he traveled to ancient times?
Or...has he been fooled by the female liar all the time?
But... what's going on with his handsome face that makes everyone angry?

Could it be that the small pill he took was actually a hallucinogen, and he had hallucinations?

The renovation of his home, spiritual rice and spiritual food, Heizhu space...

Are these all hallucinations?
In the first task, Bai Qianzhou became an 82-year-old homeless old woman in Tokyo, Baba Sayako, and had to experience the life of a homeless person for two months.

It turned out to be experiencing the life of a homeless old woman?
Being a homeless old woman in Tokyo... Teach people to pick up trash... Divide the trash?

Others have a system that is amazing, but he can only be a homeless man, and he is also an old woman.

Bai Qianzhou felt that his system was useless, and it was a complete scam.

However, he has never been abroad, and he still looks forward to life abroad. Even being a homeless man is very novel to him.The point is, he asked repeatedly, although he is a homeless man, but he is a normal person with sound body.

The system also said that he is actually playing a real-life experience game. Even if he dies, he can be resurrected and start playing again. So, have fun... The perfect system gives him a perfect life, so don't worry, don't panic... …

Naturally, there was a note in the kit, which was parchment.

This parchment should have been floating in the air like a cow fork!Bai Qianzhou complained.

The content on the parchment is very informative:

Sayoko Baba, 82 years old. Came to Tokyo from Niigata Prefecture at the age of 15 and started working in strip clubs.

Married at the age of 25, married to the owner of a small Chinese cuisine shop, and ran away from home 5 years later because of a disagreement between husband and wife.

Divorced formally at 30, returned to work in small bars until 40, married a gang member.

At the age of 60, he found out that his second husband had an affair and gave birth to an illegitimate child, so he left the family and came to the banks of the Sumida River and became a homeless man. It has been 22 years today.

With the development of the sky tree in Sumida District, the areas on both sides of the Sumida River have been continuously developed into green parks, and there are fewer and fewer places for homeless people to live...

Is this an introduction to the characters in the game?What about the key plot behind it?Why not?
Before Bai Qianzhou could ask, he was pushed from behind by Dingying... Then, he seemed to be drawn into a vortex of space exuding dazzling light... did he suddenly have long legs?
He could clearly see himself standing in this dazzling vortex with long legs...

He hurriedly looked back: he was still sitting in the wheelchair and seemed to be asleep...

His soul has left the body... and then the soul passed through?
Since it's a game, the holographic game scene should first appear in the air, and then he walked in directly and started to join the game... It's like time travel.

Before Bai Qianzhou could figure it out, he appeared in a dimly lit alley.

This small alley is extremely remote, deep and silent. There is not a single pedestrian on the road, but there are many homeless people resting here on the side of the road. The bunks made of old newspapers and cardboard boxes are well arranged.

A few bunks are surrounded by cardboard boxes, tarps, and wooden boards, which look like simple kennels, kennels without roofs...'s probably a homeless house!
However, there are no roofs!

What if it rains?How to do?Bai Qianzhou was a little puzzled.

"You are finally here! Great...I can get away in three days!"

A voice with an old voice but an exceptionally cheerful tone suddenly rang in my ears.

Bai Qianzhou found that there was no one around, and those homeless people had probably fallen asleep peacefully.

Only then did he realize that the voice came from himself.

Moreover, it is the voice in the head, not from the throat, it is probably called brain language.

The one who uttered the brain language was an old woman squatting on a cardboard with thinning white hair and wrinkled face. Her clothes were not very tattered, but they were extremely dirty.

Two souls reside in one body?

That voice was speaking in Japanese, but, miraculously, Bai Qianzhou had never learned Japanese, yet he could understand it!

"Are we sharing the same body?" Bai Qianzhou asked cautiously.

"Nonsense! It's obvious!" The old voice with a particularly cheerful tone was obviously very impatient.

This very impatient, obviously disgusted tone... It's a bit like Dingying!
(End of this chapter)

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