the first god

Chapter 113 Advanced Illusion

Chapter 113 Advanced Illusion (Ask for a monthly pass!)
"There is nothing else in our Imperial Beast Gate, only spirit beasts and spirit beast eggs, senior, look...?"

Bai Qianzhou had a young face, and he was indeed young, but in the world of cultivating immortals, strength was the most important thing.Although Liu Zhihe is more than 100 years old and his face is not young, he still has to call Bai Qianzhou "senior".

"It's easy to say! I won't deliberately embarrass your guarding beasts. After all, you are on Lingjiu Island, and you can't see you when you look up. Your town spirit beast, the flame flying tiger, will be returned to you!"

Liu Zhihe was overjoyed when he heard the words.

"We Chayanbao now also have fifth-order spirit beasts. The contracted beast of the castle owner is a three-headed fourth-order vulture, and you have all seen it. If the spirit beast's rank is too low, the people of our Chayanbao will , I really don't like it. You can just get some third-order and fourth-order spirit beasts and spirit beast eggs... However, you have to give them willingly. Anyway, I will leave your lives and cultivation base, otherwise , not to mention life, all the cultivation base is definitely not guaranteed..."

Just get some third-order and fourth-order spirit beasts and spirit beast eggs?It seems that Chayanbao will have at least one spirit beast on hand?Is this to establish a second Imperial Beast Gate?

If there were really a lot of third-order and fourth-order spirit beasts in the Imperial Beast Gate, they would have brought them to the Chayan Fort... Except for a fifth-order flame flying tiger, the third-order and fourth-order spirit beasts add up to only hundreds of heads. , the rest are all first-order and second-order spirit beasts, and the number is huge, but that's not very useful.

Liu Zhihe was really in pain and couldn't tell.

" see, our Beastmaster Sect is actually very poor. There are only nine spirit beasts of the fourth rank, and two have been brought in today. There are only more than 80 spirit beasts of the third rank...the third rank There are some spirit beast eggs, the fourth-order spirit beast eggs, I am not afraid of making fun of you, senior, and there is not a single one at present."

Bai Qianzhou stared fixedly at Liu Zhihe, as if he wanted to see a hole in him, "You only have a few spirit beasts, how dare you call them Yushoumen?"

"In our sect, the number of second-order spirit beasts is still considerable..."

Liu Zhihe didn't have the arrogance he used to provoke at all, and his voice became lower and lower.

"Second-order spirit beasts? I think our brothers and sisters in Chayanbao would feel embarrassed to go out to meet people if they contracted second-order spirit beasts. However, we can wait... until you hatch or tame third-order and fourth-order spirit beasts. After the spirit beast, I will send it over..."

"What do you think?"

Liu Zhihe and the disciples of the Imperial Beast Sect were overjoyed, thinking that there was no time limit, they thanked them repeatedly, expressed their remorse, and changed their minds.

When Bai Qianzhou saw that there was a door, he hurried to make persistent efforts.

"Is it really grateful, the deity can fully detect it, I hope that you are sincerely regretful and grateful."

"Forget it, this deity is a little tired today, so I won't bother with you. I will return the fifth-order spirit beasts to you, and the third- and fourth-order ones will all stay. Alas, my Chayan Fort is not enough to plug my teeth. Months, send ten tier [-] or tier [-] spirit beasts over, if Elder Liu has no opinion, just leave a wisp of the soul of life, and then take your disciples from the Imperial Beast Sect to leave... We Chayanbao never Raise idlers!"

Send ten third-order or fourth-order spirit beasts every month?

Seems like there is no time limit...

This is really no time limit!

Liu Zhihe and all the disciples of the Beast Sect were dumbfounded... This... Isn't this all the belongings of the Beast Sect within a year?And then...their imperial beast gates have completely become the royal beast supply sect of Chayanbao...

Oh, the fifth-order town gate spirit beast, no one wants it... Moreover, the Royal Beast Gate is an independent sect on the face of it, and it has not been merged into the Chayan Fort...

that is it!

Liu Zhihe himself was even more stunned... A ray of his life essence?
Doesn't this make him a slave?
Is this different from signing a master-servant contract?

There are only two immortal cultivators in the Royal Beast Gate, that is, he and the gate owner. He is going to become a servant of Chayan Fort, and half of the Royal Beast Gate will naturally become a servant of Chayan Fort. ?

Liu Zhihe was stunned for a while. Since he couldn't save anything for the sect, he had to fight for himself. He said softly, "Senior... Would you mind taking a step to talk?"

Bai Qianzhou saw that Liu Zhihe seemed unwilling to discuss this matter in front of the disciples of Yushoumen, so he agreed.

I took him out and came to a secluded place. There was a quiet spring nearby, and the pines burst into waves.


Liu Zhihe didn't speak, a vortex suddenly appeared between his eyebrows.

He took out an object from between his eyebrows, a small copper scroll, only the size of a palm, with six silver lines on it.

He pointed to a flat spot, and the scroll flew over immediately, and an amazing change soon took place.

A small space with a protective cover suddenly appeared on the flat rocky place, with wooden pavilions, well water, ponds, fields...

Oh, the heavenly space scroll.

Bai Qianzhou casually glanced at it.

This is too far from his exquisite pendant [Taoyuan Blessed Land].

However, Liu Zhihe, the elder of the Imperial Beast Gate, obviously regarded this as a treasured treasure.

He followed Liu Zhihe into the protective cover. It was as warm as spring, with suitable temperature and humidity, and the wooden pavilion had all the utensils. It was a wealthy home for a landlord.

In the open space, it is certainly pleasant to have a barbecue.

The pond is small, but deep enough for fishing, and the water is good enough for swimming.

Although the fields are small, planting a small amount of vegetables or natural treasures is completely fine.

It's just that there is no mountain forest where you can hunt and pick mushrooms...

It's a pity!

What do you think, just one-third of this acre, where is there a place to resettle the mountains and forests!
This thing is similar to a space capsule. It is a necessity for home travel and outing experience. It is like bringing a small villa that can be moved...

Liu Zhihe was afraid that Bai Qianzhou would be ignorant, so he introduced graciously: "The most important thing about this thing is that it has a level [-] protective cover, which can resist all destructive qi in the realm below level [-], for example: Xuefeng in the level [-] basic realm The snow and ice on the Tianya Xuefeng in Zhoutianya destroy the stellar energy, and the sandstorms in the golden desert of Jinsha Island in the second-level boundary destroy the stellar energy... In short, all the harsh environments in the first to sixth-level realms destroy the stellar energy. "

However, Bai Qianzhou is still a bit strange. The Tianpin space scroll with the sixth-level protective cover can only be forged by the immortals above the sixth-level and above after gathering all the materials. How can a third-level immortal cultivator of a small sect have it? A magic weapon of this level?

"There are not many resources in this space scroll, but it can be used for an unlimited time, and it can be used at any time. It's okay. Where did your space scroll of high quality come from?"

"Senior is really well-informed! This Tianpin space scroll with a six-level protective cover is a treasure I accidentally picked up 16 years ago when the once-in-a-hundred-year Luanhuan illusion opened!"


No wonder in his vague memory, he vaguely felt that 16 years ago, all the major sects achieved great fortune, catching up with Tianyuan sect one after another.It turned out that it was the fantasy land of Langhuan that only opened once in 100 years.

Langhuan Illusion may not be able to be opened once in 100 years, and the opening time is limited to one hour.

There is no fixed location, and people without great luck are hard to meet.What kind of treasures can be obtained depends entirely on personal creation.

Although some people met, but within an hour, they did not get anything.

Could it be that this Liu Zhihe is also a person with great luck?
Bai Qianzhou thought to himself, and couldn't help but look at Liu Zhihe a few more times. No matter how he looked at him, he was a middle-aged greasy and wretched uncle.

Such a person, like Chengzi Xiaoxian'e, is the son of luck?
Liu Zhihe looked at Bai Qianzhou with some trepidation, "I don't know if senior will like this space scroll?"

Bai Qianzhou was unsmiling, and replied solemnly: "Oh... a gentleman does not take away people's love!"

Liu Zhihe's facial organs have a tendency to be slightly twisted, and he said in his heart, you can't wait to occupy the entire Imperial Beast Gate immediately, you are a gentleman who is just and awe-inspiring and does not win people's love?Weird...

"That's right! Senior is naturally a gentleman! However, treasures must follow more powerful practitioners in order to be called treasures in vain! My cultivation base is still shallow, and I have no chance to go further afield, but seniors , Young and promising, with a promising future, I am definitely not someone I can stay on Lingji Island for a long time, if this space scroll follows the predecessors all the way, wouldn’t it be able to leave a story for the ages?”

Bai Qianzhou smiled, "From what you said, I seem to have a reason to accept it... However, I think this thing is still too expensive..."

Liu Zhihe was a little anxious: "Senior, you must accept it! Don't look down on people..."

Bai Qianzhou deliberately showed a look of embarrassment to accept it.

Moreover, it seems very natural and sincere.

"Okay then! The Imperial Beast Gate and our Chayanbao are about to form an alliance. If you look down on it, then I will reluctantly accept it! Oh, by the way, it is better for you to keep your own life essence."

Of course keep it safe!

Stay with you, I can't sleep day and night.

Liu Zhihe could only express his gratitude and nodded again and again.

Bai Qianzhou took over the Tianpin Space Scroll, which had been restored to the size of a palm with a sixth-level protective cover.

This space scroll is not branded with anyone's consciousness and can be manipulated at will.

Therefore, under Liu Zhihe's eager wait and see, Bai Qianzhou branded his own spiritual consciousness very casually.

At the same time, the silent prompt that appeared out of thin air in front of his eyes showed that the slash value had risen again.

10000 points of wool from [Liu Zhihe of the Imperial Beast Gate]!
Total value: [8530530 points]

The progress bar of the primary task [Open the Realm of the Gods]:


The primary mission points have not been reached yet!

Congratulations to God - Roll up your sleeves and cheer!

The corners of Liu Zhihe's mouth twitched several times. This man is a real gentleman, and he didn't avoid him. In front of him, he branded the space scroll with his divine sense.

Liu Zhihe had to try his best to cover up his reluctance towards the space scroll.

Not long after, Chayanbao held a grand farewell ceremony to send off the Royal Beastmen and his party.

Liu Zhihe, the elder of the Imperial Beast Gate, just signed an IOU on behalf of the Imperial Beast Gate.

Their Royal Beast Gate has completely become the royal beast supply sect of Chayanbao.

A group of people from Yushoumen were depressed in their hearts, and their sadness was like a river, but they tried their best to show joy and joy on their faces.What's so weird, this is not Lao Shizi's farewell party, it is obviously the celebration banquet of Chayan Fort, and everyone in Yushoumen was forced to watch and applaud.

After solving the crisis of Chayanbao, Chengzi and others have not returned.

Bai Qianzhou wasn't worried at first. There were four people and one dog in their party, and their combat effectiveness was not low.However, he used the microphone to contact Chengzi, but there was no response as if nothing had happened.

I used the [Ming Cha Qiu Hao] Baili Mirror and Qianli Mirror, but I couldn't see any trace.

Even, using the Chaos Mirror, still failed.

It's so weird.

Could it be that four people and one dog suddenly disappeared from the world?
Could it be that the Monster Beast Forest can enter the Mylabris Kingdom, and they have returned to the Mylabris Kingdom again?

Bai Qianzhou suddenly remembered that the flower god had told him that Chengzi would have to take another antidote bath, and it must be soaked for two hours. When he was experiencing the illusion of the sky thunder, he wondered if Xueyuan had already arranged this matter. .

As the head of the sect, he has the responsibility and obligation to protect the disciples in the sect.

Therefore, Bai Qianzhou told Wang Youfeng to beware of Dan Shenzong, and hurried to the monster forest.

After passing through the forest full of spiritual energy in the main mansion of Chayanbao, and then through the snow-covered mountains, you will arrive at the periphery of the Monster Beast Forest.

This monster forest is really too big.

He used [Ming Cha Qiu Hao] [Thousand Miles Mirror] to investigate, but he couldn't see the complete monster forest.

Bai Qianzhou suddenly realized that the Vulture Island was really big.

The general floating immortal island is much smaller than the vulture island. In addition to the ability to move mountains and seas, refining such a large floating immortal island must also have a certain ability to control.

If you compare the entire Ling Vulture Island to a huge Go board.Then, a sea and a forest are just a small piece, or even a certain part of a piece.

The Eleventh Senior Sister in the mouth of Chengzi Xiaoxian'e, the Immortal Venerable Yunyou who has not yet met, is indeed not simple.

Her rank is definitely not just the sixth rank guessed by everyone.

As Yunyou's head master, he is only Rank [-] and Rank [-], which is really not enough to see.

There is also a large redstone forest on the periphery of the Monster Beast Forest. Obviously, the distribution of the redstone forest here and the shape of the boulders have no similarities with the redstone forest connecting the Mylabris Kingdom.

All the stones are covered with a layer of fine patterns, like coral reefs, with bright colors, changing from maroon to purple at the edges in a few moments.

Bai Qianzhou stood on the top of the highest red rock, was amazed by the spectacle in front of him, and couldn't help recalling all kinds of things that happened in the Mylabris Kingdom.

At this time, he suddenly found that he seemed to be breaking through again.

Moreover, this feeling of breakthrough seems to be unable to be forcibly suppressed.

This time, he did not rise from the first rank of the seventh rank to the second rank of the seventh rank, but it seemed that he was going to directly break through to the eighth rank!

Indeed, he has just entered the seventh-rank first-rank, and it stands to reason that he will never be promoted to a big-rank in a very short period of time.

Because, from the seventh rank to the eighth rank, the fastest Immortal Venerable he had heard of took a full ten years.

Then, why did his rank suddenly soar at this moment?

Because of:

The mind power of many businessmen in Chayanbao.

He didn't know whether it was because Chayanbao joined the seemingly huge thousand-year-old sect Tianyuanmen, or because he lifted the crisis brought to Chayanbao by the Imperial Beastmen. The blessings made his rank soar all the way.

Therefore, many sects will widely accept disciples.

The disciple's thought power will benefit the cultivators at the top of the sect when they are promoted to the rank. The cultivator at the top of the sect with many disciples, even if they do not practice, just rely on the disciple's thought power, the rank can continue to rise. .

Entering the small stage will not trigger the heavenly thunder phenomenon, but entering the big stage will definitely have to undergo the experience of heavenly punishment and thunder tribulation.

Ordinary immortal cultivators, even if they obtained great fortune by chance, would not choose to continuously enter the great rank in a short period of time.Because this will lead to instability of the Dao Heart, and even go into flames or explode to death.

At this point, he obviously couldn't hold back his desire to make a breakthrough.

The thought power of the many business practitioners in Chayanbao is being transformed into a steady stream of abnormally abundant aura, surging in the sea of ​​his Dan Yuan aura, and monstrous waves erupted, impacting the gap between the seventh and eighth rank barriers.

Since he can no longer suppress it, then, he will obey his heart and break through into the big product.


A burst of dense thunder and lightning explosions continued to sound, and the electric light collided with the thunder sound, blasting countless golden and silver sparks, and the lightning beams shot out like a nine-day waterfall, hitting all directions.

The eighth-level thunder tribulation that is promoted to the eighth-rank is obviously much stronger than the power of thunder and lightning that is promoted to the seventh-rank.

The magic circle to resist the thunder tribulation has been laid out.

【Drive thunder and switch electricity】!
Bai Qianzhou only felt an extremely hot Yang Gang force seeping in from the thunder and lightning, making his whole body extremely hot.

The scorching hot feeling gradually receded, and Bai Qianzhou immediately felt extremely unobstructed and comfortable, a bit like cupping, a bit like moxibustion, and in addition, a bit like the extreme joy of indulging in the waves...

In the next second, Bai Qianzhou's identity underwent a strange mutation.

Tianlei actually created an illusion.

Is this a test of his Dao Xin?
Bai Qianzhou thought of this one second, but completely forgot about it the next second...

He only remembers his new identity and everything about it.

The dormitory of the computer department of Wuling College of Arts and Sciences is incomparable with the home-style apartment of four bedrooms and two living rooms of the archeology department.

The bunk beds for 8 people are not better than the dormitories of migrant workers, and may be much inferior. They still retain the fine tradition of diligence and thrift in the last century. Although it is a bit outdated and not everyone is willing to accept it, it does not affect the dormitory. Emotions of daily joy.

The eight people in room 302 are all nestled in the dormitory, some are lying on the bed, some are sitting at the "multifunctional table" composed of two tables put together to try their hand speed.

Bai Qianzhou was sitting at the table, and before he had time to log out of WeChat, he was quickly snatched by Lu Fang, the head of the dormitory who was known as the "dog nose" who was sitting next to him. With a strange aura, when he looked at the content of the WeChat chat, he immediately showed an expression that was so true, and read the content of the WeChat aloud.

Bai Qianzhou just smiled calmly. Lu Fang added a lot of expressions and continued to read without stopping. He continued to lower his head and fiddle with his notebook. This is the latest model he asked someone to get from abroad. Moreover, he himself It has also been optimized and modified. After several tests, the performance is excellent.

"It's no wonder that the Great God has a face full of rippling dating with spring..."

"Is this the start of the date?"

"Going to Shenzhou, it really is extraordinary!"

"Okay! Sure enough, the Great God is nothing but a blockbuster!"

"Brothers, come over and have a look? To boost your morale?"

Lu Fang finished reading all the content of the WeChat message, but refused to return the phone to Bai Qianzhou, and continued to read it carefully.

Bai Qianzhou raised his head, feeling amused in his heart, "Lu Fang, I didn't expect that you are quite suitable to be an emoji model! You have been watching for a long time, how many flowers have you seen?"

Lu Fang smiled brightly, "Shenzhou! I really saw a few flowers this time! Five golden flowers! Five golden flowers in the archeology department! Oh no, maybe the five most beautiful peach blossoms!"

"It's the first time for the goddess to go to an appointment, she must be a little embarrassed, this is a sister group!"

"Brothers, our opportunity is here! Don't miss this opportunity, it won't come again! Take advantage of it!"

"When a guest comes, it's natural to have someone to accompany them. This will show the style of our computer department! Isn't it?"

"Well! Our computer department must be hospitable! That's a must!"

The boys in the dormitory naturally responded, encouraging Bai Qianzhou to let everyone participate in this group date.

Bai Qianzhou didn't mind, smiled, and said lazily: "Okay! I'll come forward, and the seven of you can pay! As a friendly reminder, I suggest that the head of the dormitory, Brother Lu Fang, collect the money first, and make reservations for 20 people early. Large private room. At that time, if there is no place, or no money to pay, it will be embarrassing..."

After finishing speaking, Bai Qianzhou put back his phone, lowered his head, and continued to fiddle with his notebook, ignoring the expressions of the other people who instantly became very exciting.

Lu Fang's face is the most exciting, Shenzhou dating, but they are the group of light bulbs paying for it?I don't care if I don't mention this, the brothers will eat it by themselves after all... But, why did Shenzhou become the shopkeeper, but he became a hard-working housekeeper?
Isn't this Shenzhou's date?He is relaxed and doesn't need to worry about anything!
Shen Zhou's date came so easily!

The point is, the brothers in the dormitory, except for Shenzhou, are all poor ghosts!Why are we poor ghosts always the ones who are exploited?The richer people are, the more stingy they are, so they get richer and richer!

Where is the heaven!
After this treat, I'm afraid everyone will have to tighten their belts for ten days and a half months!
Looking at the faces of the other brothers, they seemed to be willing to rush to be slaughtered, just to seize this once-in-a-thousand-day opportunity.

Lu Fang's lament was finally a little less.

The head of the dormitory, Lu Fang, was quite efficient. He quickly called and booked a private room for 15 people. He also ordered the food and arranged the drinks. There are still three days left, and everything is ready to wait for the beauties.

Arrange it early so that the brothers can gather enough money for the treat earlier. He is indeed a model of a meticulous and caring dormitory leader.

"Lu Fang, didn't Shenzhou say to book a large private room for 20 people? Why did you book a medium room for 15 people?"

Facing the question from his roommate, Lu Fang smiled.

He patted the shoulder of his lovely roommate who was always blunt and a little tendentious.

He began to answer questions patiently: "Shenzhou said that he ordered a large package for 20 people, but what is his intention? Is he worried that there will be a temporary addition of people at that time, and there are not enough seats? Obviously not! He is probably afraid The girls feel restrained, and if there are a few more vacancies, they will relax psychologically. However, the brothers paid for it. Shenzhou alone has gained a good reputation for being meticulous and caring, but the brothers will not get any benefits. If there are more than 7 There is an empty seat, far away from the goddesses, how can we communicate further?"

The boy with a simple appearance, a straightforward mind, and the same appearance and appearance suddenly realized, and quickly stretched out his thumb to express his admiration for the head of the dormitory.

The rest of the boys sighed, secretly lamenting that the head of the dormitory is one level higher, he is indeed superior, and he is too good at handling things.

The dishes Lu Fang ordered were not cheap, and they were all special dishes and signature dishes in the store.

Why not let the goddesses order their own food?
One reason is that complete strangers, sitting together and waiting for the food to be served, feel a little uncomfortable when chatting.

Chatting while eating will shorten the distance between each other, and you will feel more comfortable and casual when talking. You can try to eat as slowly as possible, and you can continue chatting after eating.

As for the follow-up development, it all depends on their own ability.

Another reason is that the consumption price can only be determined by ordering food and arranging drinks in advance. If it is really overspending, the brothers will lose face.

Although Shenzhou is rich, but with his stingy temperament comparable to Grandet, he will definitely slip away under the guise of escorting the goddess away, and will never spend money to save the scene.

He never counted on Shenzhou's generosity.

It is estimated that the brothers also understand.

It was a sober understanding that was obtained after paying the price of the painful history of blood and tears.

I hope that one day, Shenzhou will be dazzled by love and become generous!

The realization of this bubble depends entirely on the goddess Ruan Fanghua!

The head of the dormitory, Lu Fang, continued to work on his daily calculations.

The rest of the people in the dormitory were collecting money honestly. If they didn't have enough cash, they sent a WeChat red envelope to the head of the dormitory, Lu Lu.

Bai Qianzhou, on the other hand, had an attitude of indifference that was nothing to do with himself, and played with his notebook comfortably and happily alone.

It is estimated that when he readily agreed to the treat, he had already planned who would pay the bill.

Bai Qianzhou finally closed his notebook, stretched his waist, stood up and moved around for a few minutes, and walked towards the lower bunk next to the table.

His bed was close to the table, and it was the lower one. Relatively speaking, it was more convenient. He lay on the bed casually, and his mind quickly fell into memories of the past...

Last semester's New Year's Day, the five major departments of the college, English Department, Civil Engineering Department, Law Department, Computer Department, and Archeology Department jointly held a social performance in the newly built luxurious auditorium of the Department of Archeology.

He didn't perform a show, he was just an extremely inconspicuous spectator in the audience.

And Ruan Fanghua, who is a well-known school bully in the academy, made her debut amidst the much-anticipated expectations.

Wearing a long flowing dress and long smooth black hair, she is a perfect-looking beauty character who just walked out of the game, and it completely coincides with the fictional image of the beauty in the game in his mind.

Then, a piano solo, stunning the audience.

Amidst the crazed audience's cries one after another, she was forced to accompany the piano for the next three programs. After the host coordinated again and again, the audience gradually subsided.

Just that night, after the show, he actually ran into her by chance.

However, he just watched from a distance and did not approach.

This semester, after the start of school, he went to the archeology department several times, but only watched her quietly from afar.

After much deliberation, she really must be the spokesperson for the game!
If she could come to endorse his latest game, the video appearance in the game would definitely be even more amazing!
Maybe, the achievements of this game will surpass the current most popular "Taoyuan Hero List"!
Thinking of this, Bai Qianzhou could no longer hide the smile on the corner of his mouth.

This smile, in the eyes of all the brothers in the dormitory, is another charming conjecture...

Department of Computer Science, seven boys in dormitory 302 continue to be busy collecting money to treat guests.

The five sisters in the 502 Girls' Apartment in Taohua Building, Department of Archeology, are busy with the launch of the game "Taoyuan Heroes List", hoping to meet Youmu Chenghuai.

The Almighty is lying on the bed at the moment with his eyes closed, and he naturally missed the innocent and beautiful encounter between them.

"Look! The Great God of Six Waters is online!"

Yang Xiaoxiao's eyes were sharp, and she was the first to discover Liushui, who was ranked sixth in the competition list.

In fact, everyone found out right away, because a full server broadcast came from Tianyu:
[Tianyu: Player Liushui opened the cemetery of the ancient gods!There are successors from the gods! 】

[Tianyu: Warning!In the cemetery of the ancient gods, a large number of guardian spirit beasts are attacking... The cemetery of the gods will be closed again soon!5 minutes countdown!Start now……】

Ruan Fanghua curled her lips with some regret, "Tian Yu! Who can teleport there in 5 minutes? There are only a handful of people in the entire server who have various time-space teleportation skills! It is impossible for various flying artifacts to reach this speed. It's a pity that the teleportation talisman or teleportation array is too low. Cross-border transmission not only requires an almost astronomical number of soul stones, but also can only stay for one day at most according to the time limit supported by the soul stone. What's particularly pitiful is that it actually requires a corresponding realm And the value of soul power, even if I have enough soul stones, I can only look at the sea and sigh...why do I continue to stay in the lowest level of the human realm..."

After hearing this, Yang Xiaoxiao quickly comforted her: "Ruan Fanghua, you can be content! Heavenly Sage Xuanling, the five basic domains, I have been playing for almost two years, and I have just entered the second realm, the spiritual domain, and you have only played this one!" In less than a month, Xiaomeng's new rich woman spent a lot of money on weapons, equipment and soul stones. She has already entered the Ninth Heaven of the Human Realm, and she is only one step away from entering the Spiritual Realm. Do you still have the nerve to complain in front of me?"

Zhang Xiaoqin, who had always been at odds with Yang Xiaoxiao, stood on the united front with Yang Xiaoxiao for the first time this time, and helped Yang Xiaoxiao to slander Ruan Fanghua with a few sour words of hatred for the rich.

The head of the dormitory, Liang Zhiyan, didn't like Liushui too much, so she didn't participate in it, but silently worked hard, earning level experience in a down-to-earth manner.

She has been playing for a year, and she is currently in the eighth heaven. She thinks that she is also a master who is hard to meet in the human domain, but she is not qualified to be ranked in the human domain master list for the time being. (Eligibility to enter the list: able to enter the Nine Heavens of the Human Domain)
She established a gang in the Yachongtian, and is currently ranked second in the Yachongtian gang. With the help of gang experience points, she is close to entering the Jiuchongtian.

Bei Xuanxuan also plays on her own, who knows that everyone's boundaries are different, even if they want to fight side by side, it's impossible.

Bei Xuanxuan suddenly said, "Liu Shui should have entered the advanced domain long ago, why did he cross the intermediate domain and return to the basic domain?"

(End of this chapter)

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