the first god

Chapter 119 Meet again

Chapter 119 We meet again (ask for a monthly ticket!)
Ruan Fanghua has been working alone all these years, and her psychological quality can be regarded as cultivated, but it is still petrified in an instant!
600 million!
Why doesn't he rob a luxury cruise ship on the high seas of the Pacific Ocean!
It is even more rampant than the Somali pirates in the Gulf of Adin!

She had seen the cash in the hand of the jade huang stall owner a long time ago, and it must not have 5000 yuan!

The stall owner probably got it wrong too, buying goods as fakes and shipping them out as fakes.

She estimated that the auction house could sell 300 million, even if it was a high price, but that person actually said that the estimated price was 700 million!That night, she actually dreamed that the man obediently presented the jade huang to her, smiling from ear to ear in the dream.

No comparison, no harm!After waking up, I was naturally even more melancholy.

So, Ruan Fanghua was arrogant, and entered the teaching building of the Department of Archeology without squinting, and cruelly left behind four roommates who were still standing there curiously...

Seeing that Ruan Fanghua had left quickly, Bei Xuanxuan stretched out her hand and gently tugged the other three girls in the same dormitory, and the four left quickly together.

As Yang Xiaoxiao walked, she turned her head and continued to look at the new exchange student Ma Yunteng, who was surrounded by people and seemed to be about to leave.

Zhang Xiaoqin grabbed Yang Xiaoxiao's left hand and pulled it hard, "Be careful on the stairs! If you don't fall to your death, you'll have to break a leg! No one cares about it, and you become a crippled girl. Who wants you!"

Yang Xiaoxiao staggered. Thanks to Zhang Xiaoqin for helping her, although she was grateful in her heart, she was obviously very annoyed at Zhang Xiaoqin's words, "Even if I become a crippled girl, she will still be the emperor's youngest daughter. Ordinary poor boy, I will I still can't see it..."

Zhang Xiaoqin smiled exaggeratedly, "Haha! You're planning to be an old girl and gnaw on your old age!"

After finishing speaking, he ran upstairs quickly.

Yang Xiaoxiao naturally ran after her quickly.

Bei Xuanxuan and Liang Zhiyan each covered their lips and snickered, but silently watched the two of them chasing and frolicking without expressing their opinions.

The four girls quickly came to the large lecture hall on the second floor. This class was given by Professor Feng, who is known as "Feng Shashen" in the Department of Archeology. No one dared to neglect, and they all came early.

Ruan Fanghua had already seized the five middle and front seats, she made a gesture, and the four hurried over to sit down.

In less than a minute, surrounded by a large group of people, the exchange student also occupied a good position in the middle, just behind Ruan Fanghua.

Ruan Fanghua seemed to have sensed something. Turning around, she saw the black crow that was still brooding in her heart. She pretended to smile calmly and nodded, "What a coincidence! We meet again!"

The man showed a puzzled smile, as if he didn't remember who she was at all, "Hello! I just saw her downstairs?"

Exactly the same voice, also looks polite, the twins are not so similar.

The small fire in Ruan Fanghua's heart erupted again: It took only three days to steal millions, and this lion with a big mouth turned into an ostrich in seconds?After swallowing the jade huang, stick your head into the sand and pretend you can't see me?

Ruan Fanghua smiled brightly, "Yes!"

After finishing speaking, I quickly turned around, opened the last note, and focused on reviewing.

There's nothing to get entangled with this guy, the schoolwork is more important.

"Feng Shashen" likes to ask her and Shen Yiming to answer questions the most, and roll calls several times in a class.

To be honest, she has no interest in field archaeology at all, mainly because the Jade Buddha that she wears next to her body has the special function of identifying ancient jade and gambling stones. , even if someone is suspicious, they will not say anything.

About 10 minutes later, the auditorium was full, and Professor Feng finally came late. Oh, it wasn't that he was late, but that everyone came to review their books in advance.

If Professor Feng calls and answers questions, if you can't answer, the consequences will be a bit miserable.

Three seconds after Professor Feng entered the door, the class bell rang.

Sure enough, the class just started, the professor lifted the frame of his glasses, and asked questions as usual, "The focus of the last class was the Tanfang plan and the layer relationship table. Next, I would like to invite a classmate to tell you about the things that must be paid attention to when drawing the Tanfang plan. Six points."

"Ruan Fanghua, tell me!"

To answer Professor Feng's question, of course you can't look at the notes and say, Ruan Fanghua was secretly happy, and just happened to review it, with a calm tone and a clear voice, "First, there should be no crosses in the square diagram drawn; second, only that night When the initial accumulation unit is a straight wall, dotted lines are not drawn for the occluded part of the broken early accumulation unit. In other cases, the occluded part must be drawn completely with a dotted line; third, when expressing the broken relationship between two units, the cross Units in the late stage are represented by short solid lines; fourth, all the lines drawn in the line diagram must be closed; fifth, the relic openings cannot be drawn in the middle of the stratum line; sixth, the same wall and the same bottom of the ashes."

Ruan Fanghua felt relieved for a while, but fortunately, she was not allowed to go on stage to demonstrate drawing on the computer whiteboard.

She really didn't memorize some pictures.

After playing the game last night, she wanted to finish the root carving in hand quickly, so she didn't review her homework.

These few purely theoretical things won't bother her.

However, if it is an explanation of drawing operations, it will definitely not be able to hide from Professor Feng's sharp eyes.

Really got away with it.

Professor Feng didn't say much.

"Well! Sit down! Shen Yiming, please list three examples and lead the students to review together how to draw a standardized and concise system diagram based on Tan Fangping and the profile diagram. Please come on stage!"

Shen Yiming lived up to expectations, the explanation and drawing were completely integrated, it seems that he has put in a lot of hard work.

Professor Feng nodded again and again. He has always been extremely stingy with compliments, so he also said, "Very good!"

Next, it is one of Professor Feng's must-kill stunts, a review quiz that all staff must take!
If there are only questions and no quizzes, you don't have to come to review your homework in advance.

Professor Feng commented on the diagrams drawn by several students.

Today's class is about "the process and main points of indoor tidying".

During the lecture, Professor Feng summarized ten processes and key points of indoor finishing based on years of field work experience.

Professor Feng's other two must-kill skills are roll call for in-class summary and question exchange, and quizzes in class.

Professor Feng took out the roster, "Chen Wen, you come to make the class summary!"

Chen Wen is not tall, and when he speaks, he always has a very happy smile.

"In this class, we learned ten processes of indoor sorting, which are: first, check the graphic materials. Second, rewrite the label. Third, clean the unearthed relics. Fourth, label. Fifth, classification statistics. The sixth...the sixth...machine, this is the seventh, the sixth is..."

Professor Feng suddenly smiled.

Naturally, Chen Wen didn't feel that the city was overwhelmed, he only felt a chill down his back, his hair stood on end, his face was ashen, and his whole body became stiff.

"Very good! I remembered half of it! I'll give you a chance to ask for help!"

(End of this chapter)

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