the first god

Chapter 121 Don't Refuse

Chapter 121 Don't Refuse (Fourth Update: Ask for a Monthly Ticket!)
Ruan Fanghua, the goddess of academic mastery, really lived up to everyone's expectations. She turned around and faced the new exchange student.

The two are too close!
It's not within the safe distance of talking at all!
Ruan Fanghua was full of smiles and fixed her eyes on Ma Yunteng. She seemed to be drawing a prison circle for the new exchange student Ma Yunteng with her eyes.

It is not only the circle drawn by Wukong's children's shoes to avoid demons and rest, but also a new interpretation of the new era lyrics "Zone the ground as a prison".

Just smiling for you, you have nowhere to run if you want to run away, slashing the front edge with your hand, but hatred is gently lingering in your eyes...

This moment is only for you, and the prison is specially designated for you. You slowly admit your weakness in the prison, and continue to tell others that you refuse...

Tsk tsk, everyone who eats melons locked this prison tightly again.

As a result, the circle of eyes became...more solid!
Of course, this may be an illusion of some melon eaters who have been addicted to fantasy and have lost their minds.

The still sober eaters quickly interpreted the eyes of student Ruan Fanghua, the goddess of school bully, in an all-round, multi-angle and in-depth lip language interpretation.

"Despite all kinds of dissatisfaction, fight against it!" "Despise you!" "Coward!" "Deserter!" "Counsel!" "You really can't!?"

Lip interpretations like this spread throughout the entire lecture hall in a few seconds.

Eat melons and put their chins on their chins to think, the eyes of Goddess Ruan Fanghua are really connotative and powerful.

Ruan Fanghua goddess, domineering and mighty!

However, everyone who eats melons is obviously thinking too much.

Looking at the new exchange student Ma Yunteng, he still looks calm and unmoved.

Complete disregard and indifference!

Alas, ignore the deep suffering of the masses who eat melons!

The treacherous waves of provocative tactics, the first wave, the eyes are provocative, and the failure is declared!
but it does not matter!

make persistent efforts!

The treacherous waves of aggressive tactics, the second wave, language killing and provocation, are staged one after another!
Ruan Fanghua's language provocation has begun!

"The guest is up to the owner! You are a guest from afar. I hope Ma Yunteng will not forget that you are an exchange student from Peking University! The face of Peking University, at this moment, depends on you alone!"

Ma Yunteng's face was full of cynical smiles. The previous politeness was obviously a temporary illusion of some people, "I still choose to refuse!"

Ruan Fanghua continued: "I hope that new students can integrate into the big family of our college as soon as possible. I personally suggest that you better not ignore everyone's ardent expectations. After all, friendship is for friends..."

Ma Yunteng smiled and said: "Thank you for the advice! My choice now... is still to refuse!"

Ruan Fanghua sneered disdainfully and sat down.

The treacherous waves of aggressive tactics, the second wave, language kills provocations, and declares failure!
Everyone who eats melons unknowingly throws away the melons.

Goddess Ruan Fanghua's IQ is not online?
Or, have you met a stubborn stone that will not melt for a thousand years?

"Ten Killing Gods in a Row" is rarely seen a few times a year!

Of course, everyone does not want to be canceled!

If it is cancelled, then everyone will face a very difficult quiz.If Professor Feng finds out that it cannot be measured, life will be even more difficult.

Treacherous waves, the third wave, everyone begged, staged one after another!

Therefore, 90.00% of the people who eat melons turn their pitiful and pleading eyes on the new exchange student Ma Yunteng.

Among them, there are many tender and tender girls with pitiful and soft eyes.

Even, the students sitting around Ma Yunteng have already begun to beg for hints in the micro-range and micro-range that Professor Feng can tolerate.

And Ma Yunteng probably belongs to the kind of person with a firm heart, completely ignoring everyone's pleading gazes, and after saying "I refuse" one after another, he sat down meanderingly, with a look of peace of mind.

Treacherous waves, the third wave, everyone begged and declared failure!

Therefore, everyone who eats melons casts their final gaze on Professor Feng.

Treacherous waves, the fourth wave, Professor Feng's intervention, will be staged soon!
Professor Feng seems to have fallen asleep, with his eyes open...

He completely ignored the collective gazes of the crowd.

Professor Feng cleared his throat, "Then, let's start the quiz now! The four students who will be named please come to the stage to write the answers, and the rest of the students write in the quiz book, and Shen Yiming is responsible for sending and receiving homework!"

Shen Yiming felt that his right hand was high, so Professor Feng couldn't continue to sleep with his eyes open, "Student Yiming, do you have any questions?"

Shen Yiming stood up with a calm and solemn expression, "Professor Feng, I think that student Ma Yunteng's blatant contempt for the Ten-in-a-row Challenge will make the Department of Archeology the laughing stock of the entire college! Even our Department of Archeology will become the national archaeological department." A sustainable laughing stock in the academic field! Student Ma Yunteng is willing to be the laughing stock of the public, this is his personal matter, if it involves our Department of Archeology or even the entire college, I would like to ask Student Ma Yunteng to think more about it and make a new choice!"

There was a tidy and warm applause.

This kind of applause was not random applause without any structure, but the specific applause of Professor Feng during class. There was a pause every three times, a total of nine consecutive applause.It was very similar to some kind of applause from kindergarten or elementary school students in class, but no one felt that it was very disobedient.

Professor Feng has an obsessive-compulsive disorder of tidiness, and no one will openly despise the authority of "Feng Shashen".

Professor Feng's complexion became a little weird for a moment, and then he immediately returned to normal, "Ahem... Yiming student is purely worrying. Next, a small test..."

Before the word "start" was said, Ma Yunteng stood up, his tone was extremely calm and peaceful, and he openly interrupted "Feng Shashen", and he only said two words: "Cancel!"

"Ah?" There were a few bold voices in the classroom, but these voices were really weak and barely audible.

Ma Yunteng put his hands in his trouser pockets, and in his light tone, there was an invisible force of coercion, "I accept the challenge! Let's start!"

It really is a newcomer calf!

To openly challenge Lao Feng's authority!
Not afraid of tigers!

Don't be afraid of death!
Whether it is the cannon fodder of "Killing God" authority, or the nemesis of "Killing God", wait and see!
Huh?Suddenly so straightforward?

Shouldn't it be?

Could it be that his real intention was...

Ruan Fanghua seemed to smell a long-planned conspiracy.The vigilant chains were all firmly tightened.

Shen Yiming was sitting in the first row, as if he had expected it, the game interface had already been opened, and it would be displayed on the eight large wrap-around screens a second later.

Even Ma Yunteng's animation characters have been adjusted.

It turned out that Shen Yiming had already used his mobile phone to secretly take a photo of Ma Yunteng, and transferred it into the character database of Shi Lian Zhan.

The eight mighty and domineering surround-type large screens have put a lot of pressure on the nerves of everyone who eats melons.

If it is a bloody scene, this kind of big screen that surrounds the entire classroom is absolutely unavoidable. No wonder many people will continue to have nightmares.

Of course, the nightmare that can't be tested in the quiz is a real daydream.Comparing the two, people who eat melons would rather choose the illusory nightmare at night.

(End of this chapter)

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