the first god

Chapter 123 Failed

Chapter 123 Failed (ask for a monthly pass!)
Although Ma Yunteng's question seemed relatively simple, Ruan Fanghua did not take it lightly, and spoke out the answer that he had carefully sorted out in his heart very smoothly.

"Then the origin of the carriage should go back to a longer period of development and perfection."

"It can be said that the horse-drawn carriage technology of the Tang Dynasty had already developed to a stage of mature technology and a complete system in the late Shang Dynasty represented by the Yin Ruins.

"Then how did the carriage technology come about? There are generally two views in the archaeological community: local origin and Western origin. The arguments of these two views are often tit-for-tat.

"The main arguments for the local origin theory are: 1. Ruts and carriage components have been unearthed in cultural relics such as ruts and carriage components earlier than the Yin Ruins, indicating that carriage technology had a period of development in the local area; 2. .The horse-drawn carriages of the Shang Dynasty are quite different from the Western ones represented by the Mesopotamia in terms of shape and driving method; 3. There are many gaps in the transmission channels, paths, and methods in the West.

"The main arguments for Xilai are: 1. In terms of the age of the archaeological discovery of horse-drawn carriage-related relics, the Middle Ages was indeed later than Central Asia and West Asia. The horse-training technology was also later than these areas. It is now generally believed that the horse-training technology originated from These areas spread; 2. Comparing the western horse-drawn carriages and the local horse-drawn carriages, there are indeed many similarities. This is different from the local origin, which is the difference caused by the methodology. 3. With the development of Central Asia and Mongolia in recent years With the development of archaeological work in the region, especially the promotion of joint archaeological projects, many relics related to carriages have been discovered, which may be related to the missing link in the transmission route.

"My personal point of view is that of horse-drawn carriage technology."

After Ruan Fanghua answered, Ma Yunteng only shook the folding fan, but the flying sword did not fly out from the fan.

In the seventh round of the question-and-answer competition, Ruan Fanghua suddenly thought of a question, felt something in his heart, and tentatively handed over the judging power to Professor Feng, who really quickly clicked on Ma Yunteng to pass.

There really is something tricky between these two!Ruan Fanghua understood instantly.

In the first seven rounds, both sides were unscathed. This made some crazy eaters feel a little dissatisfied, but they can only temporarily store their dissatisfaction in their hearts and wait for opportunities.

In the eighth round, Ma Yunteng suddenly handed over the judging power to the melon eaters, so the crazy melon eaters used their lips to encourage the people around them to do something.

As a result, Ruan Fanghua won 80.00% of the votes.The rule is that if the students get 60.00% of the votes, they can pass.

This result made a small number of people who eat melons even more dissatisfied.

In the ninth round, it was still a draw.

The crucial tenth round is coming.

Ruan Fanghua, who gave priority to asking questions, suffered a disadvantage this time. Although the question was a bit tricky, Ma Yunteng still talked with eloquence.

Those who came from Beijing University really have a few brushes.

Ruan Fanghua had no choice but to be convinced, so he handed over the judging power to Guazhong, and the voting result of Guazhong was 60.00% eight pass rate.

Finally, it was Ma Yunteng's question. This time he came up with another practical question: about the excavation of the still controversial Yaodu Taosi site.

As we all know, the Taosi site is a key fulcrum city site in the origin of Tang civilization and early state exploration, and a key site for archaeological exploration and promotion of the "legendary era of Yao, Shun and Yu" to become a reliable history.In the past 40 years, the archaeological excavation and research work of the Taosi site has experienced ups and downs, weathered wind and rain, created one glory and breakthrough after another, experienced setbacks one after another, and suffered from various doubts and criticisms.

This question is indeed too tricky!

Ruan Fanghua has naturally studied the Taosi site in depth, and even inspected it personally.

Of course, she is not interested in field archeology at all. She mainly went there because she heard that nearby farmers had unearthed some rare roots, and she really got a lot of rewards.

What the experts are repeatedly arguing about, she, a student who has not officially stepped into the field of archaeology, can draw any conclusions, of course she can only use the theories of the experts.

Ma Yunteng handed over the judging power to Professor Feng.

Ruan Fanghua knew something was wrong, but there was nothing she could do about it.

She can only hope that Professor Feng can carry forward his iron-blooded and selfless style.

Sure enough, things backfired.Or, it was in her expectation.

As expected, Lao Feng offered her a favor.

Game interface: [Ruan Fanghua, failed! 】

Fortunately, the game interface is more polite to female characters, and there will not be a lot of blood gushing out.

The flying sword in the fan of the scholar Ma Yunteng flew out, like a frightened bird, like a deep fish, and blessed with blue glare, with powerful sound effects, and went straight to the red-clothed female thief holding double crescent moon knives.

However, the trajectory of the flying sword is very messy, like a pair of scissors swinging at will.

Feijian returned to the folding fan again, and the audience sighed softly.

"Why did Goddess Ruan Fanghua fail? Did I hear correctly?"

"Why did it end like this?"

"Ah? Why only cut off the hair? Is this okay?"

"Imitate Cao Cao's beheading and only cut off the hair?"

"After waiting for so long, it turned out to be such an ending... It's so boring!"

"In history, the biggest failure of Killing the God's Ten consecutive slashes!"

"In my opinion, the charm value of the goddess still occupies the main position!"

"Tch, this ending...was already expected! Who would be cruel to Goddess Ruan Fanghua?"

"Today, isn't Lao Feng a little unreasonable? Is it only me who has the truth?"

However, Ruan Fanghua's hands began to tremble.

She clenched her fists tightly, her knuckles cracked, and Bei Xuanxuan who was sitting next to her was startled.

"Ruan Fanghua? What's the matter with you?"

An abnormal scarlet color appeared in Ruan Fanghua's eyes. She tried her best to restrain her emotions and said calmly, "It's okay! I just feel very surprised!"

Just for a moment, the long-lost daydream of her childhood flashed into her mind again. A group of girls grabbed her long hair and cut it randomly with scissors. With her weedy hair of different lengths, she stuffed her head in the toilet and started cutting her skirt again...

After that time, she shaved her crew cut and didn't wear a skirt for more than ten years.

In the game, the moment her hair was cut off by the flying sword, what she saw was not the flying sword, but a pair of scissors, the kind of scissors from her childhood.

Two minutes before the end of get out of class, Professor Feng threw a bomb unexpectedly.

"After research and decision, I announce that the following ten students will participate in the excavation of the Huangtushan tomb group and assist archaeologists from all over the country to clean up the tomb and organize the interior. The specific list is as follows: Ma Yunteng, Shen Yiming, Ruan Fanghua, Bai Fan, Li Yuyang, Zhou Bo, Chen Weiwei, Bei Xuanxuan, Liang Zhiyan, Bai Qianzhou."

Everyone is dumbfounded!They even forgot to communicate with their lips, and whispered directly.

"We are only sophomores, so we can practice in advance?"

"Wow! Archaeological excavation with well-known experts and scholars from all over the country! Such a beautiful thing, why not me?"

"Is the Huangtushan tomb group so famous?"


Among them, the worst one was Zhou Bo, "I am a scumbag! Why do the other nine are all top students, and I am the only scumbag participating?"

Naturally, someone answered, "Because the school treats bullies and scumbags equally, and you are the representative of scumbags!"

"Oh, that's what it is!"

While Zhou Bo was talking to himself, someone answered again, "You also believe this?"

(End of this chapter)

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