the first god

Chapter 148 Backer

Chapter 148 Backing

"Chivalry gymnasium? The most famous traditional martial arts hall in the country? I have heard of it, so I am very relieved!"

Unexpectedly, the signboard of the Chivalrous Gymnasium is so easy to use, Ruan Fanghua is secretly delighted, she really wants to experience the spectacular sight of riding an eagle and roaming the Taihang Mountains!

Of course, this is purely wishful thinking and fantasy.

That bird doesn't seem to be close to strangers, if a stranger rides it, it will probably go berserk...

Oh, storm fly...

Or, just let strangers... scrap...

"Warehouse No. [-] is almost here, stop at the empty place below."

This mountain is obviously more imposing than the mountain where Mu's family is located.The surface area is much larger, it is a large mountain with a wide area, no less than ten kilometers vertically and horizontally.

After getting off the helicopter, I walked for about 10 minutes, and came to a cave with a two-meter-square entrance.

The cave entrance is extremely hidden.

If it wasn't for Mu Heng's introduction, Ruan Fanghua and Gao Ren would never have guessed that this is the entrance of the cave, because there are layers of vines covering the entrance of the cave.

The hole is not big, but the inside is getting wider and wider, and there is light coming in from the side.

It looks very transparent.

Can see the situation in the cave clearly.

Where did the light come from?

Ruan Fanghua was very curious and walked to the place where the light came in.

It has the same function as a window, probably a window hole.

Each window hole is not big.

Still, you can poke your head out.

The abyss of ten thousand zhang...

It turned out that this was a window on the cliff!
Moreover, many windows were opened to ensure enough light in the cave.

This is obviously not a magical work of nature, but a window hole dug by man.

However, looking at the traces, it is definitely not a modern thing.

What did ancient people do?

Could it be that he has lived here for a long time?

Caves are not uncommon, but it is rare to see caves that are bright enough with the help of skylight instead of lighting equipment.

Perhaps, there was an ethnic group living here?
Of course, this is not the focus of Ruan Fanghua's attention.

What is the focus of Ruan Fanghua's attention?
The point is... the long and mellow light fragrance smelled from the tip of the nose!
The point is... those things in the cave that can be clearly seen!

Those authentic Taihang thujas arranged neatly by category...

Each of them has a strange and twisted shape, dancing like dragons and phoenixes, oily and shiny, with clear lines!

Ruan Fanghua's eyes straightened!

so much?
It is said that this is just one of the warehouses!
What's the date?

Warehouse No. [-]!

She wanted to empty them!
Ruan Fanghua, who never screamed, and was mature and prudent when she was a teenager, seemed like Grandma Liu entered the Grand View Garden, and couldn't help but exclaim: "My God!"

All are old materials!

Moreover, many of them are top-quality aged ingredients!

According to preliminary visual inspection, it is more than 3000 years old!
More than 3000 years of wind, frost, rain and snow!

The fruit of unremitting struggle against wind, frost, rain and snow for more than 3000 years!
Mu Heng, you're really not a hunter!
Is a big local tyrant!
He is a cultured local tyrant hunter!

Who said hunters have to live by hunting?

Look at other people's brains!
lively!Ling Pan!
In one place, there are still some finished thuja carvings.

They are all methods of imitating the natural law of the ancient times. They are natural without carving.

Seeing that Ruan Fanghua's eyes shifted to the things he had messed with a few times, Mu Heng was a little embarrassed, "I don't know how to carve, I just matched them randomly."

Ruan Fanghua praised without hesitation: "You are too modest! I think it is very good! Thuja root carvings are originally based on the natural posture of raw materials, and the auxiliary decoration is just to highlight its characteristics. You have done a good job! Selection of materials , conception, peeling, cutting, carving, grinding, polishing, these processes are all perfect, the concept is very ingenious, very talented and spiritual!"

Ruan Fanghua took a closer look, then turned around and looked at Mu Heng, "Thuja cypress itself is not easy to grow, and it is very difficult to obtain materials from cliffs. How can you collect so many rare and good materials?"

Mu Heng smiled shyly, "I've been collecting since I was a child, children in the mountains, it's nothing to do this work!"

Ruan Fanghua shook her head, "Not all the children who grew up in the Taihang Mountains have your perseverance and perseverance, and you have a unique vision. The stock in your warehouse can feed generations of people in the mountains!"

Well, she is not some kind of elder, borrowing the signboard of "Master Qianzhou", she really regards herself as a grandma-level elder.

Ruan Fanghua thought for a while and asked: "Thuja cypress was not popular before, how did you think of collecting this when you were young?"

Mu Heng showed pride on his face, "Good things will shine sooner or later! Although my family is not a ancestral carving family, our family has the habit of collecting strangely shaped living plants and root wood. The first one to eight Warehouse No. [-] is the treasure warehouse of the family elders and ancestors."

"This is the only warehouse I have, and it's all Thuja thujas. I've liked their shapes since I was a child."

Ruan Fanghua felt that the inheritance and heritage of the family is really admirable!
The Mu clan is really admirable!

Unfortunately, where is her own family?
She's obviously just an outcast in the family.

However, it doesn't matter, she can become a rich generation, become the founder of a new family, leave a new family inheritance and heritage, she will be the originator of her new family!
Of course, there is another point, that is, relying on water to eat water, relying on mountains to eat mountains, nature will always give a backing for life.

Taihang Mountain, this backer is very reliable!
She has no backer, it doesn't matter, she is her own backer!

In the future, she will be the backer of her new family!
Ruan Fanghua drew a graceful arc in the air with her finger, pointed to the collection of thujas in the cave, and asked, "What do you think? How do you arrange them?"

This begins to talk about the key purpose of this trip.

Mu Heng thought for a while and said: "There is no one in our family to take care of these things. Year after year, although it is a kind of family inheritance, it has not developed the brilliance they should have. I think, let More people appreciate their value!"

Ruan Fanghua nodded again and again, "Your idea is right. These are exquisite treasures that attract the attention of the world. They should not continue to sleep deep in the mountains! What is your specific plan?"

It seems that this is a very intelligent raw material native.

It is not easy for her to buy it at a low price.

In the past, she once dug out several thousand-year-old Taihang thujas from the firewood piles of the aborigines who didn't know the raw materials, and they gave them to her without saying a word.

She felt embarrassed and bought a bunch of worthless gifts for others.

As a result, the whole family is grateful to her.

And those roots, after being branded as "Master Qianzhou", the price of a root carving in the auction house is more than one million...

Alas, when you come out to hang out, you will always encounter a few stubbles!

The aborigines who are knowledgeable about raw materials are too annoying!
For some reason, she thought of the crow that took away the jade huang——Ma Yunteng, who had studied ancient jade in depth.

If it wasn't for the fear that he would remember his name, she wouldn't have to stay up all night and come to this corner of the mountain overnight.

(End of this chapter)

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