the first god

Chapter 156 Conflict

Chapter 156 Conflict
Li Yun continued: "You can come to visit us on purpose, I remember your kindness in my heart. Don't say anything else. I don't care if my father-in-law and mother-in-law misunderstand, but I really mind what you say. .”

"Okay! I won't talk about it in the future..."

Ma Shiyuan was silent for a while.

"Aunt Ying, the little guy may be going to wet the bed, please take her to the bathroom, change a diaper, and then I will feed her."

Hearing this, Ma Shiyuan walked out of the ward in embarrassment and stood outside the corridor.

Li Ying came out of the bathroom with the baby in her arms. Li Yun caught the baby and quickly started nursing the baby. The little guy was really hungry.

Li Ying lowered her voice, and whispered to Li Yun: "Shi Yuan is infatuated with you enough, such a long journey, and just when the President died of a serious illness, he still came, do you think he has not let go? ? In my opinion, it's not that he didn't let go, but he didn't give up. Do you think he will be impulsive and divorce for you? "

Li Yun stared at the child breastfeeding, and said softly: "Aunt Ying, you are completely overthinking this! His wife and children are very good, Shi Yuan is a very responsible man, he will not If he is so stupid, the Liu family will not allow him to do such a stupid thing. It is because he values ​​love and righteousness that he came to see me."

Li Ying just smiled slightly, but did not continue talking.

Ma Shiyuan stood outside the corridor for less than 10 minutes, and saw two women who seemed to be family members of the patient coming from the direction of the nurse's station. The young woman was tall and tall, and the older woman looked very aggressive.

The two women glanced at the house number of the ward, and the young woman walking in front directly reached out to open the door. Considering that Li Yun was breastfeeding and it was inconvenient to meet customers, Ma Shiyuan stopped her.

"Who are you? Why are you stopping me?" The young woman was about to yell, but seeing Ma Shiyuan's unusual manner, she paid a little attention to her tone, but still looked extremely arrogant.

Ma Shiyuan's expression was cold, but his attitude was modest, "Someone is breastfeeding inside, so it's inconvenient to see guests."

The older one suddenly rushed forward, unexpectedly slapped Ma Shiyuan across the face, and cursed, "Okay! I finally caught you! You are the concubine of that shameless slut! My Wuji's body is still alive She was so hungry and thirsty. When Wuji was alive, she used to talk like a chaste and strong woman, and she refused to admit it. Now I finally caught him. Pity my child, it’s hard to go I don't know, it's not enough to be killed by this coquettish vixen, but he also needs to be unable to hold his head up..."

The corridor was originally deserted, but at this time, some heads poked out from many wards to look around.

Ma Shiyuan touched his hot face, a little angry, "What are you talking about? Why are you so unqualified? Don't openly talk nonsense here! I can let a lawyer handle it and sue you for defamation!"

The young tall slender woman immediately joined in with the older woman, "You look like a dog, so you are an adulterer! A pair of adulterers and adulterers! Everyone come to help and kill this pair of adulterers!" Husband and adulteress, just as my elder brother was killed by them, that bitch couldn't help but get together with this adulterer, God, come a thunderbolt and kill this pair of dogs!"

Li Ying ran out of the ward, very angry, "Mom Wuji, and you, Ruan Yuling, you must speak with conscience and evidence. In broad daylight, where are there any adulterers? Here is Hospital. Mother Wuji, if you hadn’t indulged that woman surnamed Geng to pester Wuji, would Wuji have gotten involved in this matter? Wuji and his wife are loving and loving, and they lived a very comfortable life. Why do you encourage that woman? Women hook up without taboo? You know what you have done yourself! Now you have to fight back, whether there is no law of heaven and the law of the country! This is Li Yun's senior, and he came from Jijing to visit Li Yun. Splash sewage indiscriminately, be careful when the time comes!"

The young tall slender woman twisted her body, and said softly with her accent deliberately: "Oh! So the adulterer is a senior! It seems that he had a leg when he was studying! Or is he from Jijing? Is he a high-ranking son?" It’s amazing! As long as you do bad things, I will feel guilty when the king of heaven comes! I’ll kill you pair of bastards who killed my brother!”

Ma Shiyuan reacted much faster this time. He had specially practiced Jeet Kune Do and Karate in the past. Before, he was unprepared and thought he was an ordinary visitor. This time, he quickly grabbed the woman named Ruan Yuling and stretched her. The hand that came to hit him held her down, and quickly grabbed Ruan Wuji's mother who was about to enter the ward to make trouble for no reason.

After Li Yun nursed the child, the child fell asleep quickly, turning a blind eye to the noise outside the door. She got out of bed slowly, supported the edge of the bed and carefully moved out step by step, walked to the door with difficulty, pushed the door open, and saw the horse. Yuan has already restrained Ruan Wuji's mother and sister.

Her expression was condensed and her tone was flat, "Mom! This is the last time I call you—Mom! Wuji is gone, and you don't recognize this granddaughter. I think I have nothing to do with your family. You neither Allow me to collect Wuji's body, and don't tell me where Wuji is buried, I will check it myself, if I can't find it, I will erect another tomb for Wuji."

"I don't know what that woman surnamed Geng said to you. I can only feel sorry for making you misunderstand me. However, it's better to be clear about the words and the truth! Senior Liu and I have a clear relationship. In vain, I and other men are also innocent, the child is innocent, she is the granddaughter of the Ruan family, it doesn’t matter if you don’t recognize her, I will take care of her, but the child will follow her father’s surname Ruan! This, You can't stop it."

"The woman surnamed Geng is the granddaughter of the Geng family in Jijing. Wuji can't afford to offend her, so he can only redeem this mistake with his own life. I kindly advise you: don't provoke that woman surnamed Geng again. , otherwise, there will be times when you will regret it."

Although Ruan Wuji's mother, Liu Ping, was clamped by Ma Shiyuan at this time, she couldn't stay idle, "You bastard, you killed Wuji and cursed our family, you have such a vicious heart! My family is What kind of bad luck did you bring this bastard, broom star, back home..."

When Liu Ping was crying, Ruan Yuling also began to have fun, "What kind of bullshit senior! A man, who is not related to him, why did he come to the obstetrics and gynecology department to see what's wrong? I will continue to give birth to broom stars and mourning stars... That child, I am afraid it is the child of the two of you! You came all the way from Jijing to see the child! You couple are so proud, someday If I don’t kill you, my surname is not Ruan! Be careful when you go out!”

(End of this chapter)

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