the first god

Chapter 176 Does anyone believe it?

Chapter 176 Does anyone believe it?
"I knew about a Mawangdui Han tomb in Baisha before, and after checking the information, I found out that the Yuchanyan site, the Hongjiang Gaomiao site, the Chengtoushan site in Lixian County, the Tanheli site, the ancient city of Liye in Longshan, the ancient city of Chu and Han, and the Baisha copper tomb. The ruins of the official kiln, the old city of Yongshun..."

"Are these not as good as the Huangtushan Tombs? After all, this is a direct slap in the face of foreign historians! Is there any?"

Seeing the same surprised expressions on the five little sisters as when she overheard them, Wu Xiaodan was a little satisfied and relieved.

This matter has been in her heart for a while, and she really wants to find someone to talk to.

Now, I can really sleep well.

It was because she was so surprised that when she was eavesdropping outside the door, she dropped her mobile phone on the ground in shock, and the young handsome guy who was talking to her uncle pushed the door open and caught her.

It's nothing more than handsome enough to make people and gods angry, she looks so young, she is almost the same age as her, and she is already an internationally certified senior cultural relic appraiser!
PhD in Archeology!
The Chief Appraiser of the Huangtushan Tomb Group!

Even her uncle should respect him a bit!

This is simply a god!God man!

Of course, these are not the point!The point is, it's so handsome!

She couldn't describe it, she was probably the handsome guy who crushed all the girls in the academy.In short, so handsome that both people and gods are angry...

"Wu Xiaodan! What are you crazy about? Get back to your senses! Check out and leave!"

Su Mei saw that the other four girls had already left the box. She was about to leave the box door. When she looked back, she found that Wu Xiaodan was still sitting on the seat with his hands on his cheeks, and he was in a daze.

Wu Xiaodan is indeed falling into his own thoughts... In the nympho thoughts, only Su Mei really understands her best!

If we say that the discovery of the characters of the Xia Dynasty is still an archaeological secret, it cannot be disclosed to the public for the time being.

So, why can't the identity of the young senior appraiser of cultural relics be disclosed to the outside world?
Why did my uncle repeatedly tell her to pretend not to know each other when they meet in the future, otherwise, her living allowance will be cut off.He also said that she would never get a diploma in the future.

All these clauses required her to sign a guarantee letter one by one before she was willing to give up. Wu Xiaodan has been wondering about this by herself these days.

Her parents have always been strict with her, and as a result, she took the computer major in a second college.

Parents said that if she can support herself in four years of college, she will be given a generous dowry when she gets married in the future.

If she can't support herself after four years of college, and she will work, marry and have children, her parents will not care.

She knew that her parents had always kept their promises. She was already a sophomore in college, and her parents didn't care about any of her expenses, relying entirely on her uncle's relief.

Su Mei walked back to the dining table in a few steps, stretched out her hand in front of Wu Xiaodan and shook it, "'re back to your senses!"

"What about people? What about the four of them? Isn't that interesting?"

"Leave early! What are you thinking about? Are you thinking so obsessively? Are you also thinking about the exchange student from the Department of Archeology? There are so many beauties in the Department of Archeology, so it's not your turn. Don't think too much about it."

Wu Xiaodan glared at Su Mei angrily as he walked, "Tch, maybe that exchange student is a crooked melon, and I won't be a nymphomaniac."

"When I was playing games, I heard from the master of our computer science department that whoever, that is, the exchange student from Beijing University, couldn't get the photos, but I got some written materials. It is said that he is an orphan!"

"I'm afraid I came to our college because I was too poor. In recent years, our college has been particularly inclined to major in archaeology. In order to attract high-quality students, not only are all fees and living expenses free, but also high scholarships can be received."

"Another day, take a closer look at Ruan Fanghua, the campus belle of the Department of Archeology. She is an orphan. Her whole body is almost covered with branded clothes. She looks poor."

"There is no scholarship in the Department of Archeology that she can't get. After a year, it's no less than 20."

"I heard that her score in the college entrance examination far exceeds the admission score of Peking University and Huada University. She is not only the first in the city, but also the first in the county. I don't know why, but she stayed in Wuling and mixed up with the second college."

"I reckon that the new exchange student is willing to come here because he is too poor and covets the high scholarship from our college's Department of Archeology."

Su Mei nodded after hearing this, "Why do you think the scholarship of the Department of Archeology is so high? The rest of the departments, including our Department of Computer Science, are like weeds that no one takes care of in front of the delicate flowers of the Department of Archeology. .”

"Ahem! You can't say that, our computer department also has a lot of great masters! Don't look at the computer department of our school is only a second degree, and there are several hidden talents like Ruan Fanghua. You haven't entered that circle Here, there are some things I can't explain to you."

"Xiaodan, you also know that I am your die-hard fan, which circle, please introduce me and pull me in!"

Wu Xiaodan lowered his head and let out a sigh of relief, "Actually, I also occasionally heard that when I was playing games, I didn't go in myself, so I pulled you in. Let's go, study hard, have goals in mind, and study efficiently. Su Mei, me too Someone with a goal in mind! I hope that people will still wait for me where they are, and don’t be snatched away by the goddesses. I, Wu Xiaodan, have made up my mind recently that I will definitely become a god in the future!"

"Xiaodan, you come here every now and then to make an aspiration. With so many aspirations, which one do you want to achieve?"

"Su Mei, my goal this time is very clear, and it is very possible to achieve it. Just wait!"

Wu Xiaodan and other six people walked for about a quarter of an hour, and Ruan Fanghua and his party of five also came out of the "Spicy" seafood barbecue restaurant.

Walking to the middle gate of the academy, Ruan Fanghua felt that a certain sight made her extremely uncomfortable, so she scanned the surroundings carefully, but found nothing unusual.

She entered the school gate together with the other four, and she searched around several times frequently, but found nothing.

It wasn't until he was far away from the school gate that the feeling of being watched suddenly faded away.

The four people in the same group were chatting and joking casually, Zhang Xiaoqin and Yang Xiaoxiao started to argue as usual, everything was so normal.

The school gate has to go in and out many times every day, what abnormal situation will happen, maybe I am too suspicious and nervous.

Ruan Fanghua smiled self-deprecatingly.

Recently, her sleep quality is very poor, and she keeps dreaming of some strange scenes, which are somewhat similar to the dreams that gave Yang Xiaoxiao and the others four warnings before, but she doesn't know anyone. Who are those people?
Should she find them and tell them that they are about to be unlucky, will anyone believe it?

Will she be treated as a psychopath?

Forget it, one more thing is worse than one less thing, she doesn't know anyone, so why worry about them.

Ruan Fanghua stopped and looked behind again, but still didn't find anyone suspicious, so she walked a few steps quickly and caught up with the other four people.

(End of this chapter)

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