the first god

Chapter 182

Chapter 182

Li Zhuo also stopped messing with his SLR camera, and leaned in front of her to wink, "Hee hee! In order to create opportunities for you, Li Zhun dragged me into the alley for a while. Sister Fang, is your peach blossom?" Is it about to bloom? Are you satisfied with this peach blossom?"

Are all the children of today so precocious?Ruan Fanghua raised her forehead and lamented, she only praised them for their good character today, and now they are so gossip and gossip.

So, he immediately threatened with righteous words: "You are not allowed to watch "Three Lives Three Worlds Ten Miles of Peach Blossom" in the future! Otherwise, you will be fined to run 10 kilometers back and forth with a 10 kg load for a month! Children should be more innocent and cute, and stop being caught by TV dramas and TV shows. Movies are bad!"

He once again emphasized earnestly: "In this world, it is very common for people of different genders to talk together. Don't create gossip so boringly! Boys, be ambitious, be a hero who stands up to the sky, don't act like a girl Yes, gossiping and gossiping all day long! Remember?"

At this moment, Li Zhun and Li Zhuo, each with one ear, are being cruelly spun and abused.

The two could only speak in unison, begging for mercy against their will, and Qiqi promised that he would never gossip in the future, only talk about elegant hobbies...

Ruan Fanghua was very satisfied, she kneaded two small chicken coops on the heads of Li Zhun and Li Zhuo, and sent them back to the orphanage.


Ma Yunteng has already figured out his relationship with Bai Qianzhou and Ruan Fanghua, but that Shen Yiming always feels a little familiar.

He looked at Yunyou.

Yunyou and Chengzi Xiaoxian'e were so absorbed in their chat that they paid no attention to him at all.

Ma Yunteng looked away from the two girls, but felt that Shen Yiming looked more familiar.


Ruan Fanghua and Shen Yiming took the plane at Wuling Taoyuan Airport via Baisha, the county town, to Chuncheng, the county town of Dian County at 8:[-] p.m., and arrived at Chuncheng Changshui International Airport at [-]:[-] a.m.

As long as seven hours, I just slept well all the way.

There happened to be a flight to Myanmar at four o'clock in the morning.

After meeting up with Boss Jin and his party on the plane, Boss Jin took a few more glances at Shen Yiming, "Xie, is this your senior brother too?"

"Yes! Boss Jin has good eyesight!" Ruan Fanghua praised.

Shen Yiming added: "It's her boyfriend too!"

Ruan Fanghua glared at Shen Yiming with some complaints, but did not deny it.

Boss Jin laughed loudly, "Talented man and beautiful woman, a pair of golden boy and jade girl! Those who came out of the Chivalry Hall must have good skills. Can the two personal bodyguards arranged for you be withdrawn?"

Ruan Fanghua didn't say anything, but Shen Yiming rushed to say: "She acts recklessly, and there are times when I can't take care of her. Since Boss Jin has already made arrangements, there is no need to withdraw."

Boss Jin nodded in satisfaction, "Xiao Jie, your boyfriend is pretty good, and he really cares about your safety! It's rare! There are indeed unpredictable risks in Burmese gambling in Shicheng, and it's not a good time for you to fight with me."

This Boss Jin really puts interests first, and he is beating the side drum, afraid of affecting his major events.

When Ruan Fanghua and Shen Yiming looked at each other, it became clear that the two of them cooperated tacitly since they were young, and they were like real-life partners with a tacit understanding.

Since the two of them had already taken a nap earlier, they had no sleepiness.

It was dark outside the cabin, and there was still some time before sunrise, so there was nothing to see.

Shen Yiming saw Ruan Fanghua next to him holding a stylus and busy writing on his phone.

"Write lyrics?"

"Hmm! Brother Long has now changed careers to become a director, and he has just taken on a new fairy tale movie. He is the director and starring role, and he forced me to write a theme song and an interlude for his movie. The song is almost the same, and the lyrics still need to be changed. Change it."

Shen Yiming frowned, "Zhu Yilong? You still keep in touch with him?"

Ruan Fanghua didn't look up, and continued to be busy with the work at hand, "Yes! What's the matter? My first song was recommended by him. You have a heart of gratitude, and I also have it."

"That's different!" Shen Yiming's voice was obviously a little unhappy.

Ruan Fanghua felt dissatisfied with one point, so she stopped and raised her head, "Why is it different? I saved you, and now you repay me with your body. He also helped me. Busy, of course you can."

Shen Yiming: "..."

Can we continue to have a pleasant chat?

Shen Yiming didn't know whether to laugh or cry, "Don't speak so sharply. I'm under a lot of pressure! Besides, am I doing this to repay my kindness?"

Ruan Fanghua curled her lips, "Isn't it a repayment? If I didn't save you, do you know who I am?"

Shen Yiming said helplessly: "I know! The little junior sister with a shaved head in the Chivalry Gym, and the brothers and sisters in the Gym don't know. Besides, in school, everyone quietly talked about such an obvious appearance, and even we went to see you secretly. "

Ruan Fanghua was a little frustrated, "Oh, no wonder people often come to see me like monkeys in the zoo, and you are among them? If I had known, you were like this, so I wouldn't have saved you."

Shen Yiming felt a little aggrieved, "Didn't you shave your haircut before so that everyone could take a good look at it? The me at that time was obviously just to match your original intention of attracting attention. Well, don't talk about the crew cut anymore, you are no longer the crew cut brother. "

Shen Yiming habitually wanted to reach out and touch her soft long hair again, but saw that her hair was tied high into a bun, not a single strand of hair was hanging down, and all of it was tied up.

A bit regretful: "Why do you put your hair in it? It looks like a junior high school student!"

Ruan Fanghua looked at Shen Yiming fixedly, "Are you secretly saying that I am pretending to be tender?"

"No, I'm telling the truth, turn on the camera of your phone and see if it's similar to a junior high school student."

Ruan Fanghua touched the bridge of her nose, "Do I look so small?"

Shen Yiming: "I went to Genting, Malaysia last summer. Didn't the security guards stop you from entering and showed your ID card before letting you in?"

Ruan Fanghua thought about it, and there was indeed such a thing, because Shen Yiming's company organized a luxury tour in Southeast Asia with an agent with outstanding performance, and Shen Yiming brought her and Li Xue there.

Li Xue was petite, and the security guard let her in, but she was obviously much taller, so they stopped her from entering, saying that she was underage.

She was also speechless and drunk. Could it be that her tall stature was for nothing?
Ruan Fanghua is still a little aggrieved thinking about it now, "That's because those two security guards are blind! Xue'er looks smaller than me!"

Shen Yiming held back his laughter, and couldn't help but laugh, "The security guards don't look at their size, they look at their faces. Li Xue is older than you, and her face is much more mature than you. She looks like an adult. You also had a bun at the time, so you're just a junior high school student." look like?"

"Could it be that the meatball head looks younger?"

"Yeah, you let your hair down to look more mature."

Ruan Fanghua smiled slyly, "Really? Then do you feel guilty for molesting young girls?"

Yep, I got it.

"I want to touch my hair, to put it bluntly, I also feel that it feels good."

Shen Yiming: "..."

(End of this chapter)

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