the first god

Chapter 187 Soft and Violent Little Lolita

Chapter 187 Soft and Violent Little Lolita

"Five products?"

Yunyou laughed when she heard it, and asked helplessly, "Silly girl, aren't you the body with the eyes of the sky? You can't see through my rank?"

Cheng Zi's smile faltered, and after thinking about it, he said, "I can't see through it."

"Forget it, I'm afraid you'll have to practice to gain benefits, so you should pay more attention. As for my current rank, don't worry, I can take you out of it anyway."

Yunyou used the white silk to drag the orange closer, her eyes were only on the king of the crab army from the beginning to the end.

Catch the thief first catch the king!
I don't know if my junior sister understands.

As long as this biggest scourge can be solved, other fourth-order monsters without intelligence will not be a problem for Cheng Zi.

Chengzi released the flame beads, and Yunyou also threw the white silk out, and when the demon crabs got closer, they released the flame beads and rushed forward to burn the demon crab king.

Although she has confidence in her own strength, Cheng Zi is by her side, and she doesn't want to put her in danger because she is too risky.

The distance between the two sides was quickly reduced from tens of feet to ten feet, and the fierce battle of Chengzi's experience was about to break out!
Suddenly, the left and right sides of the crab army started a violent commotion, mixed with familiar or unfamiliar screams and curses.

Unexpectedly, two groups of people rushed towards the crab army almost at the same time, and behind them, without exception, a large number of monsters chased after them.

The five monks of the Tongtian Sect who had just separated were also mixed in these two groups.

Most of the monsters chasing behind them were fourth-order monsters, all kinds of strange shapes, all of them were ferocious, with teeth and claws, ready to choose and devour at any time.It's no wonder that when they saw a large group of fourth-order monster crabs in front of them, they rushed over regardless. There was really no way to escape.

If the monsters chasing them can fight with the monster crabs in front of them, maybe they still have a chance to escape!
The five cultivators of Tongtian Sect had sharp eyes, saw the two of Yun Cheng from a distance, and greeted them loudly on the spot. When they met again under such circumstances, they really didn't know whether to cry or laugh.

There are quite a few disciples from other sects in the two groups. In addition to the five members of the Tongtian Sect, there are also six third-rank elite disciples from the Misty Sect. However, only three of the ten third-rank monks from the Haoran Sect attended the meeting. The most powerful Those three elite disciples were not among them.

In the chaos, Cheng Zi and Yunyou didn't have time to talk to them, Cheng Zi hugged the flame bead, and a ball of flames spewed out.

Immediately, a passage was burned out from the monster crab team. Liu Ming and other members of the Yunshui faction were startled when they saw the power of the flame bead spraying fire for the first time. Pomelo confluence.

A big crab spied on the sky and rushed towards Chengzi. The situation was critical. The flying sword on Yunyou's head flashed and was about to stab its eyes. Chengzi had already grabbed it and raised his arms. a drag -


With a loud noise, the unlucky crab was slammed to the ground on the spot, making a deep and large hole in the ground under it.

Chengzi wore the Hantanxue silk gloves she usually used when refining weapons, no wonder she dared to grab the crab's feet directly with her hands, but she was really violent and rough these few times.

There is no skill at all, purely using strength to injure the enemy.

Seeing this scene, Yunyou trembled slightly.

This girl is really suitable for cleaning jobs—too violent!
Cheng Zi started to fight, as if the scene was not violent enough, dragged the unlucky crab that was knocked dizzy and had its viscera displaced, swung it like a meteor hammer, and hit the demon crabs that rushed up one after another to stop them from advancing.

The first monster crab that was unlucky to be hit made a strange cry, flew out backwards, and knocked down the two monster crabs behind.

And the monster crab that was carried by Cheng Zi as a weapon was not much better. Where it collided with its companion, the carapace on the surface was cracked and shrunk a lot, and the whole monster crab lay limp and completely disappeared. ability to resist.

Is that really a Tier [-] monster?
All the disciples who noticed this scene gasped.The way he looked at Chengzi was like looking at a powerful gorilla.

How can such a soft, cute and beautiful girl be so violent and terrifying as soon as she makes a move?

The point is, her rank is only first rank!
Looking at the delicate orange, she held an ugly crab that looked bigger than her.

She looked completely indifferent, and the men who looked at her with "colorful" eyes before felt a chill in their hearts.

Fortunately, they didn't have time to do anything to her, otherwise... this crab would be their fate!
Taking advantage of the gap, Cheng Zi ate several more fairy oranges to replenish his strength, and he did not shy away from the bloody scene at this time.

Due to the impact of a large number of monsters on both sides, the army of crabs really became chaotic. The disciples of several factions moved and dodged, and slowly gathered together to form four groups, working together to resist the continuous attacks of various monsters.

The strongest ones are naturally oranges and cloud pomelo.

Chengzi embraces the flame beads, and every time she finds danger, she releases pigs to breathe fire. In addition, she is so powerful that she can tear monsters with bare hands, and she also has seemingly inexhaustible resources of pills (actually immortals). Orange), suddenly became the creator of the safe zone.

People from the other three sects saw that they had the powerful magic weapon, the Flame Orb, and that the pills were stuffed into their mouths like jelly beans, and their eyes turned green with envy.

As the sky darkened little by little, the monster beasts did not retreat, but gathered more and more, and the more they fought, the more energetic they became.

Chengzi tried several times to break out of the siege with the flame beads, but there were too many monsters. When they moved, the monsters followed suit.

Although the Flame Orb still has no flaws, if things go on like this, they will eventually be besieged here.

"Eleventh Senior Sister, I have already sent a distress signal, why haven't the sect masters come yet?"


How could Yunyou explain at this time that she had informed everyone to continue eating and drinking, just in time for Xiao Chengzi to practice her kindness.

This kindness, I am afraid that if I say it at this time, it is a scoop of ice water, which will definitely quench Cheng Zi's fighting spirit immediately.

Yunyou touched her nose, her eyes drifted, and she said softly: "Perhaps, it's the delicious food that hindered their schedule."

Cheng Zi nodded. She is a senior foodie, and she thinks this explanation is quite reasonable.

Although Chengzi was born with supernatural powers, he also felt that his physical strength was starting to run out, and he had to eat hundreds of fairy oranges to replenish his physical strength.

Yunyou has been carefully observing the terrain on all sides, and slowly moved the Tongtianzong people to a slope.

"It's impossible to stop these monsters with my current strength, but it's still possible to prevent them from besieging them easily. Junior sister, help me set up the formation with the flame beads!"

Cheng Zi was startled at first, but then realized that Eleventh Senior Sister must have deliberately told people from other sects.

In front of outsiders, it is very necessary to pretend to be a pig and eat a tiger!

Yunyou took out the Lingshi formation flags needed to set up the formation, etc., and called Chengzi to help.

(End of this chapter)

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