the first god

Chapter 204 Guard the fairy crystal bag

Chapter 204 Guard the fairy crystal bag
The Mo Sect is the earliest sect of cultivating immortals that appeared in the Myriad Spirits Immortal Realm, and was created by the Mo Clan.

At that time, the Mo Sect was the only sect of cultivating immortals that existed in the Myriad Spirits Immortal Realm.

Later, in Momen, some small sects gradually appeared.

Xuanmen created by Xuanshi is one of them.

But now, the Momen has been controlled by the Xuan family, and the Momen has officially changed its name to Xuantianmen.

The Mo clan became a small clan attached to Xuantianzong.

Mo Huang's parents were from a branch of the Mo clan. If it wasn't for her being tested for alchemy talent, their family might end up in an unknown town in obscurity.

Although her alchemy talent is not as good as those famous geniuses in the clan, she is very hardworking and has a beautiful appearance. The elders in the clan admire her very much, and many young disciples in the clan secretly fall in love with her.

In the past, she thought that her hard work could improve her family's status in the Mo clan, and her parents would be proud of having such a proud daughter like her.

Until my younger sister Mo Linger was born.

In contrast, she realized how small and innocent Bai Ji was.

If that terribly talented younger sister hadn't been born, if the two sisters hadn't met that devil...

Will everything be completely different?
Xuanhao went to the outer room, Gou Chishi was already waiting there respectfully.

He looks about 50 to [-] years old, but he is actually almost two hundred years old.

Gou Chishi's facial features are well-proportioned and even a little too serious, but those who are familiar with him know that he is actually a very good at making money.

In terms of aptitude, he is indeed good, but Xuantianzong has many people who are more powerful than him, but he has the ability to become the young suzerain's confidant and the first-class real power figure in the entire Xuantianzong. His means are really not enough to compare with outsiders .

In today's Myriad Spirits Immortal World, there are countless immortal sects, big and small, but Xuantian Sect has always been recognized as the most profound and top-notch sect of cultivating immortals. There are a large number of alchemy monks and high-ranking immortals, and their strength is far superior to the rest. The top sect sect.

Decades ago, the young patriarch Xuan Hao instigated the internal struggle of the Mo tribe, and finally succeeded in suppressing this ancient family until only a precarious shell remained.

Today, what the Mo tribe left behind is a group of obedient people who only obey the orders of the young suzerain, and they no longer have the heyday of the past.

Gou Chishi didn't dare to say how much he knew Xuan Hao, the young patriarch of Xuantian Sect, but he still had a good understanding of his behavior style.

As soon as he came up, he simply congratulated the young suzerain's fire spirit for successfully transforming into a dragon, and then immediately got to the point, bowing his head and pleading guilty.

People from the Star Stepping Sect and the Penglai Sect have not yet settled the Tianyuan Gate.

A few days ago, Liu Shi had been personally sent to his cave by Cao Nima for recuperation, and he had explained the results of the horse hunting trip.

After weighing it over, Gou Chishi felt that he could not be the master in this matter, so he perfunctorily comforted Cao Nima, and came to ask for instructions on what to do next while the young master was leaving the customs.

Xuan Hao snorted and said, "It's not a big deal if you fold it. If you can't even subdue a small Tianyuan Sect, you don't want to ask for more benefits from Xuantian Sect. You don’t have to worry about this matter, and let them take care of it themselves. They have no ability to accept new forces for my Xuantianzong, and other sects are willing to take action.”

"Also, you said that Liu Liao was defeated by Mo Ye's disciple, are you sure it was Mo Ye?"

Xuan Hao has also heard of Mo Ye's reputation. It should be said that before his little beauty appeared, Mo Ye was definitely qualified to be among the top talents of the Mo tribe. It is a pity that he was born at an untimely time. Talented and gifted, he became pale in front of his little beauty.

Gou Chishi nodded and said, "I have asked someone to draw his portrait to identify him, and it is indeed him."

The Young Sect Master laughed: "He and the Mo people seem to have a deep grudge."

He had wanted to recruit Mo Ye back then, but because of his little beauty, he couldn't take it into consideration for a while. When he thought about it again, Mo Ye had already left the Mo clan, and he didn't know where he went.

Gou Chishi knew what he meant as soon as he heard it, and a serious sense of crisis suddenly arose in his heart--Mo Ye's talent and talent are much better than his. If such a person is recruited by the young suzerain, his own Status must be affected.

But he won't show this and his thoughts, he just nodded obediently.

Xuanhao didn't seem to have any specific thoughts yet, so he turned to ask what he cared about most: "Is there any clue about her whereabouts?"

Gou Chishi was ashamed and said: "Since someone pretended to be her last year, she has been silent since then."

Xuan Hao showed a non-smiling smile, and said coldly: "This little girl is really good at hiding... What about the rest of the Mo clan? Is there any movement?"

When Gou Chishi met his icy eyes, a chill permeated his whole body, and he felt that his underwear was soaked in cold sweat. He shook his head stiffly, gritted his teeth and managed not to shiver on the spot.

Xuan Hao glanced at him, and finally waved his hand and said: "You don't have to worry about this matter. Set up the alchemist guild and control the affairs of alchemists everywhere, hurry up, don't let me down again. Go !"

If Gou Chishi was granted an amnesty, he quickly saluted and withdrew.

Xuan Hao looked at his back and frowned.


Liancheng is a famous fairy city on Vulture Island, and there are many mortals living here.

Cheng Zi was overjoyed when he saw the mortal vendors passing through the streets.

Yunyou has been here many times, familiar with the way and led everyone to the square market to purchase all kinds of materials they need.

Except for Citrus, Hengzhi, Xueyuan, Chengzi, and Henger all have their own special skills, such as talismans or formations, or alchemy or weapon refining. Taking advantage of this opportunity, they made a long list and assigned them head to search.

However, no matter how many immortal crystals there are, they are not enough in the face of expensive materials and elixir. After they walked through the two squares, more than half of the immortal crystals were lost, and they dared not make any casual moves.

In the evening, everyone stayed in the inn and gathered in Ma Yunteng's room to exchange news.

The only thing that is relatively new is that Subaozhai, which is well-known in the world of all spirits for its auction transactions of various rare treasures, plans to open a branch in Liancheng, Lingjiu Island. It is expected to open in three days, and there will be a large number of treasures Send it here for the first auction.

The sect where Su Baozhai is located is the top three sects in the world of all spirits, the Immortal Spirit Sect. Its strength is far beyond the comparison of ordinary sects. Count to ten.

Such a scale has the potential to absolutely crush the previous Tianyuanmen.

The auction house operated by Su Baozhai covers the entire Myriad Souls Immortal World's large fairy cities, and now it seems that it intends to extend to some smaller fairy cities, and Liancheng happens to be one of them.

After his own analysis, Chengzi couldn't help but said: "Subaozhai's current status has actually begun to shake. The strong rise of Chayan Fort is definitely a big challenge for Subaozhai's fairy crystal bag."

(End of this chapter)

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