the first god

Chapter 207 Another way to make money

Chapter 207 Another way to make money
Heng Zhi thought about how to continue to maintain the level of the fourth-rank fairy, so as not to make people suspect that he was crushing Rao Ming with an absolute advantage.

He took out a large stack of talismans from his bosom and threw them out. Each talisman turned into a small palm facing the whip shadow. When most of the palms touched the whip shadow, the whip shadow disappeared quietly. A whip shadow smashed a small hand into pieces on the spot.

That was the real attack hidden in the illusion.

Rao Ming laughed loudly and said: "Stinky boy, you don't know, my vine whip is a male and female whip! How could it be so easy for you to block the attack of the long whip? It's just a cover, and there is another The whip waits behind!"

Hengzhi chuckled, took out a long whip and threw it over. His long whip was clearly an ordinary magic weapon that Xue Yuan failed to make with the ordinary material refining tool he bought today, called Ling Mian.

The whip is extremely sticky, and is good at absorbing on the enemy's magic weapon. Because it can't complete other functions, it doesn't even count as a low-level magic weapon.

When the two whips collided, Heng Zhi's long whip was broken into several pieces on the spot, but most of them were stuck to the opponent's rear earth, stone and vine whips. He had something on those whips, seeing that his method was successful, he couldn't help but feel complacent stand up.

Rao Ming hadn't had time to activate the mantra when suddenly there was a sharp pain in his shoulder. He looked down and saw that a black-brown whip pierced through his shoulder, and a bloody arrow gushed out!

Not only him, but also everyone in the auditorium watching the competition between the two was startled and couldn't help standing up.

But seeing Rao Ming sweeping his long whip, it directly hit Hengzhi's left forearm, and the barbs on the whip took Hengzhi's flesh and blood out of his body.

Rao Ming refused to let him go, so he wanted to sweep Heng Zhi out of the stage.

Cheng Zi was so nervous that her palms were covered with cold sweat. She knew that the competition was dangerous, but she never thought that Heng Zhi, the King of Mytharis, who looked so powerful, would also fall into the opponent's way. She just hoped that nothing would happen to Heng Zhi!
Heng Zhi on the field obviously had no time to jump away, he just squatted on the ground, regardless of whether it was ugly or not.

Rao Ming endured the pain, grinned grinningly, changed the direction of the whip, and hit him on the head.

Many spectators exclaimed, just when everyone thought that Heng Zhi would be seriously injured this time, or even died on the spot, a strange thing happened...

There was a flash of lightning on the stage, and Rao Ming, who had a smug face, was suddenly surrounded by a large group of lightning. His whole body twitched violently, his body cracked continuously, his hair and eyebrows stood on end, and he fell down on the stage with a scream.

The water traces on the big beach on the stage further contributed to the power of the electricity. Rao Ming screamed and rolled and struggled on the stage, his hands, head and neck exposed outside his clothes were scorched, and his true face was almost unrecognizable.

Holding the wound on the forearm of his left hand, Heng Zhi took two steps back, snorting, "You're the only one who plots against me?! Bah! I'll blow you into a rotten tree!"

The people in the auditorium didn't understand what happened, they saw the situation reversed many times in an instant, the fourth rank's Hengzhi actually overthrew the fifth rank's Rao Ming, and there was no flaw at all.

This competition should be like this.

Ma Yunteng, Xueyuan and the others knew that Hengzhi's whip was attached with a purple lightning talisman, a kind of talisman that sealed the powerful lightning mana.

Rao Ming rolled a few times and finally passed out convulsively. Several of his classmates came to their senses and hurriedly surrendered to the referee on his behalf.

The audience who bought Rao Ming's heavy bet in the stands suddenly wailed.

Heng Zhi treated the wound on his left arm, and after confirming the victory with the referee, he calmly walked in front of Heng Er and the others, and suddenly fell to the ground with a thud, Cheng Zi hurriedly reached out to help him, but his lips were trembling and he didn't know what to say What, leaned over and listened, and there were only five words: "The fairy crystal of the deity..."

If it wasn't for worrying about his life, Cheng Zi would really laugh.

But why did Heng Zhi faint suddenly?
He certainly wasn't exhausted.

Ma Yunteng stretched out his hand to take Hengzhi and put it on the stool beside him, and took a look at the clothes on his left forearm. The blood that flowed out was bright red, but it carried a strange fragrance.

As soon as Cheng Zi raised his head, he saw that the people of Xuantianzong lifted Rao Ming and was about to leave, so he quickly pulled Ma Yunteng's sleeve and said: "Stop them, the back earth stone vine whip has the poison of stone vines on it."

Ma Yunteng raised his eyebrows, but he didn't see any movement, so he blocked the way of the dozen or so people, and said coldly: "Leave the antidote, or you will stay together."

Although the dozen or so members of Xuantianzong were dissatisfied, they thought that Rao Ming was seriously injured and needed medical treatment. If something happened to him, everyone would be in trouble.

They entangled with Ma Yunteng and others. It seemed that there were a lot of people, but their strength was weak, and the chances of winning or even breaking through were not high. After flirting with each other, they finally found the antidote from Rao Ming and handed it to them.

Cheng Zi saw that the antidote was fine, so he let Heng Zhi take it, and after a while, he woke up.

Hengzhi couldn't move his left forearm, and it was still in pain. He was so angry that he completely ignored his status and greeted all the female relatives of Rao Ming's family passionately, and finally said bitterly: "Let's go! Let's go find Ju The people in Xianju want the fairy crystal, they spent so many talismans on this deity, and even bled and got injured, it would be a big loss not to ask for a sum of money back!"

The seven people walked together to the betting place outside the tent, and received a total of 56 yuan of immortal crystal betting bonuses plus game bonuses from the green-faced Juxianju disciples, and the spoils were distributed on the spot.

Everyone was overjoyed. Hengzhi expressed his indignation at Juxianju's temporary change of the odds, and he made a big self-boasting speech about everyone's gain of immortal crystals because of him. Everyone listened carefully. Did not interrupt his interest!
After the excitement, Chengzi suggested to send Hengzhi back to the inn to recuperate, and wait for him to recover, and then come to compete together tomorrow.

But Hengzhi was not happy: "This deity has sweated and bled to earn fairy crystals for you, why should I make some more money today! Anyway, this deity is not going to end, so what is this little injury?"

Cheng Zi sighed and said, "I thought it was dangerous to rob and rob immortal crystals. Seeing Heng Zhi like this, I think it is also dangerous to earn immortal crystals in Juxianju..."

The speaker was unintentional, but the listener was intentional. Heng Zhi's noble self-esteem was immediately hurt, his face darkened, and he shouted at Cheng Zi in a vicious voice: "Where is the danger! Isn't this deity alive and kicking now? It's dangerous, it's obviously that Rao Ming! Everyone It was carried out sideways!"

The first time Chengzi saw Hengzhi lose his temper, he was so frightened that he hid behind Ma Yunteng.

Ma Yunteng glanced at Hengzhi coldly and said, "You were almost carried out sideways too."

His family's oranges, when is it his turn to make a noise? !

"This deity is careless!"

"Life and death, how many times do you have the chance to be careless?"

Hengzhi was speechless, Ma Yunteng's words were very poisonous, but very reasonable.

Today, if there were not a few of them on the sidelines to support him, his current situation would only be worse than Rao Ming.

He is indeed too careless, too self-righteous.

He really couldn't bear to bow his head in front of the crowd, snorted, turned his face away, and stopped talking.

Chengzi knew that Hengzhi had a good temperament, he was good at cooking and drinking, and he took good care of her on weekdays. He didn't want him to be too embarrassing, so he moved over and said: "Anyway, they have all signed up, let's ask, there are still more tonight." If there is no match arrangement, we will stay if there is, and we will go back to rest if there is no match, okay?"

Hengzhi poked his neck and nodded.

They went to the director's room of Juxianju to ask, and the disciple in charge of arranging the schedule looked through the list of monks who signed up for the competition, and was about to ask them to come back tomorrow, when suddenly a disciple outside the door gave him a desperate wink, and he got up and apologized and went out After returning, their attitude was much more enthusiastic, and they repeatedly said that they just arranged a game for them tonight, and quickly informed them of the venue number of the game.

I don't know if it's a coincidence, or it's just Juxianju's habit, but they all competed in the Tianzi No. [-] ring that Hengzhi had just competed in, and it was one after another!
Ma Yunteng thought about it, and it was very difficult to harm them in public. Although Juxianju was powerful, they didn't need to have any grudges with Tianyuanmen, so they didn't say anything.

Hengzhi was extremely excited, he ran all the way to the Tianzi No. [-] big tent and was about to make a big bet, betting on Heng Er who came into the game to win.

As a result, the disciple who was in charge of collecting bets pointed to a new line of words on the big wooden sign beside him and said: "The new regulations promulgated by the superiors limit one bet per person per game, and the maximum bet cannot exceed [-] fairy crystals."

Heng Zhi was so angry that he wanted to reason with someone on the spot, but Ma Yunteng stopped him and said, "Forget it, the other party is obviously targeting us, they follow the Romans, and there is nothing they can do if they don't want to take a big bet."

Heng Zhi depressedly took out [-] pieces of fairy crystals to place a bet, and said: "Second brother, don't just mess around just because there are few fairy crystals, I have a hard time earning these [-] pieces of fairy crystals, blood and sweat! "

Heng Er smiled gently: "Don't worry, I will never end up with a transparent hole."

"You! Damn girl, when I recover from my injury, see if I don't beat you to the teeth!"

A group of people walked into the arena laughing and laughing. This time, Heng Er, who was currently at the fourth rank on the surface, was fighting against another fifth-rank fairy whose cultivation level was one rank higher than hers.

With the comparison of fighting skills of the big challenge and victory just now as the basis, the odds of choosing to bet this time have also dropped all the way to [-] to [-].

An old man was sitting next to the referee's seat. He was looking at Heng Zhi and the others who were looking around in the audience with an interesting expression. He stroked his gray beard and said to the referee with a smile: "These boys and girls, It’s not easy to look at. Just take this opportunity to see how strong Tianyuanmen is, is it worth our time..."


Subaozhai’s auction house opened its auction just three days later. Although the celestial crystals in Chengzi’s hands have multiplied several times, it is still not enough. Apart from gathering in Xianju to compete and earn bonuses, they must find other ways to make money .

After much deliberation, the best way is to let the "surplus personnel", that is, Oranges, open a furnace to make alchemy and earn immortal crystals.

Of course, there is no problem with the oranges. The secret medicines currently in stock at Tianyuanmen are all refined by her.

However, what kind of elixir to sell should be discussed carefully.

"It's very troublesome to refine Chenchen Pill, Peiyuan Pill, and Peiling Pill in large quantities. It's best to concentrate on refining some pills of the fourth grade or above. The quality of pills generally doesn't matter. Such pills cost as much as an immortal crystal." One can be worth a thousand first-grade pills."

Hengzhi expresses his opinion.

Cheng Zi glanced at Heng Zhi in embarrassment, and said, "I can't refine a medicine of average quality, the worst is above average quality, does it matter?"

Both Xueyuan and Hengzhi were taken aback, Hengzhi patted the table with his uninjured hand and laughed loudly, and said to Yourong: "As expected of the cutest orange! Be confident!"

What Cheng Zi said was the truth, but it really made people roll their eyes when they heard it in other people's ears.

What other alchemists have to worry about is the success rate of pills. As for the quality of pills that can be produced, there is no guarantee at all.

Oranges are good, ordinary ones can't be refined!

Only Ma Yunteng and Yunyou knew that Cheng Zi was telling the truth.

Yunyou couldn't help laughing and said, "It doesn't matter, the higher the quality, the better. What is the highest grade of pill you can refine now?"

Heng Zhi, Heng Er, Xue Yuan, etc. only knew that she had no problem refining third-grade top-grade pills, and it should be possible to refine fourth-grade pills, but they didn't know where the limit of oranges was, so they didn't feel right. curious.

Today's question is related to their plan to earn immortal crystals, so they have to ask clearly.

Cheng Zi vaguely said: "I don't know either...the fifth grade should be fine too..."

In fact, the highest quality elixir she has refined is the seventh grade, but the elder sister has severely warned her not to leak it, and never let her try to refine higher-level elixir, so she can only say conservatively Five products.

Even so, it was enough to surprise Heng Zhi and others!
Those who can refine fifth-rank pills must be at least at the peak of fourth-rank.

Chengzi, a little girl who was only at the first rank before and now has just stepped into the third rank, this is too fierce!

If they hadn't witnessed her mass production of various high-quality elixir in the past few days, including some of the fourth-grade panacea, they really couldn't believe it.

Hengzhi had deeper doubts in his heart.

Previously, he had only seen Xuanji, the God of Flowers, have such a high talent for alchemy.

However, Cheng Zi has the ability, which is a great boon to them and the group. Since she is inconvenient to reveal too much, let her do it.

"It is inconvenient for us to sell pills that are helpful for cultivation, but we can consider refining other fourth- and fifth-grade pills. If it is a fifth-grade pill, one immortal crystal worth tens of thousands may be cheaper than ours. Juxianju can earn more immortal crystals than the test." Heng Zhi continued to propose.

Cheng Zi's eyes were shining brightly, and he rushed to say: "Then let's go and find out in the morning, which of the fourth-rank and fifth-rank pills is the most valuable fairy crystal!"

"Chengzi also has to remember the prescription, and the refining efficiency is high." Xueyuan interjected.

For a long time, Gan Ning, who had no sense of existence, looked at the two of them, and said softly: "I inquired about it during the day today. There is a fifth-grade elixir that is worth immortal crystals... and the prescription and main medicinal materials are also available..."

Hengzhi jumped up and said excitedly, "What kind of medicine?"

Orange moved the chair uneasily, leaned towards Yunyou, and said cautiously: "Ding, Dingyan Dan..."

Gan Ning knows that she is from the Demon Realm and is not welcomed by everyone. It is only because Yun You has been protecting her that she can gradually integrate into it.

However, she is not yet qualified to give advice, and she knows it herself, so she is extra cautious when speaking.

As soon as these words came out, the eyes of Heng Zhi and Heng Er fell on Xue Yuan in unison.

Xue Yuan, who has always been gentle and friendly to Manning, stared at Manning fiercely, her face turning green and red.

With a vicious look about to violently beat someone at any time: "Why did you mention this elixir?! Do you know something?"

(End of this chapter)

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