the first god

Chapter 214 Reinvigorating the Tianyuan Gate

Chapter 214 Reinvigorating the Tianyuan Gate

Ma Yunteng and Hengzhi, the two super chefs, are very pleased that they have finally cultivated a few successors of chefs.

Chef Cheng Zi, Xue Yuan, Heng Er, and Ci Ning are all sous chefs. Through the cooperation of these few, they finally cooked up a delicious medicinal meal.

However, Yunyou is always just a pure foodie.

Because, her ability to control the kitchen utensils has always been inferior to Chengzi's as early as Tianyuanmen.

After she refined Vulture Island, this culinary ability has not advanced but retreated, and now she can only wait to eat dryly.

Fortunately, her food appreciation ability is not bad.Of course, this is Yunyou's psychological suggestion for self-comfort.

Ma Yunteng knew that Cheng Zi used the Dan Ding as a pot for cooking, and the top Tianhuo of Tianhuogou as a stove, and even scolded her for "violent waste of things".

When he found out that the dishes made by the monster elixir were indeed better in taste and efficacy, he felt comfortable eating them every day, so he actively urged Cheng Zi to choose a suitable Dan Ding (no! It should be a pot!) to make a medicated meal.

The thick and tough monster meat, stewed by the puppy's Dan fire, mixed with the aroma of the elixir, blended with the sauce made from spirit fruit spirit wine, etc., slowly became tender and smooth.

The fragrance spread, and even Hengzhi, who was obsessed with the study of the array, was tempted to twitch his index finger.

Hengzhi's Lingyuan wine is finally ready to drink, but it is not mellow enough after all, so it is also used as a drink.

Even if there is no vintage Lingyuan new wine, it is well received by foodies.

Everyone sat around and ate a full meal. They felt that most of the fatigue from the journey had been relieved, and each of them meditated with their legs crossed.Chengzi arranges for Xueyuan and Liming to pack up the pots, pans and gourds, then sleeps in the small tent with the puppy in his arms.

From time to time, the roar of wild beasts and monsters can be heard in the forest, but there is peace and quiet around the fire.

However, the Wu family's old house a hundred miles away from Liancheng was in chaos, because shortly after dark, the light spots on Wu Tianyun's soul card suddenly went out completely - this meant that Wu Tianyun was dead.

The servant in charge of guarding the soul tokens of each member of the Wu family was frightened out of his wits, and ran to report to Mrs. Wu.Mrs. Wu felt like a thunderbolt from the blue sky, so she hurriedly asked the clan elder Fei Jian to send a letter to inform Wu Xian who was in Liancheng.

Wu Xian only sent his fourth son away with Elder Xu yesterday, but he did not expect to receive the news of his son's death today. He couldn't believe his ears, so he immediately sent people to search for the traces of the two of them, and finally got the news from his son's valet. Unexpectedly, they were actually chasing a few disciples of the Tianyuan Sect.

Wu Xian was anxious and angry, and personally led people to the direction of Xuanwu Mountain, but in the end they failed to find traces of the two corpses.

Hengzhi said, "Even if people find them, they will not be able to recognize them..." is not empty words.

When Wu Tianyun and Elder Xu were thrown into Juegu, they became the monsters' dinner that night. Even the bones were gnawed clean. Even if Wu Xian turned the entire Xuanwu Mountain over, it was impossible to find their bones.

Hengzhi was meticulous, and he cleaned up the fighting scene the next day before leaving. Wu Xian led people to search hard on Xuanwu Mountain, but returned sadly with nothing.

Mrs. Wu cried and wanted to find the bad luck of Tianyuanmen, Wu Xian said with a miserable smile: "Yun'er and Elder Xu found the people who went to Tianyuanmen by themselves, and we were wrong first. Moreover, we have no evidence at all to prove that they killed Yun Er, two masters and apprentices, if we rashly go to Tianyuanmen, what good can we get? We are lucky that Tianyuanmen didn't come to trouble us."

"Is my son going to die in vain?!" Mrs. Wu hissed.

Wu Xian let out a long sigh, bowed his head and remained silent. As far as he forced him to ask the dirty things that the servants around his son knew, this son really died unjustly. so what?
Heng Zhi and the other seven people didn't know what would happen after Wu Tianyun died in the Wu family. In the next few days, the seven of them stayed overnight in the dense forest and headed west in the dense forest. Seeing groups of iron-clawed eagles flying across the sky, there was an oppressive atmosphere in the forest, as if the birds didn't dare to fly at will.

Heng Er couldn't help but want to hit one or two iron claws to vent his anger several times, and asked Cheng Zi to take them to add food to them, but was stopped by others.

On the way, I also accidentally found human tracks, probably some immortals who went into the mountains to hunt monsters and beasts, but neither of them wanted to provoke each other, so usually they would automatically go around when they found signs from a distance.

There were no difficult monsters encountered along the way, and the robber Xianjun who had been on guard did not appear. Just when they were feeling bored, the mountain seemed to be a little restless.

"Do you feel that since yesterday, there have been many more immortals haunting this mountain?" Orange asked aloud.

The mountain road is rugged and difficult, so Cheng Zi, who has the body of the sky eye, automatically acts as a watchdog.Her spiritual sense is the sharpest among the seven, and even Heng Er, who specializes in cultivating the soul, is not as good as her. Especially in places with lush vegetation, she is extremely accurate, and any person or monster within a radius of ten miles can sense it. roughly.

Heng Er concentrated on feeling for a while, nodded and said: "It seems that in the first five days, we may not encounter a group of hunting immortals, but yesterday I felt that there seemed to be at least three groups of people passing by, today is even more exaggerated, at least There are five or six groups of people."

Cheng Zi concentrated for a moment, then suddenly pointed to the front left and said, "There is a man in front who seems to be seriously injured, should we go and see?"

These few people usually have to find someone to fight and toss when they have nothing to do. These days, they are busy on the road, and they are already a little bored. Heng Er was the first to shout excitedly: "Go and see! Maybe you can make another windfall!"

Heng Zhi said: "Be careful, don't fall into a trap. Orange, do you see an ambush near the wounded?"

Cheng Zi shook his head and said, "Probably not."

A few people dared not be careless, and quickly walked to the direction pointed by Cheng Zi.

The blood in front of him was really shocking, Chengzi let out a low cry, hugged Ma Yunteng's shoulders and buried his head, not daring to look more.

The complexions of Heng Er and Xue Yuan were also a little pale.

On the other hand, Yunyou and Liming are as calm and composed as Hengzhi and Ma Yunteng.

Pieces of moss and green grass on the ground have been stained crimson by blood, stumps are everywhere, and the smell of blood is choking.

An old man in Taoist robes was lying beside a large crooked tent. His cultivation level turned out to be a sixth-rank immortal, but he was dying from injuries, and he looked like he was going to die at any time.

His right arm was broken, and a half-foot-long gash was opened in his abdomen, half of his body was covered with blood, and the light in his eyes was slack. When he noticed Heng Er and the others approaching, he struggled and made a weak cry: "Save... save the young master... ..."

Heng Er scratched his head and said, "Who is your young master?"

The old man opened his mouth to speak, but he couldn't catch his breath and coughed up two mouthfuls of blood foam.

Hengzhi took a Peiyuan Pill and fed it to him. Although the medicine is good, but the old man's life is dead, at most it can give him a breath and let him confess his last words clearly.

Ma Yunteng patted Cheng Zi, comforted her, asked Xue Yuan to accompany her, and walked over to see what happened.

After taking the Peiyuan Pill, the old man really lifted his spirits, opened his eyes and barely propped up half of his body, just in time to see Ma Yunteng approaching step by step.

He was suddenly excited and surprised, and said in a trembling voice: "Third, third young master, why are you here?"

Ma Yunteng was taken aback for a moment, and said coldly, "You've got the wrong person."

The old man didn't know whether it was because of his insanity or whether Ma Yunteng really looked like the third young master in his mouth. He still insisted: "Third young master, don't, don't make fun of the old slave, quickly... get out of here quickly, and inform the master and Wu Wei , save... save the young master!"

The old man suddenly thought of something, hesitated for a while, and said in a low voice: "Third young master, please come here."

Ma Yunteng felt that the old man was confused and didn't want to talk to him at first, but when he saw that he was seriously injured and dying, he still missed his "eldest young master", so he couldn't help but recalled very distant and vague memories, thinking of the original owner who protected him and his mother when he was young An old servant who ran away together walked over in a moment of pity.

The old man's remaining left hand firmly held his hand, and stuffed a ring into his hand without any trace, and said in a condensed voice beside his ear: "Third young master, you should take good care of this ring, and hand it over to the master... Quickly find someone to save the young master..."

He exhausted his whole body with only a little magic power left, his body twitched twice and he closed his eyes and passed away.

Ma Yunteng spread his palm, and a bloody ring appeared in front of his eyes. He saw the shape of the ring clearly, and suddenly his whole body was shocked, and his expression became very strange... The ring was the same as the ring worn by the original owner regardless of its shape and material. The patterns are almost exactly the same, clearly made by the same person, and they are a pair!
Heng Zhi glanced at him and asked, "What?"


These two words, Ma Yunteng almost forced it out from between his teeth, it's no wonder it's nothing.

However, Hengzhi didn't ask any further questions. He called Heng Er and scanned the scene briefly, but found nothing of value. Ma Yunteng's ring was probably because an invisible magic circle was engraved on the surface to cover up all the mana breath, so it was lucky that the old man secretly hid it from the enemy.

Heng Er found a few talismans from the tent that were used to communicate for help. After a brief discussion, all the corpses on the scene were moved to the tent to avoid exposing the corpses to the wilderness. Then they released the talismans and turned away.

Their time is limited, and since the person who is unfavorable to that "eldest young master" can even kill a sixth-rank immortal, even if they find out the whereabouts of "eldest young master", it may be a disaster.

I hope the communication talisman can attract rescuers as soon as possible.

Heng Zhi rubbed against Ma Yunteng and said, "Xiao Teng, what's in the ring that the old man gave you, and we don't covet his, let's take a look at the head office."

Ma Yunteng took out the ring and handed it to him: "Once this kind of ring is recognized as the owner, no one else can open it."

With sharp eyes, Heng Zhi grabbed his hand and said, "Why is the one in your hand exactly the same as the one that the old man gave you? Do you know their origins?"

"You can't really be his third young master, right?! He is a servant of your Ma family?" Heng Zhi squinted his eyes at Ma Yunteng.

Ma Yunteng withdrew his hand and said coldly: "I don't know, no."

Knowing that he didn't want to say more, and didn't bother to ask, Heng Zhi snorted, raised his head, and ran to the front of the team.

Yunyou also saw that there was something wrong with Ma Yunteng, but she was not someone who liked to inquire about other people's private affairs, so she pretended not to notice, and walked slowly behind with Cheng Zi.

Chengzi hesitated to speak several times, she could feel Ma Yunteng's mood fluctuating slightly, but she didn't know how to comfort him quietly, held her breath for a while, and finally tried: "Uh... what do you want to eat tonight?" Medicinal food?"

Cheng Zi recently discovered that making medicinal food is similar to alchemy, and gradually became obsessed with making medicinal food. After receiving praise from everyone, he became more and more interested.

Ma Yunteng's mind was in chaos, and the old things went back and forth one after another like a revolving lantern. Suddenly he heard Chengzi's words, and for a while he didn't know whether to laugh or not, so he replied stiffly: "You are a foodie, you know how to eat. !"

In fact, those thoughts belonged to the original owner, but Ma Yunteng has now taken over these thoughts.

Chengzi was very wronged, she was so hardworking and considerate, he was not moved or grateful, it was so unreasonable!
Ma Yunteng said suddenly: "My ring is a gift from my father for my sixth birthday. He said that there was originally a pair of rings, and he and his elder brother each had one. According to legend, there is a big secret hidden in this pair of rings. But no one ever knew what it was.”

"That old man just now, and that young master, are they from your uncle's family?" Cheng Zi was surprised.


No wonder the old man mistook Ma Yunteng as the "Third Young Master". It is not too unusual for cousins ​​to look alike.

"You don't want to see your relatives?" Cheng Zi asked cautiously.

"They are not my family."

There is a chill in Ma Yunteng's statement.

Obviously, the original owner had deep resentment towards his uncle's family.

Chengzi thought to himself, in this way, it is rare for him to be willing to release a talisman to notify his uncle's rescuers to rescue that so-called "eldest young master".

Ma Yunteng seemed to guess what she was thinking, and a cold smile appeared on his lips: "They are basically beating their own people, so let them have a good fight."

"how do you know?"

Ma Yunteng didn't answer this time, the last sentence the old man sent to him was "Be careful with your third uncle."

It is enough to explain many problems.

Just now the old man kept telling him to find someone to rescue the so-called young master, but he never explained where to rescue him or who his enemy was.

That is to say, his uncle must know the identity of the other party.

Given the status of his uncle's family, even members of Xuantianzong would not be willing to publicly offend easily, so the only explanation is internal fighting.

The so-called aristocratic family, under the glamorous statement, the rest are all these unbearable things!Just like when they persecuted their mother and child back then, family ties and family interests are all worthless things in their eyes, and only their own interests are the most important.

He only hoped that those culprits would not die too soon, so that he could avenge the original owner's parents with his own hands!

The original owner is the head of a faction, but he can't even do such a thing as revenge for his parents. It can be seen that the enemy is indeed powerful.

When he took over the original owner's body, he was only at the sixth rank, and the old servant who just died was at the sixth rank.

The original owner probably wanted to wait until he was strong enough to go back for revenge.

Today's Tianyuanmen is indeed too unbearable.

Ma Yunteng's strong desire to revive the Tianyuanmen became more and more aroused in his heart.

(End of this chapter)

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