the first god

Chapter 227 Against Oranges

Chapter 227 Against Oranges
Another three hours passed, it was already late at night, and the area around the venue was still very lively.

Everyone is looking forward to the results of the third match.

In fact, everyone knows which three alchemists are qualified to break through and enter the finals, but there is still a huge difference between the first, second, and No.3, at least for those who bet on today's champion , Who can win in the end is simply crucial.

Finally, the stone doors of the alchemy rooms opened one after another...
It was Li Huai who came out first, with an abnormal blush on his face, and his whole body seemed to be in a strange state of excitement. As soon as the plate was poured, there was a sound of ding ding.

The referees and guests who were already not very enthusiastic about him were shocked, ten rings!It's ten rings!

This Li Huai, who had lost two games in a row, broke out again in the last round, and the fourth-grade elixir reached a [-]% success rate!

Among them, there are four pills that have reached the highest quality!

This time, even Yunyou and Ma Yunteng were quite surprised.

"How could it be?! This bastard couldn't even reach the [-]% success rate of second- and third-grade elixirs before, but he achieved it by refining fourth-grade elixirs?! He also refined four high-quality elixirs? When did alchemy change? Is it that simple?" Xueyuan couldn't help muttering.

"Yes! He must have used some kind of cheating method!" Heng Er said angrily.

Hengzhi also began to worry a little bit about Chengzi's performance, but only a little bit.

Influenced by Ma Yunteng, they all began to believe that Orange would not let them down.

Therefore, what Li Huai and what fourth-grade pills are all scum!

Oranges will definitely be better than these dregs!

Cheng Yi's expression changed slightly. After the shock, he slowly turned his head to look at his disciple Wu De.

Wu De knew that his master must have thought of the Pill Soul Talisman.

It's really unethical for him to cheat like this, but no matter what he does, he is also saving face for the Immortal Spirit Sect!

Thinking of this, his guilty conscience was immediately suppressed, but he still didn't dare to look at Cheng Yi.

The referee representatives of the other four cases were not so easy to dismiss. They exchanged a tacit look and decided to wait for the results of the others before requesting a detailed investigation of Li Huai.

It has to be said that the other alchemists who came to participate today were really unlucky, and they came here as a foil, including the third-rank alchemist from Danxiazong, who also performed mediocrely in this round. There are only three pills.

Everyone looked gloomy, but they were also curious in their hearts, wondering if the little girl who had won two rounds in a row would be able to maintain her advantage in this round?
It's probably difficult, after all, Li Huai's match was too powerful...

Amid the anxious anticipation of the crowd, Cheng Zi finally pushed open the stone door of the alchemy room and came out. With a tired face, he walked to the referee's seat as if sleepwalking, and poured out the jade bottle in his hand.

Ten crisp sounds were like thunder, once again blasting the hearts of everyone present.

She refined the fourth-grade pill this time, and the success rate of the pill is still [-]%!
Several referees inspected each pill in the jade plate numbly, and then announced in a trembling voice: "The ten fourth-grade pills are all of the highest quality!"

Amidst the thunderous cheers, Li Huai vomited blood again and fell to the ground...

Today's semi-final ended with an undisputed victory for Orange.

However, the assassination representatives of the other four sects were not so easy to dismiss. The referee of Danxia Sect who had been holding back for a whole day was the first to attack: "The Immortal Spirit Sect really has a lot of talents... The alchemy skills of the two contestants are really superb."

The other three referees also found it unbelievable, and the more they thought about it, the more unreasonable it became.

Cheng Yi said with a sullen face, "If you have any doubts, you can investigate in person. Our sect will definitely cooperate!"

He scolded his ignorant disciple in his heart, but he had to seriously consider how to cover up Zhouquan.

My own disciple instigated others to use pill soul talisman to make alchemy, no matter how you say it was cheating, once found out, Immortal Spirit Sect would be disgraced immediately.

As for Chengzi, he really couldn't doubt it, because no matter how powerful the Pill Soul Talisman was, it was impossible to get such a heaven-defying result.

The other referees also understood this in their hearts. Seeing Cheng Yi's tough attitude, they stopped talking. Anyway, there was still a final, so they didn't believe that the two contestants from Xianlingzong could cheat all the way through without showing their flaws.

On the other side, Wu De, who wanted to take advantage of the chaos to leave the venue, was blocked by Xue Yuanheng and others at the VIP seat, and Zhang Jin and other witnesses were also invited by Hengzhi.

Putting his hands on his waist, Heng Er jumped onto the table, condescendingly said to Wu De and his wife, "Did you two forget something important?"

Wu De suffered huge losses again and again today. He lost all the high-grade fairy crystals he had bet on in Juxianju. He just pasted a pill soul talisman worth 150 million top-grade fairy crystals. In the end, Li Huai's fiasco was still irreversible. Depressed almost to the point of madness, he remained silent with a gloomy face.

Zhang Jin and the others saw that Wu De was not pleasing to the eye for a long time, so they took the opportunity to sneer and sneer; "Tsk tsk, the proud disciple of the dignified Master Cheng, Yun Guo's son-in-law, wouldn't want to renege on his debt after losing a bet?!"

"When will it be your turn to intervene in the matter between our brothers and sisters!" Wu De said bitterly.

"Do you still remember that brother Yan is your senior brother?" An alchemist who had been on good terms with Yan Song on weekdays said.

"Mr. Yan has entrusted me with full authority to ask you for his account, will you pay today?" Heng Er said fiercely.

It's a pity that her delicate and beautiful face naturally lacks enough momentum.

As soon as she opened her mouth, the rest of the alchemists who had testified booed one after another.

It can be seen that Wu De's popularity is really bad enough on weekdays.

Wu De always cared about saving face, so he was forced to look helplessly at the second princess beside him.

"Take it!" The second princess gritted her teeth, reached out and took out a small golden sign from the storage bracelet and threw it at Heng Er's feet.

Zhang Jin laughed, and said in a strange way; "It's different after marrying a princess."

Wu De was so angry that his face turned blue and red.

This kind of small golden sign, Heng Er and Xue Yuan saw it yesterday when they visited Fangshi. It is a certificate specially used by Subaozhai to directly extract high-grade fairy crystals. They only recognize the brand but not the person, so the second princess threw it over. On this one, the number of high-grade fairy crystals that can be extracted is engraved on the back.

Heng Er confirmed that it was correct, put away the sign, and jumped to Li Huai who was lying in the field.

Cheng Yi had sent his men to treat him. Li Huai was just overtired and short of breath. He suffered some internal injuries, but they were not serious.

He had just woken up slowly when he saw Heng Zhi leading someone over, feeling ashamed, annoyed and scared.Can't wait to pass out again.

Heng Zhi said kindly: "What am I doing here, you know... you took it out yourself, or do you want me to do it! Hey, I'm easy to talk to."

Li Huai silently took out a storage bag full of high-grade fairy crystals from his arms, and the silver medicine box that he had not had time to warm up for a day and handed it over. Heng Er took it over and looked at it, and took it away with satisfaction. up.

Ma Yunteng smiled and said: "Mr. Li, is there anything else you forgot to do?"

Li Huai's pupils shrank, and hissed: "Killing people is nothing more than nodding your head, you... really want to be so desperate?!"

Ma Yunteng pointed to Cheng Zi, who was so tired that his eyelids were fighting, and said: "If she loses, will you let her go, and just take the medicine box and the top-grade fairy crystal?"

Many of the alchemists who testified had sympathized with Li Huai.Hearing Ma Yunteng's words and pleading for him, he suddenly couldn't speak.

Li Huai's face was pale and he was speechless.

Chengzi tugged at Ma Yunteng's grapefruit, and whispered: "He will give me another 50 high-grade fairy crystals, and this matter will be settled."

She has no interest in humiliating others in public, so instead of asking Li Huai to kowtow to her, forcing him to fail to be an alchemist in the future, it would be more practical to make a fortune with high-grade immortal crystals.

As soon as Xueyuan heard the high-grade fairy crystal, she was full of energy, and she smiled and persuaded Li Huaidao; "50 high-grade fairy crystals are very affordable! You don't have to make a fool of yourself in public. You can continue to be your alchemist in the future!"

Li Huai closed his eyes, took off the storage ring on his hand and threw it to Cheng Zi, "I can't get out 50 high-grade fairy crystals. The elixir and refining materials here are worth more than 50 high-grade fairy crystals!"

Chengzi handed the ring to Yunyou, asked her to examine the contents with her spiritual sense, and then publicly announced that the bet was completed.

Chengzi was tired all day, and almost fell asleep leaning on Ma Yunteng, Heng Er went to Juxianju to collect the winnings from gambling, and called Yan Song who had been invisible all along, and the group returned happily Yan Fu rests.

Yan Song just hid in the dark and didn't show up, in fact, he wanted them to let go of Wu De's hands and feet. After all, he and Wu De belonged to the same school, and with him present, neither Zhang Jin nor Xue Yuan would be able to force Wu De too much.

On the way, Yan Song apologized to Xue Yuan and the others: "My junior brother is narrow-minded and arrogant. I have a big fight today. I am afraid that I will try my best to retaliate. Although he does not dare to go too far with the master, it is difficult to protect him." Absolutely safe, everyone must be more careful in their actions these days."

Ma Yunteng nodded: "Thank you for the reminder, we will pay attention."

Heng Zhi curled his lips, thinking: He is coming, just let me fix it.

But he just made a lot of money, he was in a good mood, and he didn't say anything about Yan Song's face.

For the next few days, the people from Tianyuanmen stayed behind closed doors, resting and practicing in Yansong's mansion.There are still seven days before the finals, and they are bound to get the relic of the Ice and Fire God King promised by the Immortal Sect, and they don't want to spoil the big event with extra details.

The storage ring that Li Huai gave to Cheng Zi not only contained several rare elixir plants, but also a lot of refining materials. Cheng Zi put away the elixir, and handed over the rest together with the newly acquired silver medicine box. Heng Er figured it out by himself.

For several days in a row, Cheng Zi cooks a big meal for everyone in Yan Song's residence when he has nothing to do.

Chengzi saw that everyone was practicing hard in the stone jar every day, and she couldn't help but feel a serious sense of crisis. She didn't want her cultivation to be at the bottom, which would be too embarrassing, so it was rare that she didn't clamor to go out to play, and cheered up to be serious practice.

Seven days passed in a blink of an eye, and the day of the finals of the five alchemist competitions finally arrived.

The venue for the finals is still in Nanshan. After the five-day semi-finals, the venue has been refurbished. Fifteen alchemy rooms are lined up. Representatives from the five sects and a large number of guests gather together. It was more than five times larger.

However, only fourteen of the fifteen alchemists were present, and Li Huai withdrew from the finals due to his poor health.

Cheng Yi was a bit reluctant at first, but when he thought about the fact that he cheated with the Pill Soul Talisman in the semi-finals, it would not be fun if he was caught by the other four referees this time, so he hesitated and let him go without much persuasion up.

The Immortal Sect spent all their money this time, in order to win the championship, and hired a third-grade alchemist Li Qi with a lot of money, plus an unfathomable orange, went to Li Huai, and double insurance.

The remaining four sects also had at least one third-rank alchemist participating, among which Ling Xingzong's third-rank alchemist Cheng Lin was a direct disciple of this sect's fifth-rank alchemist Kumano, and his strength should not be underestimated.

In addition to the third-rank alchemist who participated in the same semi-final with Cheng Zi and Li Huai that day, Danxia Sect also hired a third-rank alchemist, Le Liu, who was recommended by a highly respected alchemist of Danxia Sect. The appearance is ordinary and reticent, and his affairs are very low-key.

Danxiazong's performance in participating in the alchemist competition competition these years is not much better than that of Xianlingzong, and it is also determined to win the championship.

Yan Song walked into the venue with Cheng Zi and others, and found that the atmosphere was a bit wrong.

In the referee's seat, Cheng Yi confronted the other four referees with a livid face. The guests who had already arrived also felt something was wrong. In the bustling venue, only the small area of ​​the referee's seat was eerily quiet.

A trusted deacon disciple beside Cheng Yi saw Yan Song from a distance, ran over quickly, and said in a low voice: "The other four referees suddenly proposed to change the rules of the final procedure, and it seems that they have discussed it in advance, and the opinions are surprisingly unanimous. They argue hard, the problem is that the opponent is four against one..."

Yan Song's face sank, and he asked, "How do they change it?"

The original process of the final and semi-finals is exactly the same, but the difficulty of the questions will increase, and the opponent suddenly asks for a change. Don't ask, the changed process rules will definitely be unfavorable to the Immortal Sect, but beneficial to their four sects.

"They asked for a round to decide the outcome, and they wanted to go to the Yuntai to make alchemy in public." The deacon disciple cast a vague glance at Cheng Zi.

For all the participating alchemists, the risk of winning or losing in one game has increased, but alchemy in public has higher requirements on the alchemists' mind and concentration.Even a little distraction during the alchemy process may result in failure, so the alchemist competitions have been mostly conducted behind closed doors to avoid interference.

For some alchemists with a solid foundation and a strong cultivation base, it is possible to be in the downtown area with a calm mind, but for young alchemists such as Cheng Zi, who have a low cultivation base, it is extremely difficult.

This request was obviously aimed at Cheng Zi, and there was no doubt that she cheated in the previous semi-finals.

It was precisely because her results in the semi-finals were so outrageous that the representative referees of the other four competitions were both suspicious and shocked, so they proposed this method of competition.

Yan Song glanced at Cheng Zi and the others, and comforted them: "You guys wait here a moment, the old man will go and have a look. The Immortal Sect is the host sect of this conference, and this rule has been passed down for many years. They can't just change it if they say so Changed it." After saying that, he pulled the deacon disciple and hurried to the referee's seat.

(End of this chapter)

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