the first god

Chapter 234 Blood Locust Bird

Chapter 234 Blood Locust Bird
Cheng Zi got Ma Yunteng's generous support, and he was in a good mood.

At this moment, a young man in the tea house ran up to the second floor, and said with a loud smile: "I just heard a big news, I wonder if all the elders are interested?"

A familiar guest knocked on the table and scolded with a smile: "Speak up if you have something to say! How come there are so many nonsense?!"

The little fellow hehe said twice: "The city lord invited a sixth-rank patriarch of the Danxia sect and brought three disciples here, saying that he was going to lead the team to the tomb of the ancient immortal on Qixia Mountain, and there happened to be a few disciples from the Lingxing sect A third-rank disciple passed by and said he wanted to go with him!"

Many immortals were immediately moved. There are sixth-rank immortals in the lineup. This ancient tomb of immortals can be considered, maybe you can get some benefits!
Someone at the next table whispered: "Even if there is a sixth-rank immortal, if something happens, they are still busy protecting their own disciples, so how can they care about others?"

Another person hummed: "Little junior sister, you don't understand, I don't expect others to protect me! If something happens, I just need to run faster than others!"

The other four were speechless, and it seemed a bit unreasonable to think about it, so they finally decided to go to the City Lord's Mansion to sign up later.The one who was a bit timid looked up at the brothers and sisters who were full of fighting spirit, and finally made up his mind: "I, I will go with you!"

The senior brother who snorted coldly glared at her and said, "You were going to go with us, do you still plan to stay here alone and be lazy?!"

Ma Yunteng and Chengzi looked at each other, and they were also very moved.
The others didn't have any objection to Cheng Zi's going with her. Cheng Zi's cultivation base was indeed a bit low, but she was definitely not easy to bully. She could always do something surprising at critical moments. She was never a burden among them, but rather a A very important and even indispensable member, and even a surprise soldier in their hands when facing the enemy.

She will prepare delicious food for them, and can provide all kinds of high-quality pills at any time. She can listen to enough information before they "do good deeds". Later, if necessary, she can also be responsible for the quick and thorough destruction of corpses and traces. There is no more powerful and useful comrade-in-arms than her.

After discussing with each other, several people went to the City Lord's Mansion. When they arrived at the gate of the mansion, someone came to ask about their purpose, and politely led them into the hall.

At least [-] or [-] third-rank immortals have gathered in the hall, and it seems that the appeal of the sixth-rank patriarch is really extraordinary.Some of these immortals came in groups of twos and threes, and about half of them came alone.

They waited in the hall for about a cup of tea, and the city lord finally came out surrounded by guards. The city lord Xiao Yu, who looked only in his thirties, was actually over 500 years old and a mid-fifth-rank cultivation base.Xiancheng is actually a stronghold of the Danxia Sect in the Xianling Sect, and the Xiao family has been a disciple of the Danxia Sect for generations.

Cheng Zi and the others had heard other people discuss that Xiao Yu was the son of Xiao Ke who was born to a secular woman before he joined the Danxia School. The age difference between the two fathers and sons was less than 20 years. Almost, in the Danxia School, they can be regarded as brothers of the same generation.

In the Xiuxian family, this kind of situation is not uncommon, but Cheng Zi thinks it is really strange.

Xiao Yu had a straight face with thick eyebrows and big eyes, which gave people a bold and straightforward feeling. After he sat down on the main seat, he exchanged a few words with everyone and then got straight to the topic: "The danger on the four peaks of Qixia Mountain, I don't think I need to worry about it." In other words, these days are relatively safe. In a month or two, the iron-clawed demon sculptures will start to fly back to this place from the south, and it will be very difficult to go up the mountain. The treasures in the tomb of the ancient fairy will be found by those who are destined. I just ask you one thing, if you find my father, please bring it back, I will definitely reward you!"

When Xiao Yu talked about his father, his face was gloomy. Presumably, he believed that his father had already encountered an accident, and then described the characteristics of his father Xiao Ke in detail, and finally said: "If you find the corpses of other immortals, it is convenient Please also bring it back so that I can arrange it properly, Xiao is very grateful."

The third-rank immortals in the hall were a little moved, and some didn't think so, but they all agreed verbally.

Xiao Yu said: "This time the team is led by our sect's Patriarch Song, and there are also three of his disciples who entered the house and four disciples of the Lingxing Sect, all of whom are of the fourth rank. They still have some important things to do. At the beginning, please gather in front of the city lord's mansion, and I will introduce you again."

Cheng Zi heard a third-rank fairy not far away humming in a low voice: "Important matter? I'm afraid they don't like us and don't bother to deal with us!"

Another said: "He comes from three major sects, so it's no surprise that he doesn't look down on us. We are still honored by their sixth-rank patriarch!"

The three sects of the Five Great Sects seem to be very powerful!But she had been in contact with Liu Fei, Li Xiang and others from Subaozhai before, and even Hong Pan, the eighth-rank patriarch of the Immortal Spirit Sect, seemed to be quite kind.

As a result, in the early morning of the next day, Cheng Zi saw the arrogance of the immortals of the famous sect. A group of them waited for half an hour in front of the city lord's mansion. The sixth-rank patriarch Song Yao didn't even bother to come down to greet others. He stood in mid-air and only asked a few disciples to come down to call for others.

The three disciples of the Danxia Sect, two men and one woman, all seem to be young men and women with outstanding appearance, especially the woman's facial features are exquisite and pretty, with a cold and arrogant air from the inside out, like an unattainable alpine snow lotus.

Xiao Yu introduced them to everyone one by one. The beautiful woman was named Cheng Lu, and the two men were named Ma Xing and Long Teng.

Among the four members of Ling Xingzong, two were met yesterday, they were the ones who mistook Ma Yunteng for the "Third Young Master Ma". They were named Mingzhe and Hao Cheng respectively, and the other two were Liu Hun and Xing Sheng.

The four people from Ling Xing Sect were just ordinary disciples, and their attitudes were relatively peaceful. The three disciples of the Danxia Sect, who belonged to the famous sect and were sixth-rank patriarchs, were the elite among the elite disciples of the sect, and treated everyone coldly. Faintly, without showing disdain, but that attitude clearly shows that we are not from the same world, so don't try to climb us up.

Xiao Yu was a little helpless with their attitude, not daring to keep the sixth-rank patriarch waiting for a long time, and asked everyone to set off with a few words.

Mingzhe and Hao Cheng of Ling Xingzong paid special attention to Ma Yunteng, and seeing him carrying oranges, they couldn't help but asked, "This girl is going too?"

Ma Yunteng nodded, released the flying sword, pulled Chengzi to sit on it, and answered with practical actions.

Mingzhe and Hao Cheng looked at each other, released their magic weapons and flew with the brigade to Qixia Mountain.

Cheng Lu approached them with the flying sword and asked, "Do you know that fairy?"

Seeing that they came from Ling Xingzong, she was willing to ask.

She was referring to Ma Yunteng. Compared with other immortals, Ma Yunteng and the other seven people are really special. He has a different style from Hengzhi, but they are all very handsome, and he looks absolutely young, but they are all three-rank cultivation bases , plus a few peerless beauties, it's hard for others to pay attention to them. With bright eyes and enchanting figure, I don't know how many immortals who came with them are secretly staring at them and swallowing their saliva. Long Teng and Ma Xing who came with Cheng Lu and Wan Kuo .

However, such a few outstanding figures brought a more "outstanding" orange with no cultivation base, mixed in a bunch of third-rank immortals, and they were more conspicuous than Ma Yunteng and others.

When Mingzhe and Haocheng saw a beauty asking for inquiries, they naturally knew everything they could say.

After hearing what they said, Cheng Lu raised her eyebrows and said, "You mean, he might be from the Ma clan of the Moon Worship Sect?!"

It is not easy for the Ma family to worship the moon, especially the patriarch of this generation, who has at least half of the power of the moon worship.As for the Moon Worship Sect, based on the strength of the Immortal Sovereign alone, it is an overlord sect that can compete with the Xuantian Sect!

Mingzhe nodded and said: "Ninety-nine are inseparable, otherwise how can you be so similar to the third son of the horse?!"

Qixia Mountain is on the edge of Xiancheng, but in a short while, dozens of them have already flown to the notorious fourth peak.This mountain looks completely different from the other three peaks. The mountain is full of jagged strange rocks and large and small caves.

Most of these caves are the lairs of the Iron Clawed Demon Eagles. Fortunately, most of them have flown to the south now, otherwise they would not dare to fly close to this mountain at will.

Looking down from the top of the mountain, there are groups of red mist drifting across the mountain from time to time. Those are not real fog, but groups of blood locust birds.

Each blood locust bird is only the size of a tail finger, and its whole body is blood red. The beak is sharper than gold and iron. It likes to eat a kind of small blood-sucking insects parasitic on the iron-clawed eagle. Where there is an iron-clawed eagle, there will be them figure.

There is nothing terrible about a single blood locust bird. If you accidentally peck it, it will only break a little bit of blood, and the toxin it carries will not be fatal.But it is a bird that likes to live in groups very much. Generally, there are thousands of them every time they appear, and they are not afraid of death. They will kill their opponents at any cost, which is very troublesome.

Regarding the simple information about the fourth peak of Qixia Mountain, Xiao Yu once gave each of them a copy. At this moment, dozens of immortals looked at the huge flock of blood locust birds and felt a little bit numb.

Cheng Lu snorted softly, Yu Jian flew down low, raised her slender hand, and a piece of soft pink silk handkerchief spread in the wind into a large piece of ten feet long and wide, falling lightly like a cloud, and it just happened to fly over the side of the mountain A large group of blood locust birds are all covered in it.

The blood locusts found something wrong and quickly flew up and down in an attempt to break through, but the area within the huge Sipa seemed to be a net, and no matter how hard the blood locusts tried, they couldn't get out of control.

Cheng Lu smiled triumphantly, and said "Shut up" coquettishly with her hands in seals. The four corners of the large silk handkerchief flew up and wrapped a whole group of blood locust birds in it, turning into a huge flower bud.

"Clean springs melt evil spirits!" Cheng Lu's handprints changed, and everyone nearby heard the sound of turbulent water coming from the silk handkerchief. It was estimated that she was planning to drown these blood locust birds with water. Sure enough, after a while, the silk handkerchief buds trembled Spread out, countless blood locust bird corpses fell down the mountain, like a blood rain.

Thousands of blood locusts were easily killed by her like this. Song Yao seemed to be quite satisfied with the performance of this female disciple, nodding and smiling while stroking his beard.

Cheng Lu performed a purification technique to clean up Sipa and took it back into her sleeve. She glanced at Ma Yunteng as if inadvertently, but saw that he was turning his head to say something to Cheng Zi, and didn't notice her "showing her supernatural power". Can't help being a little disappointed.

What is there to say to a maid who has no cultivation base?snort!Cheng Lu looked away angrily.

Her two senior brothers, Longhu Shuangying, took the lead in high-five applause, and the other immortals also praised her endlessly. Cheng Lu finally felt better.

Before everyone had time to cheer for the victory in the first battle, Ma Yunteng suddenly yelled: "Be careful!"

Many people were startled, and their eyeballs almost fell out when they took a closer look - countless blood locust birds rushed out of the stone caves on the mountain wall like a tide, and the number was at least as high as just now. See hundreds of times!
Because of the large number of blood locust birds flying out, the whole mountain looks like it is bleeding from a distance. When the blood locust birds fly, the humming sound of the vibration of the wings gathers together, like the horn of the god of death blowing.

When Cheng Lu dealt with the blood locust bird just now, Song Yao felt that he was far away from him because of his identity. He felt that it was not as strong as Cheng Zi who was nearby and had been carefully exploring the situation of the mountain with his consciousness. She pulled Ma Yunteng to talk, just to tell him , There are many blood locust birds in the cave, and they may fly out at any time when they are stimulated.

Countless swarms of blood locusts formed a sea of ​​blood and swept towards them. A few of the less courageous immortals turned around and ran away with an "ouch!" Clear blood locust bird.I don't know how they sent out the message, but they even summoned the blood locusts who were out foraging to carry out copying!
A group of immortals complained endlessly, and had to gather their energy to deal with it.

Song Yao was also a little surprised when he saw this scene, but he originally planned to take a few disciples out to practice so that they could gain some practical experience, so he was not in a hurry to make a move, and only wanted to see how the three disciples would respond.

Cheng Lu, Ma Xing, and Long Teng were indeed taken aback by this battle, especially Cheng Lu, who never thought that killing a group of blood locusts on a whim would provoke such a terrible counterattack, truly stabbing a hornet's nest .

However, they were always born in famous families, and they carried a lot of magic treasures and talismans on their bodies. After a burst of smashing, they quickly stabilized the situation, and they came back to their senses. While resisting the crazy attack of the blood locust bird, they thought about how to deal with it.

The number of these damned blood locusts is frighteningly large, and I'm afraid they won't be able to kill them until they are exhausted.From time to time, the tragic screams of Xianjun came from nearby, and it seemed that many people had already begun to be unable to resist.

Just when Cheng Lu and others were restless, Hengzhi's voice suddenly said loudly: "Everyone, apply some blood of the blood locust bird on your body, seal your breath, and you will be able to avoid their attack!"

His voice was calm and calm. Many immortals had already been besieged by the blood locust birds and almost could not hold on. Their bodies were already stained with the blood of a lot of blood locust birds. At the moment, they didn't care whether what Heng Zhi said was true or not. Using the method of tortoise breath, try to restrain the breath on your body.

This trick really worked, those blood locusts suddenly seemed to be unable to find their target, and turned around like blind flies.Cheng Lu, Ma Xing, and Long Teng are arrogant, and they don't want to smear the blood of blood locust birds on their bodies like those immortal kings. The blood locusts that did not reach the target also besieged them instead.

The three couldn't hold on, and finally had to give in and obey.

(End of this chapter)

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