the first god

Chapter 239 The Secret of the Sect Master

Chapter 239 The Secret of the Sect Master

The fox demon is lazy by nature and can't bear the boring training. He always thinks that Mo Xuanji's life is long, and he is also very satisfied with the days when one person and one fox depend on each other, so he just lazily spends his days fishing for three days and drying the net for two days.

Until one day, the feud of the nine-tailed phantom fox clan came and wanted to kill the last fox to avoid future troubles, but Mo Xuanji naturally refused.She has a high status in the Mo tribe, and the other party dared not openly confront her, so they set up a trap to make her stand alone, and then five sixth-rank late-stage immortals all came out, trying to kill her and the demon fox together without doing anything.

Although Mo Xuanji's magic power is high and strong, it is too reluctant for one person to fight against five immortals of the same level. In the end, in order to protect Yaohu, he died with the other three.At that time, Yaohu's cultivation base was only at the fifth level, and he could not help much if he was negligent in his daily practice. He could not do anything when he saw his favorite person's soul was dissipated and died tragically.

Fortunately, Mo Xuanji carried a secret treasure with her. When she was in a crisis, she sucked her soul into it and protected it. The demon fox left her blood essence, and went through untold hardships to find the reincarnation psychic grass, waiting for the elixir to mature. One day, the blood essence left by Mo Xuanji can be used to induce her to be reborn.

Qixia Mountain is where Mo Xuanji died. The demon fox built a tomb cave underground, and planted reincarnation psychic grass here, and then began a long wait... When the demon fox walked out of the scroll with Chengzi, Chengzi was already crying. A pair of eyes turned into peaches, she sniffed and asked the fox, "How long have you been waiting here?"

"I don't remember. When I planted the reincarnation psychic grass here, the elixir was only as high as my thumb." Yaohu pointed to the elixir that was about to mature on the ground outside the boudoir and was wrapped in a silver-white mask. The height is nearly one foot, and the oranges can be seen at a glance, and they will mature in half a year at most.

At least 3000 years have passed since the reincarnation psychic grass grew only as tall as a thumb and was about to mature!
"When it matures, I'll go to the Mo tribe and ask the best alchemist to refine the nine-death resurrection pill for Xuanji!" Yaohu gently stroked the silver-white mask, his eyes were focused, gentle and joyful.

Cheng Zi suddenly felt that this kind of fox demon was much more charming than the slutty and charming appearance before.Yaohu stretched her waist and stood up: "It's a pity that your cultivation is too poor now, otherwise Xuanji would like it more if you were to refine the Nine Deaths Resurrection Pill. Before Xuanji comes back to life, can you stay here with me?" Yaohu After being serious for a while, he began to discharge randomly towards Chengzi again.

"Senior Mo will be angry if he knows that you seduce people everywhere!" Cheng Zi had just "heard" the story of the demon fox, and felt that he was much closer to him, so he retorted boldly.

Yaohu didn't take it seriously: "Xuanji is the most straightforward and generous, so she won't be so stingy."

"Didn't you say you want to marry her? No woman likes her husband to wink at other women and ask for other women to accompany her!" Cheng Zi said more and more smoothly.

Yaohu frowned, thinking of what he saw and heard when he followed Mo Xuanji many, many years ago, it seemed to be true, so he snorted: "Well, you are right. Xuanji has never seen me after my transformation. What about my appearance, will she like me if you say I look like this?"

Chengzi thought of asking him to let her senior sister go, so she flattered her and said, "No woman would not like it."

This is also a truth.

Yaohu was really elated, and after a while he straightened his face and said: "Don't like me, I only like Xuanji."

Chengzi almost vomited blood, how could she always meet such a narcissist!
"'ve finished your story, can you let my senior sister and the others go?" Cheng Zi felt that Yaohu was in a good mood now, so she probably wouldn't reject her.

Sure enough, the demon fox nodded happily, and then smirked again.

"I'll take you to see the secret of your master, okay?"

Yaohu's smile seemed to be malicious, Chengzi said in a low voice: "I just want to see the head master, his secret, he will naturally know when he is willing to tell me."

"You are so cute and silly." Yaohu grabbed her wrist and wanted to leave, but this time he felt that there was an extra bracelet under his palm. He only touched Chengzi's right arm just now, so he never noticed that she was wearing a bracelet on her left wrist. A gold bracelet.

"Huh?" Yaohu raised her left wrist to her eyes, stared at it for a long time, then sighed: "This is a good thing!"

"Hey, you little girl has actually obtained the inheritance of sacrifice from the Mo tribe. It's strange. It is said that the Mo tribe has spent so much time cultivating you, how can you be left outside like this?" Yaohu shook his head in confusion.

Because the Mo tribe has already existed in name only in Xuantianzong!
Chengzi thought of the various rumors about Xuantianzong that she had heard over the past few days, plus what Yaohu said today, she was almost certain that she was from the Mo tribe, and the person who wanted to deal with her was Xuantianzong The more important her identity is among the Mo tribe, the greater the danger.

There is also the inheritance of sacrificial offerings. To put it clearly, the immortal monarch transfers his life's mana to another person at the cost of his life. This kind of secret method is not only very demanding but also very dangerous. It can be achieved by self-sacrifice.

She turned out to be a fire and wood double fifth-rank fairy who is unique in a million!

She is only under 20 years old, so... it is very possible that two late fifth-rank immortals of the Mo tribe sacrificed their lives for her!What a great gift this is!

She is not an innocent child, such a gift only represents a heavier responsibility.

The demon fox couldn't bear to see Cheng Zi's stabbed expression. In his eyes, Cheng Zi was somewhat similar to his Xuanji outline. He didn't want to see her suffering, frightened, weak and pale, so he reached out and touched her. He touched her face and said, "Don't be afraid, in your current situation, no one else in the world can see through your true face except me, just be careful and you'll be fine."

Cheng Zimu nodded, and said softly: "You take me to find Master, Senior Sister and the others...".

"If they see you like this, they must think you are being bullied by me." Yaohu raised his eyebrows and said.

Cheng Zi's current morality is indeed a bit miserable, her eyes are red and swollen from crying, and her face is pale like a ghost.

With Yaohu's cultivation base, he is naturally not afraid of Ma Yunteng and others. Chengzi understands that he has good intentions and doesn't want to embarrass her, so she wipes her face obediently and tidies up before leaving with him.

Yaohu's attitude reassured her a little. Although she said it fiercely, she actually didn't have much hostility towards them.From a practical point of view, he is also considered to be half of the Mo clan, so he should give her a little face to his fellow clan, and he also plans to ask someone from the Mo clan to refine the Nine Deaths Resurrection Pill for him.

Lights and shadows flickered ahead, showing the scene I saw in the big stone cave before...the white jade gate and the towering bluestone in front of the gate are entwined, but on this bluestone tablet are written in big ink-colored characters: Qin Huang Mausoleum.

Seeing Chengzi staring at the three big characters, Yaohu proudly said: "Xuanji was the most prestigious alchemist in the world of all spirits back then. Although he has not yet broken through to the seventh rank, even the seventh rank immortals will respectfully call her 'Qin' when they see her." Huang'! If it wasn't for me...she might have broken through the tenth rank and ascended to become a saint by now.

Cheng Zi's heart moved, if she kept avoiding like this, would she be like Yaohu one day, causing her closest relatives to suffer misfortune?

Pushing open the white jade gate, Ma Yunteng and other six people sat cross-legged on the ground, there was no one else besides them, the people from Danxia Sect and Ling Xingzong didn't know where they went, but Cheng Zi didn't care about their whereabouts either.

The expressions of the six people here all seem to be experiencing something horrible and painful, among which Ma Yunteng is the most.

His whole body seemed to be fished out of the water, his whole body was drenched in cold sweat, his face turned red and then pale, his brows were furrowed, and sometimes he gritted his teeth. The most frightening thing was that Cheng Zi actually saw him crying!
Tears were dripping from the corners of his eyes, and Cheng Zi could see clearly that they were really tears.Normally, even if the bones and meridians of his whole body were broken inch by inch, he wouldn't shed a single tear.

Chengzi grabbed Yaohu's skirt with one hand, completely forgetting that he is a ninth-level monster whose strength is countless times stronger than her now, and said loudly: "What did you do to him?! Stop!"

Yaohu smiled charmingly: "Do you want to know what he is going through? It has something to do with his secret!"

Cheng Zi was so anxious that his voice changed: "I don't want to hear any more secrets. I just want him to be safe and sound. You promised me that I would not harm them."

Yaohu hugged Chengzi's shoulders and coaxed: "Don't worry, don't worry, it's a good thing. As long as they pass this level, it will be much easier for them to advance to the rank in the future, at least they won't be taken advantage of by the demons. If not Because of you, other people don't even bother to think about it when they beg me. Look at other people, even if they break through the sky, they won't be able to enter my place. "

Hearing what he said, Chengzi finally eased her anxiety and said, "Does it have to be so hard? Why does Master seem to be in such pain?"

"Because there are so many things in his heart that he can't let go of, hehe, fortunately he met me, otherwise, he will be the one to accept it! You really don't want to read the secrets in his heart?" Yaohu boasted as usual .

Cheng Zi thought for a while and still shook her head: "I'll talk about it when he wants to tell me."

She must have looked at Ma Yunteng's painful expression, and finally couldn't help it after a while and asked: "Does it have to be so hard?"

"Cultivating immortals is to go against the sky. It's not hard work. It doesn't look like you got the inheritance sacrifice for nothing. It seems that you have become a fifth-rank late-stage fairy easily."

"I heard Xuanji say that in your situation, you are not actually a real late-stage fifth-rank immortal, because your cultivation base has improved, but your Dao heart has not yet been achieved. As long as the immortals of the same period know your weaknesses, they will not be able to deal with you." Difficult." Yaohu said as he picked up the whole orange and walked inside.

Cheng Zi was silent, and when he realized that the distance between the two was too close, he struggled in fright: "What are you doing? Let me down!"

"Xuanji used to carry me around, let me try to see what it would be like to hold someone else, why are you so petty?" Yaohu put her down angrily and said, "I will also carry Xuanji around from now on."

Cheng Zi felt weak for a while, and thought: You were a little fox at the time, so what's the matter?
"Where are you taking me?" Cheng Zi reluctantly looked at the hall where the six people were.

"I'll take you to meet Xuanji." Over the years, the demon fox has been alone in the ground guarding the reincarnation psychic grass. The strangers he has seen are all here to dig the tomb, and there is no one he is interested in. It is rare. When I met Cheng Zi, who looked very similar to Mo Xuanji and belonged to the same family, I couldn't help offering Baolai.

Although Cheng Zi's personality is quite different from Mo Xuanji's, but looking at her face and listening to her talk, Yaohu feels as if he has returned to the happy days when he and Mo Xuanji were together, and his mood is particularly good.

This Xuanji should not be the flower god Xuanji, but Chengzi still feels very kind.Although Chengzi was still worried that Ma Yunteng and the others would feel uncomfortable, she knew that they were safe and would gain a lot, so she relaxed and walked with the fox, and finally felt in the mood to look at the catacomb.

Yaohu obviously put a lot of thought into building this tomb. The floor is made of smooth mirror-like jade, and the reliefs on the four walls all have the same content: Mo Xuanji in various poses and expressions, in various situations.The depiction is very vivid, and each one makes people feel as if they are in the scene, and there is always a little fox by her side.

"Every time I think of Xuanji, I will engrave her portrait here, and I have engraved so many portraits without knowing it. I can't help regretting it every time I finish engraving one. If I listened to her and practiced hard, I would be able to transform Be human, stay by her side, let her truly fall in love with me. If I had a ninth-level cultivation that day, Xuanji would not have to die with the enemy for me... What's the use of killing those bastards?!" The voice of the demon fox is ethereal and lonely.

Cheng Zi couldn't help but patted his arm and said, "In about half a year, the psychic reincarnation grass will mature, and Senior Mo will be reborn. Don't be sad."

"En!" The demon fox pushed open another white jade gate, and inside the gate was another exquisite and grand jade hall, with a woman lying on a black jade bed in the middle of the hall.

The demon fox walked over with Chengzi, and Chengzi finally saw the woman's face clearly, and she was indeed the Mo Xuanji she had seen in the previous illusion.

A truly peerless beauty was right in front of her eyes, and compared with the people she saw in the illusion, the shocking force was much stronger, and Cheng Zi couldn't help being dumbfounded again.

"My Xuanji is beautiful! Her original Dharma body has been destroyed, and I remade it with her blood essence, which is exactly the same as her original appearance and body." Yaohu reached out and stroked Mo Xuanji's temples on the jade bed, The tone is proud.

"It's amazing!" Cheng Zi admired sincerely, only a little blood essence can re-refine the body of the fairy king, all the difficulties in it are absolutely beyond ordinary people's imagination, and Yaohu can do it by himself.

Yaohu was overjoyed by the praise again, raised his eyebrows and said: "Of course! Huh? Your six companions seem to have survived..."

Cheng Zi only felt the golden light flashing, and couldn't help blinking, and people had already returned from the inner hall to the place outside where Ma Yunteng and the others were meditating.

Sure enough, Ma Yunteng and the others have returned to normal, looking at each other head-on, they didn't understand what happened, they just felt that they had a long nightmare and experienced countless life and death hardships in thousands of lives, but at this moment there was a feeling in their hearts that they had never felt before. A relaxed and peaceful feeling.

When they heard Chengzi's movement, they looked up and saw that she was standing next to Yaohu, who was holding her hand. The two of them were very close. The others raised their eyebrows, but Ma Yunteng changed his expression. This demon fox did something to Chengzi What?
Seeing him looking over, Cheng Zi happily shook off Yaohu's hand and ran over, asking, "Are you alright?"

Ma Yunteng stood up and said sullenly, "I'm fine as a teacher."

(End of this chapter)

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