the first god

Chapter 244 The Secret of Oranges

Chapter 244 The Secret of Oranges

She felt like being thrown into a warm and bright ocean, every drop of "sea water" was so clear and docile in her heart, she wanted to use these "sea water" to annihilate the world!
Gou Chishi and Cao Nima looked at the whole body of Chengzi being surrounded by purple flames, and the light emitted by the flames was also extremely hot, and the place where the light touched instantly turned into a sea of ​​flames!
The two of them were concentrating on resisting with all their strength, but they were so small and powerless in the sea of ​​flames. In their eyes, this Wanling Town Demon Tower became a terrifying purgatory, and everything around them was screaming to devour people completely. The crazy flames of ashes, this kind of flame is not something the two of them can control.

Although Gou Chishi's strength is higher than that of Cao Nima, within a few breaths, all the magic weapons he threw out and the protective spells he used were swallowed and refined by the boundless sea of ​​flames. Seeing that the flames were about to burn him, In the haze, he seemed to see nine scorching suns circling and dancing in the fire, and he couldn't help screaming: "Wanlingjinghuo! are..." Before he could finish his sentence, his whole body was shaken. Immortals rushed to swallow the flames, and the remaining word could never be uttered.

Cao Nima was terrified to death, the dignity of any master was completely frightened away, and exclaimed: "Forgive me... no... don't kill..." The same sentence was not finished, and it turned into dead silence in the sea of ​​flames.

In other places, the two of them would never have been killed so easily. It can only be said that the battlefield Mo Ju chose for Cheng Zi was too suitable.

Inside the Danta, there is no way to heaven or earth, and the power of the flame is infinitely magnified, not to mention that fire is the most powerful sky fire in the world!
Even if there are a few more Nascent Soul stage monks, being trapped in such an environment will only lead to death.

Confirming that there was nothing else in the sea of ​​flames, Cheng Zi slowly absorbed the flames around him back into his body.

The place where Ma Yunteng and Yunyou were behind her was the only place that was not affected by the sea of ​​flames just now. For the first time, Ma Yunteng saw Chengzi release the flames from his body with all his strength. The shock made him unable to recover for a long time. .

No wonder Chengzi and Skyfire Dog Doudou have such a tacit understanding. The Skyfire in her body and the flames emitted by Skyfire Dog may have the same root.

Mo Ju watched the two enemies of the Mo clan turn into ashes in the raging fire, and felt a burst of joy in his heart. When Cheng Zi extinguished the flames, he put away his sealing mana and pulled the three of them out of the tower.

Chengzi has been in a state of fusion with Doudou before to prevent accidents, and now he is relieved that he can finally separate from Doudou.

The four stood by the pagoda and looked at each other, Cheng Zi couldn't believe it, two powerful enemies were completely wiped out by her just like that!
It took a while for Chengzi to calm down her beating heartbeat. Looking back at the Wanling Town Demon Tower that had returned to its original size, she suddenly exclaimed "Ouch".

Mo Ju asked in surprise, "What's wrong?"

"I... I forgot just now, even the valuables on them were burned... What should I do?"

Two immortals of the sixth and seventh ranks!There is also a seventh-rank alchemist, and there must be a lot of valuable things on them!
Cheng Zi turned around, stood on tiptoe, and poked his head along the edge of the pagoda, wanting to see if there was anything left in the pagoda except for the two piles of ashes.

Mo Ju, Yun You, and Ma Yunteng looked at each other, remembering the days when Cheng Zi lived in the Mo clan with infinite honor and favor, and her status even more noble than a princess...

How long have I been away, who taught her to be like this? !Mo Ju condemned Ma Yunteng with his eyes.

She was like this before... Ma Yunteng felt innocent and wronged.

Over there, Cheng Zi really found something.

"Doudou, can you go down and pick up that bracelet?"

Chengzi thought that before those two piles of ashes were still two lively immortals, she felt a little nervous, and wanted to order the puppy to do the "dirty work" for her.

Tianhuo dog Doudou firmly grasped the side of the tower and yelled "Mmmm", and refused to go no matter what.

Ma Yunteng couldn't stand it anymore, and took the initiative to clear the two piles of ashes out of the tower, and took out the bracelet, cleaned it with a purification technique, and handed it to Cheng Zi.

"Wait." Mo Ju snatched the bracelet, looked it over carefully, and said with a smile: "This should be Gou Chishi's thing, and it also has the ability to ward off fire, at least it can be regarded as a middle-grade spiritual weapon, so it's just a fluke It was not easily burned. This bracelet is too eye-catching, and people will find that there will be endless troubles. It takes some thought to open this bracelet, so let me get it. After you take out the things, give me the bracelet."

"Understood, Elder Sister." Chengzi happily took the bracelet and handed it to Ma Yunteng.

There was a lot of commotion just now. Fortunately, both Gou Chishi and Cao Nima were sealed and burned to death in the pagoda. It didn't disturb too many people. Yunyou and Moju quickly cleaned up the scene as planned After making sure that there were no traces that should not be left, he took over the Demon Tower of Wanling Town.

The disciples of the Lingyun sect only knew that Ma Yunteng and the mysterious seventh-rank fairy were performing magic tricks in the back mountain, and they would never have thought that two famous immortals had already died here.

The next day, Mo Ju hurriedly bid farewell and left.

Gou Chishi and Cao Nima are not unknown people. They each have their soul cards left in Xuantianzong and Penglaizong. The other party will surely know the news of their death soon. The Lingyun faction is the key object of investigation.

Mo Ju had to find a way to draw their attention away as soon as possible.

Ma Yunteng was 12 unwilling to part with her, but he didn't have enough reasons to keep her, so he could only watch her leave.

Before leaving, Mo Ju said to Ma Yunteng alone: ​​"After I was promoted to the ninth rank in the north and passed through the Great Congregation, the people of the tribe sent me a message. People secretly went to the depths of Zhenmo Mountain in the northeast, and it is probably because of this that the Xuantian Sect has not had much movement in the past two years."

The ghost fire is one of the nine heavenly fires. How could Ma Yunteng not know, his expression changed slightly and he said: "If I remember correctly, Xuan Hao, the young master of the Xuantian Sect, has absorbed and fused two kinds of heavenly fires."

"That's right, Raksha ghost fire, Chongming thunder fire, if he still succeeds this time, add another ghost fire, this person is simply a demon king!"

Mo Ju hated this enemy who almost completely wiped out the Mo Clan, but he couldn't help but admire his ability.

The difficulty and danger of absorbing and merging the sky fire is unimaginable to ordinary people. Xuan Hao had just practiced and split the fire spirit, and then successfully absorbed the Raksha ghost fire. More than two years ago, by successfully absorbing the Chongming thunder fire, he made the fire spirit Xuanjiao evolve into a black dragon.

Mo Ju very much hoped that he would die from accidental serious injuries after absorbing the Ghost Demon Fire, but he also knew that this possibility was very small.Seeing that the enemy is getting stronger day by day, why is she not in a hurry?
Fortunately, this time when Lingyun sent her, Chengzi finally gave her some hope, but it was not enough.Now they can only race against time, hoping that before Xuan Hao discovers the orange, they can accumulate enough strength to fight against it.

Ma Yunteng understood her intentions, and comforted him: "Xuan Hao is too ambitious. Although there are many sects who join forces to work, there are also the Moon Worship Sect and the Five Sect Alliance to check and balance. The top sect sits in charge, the latter is good at refining weapons, and there are so many elites in the sect, it is difficult for him to be distracted to pursue Cheng Zi's matter for a while.

All the elders in the clan unanimously believed that she was the strongest in the history of the Mo clan. As long as she grows up, the revival of the Mo clan is hopeful. "

Mo Ju sighed and said: "You don't understand, in Xuan Hao's mind, Cheng Zi is much more important than the Moon Worship Sect and the Five Sect Alliance, you know why he didn't kill her or abolish her when he clearly controlled Cheng Zi Her cultivation is to prevent future troubles?"

"I heard that it's for sex?" Ma Yunteng was a little uncertain, Cheng Zi was just a young girl with yellow hair.

Xuanhao is well known for his liking for beauties, but for the sake of beauty, allowing the Mo people to take advantage of them and even cause endless troubles is indeed not like his usual ruthless style.Even if you are not willing to kill, you can completely abolish your cultivation.

Mo Ju shook his head and said: "Xuanhao wants to use oranges as a furnace tower, let the oranges absorb the pure yang sky fire with a pure yin body, and then use her as a medium to fuse the nine kinds of sky fires into his body!"

"What?!" Ma Yunteng was taken aback. Someone wanted to absorb and fuse all the nine kinds of sky fire. Is this a genius or a lunatic? !

"Xuanhao is also at the Ninth Stage of Great Consummation now, do you think his mana is all cultivated by himself?" Mo Ju sneered.

"Xuantianzong's young master Xuan Hao likes beauties, and he prefers beauties with advanced cultivation bases. He uses these beauties as furnace towers and uses their lives to cultivate himself to achieve himself. Before Gou Chishi often found suitable conditions for the young sect master. , the female immortals with fire spirit roots entered the Xuantian sect, and these women disappeared one by one in the end."

"Where are the oranges..." Ma Yunteng couldn't ask.

"Xuan Hao is even more unwilling to harm Chengzi's body than the people of our Mo people for his plan that shocks the past and the present. The sky fire he absorbs is all Yin sky fire. If he rashly absorbs Yang sky fire directly, even if he reaches Ninth-rank cultivators will also explode and die. Therefore, he will not attack her until Chengzi absorbs all of the Wanling Jinghuo, Mingquanqinhuo, Changshengxianhuo, and Void Mianhuo into his body."

"You understand now, as long as he gets the oranges and completes his plan, who else will be his opponent in the world? Then the Five Sect Alliance and the Moon Worship Sect will be like ants in his eyes. He cares most now Yes, except for the whereabouts of the remaining sky fires, they are oranges."

"He used despicable means to almost destroy Chengzi's Dao Heart. After the clansmen risked their lives to rescue Chengzi, they spent countless efforts to seal her memory, mana, and appearance, making her what she is now. One day she can reshape her Dao Xin, only in this way can she truly become a perfect fairy monarch, and then have the strength to fight Xuan Hao."

Ma Yunteng was silent for a while and said: "This burden is too heavy for her."

Ma Yunteng thought about the decision of the elders of the Mo tribe to spare no effort in the cultivation of oranges from a different angle, and couldn't help worrying secretly about the oranges.

When Chengzi accepted the sacrifice and taught her skills, she was just a naive and pure child. She didn't understand the heavy entrustment behind such a gift, and she was pushed to the forefront almost without choice. If she was just an ordinary Others' daughters don't have to endure so many hardships.

Mo Ju understood what Ma Yunteng meant and smiled wryly: "I know, but we have no other choice. The blood of the tribe cannot be shed in vain, and the death of the tribe cannot be in vain! Even if we are willing to give up our hatred, Xuanhao will let us go, Did you spare the orange?"

"Take good care of Cheng Zi. If she asks you about her past again, tell her the truth." Mo Ju left this sentence and then drifted away.

Looking at her back disappearing into the clouds, Ma Yunteng took a deep breath and said softly: "We don't necessarily have no other way, we still have ourselves."

Tension and restlessness for several days in a row, because of the successful annihilation of the powerful enemy, plus a large windfall and the greatest comfort, Cheng Zi thinks of the tens of thousands of high-grade spirits taken out by the elder sister from the bracelet left by Gou Chishi every time. Stone, and countless high-quality elixir, I feel elated.

There are many rare magic treasures, talismans, exercises, etc. in that bracelet, but these things are not used by Orange, and they are too easy to expose, so they are all handed over to Moju.

Cheng Zi took part of the Lingshi and handed it to the people in Subaozhai, and made a long list asking them to purchase the elixir he needed on his behalf. The elixirs that Lingyun faction will use are all ready.

Although Chengzi is somewhat reluctant to live in the peaceful life of the Lingyun faction, she also knows that only by obtaining the treasure of the Ice and Fire God King as soon as possible to improve everyone's strength, will they have more bargaining chips to save their lives in the face of unexpected events in the future.

Chengzi himself is also under the cover of Ma Yunteng, and often hides in the demon tower of Wanling Town to practice how to use the powerful power after combining with Doudou.

As a last resort, this is their last resort to save their lives.

Going down the mountain again this time, Chengzi also plans to go to Qixia Mountain. Gou Chishi’s storage bracelet contains several rare elixir, which are the ingredients for refining the Great Reincarnation Pill. I don’t know if the Nine-Tailed Phantom Fox is Already found it all.

And she also asked Eldest Sister that the highest surviving alchemist of the Mo tribe is currently living in seclusion on an isolated island overseas, if the demon fox wants to make alchemy, she can also take him there "through connections".

If Yaohu has found someone to refine the Great Samsara Pill and rescue Mo Xuanji Mountain, then she should go see her old friend.Mo Xuanji is also a member of the Mo tribe. Now that the Mo tribe is in great trouble, if she is willing to help, the elder sister will be very happy!
The days passed quickly in the busyness, and a month passed in the blink of an eye. Hengzhi and others went out one after another. This time, they all successfully advanced without any accident.

Several people had discussed that they planned to wait a month or two for the realm to stabilize completely before going down the mountain to go to the Star Sect and Penglai Sect.

There has been no movement for a long time, maybe Penglaizong and Xuantianzong have a new trick.

Several "diners" ate a full meal at Chengzi as usual, and before Ma Yunteng chased them away with a black face, they sensibly patted their chubby bellies and parted ways.

Under the lamp, the figure of Chengzi busily packing up the dishes dangled in front of Ma Yunteng, he thought for a while and finally said: "Come here, I have something to tell you."

"What?" Orange asked back.

"Do you want to know about my past?"

"Huh?" Cheng Zi's eyes lit up, he dropped the bowl and chopsticks, ran over in a few steps, dragged a chair and sat next to Ma Yunteng, and quickly put on a posture of listening attentively.

(End of this chapter)

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