the first god

Chapter 246 When is it time to fight infighting

Chapter 246 When is it time to fight infighting

Ma Yunteng thought for a while and said to Chengzi: "Let's get as close to the foot of the mountain as possible, and then you give me Doudou, and I will pick a cave for Doudou to spray fire in. My speed is faster. After spraying, even if the Iron Claw Demon Condor has an attack , and have time to hide immediately."

Yaohu's mana is so strong that he should be able to easily sense all kinds of changes and abnormalities on the mountain. As long as he knows that the three of them are coming, he will have a way to take them into the Qinhuang Mausoleum to meet them.

Both Chengzi and Yunyou felt that this was a good idea, so Chengzi sent the puppy to him. Although Yaohu had never seen Doudou before, she always recognized Ma Yunteng. Can't get in.

Ma Yunteng took Chengzi and Yunyou to a big tree at the foot of the mountain, made sure that all the self-defense weapons on Chengzi had been released, then picked up the puppy and walked to a nearby cave to command the puppy.

Doudou always gave Ma Yunteng a command and an action, and he was very obedient. As soon as he gave the order, he opened his mouth wide, and a huge fire dragon sprayed into the depths of the cave.

Where the fire dragon reached, even the rocks instantly turned into red lava, and the limited creatures in the cave were all reduced to ashes before they could even struggle and scream.

The coercion radiated by the fire dragon was terrifying, and the iron-clawed demon sculptures on the entire mountain suddenly became confused, flapping their huge wings and flying all over the sky, and some of them spotted Ma Yunteng's figure and swooped down screaming.

With a wave of Ma Yunteng's hand, several ice needles pierced the eyes and brains of the first few demon eagles that jumped down first, and those evil eagles flew halfway, convulsed and fell to the ground dead.

Although the first battle was successful, Ma Yunteng didn't dare to fight, picked up the puppy and went back to the hiding place of Yunyou and Chengzi, but there was no one there!
Yaohu smiled and leaned on his crystal bed and looked at the large crystal mirror in front of him. The image of Ma Yunteng standing anxiously at the place where Chengzi disappeared appeared on the mirror.

He stretched out his hand to touch Chengzi's face, and smiled seriously: "Little beauty, give me a kiss, and I'll let him in, okay?"

Cheng Zi was so frightened that she jumped up and ran away, threatening: "I will tell Senior Xuanji that you are a flirtatious villain who molested girls everywhere!"

Not long ago, Chengzi and Yunyou were brought into Qinhuang Mausoleum by the demon fox, and they were placed separately. After Chengzi came in, he found that Ma Yunteng and the puppy were still outside.

Before coming here, Ma Yunteng had sternly warned her not to let the demon fox get close to her casually, otherwise she would twist her ears, so when she heard the demon fox's words, she immediately backed away.

"Where is my eleventh senior sister? Where did you get her?"

Yunyou is actually already at the middle stage of the ninth rank, but it still can't resist the illusion attack of the ninth rank monster, because this phantom fox is already a ninth rank peak monster, which is equivalent to the ninth rank of the immortal king.

When Yaohu heard her mentioning Mo Xuanji Mountain, the smile on her face faded immediately, and with a soft snort, she stretched out her hand and waved in the direction of the crystal mirror.After a while, Ma Yunteng and the puppy also appeared on the Crystal Palace, and Chengzi immediately ran over in two steps in three steps.

Yaohu pointed at the puppy and said doubtfully: "Skyfire Dog? It can fit with you. You are the reincarnation of God? It's very strange."

Cheng Zi couldn't help but look back at Huan Hu: "What's so strange? Oh, by the way, where did you take my Eleventh Senior Sister?"

Cheng Zi had already walked to Ma Yunteng's side, but when he moved his head closer, Ma Yunteng pinched his arm and gave him a fierce stare.

Guizily tugged at his sleeve and dared not speak.

The sudden appearance of Yunyou relieved Chengzi's embarrassment.

"Senior Sister Eleven! Are you okay?"

"It's okay!" Yunyou said while looking at Ma Yunteng and Chengzi.

The demon fox's eyes also turned back and forth on the two of them for a few times, and he realized it, and said with hatred, "What's so good about this kid? You're as afraid of him as a mouse seeing a cat."

"Huh? You have both a fire spirit and a wood spirit, so why should you be an alchemist above rank eight?! You can just help my Xuanji refine the Great Reincarnation Pill!" Yaohu thought of this excited person jumping from the crystal bed Get up, staring at the orange with bright eyes.

Cheng Zi was a little frightened by him, so he hid behind Ma Yunteng involuntarily, and said: "I got some medicinal materials a while ago, which are used to refine the Great Samsara Pill, and I specially brought them here for you. I don't know if you lack these. A few……"

As he spoke, he stuffed several jade boxes containing elixir into Ma Yunteng's hands.

She didn't want to have another encounter with Huanhu in front of Ma Yunteng.

The demon fox was even more pleasantly surprised when he heard that, he stretched out his hand to take the jade boxes handed over by Ma Yunteng, opened them carefully one by one, and finally returned two of them to the oranges and said: "I already have these two kinds, and the others just happen to be lacking. You little beauty That's great, I knew you remembered me the most."

Cheng Zi was dumbfounded by his nondescript praise.

Yaohu put away the precious jade box, and then mentioned the matter of alchemy: "Samsara psychic grass has matured, I took Xuanji to Xuantianzong, and found that there were only a bunch of wine bags and rice bags left in the Mo clan. I found two eighth-rank alchemists, and they seemed so-so. How can I rest assured that they can go to alchemy? Xuanji's body is very weak, and I can't stay outside for too long. I have no choice but to bring her back and think of a way. Well, I would rather believe you!"

Chengzi smiled wryly: "I have only refined seventh-rank pills at most, and you think highly of me for asking me to refine ninth-rank Great Samsara Pills."

Yaohu didn't believe it: "How is it possible? You can split the wood spirit and fire spirit, and your understanding of elixir and fire even surpasses Xuanji. Xuanji is already an eighth-rank alchemist. How can you not refine it if you are better than her?" A ninth-grade pill?!"

"You can also see that I am sealed..." Cheng Zi said helplessly.

"I'll untie it for you!"

"No!" Ma Yunteng stopped him abruptly.

"Why not? Afraid of the little beauty's enemies? Hmph! With me here, what is there to be afraid of?" Yaohu was not happy.

"You have also seen the current situation of the Mo tribe with your own eyes. The reason why Chengzi became like this is because of the person who attacked the Mo tribe. Are you sure you can deal with it?" Ma Yunteng said coldly.

Yaohu felt a little discouraged when he thought of what he had seen in Xuantianzong, as well as the rumors about the decline of the Mo tribe, that powerful and invincible mastermind behind the scenes.Even if the Young Sect Master of Xuantian Sect is not at the pinnacle of the Ninth Grade Great Perfection, he is not far behind, especially since he has also heard rumors that the Young Sect Master has already fused two kinds of Heavenly Fire, and is even planning a third kind of Heavenly Fire.

A fusion of two kinds of fire?He really couldn't deal with such a perverted opponent.

"Then what should I do? Let my Xuanji go on like this and never recover?" Yaohu was irritated and annoyed.

"There are still a few ancestors of the Mo clan who live in seclusion overseas, shall I ask them to make alchemy for you?" Cheng Zi suggested.

"Okay, okay! Anyway, the quality of several elixir ingredients I have here is not very good, and it will take some time to find better ones. Please go and invite the ancestors for me as soon as possible! It's a pity that Xuanji can't leave here for too long. Otherwise, just tell me the place, and I'll take Xuanji to find them by myself." The demon fox rekindled hope, and his fox eyes shone brightly, making him even more handsome.

He thought for a while, went in, touched a box and threw it to Cheng Zi: "The little things inside are for you, and there are three hairs on the center of my eyebrows, as long as I light one of them, I can see everything within a stick of incense." There is also a seal of illusion, and there is also a jade card. You can come and go here freely with it. When you come back to me next time, don’t set fires indiscriminately. If you burn down my Qinhuang Mausoleum, you can pay me for yourself gone."

It was another wink as he spoke.

But Chengzi didn't see anything this time, she was completely blocked behind by Ma Yunteng.

The demon fox failed to get his wish and saw the cute face of the little beauty blushing and beating heartbeat, so he gave Ma Yunteng a sideways glance, and said with a snort, "I'm so jealous, when she grows up and grows up, I won't be sour on you!"

Seeing that Ma Yunteng's face was getting more and more ugly, Chengzi was afraid that Yaohu would say something irritating again, so he quickly tried to change the subject: "What happened to those people who came with us last time?"

Yaohu said lazily: "I changed their memory and threw them out. Originally, I wanted to kill them all, but because they came with you, if only you leave alive, some troubles may arise later. ...Little beauty, look at how kind I am to you."

If you ask them now, you will only remember that a group of people walked into the cave, and as a result, the ancient tomb was banned, and the entire ancient tomb collapsed and destroyed. Unfortunately, some people were buried alive in it.

As for everything that happened in Qinhuang Mausoleum, the phantoms and demon foxes they had seen before, they had no impression at all.

After listening to Yaohu's words, Cheng Zi finally felt completely relieved, and made an agreement with Yaohu to invite the ancestor of the Mo clan to refine the Great Reincarnation Pill for him in three years, and also asked for the list of elixir that he had not yet prepared. Only then did he say goodbye and leave.

The three walked out of Qixia Mountain, far away from the lair of the Iron Claw Demon Eagle, and then sat on the Golden Lotus Platform and headed for Penglai Mountain in the middle of the Myriad Spirits Realm.

Along the way, Yunyou was thinking about things in silence, while Ma Yunteng was silent and silent. Chengzi knew that he was angry, and asked tentatively, "I, can I tell you a story?"

She also wants to be honest, but the problem is that she herself is still very confused, most of it is based on guesswork, and she doesn't know how to talk about it.

"I don't want to hear it!" Ma Yunteng said coldly.

Cheng Zi grabbed his sleeve and gently tugged: "Master..."

Ma Yunteng ignored her, he was indeed a little angry in his heart, he could understand what Chengzi had to hide, but he always thought that if Chengzi wanted to tell her secret, he should be the first listener, but it turned out to be the only one After meeting twice, she gave birth to a flirtatious demon fox!How can he still be calm? !
This stupid girl was exposed after being coaxed casually, but she kept her mouth shut to him, so what if she didn't teach her a lesson?
He deliberately retracted his sleeves and put on a colder face to see what Cheng Zi would do.

In the past, when Ma Yunteng was angry, he would grab her by the ear and yell until she honestly admitted her mistake and swore to God that she would never do it again in the future. He has never ignored her so coldly.

Cheng Zi was very scared, not caring that it was on the Golden Lotus Platform, she leaned forward and hugged Ma Yunteng's waist and said: "Don't ignore me... I didn't mean to hide it from you, it was the elder sister who said that if I put those If the matter gets out, you will be implicated by me and have a big disaster... I didn't say anything to Yaohu, he can see through the seal, and he told me a lot of things, I really don't know, woo woo woo..."

Yunyou gave Chengzi a disgusted look, sat further away, and directly gave Ma Yunteng the right to appease Chengzi.

Cheng Zi stammered and explained until later, sobbing and crying.

Ma Yunteng didn't expect to make her cry, and immediately regretted his narrow-mindedness, knowing that Chengzi cared about him very much, why did he deliberately scare her?
"Okay, don't cry! I'm not angry." Ma Yunteng said against his will, holding up Chengzi's face, and stretching out his fingers to scrape off the teardrops on her face.


"Then...then don't ignore me from now on, I'm afraid!" Cheng Zi said pitifully.

"it is good."

"Master is the best, I only like you." Chengzi laughed through tears, expressing his loyalty vigorously.

Ma Yunteng sighed softly and said seriously: "Just remember, no matter who your enemy is, no matter who you are, and no matter what you have experienced in the past, I will not leave you alone, no matter what happens in the future , I will bear it with you.”

In a similar way, Ma Yunteng once said to her at the final of the Alchemist Competition of the Five Sects Alliance that day, when Cheng Zi buried himself in his arms and nodded vigorously, he suddenly felt guilty.

Ma Yunteng frightened her with a cold face just now, why didn't she also fake cry to trick him into reconciliation?She was obviously the one who was wronged, but Ma Yunteng still trusted her like this and never left her...

Cheng Zi secretly decided that if she finds out about her affairs in the future, she must be the first to tell Ma Yunteng.

"Me too, no matter what happens in the future, I will bear it with you!" Cheng Zi raised his head and said.

"Well, we'll always be together."

His smile was like a fairy flower suddenly blooming on the ice and snow. He was so handsome that he was dazzled. Chengzi lost his mind for a while, and his brain was slow for several beats before he realized what he said. He was shocked on the spot, looked at Ma Yunteng stupidly and said : "You, what did you say?"

"It's a coincidence that one of us... wants to be the enemy of the Moon Worship Sect, and the other is the enemy of Xuantianzong."

"Yeah..." Cheng Zi said depressedly, this is really a tragic coincidence, the two most powerful forces in the world of Ten Thousand Spirits are at odds with them.From this point of view, they are indeed a natural couple, let alone hurting each other.

The point is, there is still an army of demons temporarily trapped by Sister Huashen, who is looking down on the entire Myriad Spirits and Immortals.

The big sects of the Myriad Spirits Immortal Realm can't unite at all, internal fighting has become a pot of porridge, so why talk about fighting against the outside world?
What time is this, and they are still fighting...

"It doesn't matter, no matter how powerful the enemy is, I will always surpass them one day." Ma Yunteng rubbed Cheng Zi's head and comforted him.

"I believe in you!" Cheng Zi nodded vigorously, she always believed in him.Although Ma Yunteng sometimes ordered her around, he never lied to her, and always tried his best to protect her and support her.

She is not afraid of the ups and downs ahead, because she knows that no matter what time he will stand by her side, when she can't hold on anymore, she still has him.

(End of this chapter)

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