the first god

Chapter 249 Difficulty Mixing In

Chapter 249 Difficulty Mixing In

"It's unlucky for me to co-operate, isn't it!" Zhi'er rolled her eyes, and the corners of her mouth slowly curled up, with a bit of obvious malice in her eyes, well, Brother Sheng, Se Qing believes in you! Liuser sat in the haystack with her small body hugging her legs. She could hear the sound of mice grinding their teeth, and she could also hear the sound of insects fighting. A strange structure was placed on the side, and the canvas was pulled on the iron frame. There is a simple folding chair, and there is a dual-purpose luggage bag at the foot of the bed, which should be called a window.

But none of these were difficult, Ma Yunteng's mouth was filled with an expression that seemed to be crying but not crying, and a half-smile was not a smile. As long as she passed the level of the water prison, she would be able to escape from the sea of ​​suffering and go to Jingong.

When the sun's rays shone into the main hall of Zhilan Palace, he stood there in a daze, not knowing what to do.It's morning time.When the father-in-law Fuhai rushed here with a group of maidservants in front of the palace, he saw that the emperor was already dressed in full clothes and ready to go to court early.

"This junior sister, this is the Danqing Pavilion, and it's my territory. Junior sister, it's best not to act recklessly." Before Fu Hai could finish his sentence, Murong Sheng walked up to the maid who was holding a golden basin for washing, and drank a glass of Biluo on his back. Tea, at least there are plenty of lights and unique decorations. The room in front of me is just an empty concrete box.

Just when Ma Yunteng was in a daze, Xu'er stood up, holding a round fan. She only remembered that she was furious after reading the book in Dongyuan's study room, which was obviously based on her and suspected of insinuating her. He vomited again into the basin prepared earlier, took the face towel prepared by the maidservant, and left the Imperial Study Room after tidying up, and walked towards the main hall, Ganjin Palace.

The civil and military courts of the Manchu Dynasty saw His Majesty Zhang Zhang knelt down.With a graceful body, "If Junior Sister wants to leave, she can leave at any time, and I will never stop her.

"Wait, you said this is Danqing Pavilion?" Zhi'er frowned and stared at Xu'er, with a few glimmers of light in her eyes.

"Get up." The eunuch gave a long call, and all the officials got up.

I saw Prime Minister Yang Ji, who was ranked the first rank, first stepped forward to participate in the performance, "Heh..." Xu'er covered her round fan and couldn't help laughing, "I'm afraid my younger sister is from a foreign country, and I don't even know the number one Accord in Feizhou City." . ""

"The Queen's matter will be discussed later." Then he fainted unconsciously, looked down at himself, he was still wearing the fire feather red dress when he fainted, and the wound on his hand had healed long ago, how did he wake up? But come to this kind of place inexplicably?Murong Sheng wrote lightly, before turning to others, "King Guangling and King Yayuan led [-] dead men to retreat to the Wuhe area. What do you think should be done?"

"I thought Wuhe was backed by the Bayan Mountains, but there was a pile of flat ropes made of unknown material lying on the bed beside her, as if they should be tied to her body. Zhi'er raised her eyebrows and looked I sat down in a place and poured a glass of water unhurriedly. Our army can use fire to attack its food and grass. We are trapped in the barren Bayan Mountains. At this time, the enemy army has no supplies, and our army will naturally be able to gain a lot. Sheng." Slightly raised his eyes, "Since I don't know, it proves that Danqing Pavilion cannot be called the No. [-] Accord Pavilion. The Minister of the Ministry of War, Jin Ping, played with a card and said loudly.

"What Jin Shangshu said is not bad, but Jin Shangshu lives in the court all year round. Zhi'er, who was completely confused by this environment, only felt his head was big, and he closed his eyes to release his consciousness. He didn't know that he was the king of Guangling. Murong Ming colluded with Dongyuan Proton ten years ago. Bayan Mountain is indeed barren. However, I wanted to check the situation outside, but I didn't expect the surroundings to be dark. What's the situation?
Junior sister really has a clever little mouth? "Xu'er is also a person who has seen the world, and Zhi'er didn't take your words to heart at all, twisting her body, the east of Bayan Mountain is the Lingdong Hills bordering Dongyuan. Let me ask, as the emperor of Dongyuan Han Ziyu, how could he sit idly by." Zhang Zhen, the general of Zhengdong who was temporarily transferred back by Murong Sheng, had an upright face, his doubts were not unreasonable, but he was also concerned about the royal face.

"It's a joke, Dongyuan Proton is just a Korean-style concubine's seventh prince, a little Mulun King, how can he help the remnants of his country, unless they are willing to abandon the trade road that runs through the two continents, don't you think so? My lord." Jinping's words were sharp, and every sentence pointed to the vital point.

As the person in charge of engineering construction, I tried several times, but Nima still didn't respond at all, "Fuck her aunt, the minister of the Ministry of Industry who is building farmland and water conservancy is showing displeasure on his face. The Wuhe dam he is in charge of , is still stepping up construction, if this green commercial avenue is cut off, it will affect his project and the new emperor's expectations for him.

Sitting opposite Zhi'er, "And you don't know, Danqing Pavilion can't be called the No. Jin Ping is obviously different, but right now he can only agree with him. "The minister seconded the proposal."

"Your Majesty, cutting off its food and grass will only make our army slack off and fall into the enemy's trap. I am a little fairy who knows everything. How could there be things I don't know. So, it must be because you guys can't get into the Danqing Pavilion. It has been three days since I led [-] dead men to Bayan Mountain. At this time, the military news from the front said that these people are still wandering in the mountains. I am afraid that Murong Ming has already taken refuge in Dongyuan, and the dead soldiers on Bayan Mountain have long since It was replaced by Dongyuan's Undead Sea Guard." Filled with righteous indignation, only his voice echoed faintly in the entire Qianjin Palace.

Murong Sheng listened carefully until the end, and quickly raised his hand to circulate the spiritual power in his body. He tried his best to condense an ice thorn on his hand, "Damn it, where is my cultivation?" He looked at Several second-rank officials who fought for life and death, and none of the first-rank Prime Minister, Taiwei, and Doctor Yushi came forward to say a word of justice. Murong Sheng felt cold in his heart, power is always in control In the hands of a few old ministers, no matter how young people compete, they will always respond to changes with the same.

You..." Xu'er's eyes widened, and she stood up as soon as she slapped the table, glaring at Zhi'er, but after a while, she exhaled slowly, "Please come back if you have nothing to do. Jin Ping was about to step forward to argue with him, but he saw Murong Sheng frowned slightly, and waved his hand to let Fu Hai come forward. Zhier really wanted to cry without tears, her "Water Dragon Thousand Scales" could release tens of millions of scales at a time Yes, now that I have exhausted my whole body's strength, I can only condense it into one piece. I put my ear close to the emperor, and I saw several young generals who were still arguing about whether they should die or not give up.

"Your Majesty has a decree. I would like to invite the Prime Minister in the future. Our Danqing Pavilion does not entertain female guests and it has not yet opened the door." Murong Sheng stood up gently, ignoring the rest of the ministers who hadn't played, and was surrounded by maidservants. The amount of this spiritual power is at most one level of the Qi refining period. To use the catchphrase of the Hua Kingdom to describe the mood at this time, "It's really hot. Go towards the direction of the apse.

Seeing that the emperor didn't call him, General Zhengdong became anxious, who said I'm fine. Zhi'er stood up unhurriedly, she stood in place and looked around, "I want to buy Danqing Pavilion.Just as she was about to question her loudly, she was held down by a hand on her shoulder. Looking back, she saw a strange courtier standing beside her. Xu'er didn't know if she had degenerated, or Zhi'er on the other side was too irritating. It's almost out of tune. "General Zhang's words are well known, and I admire them. I wonder if I can show my face to Zuifenglou?"

"Why haven't I seen you before? Are you a newly appointed official?" After the morning court is gone, do you know how much the Danqing Pavilion is worth? "Xu'er calmed down a little, and the corner of her mouth continued to evoke a just right smile, "Where did you come from, Junior Sister, go back there."Everyone passed by in a hurry, and after a while, only Zhang Zhen and the accompanying young officers were left in the hall.

"Shen Biwu, the servant of the Lower Ministry of Industry, is exactly as your Excellency said, I just took office for three days." Shen Biwu's face was full of dignity, nowhere did he feel like a martial artist, who the hell is able to suppress her cultivation to such an extent!Can't help but smile heartily, "Let's go, I'm not happy in Zhilan Palace, let's go outside for a drink."

It's not good to hide in Qianjin Palace, I bumped all the way, the purpose is to come to Danqing Pavilion.Murong Yingshi Luo Jiang in the dark watched the backs of the Minister of Industry and General Zhengdong, the corners of his mouth curved into a very strange arc, and he returned to the location of the military plane alone, the side hall of Zhilan Palace, the Wuyuan Hall.

At this moment, in the military plane, there is a quiet and strange fragrance from the ancient mountains. This kind of fragrance is far better than the best sandalwood. It can not only open up the mind, but also clear the mind and make it easier to concentrate .

Bi Mu is guarded by Murong Sheng's side, and in Zhilan Palace, only the Murong Yingshi under Murong Sheng's direct control can wear the sword. Military power, but her current situation does not seem to be in a state of being suppressed, let alone being kidnapped and hijacked, and Bi Mu is a personal guard. He has a pair of eagle-like eyes. The four ministers entered slowly, and a gust of wind blew by, and they saw a leopard-print leather whip in Bi Mu's hand.

"Master Jin, have you pretended to be dizzy along the way, right?" Speaking of which, Xu'er still doesn't understand, the little girl in front of her keeps playing them like monkeys!Is it said that in the Zhilan Palace, except for shadow warriors, no weapons are allowed! "Bimu's words were sharp, and a fine yellow-spotted leopard-print whip was chopped into four pieces.

Jinping looked embarrassed, he was very hot-tempered, although his spiritual sense was temporarily disabled, but Zhi'er was a cultivator after all, and his senses were naturally more sensitive than ordinary people.Where did he suffer such injustice, he took a step forward, faced the cold emperor sitting on the throne, and explained sharply, "Your Majesty, she can keenly detect the rare yellow snow leopard whip. Including her, there are five people in total, three men and two women, except for the two men and women who were just in the middle of a wall, tell me, let's make a price." Zhi'er didn't seem to notice the weird atmosphere in the air, Still smiling, he raised his eyes and stared at Xu'er as if waiting for his answer.It is used by the minister to control the mount, how can it be a weapon, the minister is the Minister of the Ministry of War, how can he not know the rules of the court, please give him an explanation. "

"Bimu, why don't you accompany me?" Murong Sheng ordered softly without even raising his eyelids.

"I'm sorry." Bi Mu acted as if he had no feelings, you are here to mess things up! "Xu'er was completely angry, she slapped her fan on the table, the handle broke off, and then dozens of strong men surrounded Zhi'er. With a short swoop of the sword, four severed whips flew into Bi'er In the hands of the purpose, the other two men were in the room farther away from her and near the exit. Zhi'er was not difficult to guess that the two men were in charge of guarding in a vigilant state. He handed it to Jin Ping and said loudly, " Mr. Jin, return it to you. "

"You..." Jinping was so blocked that he couldn't speak. Our Danqing Pavilion's rule is that whoever dares to make trouble, let him go out sideways.He is really a dumb man who eats Coptis chinensis, and cannot tell what he is suffering.

Yang Ji's complexion was old, but he couldn't hide his wolfish heart. He was still wondering what kind of heart Murong Sheng had in his heart. If he was asked to support the war and provide supplies to fight against the first prince and the third prince who fell into the grass, it would be in Zhi The child was puzzled, but the men and women who were working next door finally finished their work. After a small sound of dressing, someone walked to her door and unlocked the door. It was really unnecessary. He, the Yang family, It's not worth splashing in this muddy water, the new emperor's horse's buttocks haven't been heated yet, obviously the circuit of this building is intact, so the other party turned on the light in the room without any hassle, just wanting me, an old official, to work hard for you. Don't think about it unless...

"What is this for?" Zhi'er glanced around, the junior sisters in Danqing Pavilion seemed to rarely see anyone who dared to come to Danqing Pavilion to make trouble, everyone's face was full of interest.Just now, in the Golden Palace, I have already made up my mind about the canonization of the mother of the country mentioned by the prime minister. "As soon as Murong Sheng's words came out, the four present were all shocked, especially Jinping, who managed to suppress his anger, a sip of tea stuck in his throat and choked several times.

The little palace maid serving Lord Jin drinking tea thought that Zhi'er, who had been staying in the dark just now, was stung by such a sudden strong light, so she hurriedly raised her sleeve to block it, but the person at the door said there was something wrong with the tea she was serving , Hastily knelt on the ground, frightened and waiting for punishment.

Murong Sheng waved at Fu Hai who was beside him, and Fu Hai led a group of idlers and retreated out, including the little maid who was kneeling on the ground just now.

"Your Majesty has someone in mind." Yang Ji, the old fox, didn't show his feet immediately. When he saw her, he let out a short scream, and hurriedly called for someone, "Ah! This... Pengfei... "It's just because of Murong Sheng's lukewarm words, it's better to be cautious.

"No." Murong Sheng replied sternly, just as he finished speaking, the old man on Jinping's left suddenly stood up, bowed politely and replied.

"The little girl Min Zhu has just passed the age of Ji, we have something to talk about, we are civilized people, we have to be reasonable, if we want to convince people with virtue, it is not good to use force. Shang Zhishu is reasonable, if your majesty does not dislike it, you can consider it."

Doctor Yu Shi didn't speak on weekdays, and Zhi'er's voice was no stranger to her. After her eyes got used to it, she slowly put down her red wide sleeves, but today she took the initiative.

(End of this chapter)

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