the first god

Chapter 25 Hero Saves "Beauty"

Chapter 25 Heroes Save "Beauty" ([-])
At this time, a mute prompt appeared out of thin air in front of Ma Yunteng:
[Flower God Xuanji] 1000 wool points!
Total value: [5001320 points]

The progress bar of the primary task [Open the Realm of the Gods]:


The primary mission points have not been reached yet!

Congratulations to God - Roll up your sleeves and cheer!

"The 1000 points are because you got the God of Cooking Book?"

A moment ago, Ma Yunteng was thinking about where he was going to get so many ingredients, and which ingredients to change according to the actual situation...

The words of the flower god interrupted his next step.

Ma Yunteng should actually be a little unhappy.

For someone who is addicted to something, being suddenly interrupted can be said to be an extremely painful thing.

For example:

In the evening, after a big game fight and going to bed late, the good morning dream was in full swing, and someone shouted one after another to get up and have breakfast.

In the classroom, I just saw the exciting part of the online novel and was called by the teacher to answer a question. At this time, the same table pushed him desperately. He couldn’t be dissatisfied with the teacher, so he had to cast his angry eyes on the kind tablemate. Of course, it was not because he acted too much. It was discovered by the teacher, but was interrupted by him to continue to watch the most exciting plot...

For a genius chef like him who loves to study cooking and is more keen on cooking shows, it is very likely that he is a genius chef reincarnated (Note: not a chef, but a chef, and a chef is more interested in cooking skills and Combination of art), it is really a very painful thing to be interrupted by people to cook.

However, is Ma Yunteng really suffering at the moment?
Of course the answer is: no!
Being interrupted by the goddess of peerless beauty shows that the goddess cares for him, and he is honored.

Moreover, the goddess was also generous, and before he knew it, she quietly gave him a gift.

He loves it.

In the past life, he would proudly sneer in front of his friends: he has received a token of love from the peerless beauty goddess.

But where have all his friends gone?

His little friends are probably disciples of Tianyuan Sect.

Little Eleven, we should meet again soon, but there is only a very vague figure in his mind, and he can't remember his face clearly.

Orange Xian'e has been gone for so long, wouldn't she really have emptied everyone's hundred orchards?
Oh, don't neglect the beauty goddess in front of you.

The person in front of him is really the most beautiful woman he has ever seen in his ninth life, no one.

Beauty is like a flower, and the first generation of flower gods really lived up to their reputation.

While Ma Yunteng was mulling the content of the conversation, the flower god spit out the fragrance of the orchid again, and said softly, "If it wasn't for the God of Cooking, I wouldn't be sure that you really came back."

"Yun Teng, is it really you?"

Ma Yunteng was surprised.

Is the flower god really right?

Is this really not an oolong?

Is he really born with the aura of a great god?
He really just wanted to take the opportunity to pick up some wool.

It would be better for him to have less contamination of these causal cycles.

However, running away from battle is not his style.

God of Cooking Heavenly Book recognizes the master?


A little bit of a surprise.

Ma Yunteng tried his best to contain the surging surging in his heart, and said calmly and indifferently: "Xuanji, it's me, I'm back!"

There was a smile in Hua Shen's eyes, but there were tears falling from the corners of his eyes. Before they could fall, they disappeared in an instant.

This must be the flower god hiding himself.

"You actually got the "Book of the Heavens*God Book"?" Hua Shen probably felt that it should not be too sensational at this time, so he changed the topic.

"The old monkey can wait for you, and he has fulfilled the entrustment of the father, god and mother. I originally thought that he was unreliable, but I didn't expect... It will be admiration if you leave for 10 years."

Ma Yunteng responded again in his heart.

The old monkey should have given him the "Book of the Heavens*God Book"?
Or was he entrusted by Chaos Supreme Priest and Mother God?

The old monkey is really unreliable!

If it wasn't for him taking the initiative to ask for something to think about, then the old monkey Hou Taiyi almost forgot to give him the "Book of the Heavens*Book of Gods".

This wave of fleece was originally destined to belong to him.

Ma Yunteng let go of this, and smiled like a spring breeze: "Xuanji, I will take you away from this place, and accompany you to roam around and see the scenery of 10 years, okay?"

(End of this chapter)

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