the first god

Chapter 253 Warm the Team

Chapter 253 Warm the Team
Yunyou and the others also thought of the possible effects of the Eternal Immortal Fire, and couldn't help but feel excited for a while, but calmed down again in a blink of an eye.

Just as the top-grade Ice Gui Immortal Crystal can help them cultivate, but Heng Er can't benefit from it because he doesn't have the water spirit root, so the Eternal Immortal Fire is of no use to them who don't have the fire spirit root. It's too big to just stare.

In any case, this fire is at least useful for oranges, and maybe Heng Er can also use it. In addition, the treasure of the Ice and Fire God King is definitely not just such a good thing as the eternal fire, so everyone is still looking forward to it.

The temperature gets higher as you go to the top of the mountain, and at the same time, the weird thick fog is also thinner, and you can barely see the surrounding scene within three feet.

The situation in front of them made Yunyou and the others gasp.

The large open space on the top of the mountain has already been torn apart by continuous thunder and lightning bombardment, and fiery red magma gushes out from the cracks, hissing and steaming.

The strange thing is that there seems to be a layer of green light on the magma, which looks very strange.

Not only did the monster beast that was on the verge of death being bombarded by the thunder calamity not dodge the magma, but instead screamed strangely from the heat while desperately getting closer.

As soon as the scorched black scars left by the lightning touched the faint green light on the magma, a light green and almost transparent flame immediately ignited. Under the burning of this strange flame, even a monster known for its thick skin and thick flesh would be able to burn. Rolling around in pain.

But after tumbling for a while, the horrific wounds will heal as before, and the dying monster will become more energetic.Many monsters that were dying after the catastrophe were revived by this seemingly self-abuse behavior.

It is not difficult to imagine that other monsters must have survived the thunder disaster and successfully advanced to the next level by relying on the miraculous healing effect of this magical flame.

The many monsters on the top of the mountain were either nervously preparing to cross the catastrophe, or were recovering from the catastrophe. Although they found a strange aura intruding, none of them got up to attack for the time being.

"This should be the eternal immortal fire, no! These are just the light and shadow it transmits from the crack of the seal, not the real immortal fire itself." Orange stared blankly at the light green light and said.

Just the light and shadow of the Eternal Immortal Flame already has such a huge power, its own power is simply unimaginable!
"Heng Er, what's wrong with you?" Heng Zhi first noticed that something was wrong with Heng Er's situation, her breathing was many times faster than usual, a layer of blush appeared on her face, her eyes sparkled, and she seemed to be in a state of excitement.

Chengzi also noticed that Doudou, who had been lying on her shoulders, could not stop twisting her chubby body, showing desire and fear.

"I feel like my body is full of strength, and the spiritual flow in my body has become very fast..." Heng Er said that his whole body was a little shaky.

Citrus feels the same way.

Cheng Zi thought for a while and said, "You two should be able to meditate and practice here, and you should be able to get twice the result with half the effort, and enter the country much faster than usual. I have read the records that the eternal immortal fire is of great benefit to the immortals with fire roots. Its cultivation speed will increase rapidly. Find a distance you can accept and meditate?"

After Heng Zhi heard this, he helped Heng Er to sit cross-legged to the side and perform exercises. With a thought, Heng Er released the three-eyed red fire lion from the spirit beast bag, so that it could benefit from it.

The three-eyed red fire lion has been recuperating for three years, and with the large amount of medicine provided by Chengzi, he has already recovered from his injuries and recovered. Although his cultivation level has dropped to the fourth level, considering the current conditions, he should be able to re-promote within 50 years. into the fifth rank.With the special conditions here, it is not surprising that the promotion time is shortened to ten years.

Only Heng Er and Gan Ning did not benefit much from the high-grade Binggui Immortal Crystal they obtained before. Although they have focused on hard work for more than two years, their entry into the country has been slower than others.It's a pity that other people are more worried than the two of them about this point. Now they finally found something that can improve their cultivation speed, and everyone is happy for them.

Xueyuan watched for a while, and said: "The light and shadow of the eternal fire is here, the real source of fire is likely to be sealed under this mountain, and the treasure of the ice and fire god king must also be here, how can we get in?"

Cheng Zi suggested: "Senior Eleventh Sister, look around the top of the mountain to see if there is any trace of the entrance of the treasure. Master and I will go to other places on the mountain to find it. Xue Yuan and Heng Zhi will stay here to protect the Dharma for Heng Er Orange. OK?"

Among the seven people here, she is the only one who can barely tell the difference between east, west and north in the dense fog, and sense the surrounding situation. Orange can lead the way to find it.

Everyone was quite in favor of this proposal, and they split up immediately. As a result, they spent three full days searching every inch of land on the island, but still found nothing.

In another seven days, they will be sent out of the valley by the prohibition circle of the Fallen Devil Valley. Although it is not difficult to come back in, it will be troublesome to run from the edge to the island again.

In the past few days when they were on the top of the mountain, monsters who had successfully recovered their vitality kept coming to them. When you advance to the rank, kill them all with your hands.

Heng Zhi also didn't want any monsters to interfere with Heng Er's cultivation, so he set up a magic circle around the top of the mountain to prevent monsters from entering the range of the mountain.

In the past three years, his cultivation base has made great progress, and he has also improved a lot in the formation of formations. The power of the formation of Qijue Youyun formation is not comparable to that of the previous year, and he even blocked all the monsters without the need for other people to defend the formation. Outside the formation.

There were no monsters on the top of the mountain, the thick thunderclouds gradually dissipated, and the sun reappeared, but the fog on the mountain did not change at all.

Heng Zhi frowned and thought for a long time, knowing that the treasure was under the mountain, but he couldn't get in, that feeling was really bad.

Underground, underground? !Hengzhi suddenly brightened his eyes and said, "Could we have been misled by the mist. The entrance to the treasure may not be on the mountain, but at the bottom of the lake?!"

Immortals’ treasures, caves or tombs are usually covered with various blinds. Because of this idea, they set the entrance of the treasure on the mountain when they saw the thick fog, and searched around the mountain, but they didn’t know. Maybe you're just looking in the wrong direction.

Yunyou and Ma Yunteng also thought it was reasonable, and left Hengzhi and the others on the top of the mountain to protect Henger's oranges. The two of them went down the mountain together and dived into the lake to find the entrance to the treasure. After half a day, Yunyou finally found it at the bottom of the lake in the southwest. A gate carved from a single block of ice jade.

The familiar pattern of auspicious clouds is engraved on the door, and the same pattern has been seen on five treasures including the Eight Treasures Ziyun Wat - the entrance to the treasure of the Ice and Fire God King has finally been found!纟

Now that the treasure was found, Heng Er also temporarily stopped practicing, and left the three-eyed red fire lion on the top of the mountain to go down with them.

It took some effort to dive into the bottom of the water, and Yunyou took this time to study the opening method of the ice jade gate with Hengzhi Ma Yunteng.

The mystery lies in the pattern of auspicious clouds on the gate. On the round relief in the middle of the gate, five auspicious clouds are arranged in a cross, which is exactly the same size as the ones on the five treasures they got.

They took out five treasures and pasted the patterns on them to the reliefs corresponding to the gate.

Seeing a flash of golden light, the entire relief suddenly rotated. Before the seven people had time to react, they felt their bodies suddenly lose weight, the surrounding lights and shadows swayed, and the scene in front of them changed completely. They were already on a long corridor made of ice and jade.

The ice jade gate just now was not a real gate, but an exquisite teleportation array!

Yunyou touched the mirror-like ice jade around her, and said with a tsk tsk: "I don't know how good the Ice and Fire God King is, but he must be very rich! It's too extravagant to use good ice jade to build walls and pave the floor." ! Let’s not talk about the value of millions of high-grade fairy crystals here! Treasure, treasure, little junior sister, you’ve made a fortune this time! These aren’t hallucinations, are they?”

Cheng Zi shook his head and said, "Probably not."

Ma Yunteng took Cheng Zi's hand and walked to the other side of the corridor.

Yunyou thought that there must be more and more valuable things inside, so she immediately cheered up and followed quickly.

At the end of the corridor was another ice jade gate with the same teleportation formation engraved on it. When they opened their eyes again this time, they were startled by the sight in front of them.

They stood on a ten feet square ice jade platform, with seething magma rolling and boiling below them, and endless layers of ice above them.

The fiery red lava was not cooled by the cold ice, and the cold ice was not melted by the high heat of the lava. The cold and hot air intertwined and flowed in this space. Two extreme scenes appeared at the same time, but there was a strange harmony. Feel.

The coexistence of ice and fire has reached the limit of imagination.

"Look!" Cheng Zi pointed to the stone wall behind them, on which were written two lines of big characters: If you don't fall the eternal fire, don't ask about the Heavenly Ice Jue.

The eyes of Yunyou and others unconsciously fell on Chengzi and Doudou in her arms.

The only ones who can subdue the sky fire here are Orange and Doudou. Although Henger Citrus seems to have a higher level of cultivation than Orange, the light and shadow transmitted by the Eternal Immortal Fire alone is enough to stimulate the true essence in their bodies to run faster. Facing the eternal fire directly, I am afraid that before I can do anything, I will explode and die.

In fact, Ever since they entered here, Henger and Liming have been in a bad state, most of their energy was spent on restraining the rushing true essence in their bodies, and they had no time to care about other things.

Although Doudou's performance was a bit weird, overall it was much milder than the two of them.

Yunyou felt that it was too whimsical for Doudou to subdue the Eternal Immortal Fire, and said, "Let's not think about Eternal Immortal Fire and "Sky Ice Jue", the treasures here must be of some value."

Others, including Ma Yunteng, also felt that it would be safer to go back and discuss with Moju after they had truly seen the power of Eternal Immortal Fire.

When everyone was thinking of retreating, a grass bud as green as emerald slowly floated up from the crimson magma in the distance, and the two oval leaves on it trembled slightly, weak and petite, as if it could be crushed into powder , but the unique breath emanating from this grass bud is enough to make people startled.

As long as there is enough time, this weak grass sprout will break through all obstacles and oppression, and overcome everything with its strong vitality!
The grass sprout is covered with a white and crystal-clear halo, with slight cracks visible on the halo, and it seems that the grass sprout will completely break through the halo in a short time.

Upon closer inspection, it is not difficult to find that this ordinary-shaped grass sprout is actually condensed from emerald green flames. Although it is pitifully small compared to the huge lava pool, no one will ignore its existence.

Everyone had the same feeling—the vast, fiery red lava was just the dust and sand under its feet, not worth laughing at.

It is undoubtedly the famous Eternal Immortal Fire, and the pure white halo should be the light of the primordial spirit left by the God of Ice and Fire to seal this powerful immortal fire.

Without the existence of this primordial light, I am afraid that the entire Valley of Fallen Devils would have been turned into a sea of ​​flames.The God King of Ice and Fire was able to seal Tianhuo not only because he was the master of Tianhuo, but also because of his powerful strength.

It's a pity that ten thousand years have passed, no matter how powerful the light of the primordial spirit is, it will gradually weaken, so the eternal immortal fire finally began to show signs of breaking free from the seal.

Interferenced by the Eternal Immortal Fire, Fallen Devil Valley's original restriction on monsters also lost its effect, resulting in monsters being promoted through the stimulation of the Eternal Immortal Fire's light and shadow, and even fifth-order monsters appeared.

With the appearance of the Eternal Immortal Flame, Heng Er's complexion became more and more ugly, and Heng Zhi tried his best to temporarily isolate most of the influence of the Eternal Immortal Fire with the magic circle, but his magic circle is no better than the Primordial Spirit of the Ice and Fire God King. The light will be shattered by the powerful eternal fire within half an hour at most.

However, he searched all over the platform area, but did not find any teleportation circle or exit that could allow them to leave this place.If they can't subdue the Eternal Immortal Flame, what awaits them may be consumed to death here.

This Ice and Fire God King is also amazing. As long as the latecomers step into this treasure, they can only move forward and have no retreat.If you can't get the eternal fire, you have to be its sacrifice.

Yunyou and the others turned serious. They were too reckless, and they also overestimated the heart of the ancient mighty immortal.These people are more cheating than the other, and they don't take other people's lives seriously at all.

Let the cute and cute Doudou deal with the powerful and unparalleled Eternal Immortal Flame, this hope is too slim.

Chengzi saw everything in her eyes, and she calmed down completely after being anxious to the extreme. She had no way out, either she successfully absorbed the eternal immortal fire, or they were buried here together.

That being the case, what is the use of being afraid?It's dead anyway, so there's no reason not to give it a try.

The palm was held tightly, Cheng Zi looked up and saw Ma Yunteng looking at her with the same calm expression.

There is nothing to be afraid of, no matter life or death, Master will be by her side and shoulder the burden with her.

And her senior sister and friends...

Hengzhi grinned at her with a grin, and assumed an arrogant attitude that a man is not afraid of anything.

Yunyou nodded slightly to her, then stopped looking at the eternal fairy fire and cast her eyes into the distance, her expression was as gentle as water but firm as stone.

Heng Er reluctantly opened his eyes and blinked at her, his charming and beautiful eyes were watery, clear and agile, as if he wanted to show that he was fine and asked her not to worry, not to be afraid...


(End of this chapter)

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