the first god

Chapter 261 The Way of the Foodie

Chapter 261 The Way of the Foodie

Moju blushed for a while, and she forgot that Chengzi likes to eat like ordinary people.So he refrained from asking Chengzi Daoxin about it, and pulled Yunyou away first, letting the two of them get along alone.

After hearing Ma Yunteng's mention, Cheng Zi realized that his hands and feet were already weak from hunger. He quickly took a large bowl of chicken soup noodles in the food box and ate it. He didn't realize it was wrong until he was half full.

"Who made the noodles?" Chengzi felt sour in her heart. She had only been in a coma for a few days, and someone made soup noodles for Ma Yunteng, and it was so good!

Although Ma Yunteng is very good at cooking, because of his past memories, the noodle soup tastes really hard to eat. This is a big failure in his culinary career.

She feels that her territory has been violated by unknown persons!

"I did it." Ma Yunteng snorted softly, and added a threat: "This time I finally did better than you, right?!"

Cheng Zi raised his head in a daze and dared not answer: " know how to make noodle soup?!"

"What's so difficult about it?" Ma Yunteng said disdainfully.He can do a good job of the complicated and difficult methods of cultivation.But he didn't say that it was a bowl that he could barely make do with after failing hundreds of times. For some reason, he just couldn't make the taste of oranges.

"Don't think about it, I'm too good at cooking, so I'll be lazy, and I'll be a diner like before. When you get better, I'll do it for you in the future!" Ma Yunteng solemnly declared.

"Yeah!" Cheng Zi nodded vigorously, raised his chopsticks to pick up a large chopsticks noodles and put them into his mouth, and praised vaguely: "Master, the noodles you made are also delicious!"

Oranges used to be bad at cooking, but now it's the other way around, and it turns out to be very delicious.

Ma Yunteng used to cook very well, but he couldn't cook a bowl of noodle soup. Now he can cook decently.

Two confused fools, this is the power of love! (The unscrupulous author patted the foreheads of the two of them)

Feeling warm in his heart, Ma Yunteng reached out and rubbed her head.

A big bowl of noodles was finished quickly, Cheng Zi burped and packed away the bowls and chopsticks, but turned around and saw Ma Yunteng looking at her strangely, so he asked strangely: "What's wrong?"

Ma Yunteng shook his head and said, "It's nothing." He just suddenly remembered how disillusioned the scene would be if Chengzi hiccupped without any image on his overly beautiful face... Or this one It's fine to have a lesser appearance, everything is natural and pleasing to the eye.

"You let Doudou out, let me try to see if it is still obedient?" Ma Yunteng said.

Chengzi released Doudou from the spirit animal bag, and Doudou arched in Chengzi's arms, and then went to Ma Yunteng's side to climb him like a mountain, looking no different from before.

But when Ma Yunteng asked it to do the specified action, it seemed to be unable to understand it. It was not like one command and one action in the past.

Ma Yunteng is not angry but happy: "This should be, you and Doudou successfully merged?!"

"Hmm..." Cheng Zi felt that it didn't matter. Although she used to feel a little sour when she saw Doudou obeying Ma Yunteng's advice, she didn't really mind it.

Cheng Zi silently made some preparations, and finally said hesitatingly: "I've seen everything about me before..."

Ma Yunteng knew what she was referring to, stretched out his hand and pulled her over to hug her, saying: "I also know what happened to me before."

"I, I..." Cheng Zi felt that she wanted to say a lot, but when things came to an end, she couldn't say a single word.

"It's not your fault. It must have been very hard for you to have such a thing happen, and I'm also very sad. Although I said I'd bear it with you, but when you were suffering, I couldn't do anything about it... One day, I will I will kill those villains who hurt you with my own hands!" The rare and gentle tone became murderous in the last sentence.

What happened after Ma Yunteng entered Chengzi's Sea of ​​Consciousness, Chengzi felt something in her heart. From Ma Yunteng's reaction at that time, she knew how much he cared about her.

If it wasn't the time for his primordial spirit to return to his throne, he would probably have been beaten to pieces by the evil thoughts and resentments in her sea of ​​consciousness because he wanted to protect her mind from being polluted, and he would have died just like that.

If she hadn't felt that he was in danger, she wouldn't have been able to wake up at the last moment, and purify those evil thoughts and resentments with the mirror of purification.

She still feels sorry for the injuries she suffered in the past, but those can no longer threaten her Dao Heart.

Chengzi lay in Ma Yunteng's arms with tears in his eyes, sniffed and said, "Unfortunately, I can't remember what happened to us." After the two of them met, many of their memories were destroyed by those evil thoughts and resentments. Chengzi worked hard. Looking back, there are still many memory gaps intermittently.

"You're so stupid, it's good to remember me. I remember all the things you can't remember. We will have a long life in the future, and I will tell you slowly." Ma Yunteng stretched out his fingers and scratched the cat's face in his arms.

Said she was stupid again!Cheng Zi buried her face in his arms and wiped away all the tears and snot. Couldn't the villain say a few more good things to her?
Ma Yunteng held her face in his arms amusedly and said, "Do you remember the first time I kissed you?"

Cheng Zi looked at him stupidly, such a smiling master is so pretty!

Then that pretty face slowly moved closer to hers, and their lips touched together.

Cheng Zi froze all over, uncontrollably thinking of some horrible scenes, but soon relaxed, this is her master, who would rather die than protect her from harm!

The tense heartstrings relaxed, and the sweet feeling spread from between the lips and teeth to the whole body.

Chengzi's situation was more reassuring than imagined. After Moju made sure that she was fine, he set off to find news about the other types of sky fires.

Yunyou declared to the outside world that she was in seclusion, and secretly followed her, leaving a message that would be as short as one year and as long as three years before returning.

Her Biezhuang Cave Mansion is reserved for Cheng Zi. There are many restrictions placed outside the cave mansion to prevent others from detecting the situation inside the cave mansion. Most importantly, Cheng Zi will not be discovered while practicing kung fu in it.

Before Mo Ju left, he repeatedly explained that although the Immortal Crystal of Magic and Charm can deceive ordinary immortals, it is not completely safe for those who are good at illusion or have special high-level magic weapons, so Cheng Zi must be more careful in his future actions.If necessary, even the phantom mask can be used. Even if the other party knows that she is weird, they can't directly see her face.

As for the wood spirit she sealed in the copper bracelet, it bears the mana imprint of the Xuantian sect's young suzerain, and they must not break the seal until they are not strong enough to fight against it, otherwise the traces will be discovered soon.

This copper bracelet is a secret treasure handed down by the Mo tribe, it can store the spiritual roots and mana of the immortal king.There were originally two such treasures, the other was a copper pendant, which had been missing for thousands of years with a senior of the Mo tribe.

After hearing Moju's words, Chengzi immediately thought of the Phantom Demon Fox and Mo Xuanji. The missing senior of the Mo tribe was Mo Xuanji. If it wasn't because she and the Phantom Demon Fox had this treasure in their hands, she might not even be resurrected. There is no chance!
Cheng Zi looked at the copper bracelet in her hand, feeling an inexplicable sense of foreboding in her heart, she wouldn't have to use this treasure to save her life one day...

After Moju and Yunyou left, Chengzi resumed her usual peaceful life.

According to the news from Subaozhai and Xianlingzong, the friction and conflict between Moon Worship Sect and Xuantian Sect continued to escalate, and Moon Worship Sect also began to unite forces such as the Western Five Sects to contend with Xuantian Sect.

The influence of the two major factions in the Myriad Spirits and Immortals gradually deepened. One was headed by the Xuantian Sect, and the other was headed by the Moon Worship Sect. The surrounding sects and aristocratic families could not stay out of the matter, and were forced to choose one of them in order to survive.

Perhaps because of this, the young lord of the Xuantian Sect was unable to continue to pursue the matter of Yunyou for a while. In the eyes of most people, Yunyou chose to retreat at this time because he meant that the two did not help each other.

The atmosphere in the world of Ten Thousand Spirits and Immortals is tense. Xuantianzong either wins over or coerces the wandering alchemists, and spares no effort to assassinate and poison the senior alchemists who serve the Moon Worship Sect and other forces. The price of the elixirs soared even more.

Chengzi always remembers Yunyou and Moju's confession, and never openly refines elixir of the fifth grade or higher, so as not to cause trouble.The people in Subaozhai also know it well, and they are especially careful when dealing with her.

Liu Fei, Li Xiang, and the Subaozhai Immortal who was stationed in Liancheng suspected more than once that Chengzi actually had the ability to refine sixth-grade pills, but they also understood the current situation and did not dare to cause trouble for her for fear of losing money. An important guest with a promising future.So Cheng Zi didn't need to say anything, but took the initiative to cover up for her.

No matter how violent the wind and rain outside, Lingyun faction's life in the southwest is still very moist for the time being.

The leader, Li Lingfeng, bought and hoarded a large amount of elixir, regardless of whether he could use it right now, all of them were sent to Ling Yunfeng's medicine warehouse for storage, and many of them purchased sky-high priced high-level elixir in the name of Yunyou.

He and Ma Yunteng have a deeper understanding of Cheng Zi's ability than most people, so the accounts of the medicine storehouse are managed by Fu Gui, and he has repeatedly instructed that no matter what panacea Cheng Zi wants, just give it to her, and he must be responsible for it. All the people in the Danfang Pharmacy keep it secret.

They already have a seventh-rank alchemist, Yunyou, who makes people jealous, and if there is another genius Chengzi who may not be much worse than Yunyou, no matter how busy the young master of Xuantianzong is, he will be free to deal with Lingyun faction.

Chengzi's life is very busy. In order to keep a secret, Yunyou transferred all the people who were serving in her cave to other places before leaving. Only she and Ma Yunteng can enter and leave the cave. Chengzi often repairs with Doudou in it. Learn various practical spells.

Occasionally, Chengzi couldn't control it well, the movement was too loud, and there were some noises. Others only thought it was made by Yunyou, and no one suspected that he had actually left secretly.

Cooking elixir, practicing spells, refining alchemy and cooking every day... Chengzi felt very satisfied with the repeated days, and a year passed before he knew it.

Su Baozhai finally sent the remaining several elixir that needed to be prepared for refining Huaqing Dan. Chengzi asked Ma Yunteng, knowing that the brothers and sisters had about half a year before reaching the alchemy stage, so they decided to start alchemy.

The refining difficulty of Wupin Huaqing Dan is one of the best among pills of the same level, and it is not much better than Zhuyan Dan. Its biggest problem is that several main ingredients in it are mutually exclusive. There is no difference in the sequence and timing of the points, otherwise all previous efforts will be wasted.

Most of the fifth-rank alchemists have a success rate of less than [-]% in refining Huaqing pills, which shows that it is complicated and difficult.

However, these are not a problem for Chengzi who has a living tripod and two kinds of sky fires. After a year of experiments, Chengzi found that the eternal fire is the most suitable fire source for alchemy. The refined medicine has a kind of medicine that other medicines cannot Compared with the vitality, the effect is even higher than that of ordinary high-quality pills.

Ma Yunteng looked at Cheng Zi and counted the elixir needed to refine Huaqing Dan. Doudou was extremely bored and ran over and crawled on him. He suddenly remembered that Cheng Zi was refined in a cave outside Liancheng a few years ago. In the scene of Zhuyan Dan, he stretched out his hand to hold Doudou in front of him and looked around for a while.

"Hmm, there is one more thing..." Cheng Zi carefully studied his expression.


"Alchemy will take a few days, I, I don't want to eat dry food!" Cheng Zi blinked and looked at Ma Yunteng and said.

"Then prepare a few more meals and put them in the food box. Doesn't it mean that they can be stored for at least three to five days?" Ma Yunteng pretended not to understand.

Because several of them are foodies, and the oranges are made of monsters and elixir, the meals they make are very helpful to their cultivation, so Heng Erhua tried his best to refine a special food box to keep the meals fresh. Bring enough "storage food".

The food made of oranges is different from ordinary food. It will not produce residues and dirt in the body, and it can also adjust the state of the body. Except that the portion is larger and the taste is better, the others are almost comparable to elixir.

Of course what Cheng Zi wants is not to eat the overnight meal she cooked, she leaned to Ma Yunteng's side and said, "I want to eat the meal made by Master!"

Since eating a bowl of noodles made by Ma Yunteng last time, Chengzi has never tried his cooking skills. It is rare that she has an excuse and opportunity this time, and she can't help but want to act like a baby.

"Huh? Immortal Yunteng is planning to cook?!" Xueyuan's voice came from outside.

Chengzi was embarrassed and angry. Originally, if she begged again, Ma Yunteng would probably agree, but Xueyuan interrupted her like this, and it would definitely be useless.

Xue Yuan didn't feel guilty at all when she received Cheng Zi's sad eyes.

Ma Yunteng said coldly: "Cheng Zi, I heard that the conversion rate of this Huaqing Pill is very low. It would be good if you can refine two at a time. Let's refine Xueyuan's one next time when we gather all the elixir."

"No! Chengzi, you can't listen to his nonsense! I have confidence in you, you can refine at least ten or eight pieces in one furnace, right?! He won't cook for you, I will cook for you, okay? "Xue Yuan jumped to Cheng Zi's side, salivating and said.

Chengzi felt that it was a waste of energy to be angry with such a mindless guy, and most of the food Xueyuan cooked could poison her to death, so in the end she had to pack up the elixir and go to the master's cave to make alchemy.

It is also inconvenient for her to refine Huaqing Pill to publicize to the outside world, so Ma Yunteng can only be by her side.

The alchemy process went very smoothly. It took three full days to refine a furnace of seven Huaqing pills. The [-]% success rate of the alchemy is definitely enough to disdain the entire Myriad Spirits Immortal World. In fact, if it is not for the addition of the Sanqing Lingzhu As a result, the success rate can be higher.

(End of this chapter)

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