the first god

Chapter 277 The orange took the magic elixir

Chapter 277 The orange took the magic elixir

The head of the Qixia sect went out to greet everyone in person, and Ma Zimo left as soon as he arrived at the main altar. His attitude was not rude, but it was very obvious that he refused people thousands of miles away.

The head of the Qixia School is a middle-aged handsome man named He Xie, who is gentle and elegant, full of books. He is nearly [-] years old and is only in the middle stage of the Sixth Stage Dzogchen Realm. In terms of cultivation, he is not a big deal in the Qixia School, but he is very good at dancing with long sleeves. Communication, a few words can make people feel like a spring breeze, without the slightest condescending attitude of the head of a first-class sect, and easily resolved the embarrassment caused by the departure of Ma Zimo and others.

The six of them were arranged in the guest house with the best environment and location, which happened to be between the main peak and Hongchou Valley.

Therefore, Wan Xianjun asked his trusted disciples to accompany him, and said that he would take them to the fairy spring located in the forbidden area of ​​Ma's Manor in three days.

Ma Yunteng is not very interested in Xianlingquan. With his current physique comparable to that of the eighth-rank Xianjun, the effect of Xianlingquan on him is far less than that on other people. The reason why he is willing to come to worship the moon is because I don't want to spoil everyone's interest, but more importantly, it is for the safety of oranges.

Ma Yunteng has already made up his mind, during the period of sojourn in Qixia Sect, it is just a place to practice, he does not plan to do anything to Ma Shi for the time being, everything will be discussed when he has the strength.

Cheng Zi was afraid that he would be hurt by the scene, so after everyone else had left, he deliberately pulled him to talk to divert his attention.

"Xuantianzong's Alchemy Palace also has an underground mysterious palace, which is very similar to this Moon God Tower. The further you go down, the greater the pressure. There are various spirits of plants and trees in the odd-numbered floors. They are all kinds of flame spirits, and they are all the spiritual thoughts left by the predecessors of Xuantianzong who cultivated fire spirits or wood spirits. The underground palace has a total of eighteen floors, and I have been to No.16 floor!" Cheng Zi blinked. Eyes, strongly suggestive of asking for praise.

"Hey, the floor closest to the ground is No.18?" Ma Yunteng said intentionally.

Cheng Zi gritted his teeth angrily: "You know it's not true! You're kidding me again!"

"I'm going to practice, and strive to reach the eighth floor of the Moon God Tower as soon as possible. You obediently stay in the guest courtyard and don't wander around. There are many bad people here." Ma Yunteng knew what Cheng Zi wanted, and smiled and kissed her between the eyebrows.

"Don't you want to go to the ninth floor?"

"I'll go up when you have the ability to ascend in the future. Otherwise, what should I do if I go to the God Realm and you are in the Lower Realm?" This is Ma Yunteng's words that are close to love.

Cheng Zi was sweet and happy in her heart, but said indignantly on her face, "Are you sure that I am slower than you in cultivation?"

"You're so lazy, you won't know how to practice without supervision." Ma Yunteng knocked on her brain, got up and went to practice.

Cheng Zi rubbed the place where he had knocked, and stood there giggling for a while before recovering.

Inside the Ma Clan's Manor, Gu Wan Xianjun is reporting what happened in today's martial arts competition to the Qixia Sect's great elder and the Ma Clan's patriarch.

This patriarch is over two hundred years old this year, and he is still very young.

He listened to Immortal Lord Wanguwan without saying a word, and said: "Understood, there is no need to say anything to that child, I will meet him when the time comes, you go."

Therefore Wan Xianjun was very depressed, he was full of [excitement] to announce the good news, but he didn't take it seriously, but the Great Elder is the person with the highest status in the entire Qixia Sect, he has no right to question anything, so he can only feel dissatisfied Salute and leave.

After he left, an eighth-rank Qi Xianjun dressed in black turned out from a corner of the hall. The afternoon sun shone on his pale face, which looked very similar to Ma Yunteng.

The Great Elder glared at him angrily, shook his head and sighed, "If you hadn't insisted on concealing your identity and led the team with your late eighth-rank cultivation to represent my Qixia Sect to participate in the fighting tournament, how could there be any Penglai Sect or Lingyun Sect?" Prestigious chance?!"

The fairy in black pursed his lips and remained silent, his expression was exactly the same as that of Ma Yunteng.The familiar black clothes were worn by the mysterious fairy who Ma Yunteng and the others met head-on twice on the road.

However, the Great Elder remained calm when he heard that there was an extra genius nephew, and it was entirely because the man in black had already delivered the news before him.

The man in black and the great elder remained silent for a while.

"You two, father and son, are the same. You like women who are not well-established. You blame your elder brother and third younger brother for attacking their mother and son secretly. But have you ever thought about it? You got involved, why did she end up like that? She almost lost her own son." The elder said indifferently.

"Stop talking! Piao'er is the best woman in the world. I am the one who is not good enough for her! I am the one who provoked her! I am the bastard who failed to protect her and let her live a good life!"

As the black-clothed fairy spoke, the expression on his face gradually changed from sadness and pain to grimness: "Since they don't treat me as a relative and hurt my wife and children, I will let them experience the feeling of losing their loved ones."

The Great Elder sighed, and instead of dissuading him, he said, "If you have the ability. I said earlier that I will not stop you if you want to take revenge, but don't expect me to uphold justice. You are the only one you want in the Ma family." Fight for it by yourself. Your elder brother and third younger brother are different from you. For them, the most important thing is not the family relationship, but the power in your hands. If you really want to take revenge on them, take away what they want most , Knocking them into the dust is the most satisfying way. You killed Ah Da by the hand of the third child. Do you think that what your elder brother loves is the loss of a son? What he loves is the loss of one who can make him the patriarch in the future The future is just on the mountain.”

Every word of the Great Elder vaguely lures and instigates the men in black to fight for the position of the ruler of the Ma family, and has no intention of dissuading them from fighting each other.

From the outsiders' point of view, the Ma family's constant internal fighting is a terrible thing. Only a few people in the Ma family's core know that this is the way their Ma family maintains the top strength of the family.In the past, they would carefully protect the most important seedlings, and let them compete with each other to eliminate them when they were almost grown.

What happened more than ten years ago was due to the negligence of the elder brother of the Ma clan at that time, which caused the situation to get out of control. However, just when everyone thought that the Ma clan would fall from now on, even the Qixia faction was in turmoil. At this moment, the old man in front of him suddenly appeared, completely calming down the scene.

Even the patriarch's relatives may not know all the secrets of the Ma family, let alone other outsiders.

The man in black is also Ma Yunteng's father, Ma Zhennong, who is still in a coma in the legend of the Ma family generation, suddenly laughed: "Second uncle, you don't need to use these things to tease me. Not interested, it will still be the same after decades, I don't want to turn myself into an old monster like you, and I don't even want Piao'er's son to be like you in the future."

If he hadn't accidentally learned that his son was still alive, I'm afraid he would really do what the Great Elder hoped, desperate for revenge, even if he would turn into a demon in hell, but he still has a son, and A very good future daughter-in-law, he doesn't want his family to become like the two families of the elder brother and the third younger brother. The father and son relatives only benefit from each other and only use each other.

The Great Elder looked at him coldly and said, "We'll wait and see."

He is very dissatisfied with this second nephew in his heart, he has no ambitions and is obsessed with love, but he is currently one of the best qualified and most likely to win the Ninth Rank Dzogchen in the entire Ma family. The son of an unpopular nun!Both father and son have the same virtue, which is really a headache.

His eldest nephew and third nephew are ruthless enough, but none of their children are capable of fighting. The conspiracy and tricks of doing more are nothing but a flash in the face of absolute strength.

There are quite a few outstanding disciples in the Ma family branch, and Ma Zimo is the most outstanding one among them and the one who satisfied the elder most. Unfortunately, his understanding and opportunity are still a little bit short. Originally, the elder thought he was very good. Ma Yunteng, a 26-year-old little monster who had reached the middle stage of the eighth rank, appeared, and Ma Zimo suddenly paled in comparison with him.

The most important thing is that Ma Yunteng's ice-type single spiritual root is the most suitable person for practicing Ma's core secret method, while Ma Zimo's water-thunder double-spiritual root is finally one level behind...

The great elder looked at the figure of the man in black going away, and began to think about the new hope that Ma Yunteng had suddenly appeared in his heart.

Ma Yunteng didn't know what impact his sudden birth would have on the Ma family, but Ma Zimo knew very well that he had grown from an unknown descendant of the Ma family to a hot first-class figure in the Ma family. He has enjoyed a prestigious reputation in his life, and he has put in a lot of hard work and mental calculations, so how can he sit back and watch everything he finally obtained be easily taken away by others?
When the great elder and nephew were talking, Ma Zimo was also standing outside his cave, planning how to completely eradicate Ma Yunteng, a thorn in his side.

Uninformed outsiders may think that the similar appearance between Ma Yunteng and the third young master Ma is purely accidental, but he has been in the core of the Ma family for more than 20 years. He naturally knows the rumors that the second master Ma, his wife and children were killed one after another. According to the information, he was almost certain that Ma Yunteng was the only son of the seriously injured and comatose Ma Erye.

Knowing this, Ma Zimo was not in a hurry to act, because he knew very well that someone would be more anxious than him.

"Uncle Ma, Third Master Ma, don't let my nephew down!" Ma Zimo whispered coldly while standing on the top of the mountain, looking in the direction of Hongchou Valley.

There was a loud noise in Uncle Ma's cave, and a middle-aged man who looked [-] to [-] percent similar to Ma Yunteng slammed his palm on the jade table, and said with a sinister expression, "It's like a haunted man! Useless, here comes another little bastard!"

"It's just a little mid-sixth rank, and it's not easy to kill him." An eighth-rank fairy sitting beside him disagreed.

The person who made the case was Uncle Ma, he shook his head and said: "With the ancestor here, it may not be so easy to move him."

He knows the rules of the family very well. Back then when he teamed up with outsiders to harm his second brother, his second uncle must have prevented him from repeating the old tricks.

"Third Master's people will do it if they think about it." The eighth-rank fairy said.

"That's right, let's stand still and see how the third one makes moves." Uncle Ma sneered a few times.

Ma Sanye is indeed planning to deal with Ma Yunteng, and he suddenly thought of something: "Before Xiao Liu and those in the vest had an accident, didn't he tell his spies to go and see that kid who looks like Xiao San?" , wouldn’t it be this damn bastard?!”

If so, Ma Yunteng's death is absolutely inseparable from Ma Yunteng!

Three days passed in the blink of an eye, and on this day He Xie, the head of the Qixia Sect, personally came to take them to the forbidden area behind the Ma's Manor.

The so-called forbidden area is at the corner of the valley, and through the dense horses, one can see a dark cave hidden by vines on the mountain wall, with clusters of light golden fog continuously gushing out from the cave entrance.

This is not an ordinary mist, but a very high concentration of spiritual energy, and there seems to be something mysterious in the spiritual energy. Every time you take a breath, you will feel that there are countless fine needles piercing the internal and external organs of the six viscera, not to mention how many It hurts.

But as long as he draws the true energy in his body to resist this wave of pain, he will immediately feel extremely comfortable all over his body.

Yu Qing and the others looked at each other, feeling extremely excited.

There are many disciples sitting cross-legged on the white jade steps outside the entrance of the cave, all of them are of the second rank in terms of cultivation, and all of them seem to be young enough, from a yellow-haired child who is just learning about things, to sixteen or sixteen-year-old Small epiphysis hairless on top.

He Xie pointed to these young disciples and said: "These are all disciples with relatively good aptitude from my Qixia School. The golden mist is emitted from the fairy spring. The elite disciples of the third rank are allowed to go into the cave to absorb the richer golden body spiritual mist, and only the elders of the sixth rank can soak in the fairy spring for cultivation."

Cheng Zi stood beside her with her puppy in her arms, struggling. Her body was the dharma body of a late eighth-rank immortal monarch, and she would not be afraid of this little fairy spring and golden body spirit fog at all.

But she should be a mortal in the eyes of others, so how can she follow her in a swaggering manner?

She can go back to the guest house alone, but she is not at ease in this strange environment...

When she thought of this, He Xie naturally woke up, and looked at her with doubts and worries: "Miss Chengzi, do you feel unwell?"

Cheng Zi had an idea and said: "It's okay, Eleventh Senior Sister has given me a body protection elixir, this kind of spiritual energy can't hurt me."

"Oh!" He Xie is convinced that most immortals are full of reverence for god-like existences such as seventh-rank alchemists, and they will not doubt whether their elixir really has such a magical effect, and immediately accept Cheng Zi rhetoric.

Ma Yunteng secretly glared at her at Cheng Zi and bowed his head in shame, the puppy immediately crawled onto Ma Yunteng's shoulder and rubbed against his neck, yelping twice flatteringly.

He led Yu Qing and the others into the cave, and the golden body spiritual mist here was indeed much denser than outside.

In the middle of the cave is a small spring with a diameter of about one foot. The golden spring water seems to be boiled.

(End of this chapter)

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