the first god

Chapter 287 The Difficulty of the Moon God Tower

Chapter 287 The Difficulty of the Moon God Tower

The Great Elder looked coldly at her wanton release of coercion, only to see how long she could persist.He didn't believe that a majestic late ninth-rank immortal would not be able to subdue a low-rank little girl.

Moreover, he was also a little curious about Chengzi's true strength. A girl who has mastered Wanling Jinghuo can never really be only the third rank.

Chengzi felt as if she had fallen into an ice cave all of a sudden, and countless big ice cubes kept squeezing her body crazily. She knew that as long as she asked for mercy, she could be relieved, but the anger and stubbornness in her heart made her unable to escape. Willing to show weakness to the old monster in front of me.

The coercive attack released by the old monster was mainly aimed at her soul and Dao heart. If he was subdued this time, she would unconsciously have a feeling of fear and surrender in front of him, and then she would be submissive to him.

She shouldn't be intimidated by this old monster!Cheng Zi closed her eyes tightly, slowly emptied her mind, and shifted her mind to other places.

Yun Teng's breath is also cold, but he has always given her the feeling of being fresh, clear, pure and bright, not as gloomy and infiltrating as the old monster in front of her. The painful expression on Cheng Zi's face gradually disappeared, and An Tian's peaceful appearance Obviously, it has gradually got rid of the influence of the Great Elder's coercion.

The Great Elder was secretly taken aback. He released the coercion with all his strength. Even the eighth-rank Qi Xianjun might not be able to bear it. This little girl just felt uncomfortable for a moment and then seemed to be fine. How did she do it? !

That is to say, the power of her soul is even far surpassing that of ordinary eighth-rank immortal monarchs, and can she stand shoulder to shoulder with him?

Other than that, there is only one possibility - a natural "clean body"!
The Great Elder pondered for a while, and finally completely affirmed Cheng Zi's identity.

More than ten years ago, there were rumors that the Mo tribe produced a peerless genius with tenth-grade aptitude. If this genius had not been killed by the young master of Xuantian Sect, he would be about the same age as this little girl in terms of age.

Although the Great Elder was amazed by Cheng Zi's physical talent, he didn't intend to let her offend easily. Since his coercion could not deter her, let's try to see if she could resist his magic power.

"Frozen." The Great Elder sneered, and countless ice ridges suddenly emerged from Cheng Zi's feet, instantly enveloping her tightly, and the ice ridges continued to spread upwards, but within two breaths, Cheng Zi was frozen in it.

The Great Elder's cultivation has already reached the state of speaking the law, and there is no need for formulas or hands-on seals. Just a casual sentence is enough to defeat the opponent.

The reason why the elder didn't seal the orange in the ice immediately was because the elder deliberately slowed down the casting speed to give the orange time to react. As a result, the orange was frozen in the ice without any resistance, and the elder couldn't help but feel a little disappointed.

However, before he was sure whether to release the oranges, a feeling of extreme danger suddenly passed by, and the huge ice mass that sealed the oranges suddenly turned emerald green, and that emerald green mass turned into a beam of light in the blink of an eye and shot towards the big one. The direction of the elders shot away.

The Great Elder noticed the unusualness of the emerald green light almost immediately. It was not just light, but a terrifying transparent flame!

This is Tianhuo!In addition to Wan Ling Jing Huo, this little girl actually possesses another kind of Sky Fire!
The Great Elder didn't dare to take it lightly, and finally raised his hand to seal the seal quickly. Almost instantly, the hall became a world of ice and snow. A huge circular ice wall appeared between the two facing each other. Emerald green flames hit the ice wall, and the flames When it comes into contact with the cold ice, it immediately burns the ice through a big hole, passing through it like cutting tofu.

While melting the ice wall, the flame itself also dimmed a bit, and the deeper it went, the weaker the power of the flame became, and it finally dissipated invisible the moment before it broke through the ice wall.

The Great Elder looked dignified, withdrew the spell, and stared at the girl who had completely escaped from the ice not far ahead, and the dog who had suddenly spewed out the second type of sky fire just now, not knowing what to do with them.

It's really a life-and-death duel, even if Chengzi can use her weird puppy to use two kinds of sky fire, the elder is still sure of winning, but he is a majestic ninth-rank late-stage fairy, and he has to spend a lot of time trying to compete with a 20-year-old The little girls of the third rank left and right fought, even if they won, they would be completely useless and lose face.

He can't afford to lose face.

On the Moon God Pagoda, the thin middle-aged fairy who claimed to be "Shi Tian" who had already stepped onto the sixth floor was suddenly shocked, and walked to the south side of the tower to look at the glass window facing the bedroom of the Moon Worship Sect Lord.

Row upon row of magnificent palaces stand tall, seemingly calm and normal, but Shi Tian can feel that two powerful and abnormal auras are colliding fiercely, one is chilling to the bone, and the other is hot and violent, and even a hazy emerald green light can be faintly seen in the blue sky .

There lives the Lord of the Moon Worship Sect, the great elder of the Qixia Sect who dominates the Moon Worship Sect with ice-type exercises, and he is the only one who can release such a powerful and icy aura. Who does the other aura belong to?

This kind of rage and ferocity is full of great power that destroys the world, if he is not mistaken, it should be a kind of fire from heaven!
This kind of sky fire... seems to be the eternal fairy fire? !
Shi Tian had an excited and weird expression on his face, he didn't expect that there was a kind of sky fire hidden in the palace of worshiping the moon!It was so much fun!

But if it is really Eternal Immortal Flame, he doesn't need it for a while, he should solve this Luna Tower first, thinking that there are still hundreds of Luna Worship Sect elite immortals in the Luna Tower today, Shi Tian feels that Looking forward to it.

He seemed to be able to see the tragic scene of these so-called geniuses being burned to ashes by him, the symbols of the Moon Worship Sect were burned in public, and all the elite immortals were killed. What would the three major sects of the Moon Worship Sect have to contend with him? !

Shi Tian didn't pay attention to the movement in Baiyuejiao Zun Palace, turned around and continued to the seventh floor without hesitation.

In the dormitory of the Lord of the Moon Worship Sect, Cheng Zi tried his best to show a calm and unyielding attitude and glared at the Great Elder.In fact, she was 12 anxious. What she was afraid of was not the Great Elder in front of her. She estimated that no matter how angry this old monster was, he would not kill her. Familiar horror atmosphere.

She always felt that it was not an illusion.The devil might be around...

She would rather expose her hole cards and choose to use the Eternal Immortal Flame to fight against the Great Elder, because she was afraid that once she released the All Spirits Purifying Fire, she would be recognized by the owner of the terrifying aura.

The Eternal Immortal Flame was absorbed by herself from the treasure of the Ice and Fire God King.Except for Master, Mistress and a few companions, no one knows that she possesses this kind of sky fire. This is a sharp weapon that has nothing to do with the identity of "Mo Ling'er" and only belongs to "Chengzi".

"You think you have two kinds of fire in your hands. This deity can do nothing to you? If it wasn't for this deity's mercy, do you think you can stand here well?!" The great elder calmed down and threatened indifferently.It's not exactly intimidation.If he really wanted to kill Cheng Zi, she really couldn't resist.

Cheng Zi raised his head and said without giving way, "I didn't try my best just now." The fusion of two kinds of sky fire is not as simple as one plus one equals two.

The Great Elder was furious, remembering that Daoist Master Wan had told him before that this little girl was gentle and well-behaved, and respected her elders very much, why didn't he see it at all? !

His temper is hard and stubborn.What he says, she replies. Is there anyone who respects elders so much?
The Great Elder felt a headache. Originally, as long as Chengzi was willing to say a few soft words, he would not really embarrass her, and he would step down as well.But in the current situation, she clearly showed a defensive and resisting posture that was always ready to turn her face.

And from Chengzi's attitude to Ma Yunteng... This little girl will not provoke herself, a late ninth-rank immortal, for no reason, and her attitude should be enough to represent Ma Yunteng's attitude.

Thinking of this, the head elder got a worse headache, and suddenly felt that Ma Yunteng's vision was too good, and he accidentally caught a strangely powerful little monster, and this little monster was still utterly devoted to him.Soft and hard do not eat.

The elder was hesitant about what to do with Chengzi, so he put her aside and raised his hand to call in a few voice-transmitting talismans outside the temple.He didn't want the movement here to disturb others, so he kept blocking the sound in the whole hall with mana.

Therefore, the movement from the outside could not come in. There were several emergencies in the sound transmission talisman. Unknown people pretended to be third-rank casual cultivators and entered the Moon God Tower. The last sound transmission talisman was just issued by Ma Zhennong, saying that the mysterious Xianjun has already gone to the sixth floor.

The ominous premonition in the elder's heart became more and more intense, and he didn't care about dealing with Cheng Zi, so he said "you stay here" in a cold voice and disappeared in the hall.

Cheng Zi breathed a sigh of relief and walked to the gate of the main hall, looking in the direction of the Moon God Tower, she felt that the Great Elder was going there, could something have happened there?

Never!They are all in the tower now... If something happens to the Moon God Tower, the consequences will be unimaginable.

Cheng Zi was in shock, and suddenly there was a loud noise from the Moon God Tower, and the entire towering huge stone tower was shaken slightly.

"Xuan Hao, you, the majestic young master of Xuantian Sect, pretended to be a casual cultivator and sneaked up on my Moon God Tower. I am not far away to welcome you. You are really rude." The voice of the great elder came from high in the sky, resounding through the entire building Worship the moon city.

Hyun Ho? !
Cheng Zi trembled all over, it really was the devil who came!

"Yue Zun is too polite. It would be a waste to put such an artifact on the Moon Worship Sect. It would be more interesting for me to take it back and integrate it with the underground palace of the Pill God Palace." Xuan Hao, the young lord of the Xuantian Sect, revealed a bit of carelessness in his voice. .

However, Chengzi had been with him for more than two years, and he could feel the anger in his plain tone. He thought that he had originally planned for the Moon God Tower, but the elder who arrived in time ruined the plan.

The Great Elder is a late ninth-rank immortal, so he has no problem dealing with ordinary ninth-rank immortals, but Xuan Hao is not an ordinary ninth-rank immortal. He has three kinds of sky fires fused in him, and even the Great Elder may not have an absolute chance of winning when it explodes.

And the worst thing is that they are now in the Moon God Tower. Once a fierce fight occurs, Ma Yunteng and several of her companions will definitely be affected. Qualifications to be cannon fodder.

Chengzi knew that staying where he was was the safest choice. No matter what the battle situation was, the great elders of the other two major sects of Moon Worship City would arrive soon. Undoubtedly defeated, can only retreat.

But what about her companion? !Cheng Zi took a deep breath, she was really afraid of Xuan Hao, but if he wanted to hurt Master and her other companions, she would fight him!

Cheng Zi took out a loose black robe from the storage belt and put it on, put on the phantom mask given by the demon fox, strode out of the high threshold of the hall, and at the same time, the puppy in her arms quietly merged with her.

Cheng Zi tapped his feet, subdued the pressure of his body, and galloped towards the square of the Martial God Temple.

When Cheng Zi rushed to the Moon God Tower, the Great Elder had already left the Moon God Tower with Xuan Hao, and started to fight in the nearby sky.

Fortunately, the Moon God Tower itself was a divine weapon, and it didn't collapse because of the fierce fight between the two, but the tower still trembled endlessly due to the surge of mana.

The low-grade immortals on the Luna Pagoda Square and other people who came to watch the tower climbing party couldn't bear the terrible coercion, and some fell directly to the ground and couldn't get up. Seeing the opportunity, the earlier the better, the better the morning They fled in all directions, and the eighth-rank Taoists from the three major sects in the city rushed to suppress the formation, and no one noticed Cheng Zi in the chaos.

The dense dark clouds above the Luna Tower surged like waves, and the original clear sky has become like night. The breath of death and despair enveloped the entire square, and blood-red light and shadow flowed down from the sky above the top of the Luna Tower, like thick Thick plasma spread and flowed on the tower body, where the red light passed, the solid tower body made a crackling sound, and the smooth and clean stone wall began to weather and crack at a speed visible to the naked eye.

It is the fire of purgatory!
As long as there is enough time, this terrifying sky fire with the true meaning of destruction can completely turn the Moon God Tower into fly ash, and all the immortals in the tower will be buried with them!

The Great Elder naturally wouldn't see this kind of thing happen, and soon there was a crystal-like shell on the surface of the Moon God Tower, and the purgatory magic fire slowed down when it hit this crystal shell.

However, Tianhuo is always Tianhuo, and the time that the First Elder can support is limited, so he can only wait anxiously for the arrival of the other two Great Elders.

"Xuanhao, I really overestimated you. Do you really think that you can take away the Moon God Pagoda with your own strength?!" The Great Elder was fighting against the attack of two fusions of sky and fire at the same time, and had to allocate mana to protect the Moon God Tower, really very difficult.

If it wasn't for Xuanhao not breaking through to the late ninth stage, and there was a clear difference in cultivation level between the two sides, he would undoubtedly lose this battle.

This is also because Xuan Hao wanted to destroy the Moon God Tower and divide the purgatory magic fire to burn the tower body, so he never used the three kinds of sky-fire fusion skills, otherwise the Great Elder would probably have even more difficulty.

The Great Elder remembered that Cheng Zi said that he "didn't do his best" before. It was really not a bluff. The fusion of more than two kinds of sky fires was really shocking.

"If you can't take it away, then burn it! I can definitely do this by myself. You are waiting for those two old ghosts, Subaozhai and Xianlingzong! They are very busy today, I'm afraid You won't be able to wait for them to appear for a while..."

Xuan Hao has completely recovered his true face, with a lazy smile on his evil and handsome face, and a confident look.

(End of this chapter)

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