the first god

Chapter 29 Rumors of Chaos Axe and Chaos Mirror

Chapter 29 Rumors of Chaos Axe and Chaos Mirror (Second update, third update soon)
Unfortunately, he currently does not have the ability to travel through time and space.

All the Immortal Monarchs in the Wanling Immortal Realm did not have the ability to shatter the void before they ascended. Only when the [-]th Grade Immortal Monarchs ascended with great success, they can enter the Nirvana Sea of ​​God Realm ruins by virtue of the power of heaven.

Thinking of him, Ma Yunteng, after nine lives, he has never been able to return to the fairy world again. This last life was able to return by luck, but also because of the help of the mysterious God system.

It is rumored that the great gods of chaos have the power to shatter the void and travel through time and space.

I don't know if the flower god still has the ability to shatter the void and travel through time and space?
Ma Yunteng looked at Huashen's peerless face, and was stunned for a while.

Of course, it's all because he's obsessed with his own thinking.

If the misunderstanding caused by the flower god, then he is naturally looking forward to the follow-up development.

However, he was really thinking seriously.

To create or repair the God Realm, one must use the Chaos Primal Clay and the Primal Chaos Spirit Bell. To open it, one needs to find the long-lost Primal Chaos Banner and Primal Chaos Pot, these two things he has never heard of in the Immortal Realm of Ten Thousand Spirits. He said that, according to his experience in the ninth generation, the Chaos Yuan Banner and the Chaos Yuan Pot are likely to be in two different worlds. Then, it is necessary to shatter the void and travel through time and space.

If the flower god no longer has the divine power to shatter the void and travel through time and space, or if he possesses such divine power, but can only use the power of the last petal of the golden lotus, he will not allow her to do so.

Because, he created the new God Realm or repaired the old God Realm, just to make up for the lost Yuanshen for the Flower God.

Then, first of all, you need to find the treasure artifact that has the ability to shatter the void and travel through time and space.

When he was in the Myriad Spirit Immortal Realm in his first life, he had heard of the innate treasures Chaos Axe and Chaos Mirror, both of which had the power to travel through the realm of time and space.

It is said that the Chaos Axe can split the cracks in space at will, and has the power to separate the heavens and the earth and travel through the void.

It is rumored that the Chaos Mirror has the power to travel freely through time and space, and the mirror contains the divine power to break the gap between time and space.

In the mortal world where he lived in his last life, there are also some myths and stories. Of course, mortals have no magic, only legends. However, those mortals are very smart and can use text and video effects to imagine the life of immortals. Many film and television dramas The effects are so realistic that he once thought he had really seen the realm of the gods and the realm of immortality.

It is almost the same as the Ten Thousand Spirits Immortal Realm where he once practiced and struggled.

He actually had such a guess. Since he can come to the world of mortals, is it true that mortals have also been to the fairyland of the gods? Those text descriptions and scenes of film and television dramas are too realistic.

Among those myths, the stories about the Chaos Axe are especially vivid. They created a great god Pangu and created a Pangu axe. Taking a huge axe to split the sky and the earth... Later, I gave this Pangu axe again, and came up with many wonderful follow-up stories, Erlang split Taoshan to save his mother, Chen Xiang split Huashan to save his mother, Chen Jingqiu sealed the scar of the sky, Huangfu Muyun splits the crack in space and enters the mountain and sea world from Xuanyuan Realm to save the goddess...

In his last life, he almost thought that it was the real world of fairy gods.

After thinking about it, maybe, there really was a mortal in the secular world named Pangu, who obtained the Chaos Axe by chance. Since then, he has possessed the shocking power of the world, so he split the void and created a new space-time world, but he is a mortal after all. It didn't take long for his body to be destroyed. This Chaos Axe was named the Pangu Axe by the person who obtained it later, but perhaps Pangu himself engraved his name, which also makes sense.

(End of this chapter)

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