the first god

Chapter 296

Chapter 296

This kind of apprenticeship requirements is really worth promoting. When recruiting female disciples, beauty must be the main reference standard!
Feng Xiang thought deeply and said: "Of course, every time the Taixu Hall recruits disciples. I don't know how many children from aristocratic families beat their heads. If my father didn't stop me back then, I would also want to..."

The Feng family is one of the several great immortal cultivating families in Subaozhai, and Fengxiang has almost no choice but to worship under Subaozhai.

"Hehehe, the disciples of the Taixu Hall are good at the method of dual cultivation. Not to mention the tricks between the beds, if you can get them to teach you a thing or two, it will be really beneficial!" Another disciple is fascinated leisurely.

Another disciple's eyes glowed green: "I seem to have heard the name Taixu Temple somewhere... I didn't expect it to be such a good place, why don't we leave early, I can't wait!"

Xiang Zhuanqian snorted and said: "Don't listen to their nonsense, those beauties are good at dual cultivation, and they are even better at the art of harvesting and nourishing. If you don't get the benefits, you will be squeezed out first. And the North Sea monsters are rampant, sometimes The storm and tsunami really need to wait two more months before we can set off."

"Then wait another two months, alas."

This person has been a little bit down lately, with his current state, he can only stare at the beauty when he goes there, but he would like the beauty to pick him up, but he doesn't even have the qualifications to be picked up now.

Xiang Zhuanqian glanced at Hengzhi and Ma Yunteng who were walking towards this side, and joked with a smile: "Even if you get to the island, you can only stare blankly, but when other people come to Taixu Hall, I'm afraid they will be very popular." .”

Xueyuan said sourly: "Those two are owners, and if they go, they can only stare blankly."

"What are you staring at?" Heng Zhi asked casually after listening for a while.

"We were talking about Beihai's going to pay a visit to Taixu Hall on Yinyang Island." Xiang Zhuanqian smiled.

Hengzhi heard the words "Yinyang Island Taixu Hall", but his face changed slightly, but he quickly covered it up, and after a few words of pleasantries, he said he had something to do and left.

Fengxiang looked at Hengzhi's back, and suddenly said to Xueyuan: "Brother Hengzhi and your family, Heng Er, if the Master of Taixu Hall meet, they will definitely like it very much. The two of them have matching spiritual roots, and they are just right for you. Cultivate the "Treasure of Yin and Yang of Taixu" secretly handed down by the Hall of Taixu."

Xueyuan wondered: "Then what is "Treasure of Yin and Yang of Tai Xu"?"

Xiang Zhuanqian said: "That is known as the world's number one male and female double cultivation technique. It is said that a man and a woman who have the five elements together can succeed in joint cultivation. The spiritual roots of Heng Zhi and Heng Er are exactly Feng Mu. Water, fire, earth and five elements are complete, and their aptitude is good, so they are most suitable for practicing this kind of dual cultivation formula."

Heng Er's beauty is enchanting, and many disciples from the three major sects who have seen her true face secretly admire her, but they soon find that they have no chance to pursue her closely, and the beauty already has an excellent flower protector by her side, so they can only do it. I swallowed.

Xueyuan heard Xiang Zhuanqian's words, something seemed to flash in her heart, she frowned and thought about it.

Qin Rou's injury recovered quickly under the care of Qin's younger brother. The mothers of the two siblings also had enough medicines, and the steward disciple sent by the old Wan Xianjun to do exercises for her every day to keep her healthy. It's getting better.

The family lived on Qingci Peak where the old Wan Xianjun lived, enjoying the treatment of real Qixia sect disciples, and the low-level disciples who were in the same situation as them in the past were envious of them.

Senior Sister Hua and Uncle Zhao who dealt with them that day were said to have been punished to remote mines or branch offices. People who usually bullied them wantonly with white eyes now voluntarily retreated when they saw them from a distance, and did not dare to provoke them again.

Qin Rou secretly felt that her injury was really worth it this time. The life she and her brother had worked hard for for many years actually appeared in front of her like this. Sometimes she felt as if she was in a dream.

Ma Yunteng has visited them several times, with the little girl by his side, there is a special tacit understanding and intimacy between the two of them, which makes Qin Rou envious and puzzled.

After Ma Yunteng came, the attitude of the people around her was obviously more friendly and warm to her.Ma Yunteng didn't talk much when he was a child, but he was very gentle with Aunt Shen, the mother of the Qin family siblings, perhaps because she thought of her own mother.

Qin Rou naturally understood that the special treatment her family of three received was all because of Ma Yunteng. With her intelligence, it is not difficult to guess that the Qixia faction hopes to bring this outstanding genius back to recognize their ancestors... If she can help them 'Succeed in this matter' then their family is the hero of the Qixia faction.

Ma Yunteng is only 25 years old, and he is already an eighth-rank immortal. It is almost inevitable to be promoted to the ninth rank within a hundred years old, and it is not impossible to even ascend in the future.

Being able to become someone close to him is truly a step up to the sky!
"Before Aunt Shen took you away, she gave some things to my mother for safekeeping. My mother was in poor health and had a lot of forgetfulness. Later, she handed over all the things to me. After two days when I feel better, I will go back and find them for you. "Qin Rouqiao smiled and said to Ma Yunteng.

Most of the topics of the two people were dominated by Qin Rou, and they talked about interesting stories from their childhood. Although they were all despised "inferior people" in the manor at that time, they made good friends with each other's mothers, supported each other, and lived happily ever after. There are still some happy things that can be recalled in the book.

When talking about these past events, Chengzi seemed to be an outsider, just sitting quietly and listening to them.

Ma Yunteng was also very tempted when he heard that there was a relic of his mother, and immediately said: "Okay! Please ask someone to deliver the letter to me when the time comes."

After Ma Yunteng and Cheng Zi left together, Aunt Shen sighed and said, "It's great that Piaoer has such a son! It's a pity that she didn't enjoy this convincing..."

Qin Rou had some thoughts about Ma Yunteng in her heart, and she felt that there was something in her mother's words.

"Mom, what do you want to say?"

Aunt Shen said: "People are different, don't think too much about some things, it may not be a good thing if you really climb up."

"I don't want our family of three to live the same life as before! Yun Teng just needs to say a few words for us, and we can live a good life."

"You forgot about the pain before you recovered from your injury. How did you get this injury? If it wasn't because you got the magic weapon that Yunteng gave you, you wouldn't have caused trouble to your upper body."

"That's because Yun Teng is not here..." Qin Rou insisted.

Aunt Shen looked at her worriedly: "Think about your Aunt Shen, don't you want to follow in her footsteps to be reconciled?"

Qin Rou trembled slightly, bowed her head and remained silent.

Ma Yunteng found that Chengzi was unusually silent just now. After leaving Qingci Peak, he couldn't help stretching out his hand to scratch the tip of her not so protruding nose, and snorted, "Are you jealous again? Obviously you asked me to come here."

Cheng Zi pouted and said: "I'm afraid you won't be at ease, so I let you see it with your own eyes so you can feel at ease. I'm not jealous, she was with you when she was a child, and you will be with me from now on!" In fact, she still felt a little sour in her heart , but she also really wanted to know about Ma Yunteng's childhood. Ma Yunteng would never think of telling her about these trivial things.She only found out today that Ma Yunteng had been naughty, embarrassing and even cried when he was a child.

"Really not jealous?" Ma Yunteng rubbed her head, he obviously felt that she was a little unhappy.

"Don't eat! Hmph!" Cheng Zi pouted.

Two days later, Qin Rou really sent someone to deliver a letter, saying that she planned to go back to her former residence today to pick up his mother's belongings, but Ma Yunteng agreed to find her after two days without even thinking about it.

Qin Rou dressed up carefully in the morning, and then returned to her residence in Ma's Manor together with Brother Qin and Aunt Shen.

It has only been more than a month since I moved here, and Qin Rou felt uncomfortable when she set foot here again. The low and simple small yard and the thin aura are far from the scene on Qingci Peak where the aura is rich and everywhere is like a fairyland in Qionglou up.

She hastily packed up the old things left by Ma Yunteng's mother and put them in the storage bag, and planned to go back to Qingci Peak with her mother and brother.

Just walking out of the door, she suddenly heard a commotion outside the courtyard, she went out quickly to have a look, and saw a handsome young man in fancy clothes and several immortals standing outside the courtyard door.

It was only when she saw the face of the handsome young man that she almost wanted to turn around and hide immediately. It was the seventh young master of the Ma family who had been pestering her endlessly!
Ma Qi and Ma Liu are twin brothers, and their appearance is almost identical, but Ma Liu has a gloomy temperament, and this Ma Qi looks very domineering and arrogant.

He saw Qin Rou at a glance, blocked her way in a flash, and said with a cold snort: "Why, you turned your face and refused to recognize anyone because you flattered that bastard?"

Qin Rou's face turned pale, she took two steps back, bowed her head and saluted, "I've seen Master Seven."

Ma Qi didn't care if there were other people present, and pulled Qin Rou into his arms with one hand: "Why are you so out of touch? I haven't seen you for a long time, I think you are thinking too hard, so you can go back with me."

Qin Rou didn't expect that he would attack her suddenly, so she struggled desperately in fright: "Let me go! I don't want to go with you!"

Snapped!A slap knocked Qin Rou to the ground, and half of her face swelled up.

"Bitch! Who is not easy to provoke, to provoke that bastard?! I originally planned to take you as a concubine, but now it seems that I don't need it! Has that bastard tasted you?!" Ma Qi smiled grimly. Pick up Qin Rou's skirt.

Qin Rou turned her eyes and found that her own mother and younger brother and the sixth-rank steward disciple of Qingci Peak who sent them over were all restrained by the people brought by Ma Qi, she couldn't help but turn pale with shock.

Ma Qi smiled viciously: "Don't worry, someone will notify that bastard to save you. He killed my brother, how can I make him feel better? He is an eighth grade, right? I have prepared two eighth grade here. Elder Ke Qing is waiting for him!"

Ma Qi came so coincidentally, of course it was not accidental.Even if he is the son of Third Master Ma as a fourth-rank immortal, he can't mobilize two eighth-rank immortals to work for him.

Everything today was planned by Uncle Ma and Uncle Ma for a long time. The appearance of Ma Yunteng made him and Uncle Ma feel threatened. In order to get rid of the common confidant—their brother Ma Zhennong, they I have cooperated secretly once before, and it is the same this time.

In order to be safe, they didn't even dare to use cronies related to the Qixia faction. Chongfeng secretly hired two late-level eighth-rank immortals from outside to deal with Ma Yunteng, and even invited several advanced masters to jointly set up a magic circle in this area , to avoid too much movement during the fight, which will attract other immortals in the sect.

And they even found out that the three great elders from the three major sects met to enter the Moon God Pagoda in the past few days. They didn't know what they were going to do, but the great elders were isolated from the outside world in the tower, so it was impossible for them to know what happened here.

No one would have thought that under the repeated warnings of the Great Elder, someone would dare to ambush Ma Yunteng on Ma's territory.With the right time and place, they will be able to completely eliminate this serious problem this time.

Afterwards, the Great Elder wanted to blame him, but Ma Qida could use the name of avenging his elder brother to prevaricate them. They are both the grand nephew of the Great Elder. No matter how angry the Great Elder was, he could not kill Ma Qi for the sake of a dead bastard.

Ma Qi thought that Ma Yunteng, the genius who has been praised by everyone recently, will die in front of him in a short time. He felt a burst of joy, stretched out his hand and pressed Qin Rou to the ground, and said with a smile: "I don't know when that wild species will come. , this young master will play with you bastard first." Then he raised his hand and went to tear Qin Rou's clothes.

He was not in a hurry to move Qinrou before, but he was thinking that he was a member of the Qixia sect after all, and the trouble was too ugly.His father found out and blamed him for only knowing how to mess around and not to make progress. This time he was ordered by his father to deal with the three Qin family members. Why is he being polite?
Qin Rou is only at the second and second level, and her struggle and resistance are nothing more than a praying man's arms in the eyes of Ma Qi, a fourth-rank fairy. He is too lazy to use spells to restrain her movements, but enjoys her desperate struggle and crying.

The few attendants who came with him were laughing and waiting to see the body aesthetic art. Younger brother Qin, Aunt Shen and the disciple of Qingci Peak were restrained and couldn't move, so they could only helplessly watch Qinrou being humiliated.

Qin Rou's coat was torn off after a few strokes, she struggled to get up and wanted to run out of the yard, Ma Qi laughed as she chased up from behind, and tore off the sleeve of her coat casually.

Qin Rou's snow-white arm was exposed, she screamed in shock and shame, the wolf gun stepped back a few steps, Ma Qi was not in a hurry to grab her, let her dodge like a cat playing with a mouse, and occasionally went up to tear a piece of her clothes.

In desperation, shame and anger, Qin Rou suddenly remembered that Cheng Zi had given her many talismans, and put them in her storage bag, and immediately took them out and threw them at Ma Qi's face.

Ma Qi suddenly saw the yellow paper flying in front of his eyes, and was also taken aback, Qin Rou was already frantically picking up formulas.

It was too late for the several immortals who came with Ma Qi to find out that something was wrong. The sound of thunder rang loudly, and dozens of talismans that sealed violent attack spells, such as Ganglei Talisman, Fire Talisman, Wooden Thorn Talisman, and Ice Cone Talisman, exploded at the same time. He became a bloody man on the spot, and was seriously injured and passed out on the ground.

These talismans were developed by Xueyuan to defend Chengzi, but later Chengzi had a puppy to defend himself, and was often with Xueyuan and Ma Yunteng, so he rarely had the opportunity to use them.

As Xueyuan's cultivation deepened, her ability to make talismans also increased rapidly. If it wasn't for the concern that Chengzi would have no mana, and these talismans were used suddenly, it wouldn't be too difficult to kill a seventh-rank fairy.

If Ma Qi hadn't had two protective magic weapons to block some of the mana attacks of the talismans, he would have died at this moment.

(End of this chapter)

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